Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

13 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 44590
Title : Medieval Art History and Neuroscience: An Introduction []
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 44591
Author(s): Pawelchak, Nadia,
Contributor(s): Dresvina, Juliana, ed. and Blud, Victoria, ed.
Title : Medieval Art History and Neuroscience: An Introduction
Source: Cognitive Sciences and Medieval Studies: An Introduction. Nadia Pawelchak   Edited by Juliana Dresvina and Victoria Blud .   Brepols , 2020.  Pages 199 - 216.
Year of Publication: 2020.

3. Record Number: 10746
Author(s): Smith, Susan L.
Title : The Gothic Mirror and the Female Gaze [The author explores the representations of couple on carved ivory mirror cases. Smith argues that in the majority of cases, the depicted female gaze is responsive to that of men with the male lover taking an active role. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Saints, Sinners, and Sisters: Gender and Northern Art in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.   Edited by Jane L. Carroll and Alison G. Stewart .   Ashgate, 2003.  Pages 73 - 93.
Year of Publication: 2003.

4. Record Number: 3713
Author(s): Hanson, John.
Title : Erotic Imagery on Byzantine Ivory Caskets
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999.  Pages 171 - 184.
Year of Publication: 1999.

5. Record Number: 4447
Author(s): Rushing, James A.
Title : Adventure in the Service of Love: Yvain on a Fourteenth-Century Ivory Panel [the author argues that the Yvain panel was intended to remind viewers of the services that he performed for love and thus suggest the power of love; ivory boxes, of which this panel is a part, were given to noble women as love tokens and marriage gifts by their suitors].
Source: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte , 61., ( 1998):  Pages 55 - 65.
Year of Publication: 1998.

6. Record Number: 2986
Author(s): Holbert, Kelly
Title : The Vindication of a Controversial Early Thirteenth-Century "Vierge Ouvrante" in the Walters Art Gallery
Source: Journal of the Walters Art Gallery , 55- 56., ( 1997- 1998):  Pages 101 - 121.
Year of Publication: 1997- 1998.

7. Record Number: 229
Author(s): Campbell, C. Jean.
Title : Courting, Harlotry, and the Art of Gothic Ivory Carving
Source: Gesta (Full Text via JSTOR) 34, 1 (1995): 11-19. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

8. Record Number: 1549
Author(s): Anderson, J. C. and M. J. Jeffreys
Title : The Decoration of the Sevastokratorissa's Tent [Greek text, English translation, and commentary on two poems describing Eirene's tent; the authors see parallels in the secular motifs of muses and peacocks with decorations found on ivory boxes].
Source: Byzantion , 64., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 8 - 18.
Year of Publication: 1994.

9. Record Number: 12746
Author(s): Bergman, Robert P.
Title : The Earliest Eleousa: A Coptic Ivory in the Walters Gallery [The author sets the date of the ivory Virgin and Child between the late sixth and early seventh century, and the iconography of the sculpture (which resembles other ivories carved in a similar style) confirms its attribution to an early Christian Egyptian workshop. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of the Walters Art Gallery , 48., ( 1990):  Pages 37 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1990.

10. Record Number: 28724
Title : Reliquary Procession with St. Helena
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Elfenbeintafel_mit_Reliquienprozession,_Konstantinopel,_5._Jahrhundert.jpg/250px-Elfenbeintafel_mit_Reliquienprozession,_Konstantinopel,_5._Jahrhundert.jpg
Year of Publication:

11. Record Number: 28770
Title : Saint Hedwig of Silesia with Duke Ludwig of Legnica and Brieg and Duchess Agnés
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Hedwig_of_Andechs.jpg/250px-Hedwig_of_Andechs.jpg
Year of Publication:

12. Record Number: 33958
Title : Plaque with Adam and Eve at the Forge
Year of Publication:

13. Record Number: 38463
Title : Casket Lid with a scene of the Attack on the Castle of Love
Year of Publication: