Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

272 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45556
Author(s): Simeonov , Grigori , and Nikephoros Gregoras,
Title : A Scythian Woman and Her Byzantine Slaves
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapelle .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 83 - 85. The text is from Nicephori Gregorae Byzantia historia, ed. Ludwig Schopen, CSHB (Bonn, 1829) vol. 1, 542, 23-544, 18, Book 11, 5, 2. Trans. by Rustam Shukurov and Dirk Krasmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413.
Year of Publication: 2023.

2. Record Number: 45557
Author(s): Krausmüller, Dirk
Title : The Banishment of an Empress
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 113 - 115. The text is from François Halkin, "Deux impératrices de Byzance, I. La vie de l’impératrice sainte Irène et le second concile de Nicée en 787", Analecta Bollandiana 106 (1988): 5–2. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413.
Year of Publication: 2023.

3. Record Number: 45558
Author(s): Krausmüller, Dirk
Title : A Provincial Receives His Education in Constantinople
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 176 - 178. The text is from Vitae duae antiquae Sancti Athanasii Athonitae, ed. Jacques Noret, CC.SG, 9 (Turnhout and Leuven, 1982) 130, ch. 4. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

4. Record Number: 45559
Author(s): Nesseris, Ilias,
Title : Children from Lesbos Go to Constantinople
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 178 - 181. The text is from Demetrios Sophianos, ? ????? G???????? ?p?s??p?? ?ss?? (ß? µ?s? t?? ??’ a????a) ?a? t? ?????????? t?? ?e?µe?a (???t??? ??d?s?), Mesaionika kai Nea Ellenika 7 (2004) 293–367, at 307–318 (edition of L) and 319–346 (edition of P). Trans. by Ilias Nesseris. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

5. Record Number: 45560
Author(s): Papavarnavas, Christodoulos , and George Pachymeres,
Title : Maria Palaiologina Leaves Constantinople and Travels to the Mongols, First as a Bride-to-be (1265) and Then as an Ambassador (1307)
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 198 - 203. The text is from Georges Pachymérès, Relations historiques, ed. and trans. by Albert Failler and Vitalien Laurent, CFHB 24/1–5 (Paris, 1984–2000) vol. 1, 235; vol. 4, 683 and 701–703; Book 3, 3, Book 13, 25 and Book 13, 35. Trans. by Christodoulos Papavarnavas. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

6. Record Number: 45563
Author(s): Chomatenos, Demetrios, and Grigori Simeonov ,
Title : A Wife Lives in Another Town without the Permission of Her Husband
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 223 - 225. The text is from Demetrii Chomateni Ponemata diaphora, ed. Günter Prinzing, CFHB 38 (Berlin and New York, 2002) 92–93, 2–46, no. 23. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

7. Record Number: 45564
Author(s): Chomatenos, Demetrios, and Grigori Simeonov ,
Title : An Orphan Leaves Home Because of Problems with His Stepfather
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 225 - 226. The text is from Demetrii Chomateni Ponemata diaphora, ed. Günter Prinzing, CFHB 38 (Berlin and New York, 2002) 293, 14–294, 52, no. 85, ch. 2–4. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

8. Record Number: 45565
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia and Theodore Daphnopates,
Title : The Departure of a Byzantine Princess after Peace with Bulgaria is Sealed through a Marriage Alliance
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 232 - 234. The text is from Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia, ed. Immanuel Bekker, CSHB (Bonn, 1838) 413–415, Book 6, ch. 22–23. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

9. Record Number: 45566
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia and Niketas Choniates
Title : Youthful Escapades of a Future Emperor
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 236 - 238. The text is from Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia, ed. Immanuel Bekker, CSHB (Bonn, 1838) 413–415, Book 6, ch. 22–23. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

10. Record Number: 45567
Author(s): Manuel II Palaiologos, Emperor John Tzimiskes , and Matthew Kinloch,
Title : Gender and Labour on Mount Athos
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 244 - 248. The older text is trans. by George Dennis, Tzimiskes: Typikon of Emperor John Tzimiskes, in: John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero (eds.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, DOS 35 (Washington, D.C., 2000) 232–244, here 240. The other text is also trans. by George Dennis, Manuel II: Typikon of Manuel II Palaiologos for the Monasteries of Mount Athos, in: John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero (eds.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, DOS 35 (Washington, D.C., 2000) 1613– 1624, here 1622. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

11. Record Number: 45568
Author(s): Simeonov , Grigori ,
Title : Prostitution in an Area of Commercial Activities
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 313 - 314. The text is from Accounts of Medieval Constantinople. The Patria, transl. by Albrecht Berger (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2013) 95–97 and modified by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

12. Record Number: 45569
Author(s): Kekaumenos, , and Grigori Simeonov ,
Title : Matchmakers Visit the Homes of Their Customers
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 317 - 318. The text is from Consilia et Narrationes. Greek text (digitally) edited and trans. by Charlotte Roueché, online 2013: https://ancientwisdoms.ac.uk/library/keka umenos-consilia-et-narrationes/index.html. Translation modified by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

13. Record Number: 45570
Author(s): Papavarnavas, Christodoulos , and Niketas Magistros
Title : Theoktiste Visits Her Sister on Lesbos where Both of Them, along with Other Locals, Are Captured by Arab Raiders
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 340 - 343. The text is trans. by Angela C. Hero, Life of St. Theoktiste of Lesbos, in: Alice-Mary Talbot (ed.), Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints’ Lives in English Translation, BSLT 1 (Washington, D.C., 1996) 101–116, esp. 110–111. The translation is slightly modified by Christodoulos Papavarnavas. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

14. Record Number: 45571
Author(s): Papavarnavas, Christodoulos , and Demetrios Chomatenos,
Title : A Son-in-Law Moves in with His Wife’s Family after Signing a Legally Binding Agreement with Her Father
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 347 - 349.
Year of Publication: 2023.

15. Record Number: 45572
Author(s): Mitsiou, Ekaterini, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, and John Skylitzes,
Title : The Assault of a Varangian Soldier on a Byzantine Woman in Winter Quarters in Western Asia Minor
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 361 - 363. The text is from Ioannis Scylitzae Synopsis historiarum, ed. Hans Thurn, CFHB 5 (Berlin and New York, 1973) 394, 70–77. The translation is from John Skylitzes, A Synopsis of Byzantine History, 811–1057, transl. by John Wortley (Cambridge, 2010) 372. That translation has been modified by Ekaterini Mitsiou and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

16. Record Number: 45573
Author(s): Mitsiou, Ekaterini and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller,
Title : A Female Byzantine Saint of Armenian Background: Mary the Younger of Bizye
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 375 - 378. The translation is from Angeliki Laiou, The Life of St. Mary the Younger, in: Alice-Mary Talbot (ed.), Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints’ Lives in English Translation (Washington, D.C., 1996) 239–289. This translation has been modified by Ekaterini Mitsiou and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

17. Record Number: 45574
Author(s): Rossetto, Giulia and Manganeios Prodromos,
Title : Joy and Grief of Dynastic Marriages: The Emperor’s Niece Marriers the Ruler of Austria
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 398 - 402. The translation is from Elizabeth Jeffreys and Michael Jeffreys (eds.), Manganeios Prodromos, Poems (forthcoming) [used with permission]. The translation has been slightly modified by Giulia Rossetto. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

18. Record Number: 45575
Author(s): Komnena, Anna and Claudia Rapp
Title : An Organized Trek of the Army, Refugees and Prisoners of War
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 406 - 408. The text is from Anna Comnenae Alexias, ed. Diether R. Reinsch and Athanasios Kambylis, CFHB 40/1 (Berlin and NewYork, 2001). The translation is from Anna Comnena, The Alexiad, transl. by Edgar Robert Ashton Sewter, revised by Peter Frankopan (London and New York, 2009) 451–452. This translation was heavily modified by Claudia Rapp. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

19. Record Number: 45576
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia and Demetrios Chomatenos,
Title : Two Women Travel to Seek Legal Judgements
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 409 - 410.
Year of Publication: 2023.

20. Record Number: 45577
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia
Title : A Wealthy Woman Travels in Style to Constantinople
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 411 - 412. The text is from Chronographiae quae Theophanis Continuati nomine fertur Liber quo Vita Basilii imperatoris amplectitur, ed. and transl. by Ihor Ševcenko, CFHB 42 (Berlin and New York, 2011) 254–258, ch. 74–75. This translation was modified by Claudia Rapp. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

21. Record Number: 45578
Author(s): Pseudo-Kodinos, , , Claudia Rapp and Dirk Krausmüller
Title : Instructions for the Reception of a Foreign Bride in Constantinople
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 423 - 425. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

22. Record Number: 45579
Author(s): Shukurov, Rustam,
Title : Saintly Ascension: The Journey of Saint Anastasia to Heaven
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 444 - 446. The text is from Apocalypsis Anastasiae, ed. Rudolf Homburg (Leipzig, 1903) 3–4, 27–28. The translation used is Baun, Jane, Tales from Another Byzantium Celestial Journey and Local Community in the Medieva lGreek Apocrypha (Cambridge,2007) 413 and422 (according to the Palermo version). This translation has been modified by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

23. Record Number: 45685
Author(s): John Geometres, , , Christos Simelidis and Maximos Constas, Father
Title : Life of the Virgin Mary
Source: Life of the Virgin Mary. Maximos Constas, translator, and Christos Simelidis, translator   Edited by Maximos Constas and Christos Simelidis Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, 77.   Harvard University Press, 2023.  Pages 2 - 375.
Year of Publication: 2023.

24. Record Number: 44804
Author(s): Skylitzes, John,
Title : Basil Lakapenos: A Mighty Eunuch
Source: Texts from the Middle: Documents from the Mediterranean World, 650–1650.   Edited by Thomas E. Burman, Brian A. Catlos and Mark D. Meyerson .   University of California Press, 2022.  Pages 19 - 21.
Year of Publication: 2022.

25. Record Number: 44386
Author(s): Agapitos, Panagiotis A.
Title : The Tale of Livistros and Rodamne
Source: The Tale of Livistros and Rodamne: A Byzantine Love Romance of the 13th Century. Panagiotis A. Agapitos, translator and writer of introduction .   Liverpool University Press, 2021.  Pages 55 - 179.
Year of Publication: 2021.

26. Record Number: 43878
Author(s): Messis, Charis
Title : Women, Men and Eunuchs
Source: History and Culture of Byzantium.   Edited by Falko Daim. Brill's New Pauly - Supplements, Volume: 10 .   Brill, 2019.  Pages 169 - 171.
Year of Publication: 2019.

27. Record Number: 43879
Author(s): Messis, Charis
Title : Sexuality
Source: History and Culture of Byzantium.   Edited by Falko Daim. Brill's New Pauly - Supplements, Volume: 10 .   Brill, 2019.  Pages 171 - 173.
Year of Publication: 2019.

28. Record Number: 43880
Author(s): Ariantzi, Despoina,
Title : Stages of Life: From Childhood to Death
Source: History and Culture of Byzantium.   Edited by Falko Daim. Brill's New Pauly - Supplements, Volume: 10 .   Brill, 2019.  Pages 173 - 175.
Year of Publication: 2019.

29. Record Number: 43881
Author(s): Caseau, Béatrice
Title : Family and Household: Social and Economic Aspects
Source: History and Culture of Byzantium.   Edited by Falko Daim. Brill's New Pauly - Supplements, Volume: 10 .   Brill, 2019.  Pages 175 - 178.
Year of Publication: 2019.

30. Record Number: 30402
Title : Miracles of the Holy (Proto)martyr Thekla
Source: Miracle Tales from Byzantium   Edited by Alice-Mary Talbot and Scott Fitzgerald Johnson. Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, 12.   Harvard University Press, 2012.  Pages 2 - 201.
Year of Publication: 2012.

31. Record Number: 30403
Title : Anonymous Miracles of the Pege
Source: Miracle Tales from Byzantium   Edited by Alice-Mary Talbot and Scott Fitzgerald Johnson. Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, 12.   Harvard University Press, 2012.  Pages 204 - 297.
Year of Publication: 2012.

32. Record Number: 27572
Author(s): Boeck, Elena N.
Title : "The great and much slandered empress": Staging Theodora in 19th century Paris
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference , 35., ( 2009):  Pages 23 - 24.
Year of Publication: 2009.

33. Record Number: 27574
Author(s): Drpic, Ivan,
Title : Notes on Byzantine Panagiaria
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference , 35., ( 2009):  Pages 28 - 28.
Year of Publication: 2009.

34. Record Number: 27575
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia
Title : The Origins of Ritual Brotherhood (adelphopoiesis)
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference , 35., ( 2009):  Pages 37 - 37.
Year of Publication: 2009.

35. Record Number: 19528
Author(s): Dabrowska, Malgorzata
Title : Ought One to Marry? Manuel II Palaiologos' Point of View [The Emperor Manuel wrote a dialog on marriage between 1394 and 1397. His aim was to emphasize how important inheritance was for the imperial family. Dabrowska suggests that the emperor later revised the text to encourage his own son to marry. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 31., 2 ( 2007):  Pages 146 - 156.
Year of Publication: 2007.

36. Record Number: 20779
Author(s): Meyer, Mati
Title : The Levite's Concubine: Imaging the Marginal Woman in Byzantine Society [Provides comparative discussion of different representations of the rape of the concubine within the corpus of illuminated Byzantine manuscripts; extrapolates on what these different representations -particularly of clothing--reveal about contemporary clergy's attitudes towards the concepts of women, sexuality, and the function of marriage. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Studies in Iconography , 27., ( 2006):  Pages 45 - 76.
Year of Publication: 2006.

37. Record Number: 16280
Author(s): Burns, E. Jane.
Title : Saracen Silk and the Virgin's "Chemise": Cultural Crossings in Cloth [The article explores the meanings attached to a relic at Chartres, an undergartment belonging to the Virgin. Burns traces connections from the imagined Western linen "chemise" to Islamic silks and Byzantine cuts of clothing. She concludes by arguing that in this way Chartres became more "Saracen." Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Speculum , 81., 2 (April 2006):  Pages 365 - 397.
Year of Publication: 2006.

38. Record Number: 12604
Author(s): Brubaker, Leslie.
Title : The Age of Justinian: Gender and Society [The author provides a brief overview of gender issues in sixth century Byzantium. Topics discusssed include gendered expectations for both men and women as reflected in the portrayals of Justinian and Theodora by Procopius, law, public life, patronage, the church, and the increasing restrictions on women's roles after the reign of Justinian. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian.   Edited by Michael Maas .   Cambridge University Press, 2005. Speculum , 81., 2 (April 2006):  Pages 427 - 447.
Year of Publication: 2005.

39. Record Number: 11749
Author(s): Rousseau, Vanessa.
Title : Emblem of an Empire: The Development of the Byzantine Empress's Crown [The author traces influences from Persia and Central Asia as well as Classical practices. Frequently the crown of a Byzantine empress was more complicated that that of an emperor. In the case of Theodora, she is portrayed as wearing a heavily jewelled crown atop a turban. The crown has long jewelled pendants on each side that extend almost to her waist. The crowns of empresses frequently bear witness to the fusion of Eastern with Mediterranean customs and sensibilities. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Al-Masåq , 16., 1 (March 2004):  Pages 5 - 15.
Year of Publication: 2004.

40. Record Number: 11013
Author(s): Cantara, Linda
Title : Holy Eunuchs! Masculinity and Eunuch Saints in Byzantium [In this brief overview, the author concentrates on the tenth century "Life" of Ignatios the Younger, twice patriarch of Constantinople (847-858 and 867-878). Tougher argues that the hagiographer treats Ignatios as a typical holy man with just one mention of his castration. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Holiness and Masculinity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by P. H. Cullum and Katherine J. Lewis .   Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages Series. University of Wales Press, 2004. Speculum , 81., 2 (April 2006):  Pages 93 - 108.
Year of Publication: 2004.

41. Record Number: 12936
Author(s): Pratsch, Thomas.
Title : Das Todesdatum der Maria (der Jüngeren) von Bizye (BHG 1164): † 16. Februar 902 [The author establishes the year of death of St. Mary the Younger as 902, using her "Vita" and church calendar. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 97., 2 ( 2004):  Pages 567 - 569.
Year of Publication: 2004.

42. Record Number: 12935
Author(s): Tziatzi-Papagianni, Maria.
Title : Über Zitate und Anspielungen in der "Alexias" Anna Komnenens sowie Anklänge derselben in den späteren Geschichtsschreibern [Author follows up on her review of "Annae Comnenae Alexias," edited by D. R. Reinsch and A. Kambylis (2001), in "Byzantinische Zeitschrift" 96 (2003): 762-772, with citations of sources (Greek literature, Bible, Patristic authors, hymns, Greek historians, other Greek writers, and Anna's own writings) and recipients in later historical writing. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 97., 1 ( 2004):  Pages 167 - 186.
Year of Publication: 2004.

43. Record Number: 11010
Author(s): Craun, Christopher C.
Title : Matronly Monks: Theodoret of Cyrrhus' Sexual Imagery in the "Historia religiosa" [The author argues that Theodoret portrays early Syrian holy men as languishing in their love for God the Bridegroom and as bearing spiritual children. However, their innate masculinity is not compromised because they willed their submission to God. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Holiness and Masculinity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by P. H. Cullum and Katherine J. Lewis .   Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages Series. University of Wales Press, 2004. Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 97., 1 ( 2004):  Pages 43 - 57.
Year of Publication: 2004.

44. Record Number: 9718
Author(s): Stephenson, Paul.
Title : Anna Comnena's "Alexiad" as a Source for the Second Crusade?
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 29., 1 (March 2003):  Pages 41 - 54.
Year of Publication: 2003.

45. Record Number: 6217
Author(s): Hennessey, Cecily.
Title : Visibility/Invisibility: Young Male Byzantine Saints
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):
Year of Publication: 2002.

46. Record Number: 9360
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick.
Title : Theodore Balsamon's Canonical Images of Women
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 28
Year of Publication: 2002.

47. Record Number: 9361
Author(s): Corrie, Rebecca W.
Title : Constantinople, Siena, and the Polesden Lacy Triptych: An Angevin Commission for a Crusader Empress
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 39 - 40.
Year of Publication: 2002.

48. Record Number: 6634
Author(s): Larson, Wendy R.
Title : The Role of Patronage and Audience in the Cults of Sts. Margaret and Marina of Antioch [the author compares the cults of the two saints who share virtually the same "vita" but whose powers and devotees were very different; Saint Marina offered help against demonic influences in general to men and women alike while Saint Margaret was most venerated for the aid she offered to women and babies in childbirth].
Source: Gender and Holiness: Men, Women, and Saints in Late Medieval Europe.   Edited by Samantha J. E. Riches and Sarah Salih .   Routledge, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 23 - 35.
Year of Publication: 2002.

49. Record Number: 8878
Author(s): Armstrong, Dorsey.
Title : In or Out? Origins of Court Eunuchs [The author provides a brief overview of eunuchs at royal courts, emphasizing the late Roman Empire and Byzantium. He is interested in particular in the ethnic origins of eunuchs and whether some were castrated in their home countries for sale to royal courts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond.   Edited by Shaun Tougher .   Classical Press of Wales and Duckworth, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 143 - 159.
Year of Publication: 2002.

50. Record Number: 8879
Author(s): Sidéris, Georges
Title : Eunuchs of Light: Power, Imperial Ceremonial, and Positive Representations of Eunuchs in Byzantium (4th-12th Centuries A.D.) [The author presents cases in which eunuchs were praised, generally for their piety, beauty, or similarity to angels. The author argues that these favorable views usually were expressed because eunuchs held important roles in the imperial court with direct access to power. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond.   Edited by Shaun Tougher .   Classical Press of Wales and Duckworth, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 161 - 175.
Year of Publication: 2002.

51. Record Number: 9363
Author(s): Pentcheva, Bissera V.
Title : Picturing the Process of Writing: The Virgin as the "Muse" of Poetic Inspiration
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 56
Year of Publication: 2002.

52. Record Number: 6612
Author(s): Walker, Alicia.
Title : Myth and Magic in Early Byzantine Marriage Jewelry: The Persistence of Pre-Christian Traditions [the author argues that early Byzantine marriage rings were intended to promote and protect marital harmony; "In contrast to the marriage belt from the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and the belt buckle from the Metropolitan Museum, Byzantine marriage rings do not express an overt association with pagan traditions. But, the resonance of their inscriptions with pagan magical texts may still indicate a perpetuation, on some level, of non-Christian practices and beliefs within the social context of Byzantine marriage." p. 69]
Source: The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation, and Marriage in Premodern Europe.   Edited by Anne L. McClanan and Karen Rosoff Encarnación .   Palgrave, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 59 - 78.
Year of Publication: 2002.

53. Record Number: 9357
Author(s): Pagoulatos, Gerasimos P.
Title : The Liturgy of the Bridal Chamber: An Introduction to the Problem of its Origins
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 13 - 14.
Year of Publication: 2002.

54. Record Number: 8487
Author(s): Cotsonis, John.
Title : The Virgin and Justinian on Seals of the "Ekklesiekdikoi" of Hagia Sophia [The author explores the various meanings carried by the seals made for the clerical tribunal from Hagia Sophia, which present the standing figures of the Virgin and the Emperor Justinian, holding between them a model of the church Hagia Sophia. The church building in part signifies a place of mercy and refuge. Justinian was not only the builder of the church but also the patron of the clerical tribunal. The Virgin was the most powerful intermediary and an object of hope for the penitent and those in trouble. The clerics from the tribunal turned to the Virgin Mary and Justinian for help in coming to just and merciful decisions. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 56 (2002): 41-55. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2002.

55. Record Number: 9358
Title : Cult and Competition: Textual Appropriation in the Fifth-Century "Life and Miracles of Thekla"
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 21 - 22.
Year of Publication: 2002.

56. Record Number: 6611
Title : Weapons to Probe the Womb: The Material Culture of Abortion and Contraception in the Early Byzantine Period [The author examines surviving medical instruments designed for surgical abortions and a variety of literary texts to determine the procedures as well as the social and religious contexts for birth control].
Source: The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation, and Marriage in Premodern Europe.   Edited by Anne L. McClanan and Karen Rosoff Encarnación .   Palgrave, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 33 - 57.
Year of Publication: 2002.

57. Record Number: 8880
Title : Theophylact of Ochrid's "In Defence of Eunuchs" [Theophylact, archbishop of Ochrid, wrote the polemical text for his brother, who was a eunuch. It consists of a pair of speeches, the first discussing the bad qualities of eunuchs and the second defending eunuchs at much greater length. A large part of his argument emphasizes the ascetic control that good eunuchs exercise in their pursuit of Christian virtues. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond.   Edited by Shaun Tougher .   Classical Press of Wales and Duckworth, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 177 - 198.
Year of Publication: 2002.

58. Record Number: 9362
Author(s): Hilsdale, Cecily J.
Title : Bride, Book, and Visuality
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 40 - 41.
Year of Publication: 2002.

59. Record Number: 8881
Author(s): Gaul, Niels
Title : Eunuchs in the Late Byzantine Empire, c. 1250-1400 [The author surveys evidence for eunuchs in thirteenth and fourteenth century Byzantium from a range of literary texts including vernacular romances. He argues that the decline of eunuchs in this period of time was due to the fact that royal family members, both male and female, could now fulfill the more important offices and duties at court that had earlier been held exclusively by eunuchs. The Appendix lists nineteen eunuchs at court and in the Church along with a few more instances of unnamed eunuchs from histories, romances, and land records. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond.   Edited by Shaun Tougher .   Classical Press of Wales and Duckworth, 2002. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 28., ( 2002):  Pages 199 - 219.
Year of Publication: 2002.

60. Record Number: 6737
Author(s): Frankopan, Peter.
Title : Perception and Projection of Prejudice: Anna Comnena, the "Alexiad," and the First Crusade [The author argues that historians' judgment of Anna Komnena and her "Alexiad" is biased and inaccurate. He suggests that the errors in the text are a result of her sources and that she goes out of her way to present her father, the emperor, in an accurate and balanced fashion. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Crusades.   Edited by Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert .   University of Wales Press, 2001. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 59 - 76.
Year of Publication: 2001.

61. Record Number: 10209
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Women in the Marketplace of Constantinople 10th - 14th Centuries [The author surveys the evidence for women's activities in the market as hawkers, shop owners, investors, textile workers, and other roles. Laiou also explores the links between these economic activities and both dowry and family networks. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine Constantinople: Monuments, Topography, and Everyday Life.   Edited by Nevra Necipoglu. The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies, and Cultures, 400-1453, Volume 33 Medieval Mediterranean, 33.   Brill, 2001. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 261 - 273.
Year of Publication: 2001.

62. Record Number: 10210
Author(s): Talbot, Alice-Mary.
Title : Building Activity in Constantinople under Andronikos II: The Role of Women Patrons in the Construction and Restoration of Monasteries [The author notes the substantial number of both female patrons and women's monasteries during this period. The patrons are connected to the royal family by blood or marriage. Individuals profiled include Theodora Raoulaina, Maria Palaiologina, Theodora Synadene, Irene Choumnaina Palaiologina, and Maria Doukaina Komnene Branaina Palaiologina. The women were all widows at the time of their donations and gave substantial gifts for a monastery to which they could retire and where they could bury their family members. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine Constantinople: Monuments, Topography, and Everyday Life.   Edited by Nevra Necipoglu. The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies, and Cultures, 400-1453, Volume 33 Medieval Mediterranean, 33.   Brill, 2001. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 329 - 343.
Year of Publication: 2001.

63. Record Number: 5889
Author(s): Beetham, John D.
Title : Paternal Imagery in Eustathios of Thessalonike's "On the Title Papas"
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 27
Year of Publication: 2001.

64. Record Number: 5891
Author(s): Hennessy, Cecily Jane.
Title : A Child Bride and Her Representation [The author examines Vatican Ms. gr. 1851 which contains the partial text of a poem with illustrations concerning the reception of a foreign child bride by a Byzantine emperor and his two children, the bridegroom son and his young princess sister].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 53
Year of Publication: 2001.

65. Record Number: 8523
Author(s): Van Deun, Peter.
Title : La Parenté de la Vierge et du Christ dans une exégèse byzantine de Matthieu 1, 15-16 [The author explores a short Byzantine text associated with the "Unionum definitiones" by Maximus the Confessor. The text advances a new genealogy for Mary, so that she and Joseph are not first cousins. The author presents a transcription of the brief Gre
Source: Analecta Bollandiana , 119., 1 (juin 2001):  Pages 33 - 39.
Year of Publication: 2001.

66. Record Number: 5884
Title : The Theotokos as Protectress: The "Akathistos Hymn" and the Siege of Constantinople
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 4
Year of Publication: 2001.

67. Record Number: 6974
Title : Le cadavre adoré: Sappho à Byzance? [The author argues that, although Sappho was admired by Byzantine writers, she was quoted very sparingly. This was because her complete texts were no longer available; only grammatical texts and rhetoric handbooks preserved short excerpts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantion , 71., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 233 - 250.
Year of Publication: 2001.

68. Record Number: 5892
Title : Familial Relationships in the Writings of Theoleptos of Philadelphia to Irene-Eulogia Choumnaina Palaiologina [Theoleptos, archbishop of Philadelphia, served as spiritual director to Irene, abbess of the double monastery Philanthropos Soter; in his letters he repeatedly advised her to stop seeing members of her family but she refused to comply].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 63
Year of Publication: 2001.

69. Record Number: 6973
Author(s): McCarthy, Terence.
Title : Qui était Daniélis [The author argues that the references to Daniélis in two Greek texts suggest that she was a wealthy, noblewoman who had connections to Emperor Basil I. The Appendix presents excerpts in Greek from the two texts in which Daniélis is mentioned, "Theophanes Continuatus" and "Synopsis Historion" by John Skylitzes. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantion , 71., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 98 - 109.
Year of Publication: 2001.

70. Record Number: 5886
Author(s): Trenchard-Smith, Margaret.
Title : Status strictus: Hysteria, Virginity, and the Byzantine Medical Encyclopedists of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries [The author analyzes the writings of Aëtius of Amida and Paulus Aegineta who borrowed from Galen and the second-century Soranus of Ephesus; thereby they rejected the ideas of the wandering womb and the likelihood that virginity would cause hysterical suff
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 17
Year of Publication: 2001.

71. Record Number: 5887
Author(s): Papanastasiou, Areti.
Title : Saint Eudokia the Empress [The author argues that the tenth century plaque of Eudokia in the Camii church represents not Eudokia Baiane, wife of Leo VI, but Fabia Eudokia (died 612 C.E.), wife of Herakleios].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 24
Year of Publication: 2001.

72. Record Number: 5890
Author(s): Niyogi, Ruma.
Title : Gender, Politics, and Imperial Legitimation in Byzantium, 1028-1057 [The author examines the role of Zoe and Theodora as political legitimators].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 33
Year of Publication: 2001.

73. Record Number: 5885
Author(s): Touliatos-Miles, Diane.
Title : The Role of Women in Music in Byzantium
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 8
Year of Publication: 2001.

74. Record Number: 7441
Author(s): Daley, Brian E., S.J.
Title : At the Hour of Our Death: Mary's Dormition and Christian Dying in Late Patristic and Early Byzantine Literature [The author argues that in early Byzantium Mary's death and translation served as the only clear hope for humanity after death. The key was that a human, not just the son of God, shared in the glorious life of the resurrection and was there as a patron to help humankind on its journey. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 55 (2001): 71-89. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2001.

75. Record Number: 5888
Author(s): Kotsis, Kriszta.
Title : Images of Theodora, Guardian of the Faith [The author considers the representations of Empress Theodora (empress, 842-856 C. E.) on coins and seals and as a saint].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 25
Year of Publication: 2001.

76. Record Number: 4495
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Anna Komnene's Attempted Usurpation
Source: Anna Komnene and Her Times.   Edited by Thalia Gouma-Peterson .   Garland Publishing, 2000. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 45 - 62.
Year of Publication: 2000.

77. Record Number: 4743
Author(s): Zuckerman, Constantin.
Title : Le Voyage d'Olga et la première ambassade espagnole à Constantinople en 946 [The author argues that Olga, the princess of Kiev, had to wait in order to present her embassy to the emperor and ended up being baptized in Constantinople before she returned to Kiev].
Source: Travaux et Mémoires (Centre de Recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance) , 13., ( 2000):  Pages 647 - 672.
Year of Publication: 2000.

78. Record Number: 5358
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick.
Title : Menstruation: A Problem in Late Byzantine Canon Law
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 72 - 73.
Year of Publication: 2000.

79. Record Number: 5593
Author(s): Evans, Michael R.
Title : Twenty-Fourth Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies: Abstracts of Papers, Friday, 10 October 1997, Session II--Women of the Book: Düsseldorf, Landes-und Universitätsbibliothek Sammelhandschrift B. 3 and Its Place in Carolingian Literary Culture. [the author argues that the manuscript was completed by or for a woman based on the selection of the fourteen texts included; the saints' lives, prayers, and romances all demonstrate a pronounced interest in female characters and women's concerns; the courtesy texts in the manuscript would have been used by women in the education of their children or others' children in their charge].
Source: Christianizing peoples and converting individuals.   Edited by Guyda Armstrong and Ian N. Wood International Medieval Research .   Brepols, 2000. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 195 - 2002.
Year of Publication: 2000.

80. Record Number: 6283
Author(s): Ronchey, Silvia
Title : Malatesta/Paleologhi Un'Alleanza Dinastica per Rifondare Bisanzio nel Quindicesimo Secolo [the last Byzantine dynasty, the Palaiologi, spread a network of dynastic marriages across Europe; when Thomas Palaiologos fled to Italy, he was received not only by Pope Pius II but by the Malatesta and the Gonzaga, to whom he was connected through his brother Theodore's wife, Cleopa Malatesta; Thomas also married a daughter, Zoe, to Ivan III, Prince of Moscow; this marriage benefited Moscow which began to claim to be the third Rome in the place of the Papacy].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 93., ( 2000):  Pages 521
Year of Publication: 2000.

81. Record Number: 6711
Author(s): Nardi, Eva.
Title : Donne a Bisanzio: Nuove prospettive storiografiche [for several decades, only the most powerful of Byzantine women were discussed by scholars; the contemporary emphasis on women's history shifted attention to legal norms affecting women; attention also is given to gender roles, including the presence of eunuchs; empresses still are the most studied because of the bias of the surviving sources].
Source: Quaderni Medievali , 49., (giugno 2000):  Pages 44 - 61.
Year of Publication: 2000.

82. Record Number: 8677
Author(s): Pentcheva, Bissera V.
Title : Rhetorical Images of the Virgin: The Icon of the "Usual Miracle" at the Blachernai [The author connects the icon of Mary at the Blachernai (which was revealed every Friday by the miraculous raising of a silk cover) with a new image-type in which Mary raises her hands in prayer and has a medallion that contains the Christ child hovering on her chest. The author argues that this image was influenced by Neoplatonic ideas to represent both the presence of the Holy Spirit and the embodiment of the incarnation. The author also connects the new image type to the Komnenoi dynasty which had various political reasons to champion orthodoxy. In the Appendix the author surveys publications on seals to identify instances of the orans Virgin with the hovering medallion. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics , 38., ( 2000):  Pages 34 - 55.
Year of Publication: 2000.

83. Record Number: 5341
Author(s): Papaioannou, Eustratios N.
Title : Michael Psellos' Rhetorical Gender
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 24., ( 2000):  Pages 133 - 146.
Year of Publication: 2000.

84. Record Number: 20895
Author(s): Nardi, Eva
Title : Bella come luna, fulgida come il sole: un appunto sulla donna nei testi bizantinii dell'XI e XII secolo [Byzantine sources added to the passive qualities ascribed to a good woman by the classics. Christian virtues like faith, beauty, and good character were described in terms of light. Beauty of form was believed, in the Platonic tradition, to reflect beauty of the soul. Annihilaation of the female ego was supposed to let the divine light shine through. Writers discussed include Michael Psellos, George Tornikis (bishop of Ephesus), Basil of Achrida, and Anna Komnena. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medioevo Greco: Rivista di Storia e Filologia Bizantina , ( 2000):  Pages 135 - 141.
Year of Publication: 2000.

85. Record Number: 4498
Author(s): Gouma-Peterson, Thalia.
Title : Gender and Power: Passages to the Maternal in Anna Komnene's "Alexiad"
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 2000.

86. Record Number: 4497
Author(s): Reinsch, Diether R.
Title : Women's Literature in Byzantium? The Case of Anna Komnene [The author examines Anna's portrayal of powerful women who were actively involved in politics (Anna Dalassena, Irene Doukaina, Maria of Alania, and Anna Komnena herself)].
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 2000.

87. Record Number: 4493
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki.
Title : Introduction: Why Anna Komnene? [The author explores the reasons why Anna Komnena commands our attention].
Source: Anna Komnene and Her Times.   Edited by Thalia Gouma-Peterson .   Garland Publishing, 2000.  Pages 1 - 14.
Year of Publication: 2000.

88. Record Number: 5357
Author(s): Walker, Alicia.
Title : Byzantine Marriage Rings Reconsidered
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 32 - 33.
Year of Publication: 2000.

89. Record Number: 5356
Author(s): Cotsonis, John.
Title : The Virgin and Justinian on Seals of the "Ekdikoi"
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 31
Year of Publication: 2000.

90. Record Number: 4748
Author(s): Herrin, Judith
Title : The Imperial Feminine in Byzantium [the author argues that Byzantine tradition provided for occasions when empresses had to assume power; this did not challenge the patriarchal order nor did it establish a fixed role for empresses; however, empresses had three sure resources (role as imperial hostess, mother of the emperor's heir, and power over the quarters, staff, and treasury of the empress) which allowed them to take an often active role in politics].
Source: Past and Present , 169., (November 2000):  Pages 3 - 35. Reproduced in Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium. By Judith Herrin. Princeton University Press, 2013. Pages 161-193.
Year of Publication: 2000.

91. Record Number: 4501
Title : Why Is the "Alexiad" a Masterpiece of Byzantine Literature? [The author emphasizes Anna's borrowings both from the "Iliad" and the "Chronography" by Psellos].
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 2000.

92. Record Number: 4500
Author(s): McKee, Sally.
Title : Bohemond and the Rooster: Byzantines, Normans, and the Artful Ruse [The author examines the political and military stratagems that were practiced both by the Normans and Byzantines; Anna Komnena made frequent mention of these tricks].
Source: Anna Komnene and Her Times.   Edited by Thalia Gouma-Peterson .   Garland Publishing, 2000.  Pages 157 - 168.
Year of Publication: 2000.

93. Record Number: 5360
Author(s): Connor, Carolyn L.
Title : A Sense of Family: Monastic Portraits in the Lincoln College Typikon
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 107 - 108.
Year of Publication: 2000.

94. Record Number: 5361
Author(s): O'Brien, Maureen Anne.
Title : The Gynaeceum, the Kindergarten, and the Vienna Genesis: Biblical and Extra-Biblical Imagery in Folio 16r [The author addresses the question of the group of women and children in the illustration of Joseph and Potiphar's wife].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 109 - 110.
Year of Publication: 2000.

95. Record Number: 4494
Author(s): Magdalino, Paul.
Title : The Pen of the Aunt: Echoes of the Mid-Twelfth Century in the "Alexiad" [the author examines Anna's image of her father where his piety and concern for learning receive just as much emphasis as his military prowess; the author suggests that Anna in her writing frequently reacted to circumstances concerning the reigning emperor, Manuel, whom she disliked].
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 2000.

96. Record Number: 5355
Author(s): Kotsis, Kriszta.
Title : The Gold Coinage of Irene from Constantinople (797-802)
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 30 - 31.
Year of Publication: 2000.

97. Record Number: 3706
Author(s): Mullett, Margaret
Title : From Byzantium, with Love [The author surveys letters looking for the erotic charge that we connect with love letters; she concludes with a case study of the letters of Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid].
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 3 - 22.
Year of Publication: 1999.

98. Record Number: 3707
Author(s): Hatlie, Peter.
Title : The City a Desert: Theodore of Stoudios on "Porneia" [The author presents case studies in which Theodore counselled monks against sexual misconduct and expressed his views on the marriages of Emperor Constantine VI and Michael II].
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 67 - 74.
Year of Publication: 1999.

99. Record Number: 3708
Author(s): Stolte, Bernard.
Title : Desires Denied: Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce in Early Byzantine Law
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 77 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1999.

100. Record Number: 3709
Author(s): Ringrose, Kathryn M.
Title : Passing the Test of Sanctity: Denial of Sexuality and Involuntary Castration [the author traces the changing status of eunuchs in the spiritual life; in Late Antiquity, eunuchs had a negative image and could not achieve sanctity but by the ninth to the twelfth century eunuchs could achieve sanctity through denial (other than the flesh) and other forms of selflessness].
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 123 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1999.

101. Record Number: 3710
Author(s): Smythe, Dion C.
Title : In Denial: Same-Sex Desire in Byzantium
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 139 - 148.
Year of Publication: 1999.

102. Record Number: 3711
Author(s): Tougher, Shaun
Title : Michael III and Basil the Macedonian: Just Good Friends?
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 149 - 158.
Year of Publication: 1999.

103. Record Number: 3712
Author(s): Lauxtermann, Marc.
Title : Ninth-Century Classicism and the Erotic Muse [The author argues that the pederastic poetry read and imitated by Leo the Philosopher and his group of students quickly went out of style when Patriarch Photios branded it as corrupt].
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 161 - 170.
Year of Publication: 1999.

104. Record Number: 3713
Author(s): Hanson, John.
Title : Erotic Imagery on Byzantine Ivory Caskets
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 171 - 184.
Year of Publication: 1999.

105. Record Number: 3714
Author(s): Zeitler, Barbara.
Title : Ostentatio genitalium : Displays of Nudity in Byzantinum
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 185 - 201.
Year of Publication: 1999.

106. Record Number: 3715
Author(s): Cameron, Averil.
Title : Desire in Byzantium- the Ought and the Is [The author contrasts religious desire with sexual passion].
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 205 - 213.
Year of Publication: 1999.

107. Record Number: 3720
Author(s): Krausmüller, Dirk.
Title : Divine Sex: Patriarch Methodios's Concept of Virginity
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 57 - 65.
Year of Publication: 1999.

108. Record Number: 3760
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Women in Byzantine Society [The author provides an introductory overview touching on family, marriage, politics, and work].
Source: Women in Medieval Western European Culture.   Edited by Linda E. Mitchell .   Garland Publishing, 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 81 - 94.
Year of Publication: 1999.

109. Record Number: 4208
Author(s): Vinson, Martha.
Title : The Life of Theodora and the Rhetoric of the Byzantine Bride Show
Source: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 49., ( 1999):  Pages 31 - 60.
Year of Publication: 1999.

110. Record Number: 5349
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick.
Title : Vampires, Not Mothers: The Living Dead in the Canonical Responses of Ioasaph of Ephesos
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 11 - 12.
Year of Publication: 1999.

111. Record Number: 5353
Author(s): Vinson, M. P.
Title : Sexual Slander in Byzantium [The author examines the uses of sexual slander in politics; often the virginity of the empress was called into question as well as the emperor's choice of wife].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 102 - 103.
Year of Publication: 1999.

112. Record Number: 5611
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick, Father.
Title : Late Byzantine Canonical Views on the Dissolution of Marriage
Source: Greek Orthodox Theological Review , 44., 40182 ( 1999):  Pages 273 - 290.
Year of Publication: 1999.

113. Record Number: 6285
Author(s): Vassis, Ioannis.
Title : Ein unediertes Gedicht anlässlich des Todes von Theodora, erster Gemahlin des Despotes Konstantinos (XI.) Palaiologos
Source: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 49., ( 1999):  Pages 181 - 189.
Year of Publication: 1999.

114. Record Number: 3746
Author(s): Schotter, Anne Howland.
Title : Images of Effeminate Men: The case of Byzantine Eunuchs
Source: Masculinity in Medieval Europe.   Edited by D.M. Hadley .   Women and Men in History Series. Addison Wesley Longman, 1999. Medioevo Greco: Rivista di Storia e Filologia Bizantina , ( 2000):  Pages 89 - 100.
Year of Publication: 1999.

115. Record Number: 7350
Author(s): Beaucamp, Joëlle
Title : Incapacité féminine et rôle public à Byzance [The author argues that women's opportunities to bring suit and give testimony were limited in the sixth and seventh centuries but were more restricted in the ninth century (according to the law codes of Emperor Leo VI) with women allowed to testify only about "women's matters," e.g. virginity, birth, and other matters known only to women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Medioevo Greco: Rivista di Storia e Filologia Bizantina , ( 2000):  Pages 23 - 36. Reprinted in Femmes, patrimoines, normes à Byzance. By Joëlle Beaucamp. Association des amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2010. Pages 295-308.
Year of Publication: 1999.

116. Record Number: 7356
Author(s): Malamut, Élisabeth.
Title : Une Femme politique d'exception à la fin du XIe siècle: Anne Dalassène [The author argues that Anna Dalassena exercised real power for close to thirteen years when she ruled during her emperor-son's absences with his full support. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Medioevo Greco: Rivista di Storia e Filologia Bizantina , ( 2000):  Pages 103 - 120.
Year of Publication: 1999.

117. Record Number: 5350
Author(s): Pentcheva, Bissera V.
Title : A New Image of the Virgin in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Constantinople [a new image of the Virgin appeared on coins in the mid-eleventh century; she appears with her hands raised in prayer and on her chest there is a medallion depicting the blessing Christ Child; the image is sometimes called the Virgin "Episkepsis" (Visitation and Protection), although several other types ("Blanchernitissa," "Panagiotissa," "Playtera," and "Znamenie") are also associated with this iconographic representation].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 34
Year of Publication: 1999.

118. Record Number: 7355
Author(s): Herrin, Judith
Title : L'Enseignement maternel à Byzance [The author argues that mothers passed on a special training to their children. This oral tradition is largely lost, but some evidence survives in written texts, especially hagiographies in which widows raise their young children either for successful marriage or for the monastic life. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 91 - 102.
Year of Publication: 1999.

119. Record Number: 7352
Author(s): Croizy-Naquet, Catherine.
Title : Les Stratégies matrimoniales de l'aristocratie Byzantine aux IXe et Xe siècles [The author argues that the powerful Byzantine noble families planned marriages carefully and struggled for the financial and political advantages that a "good" marriage brought. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 51 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1999.

120. Record Number: 7363
Author(s): Kaplan, Michel.
Title : L'Aristocrate byzantine et sa Fortune [The author explores a number of cases where wealthy noble women administered their estates themselves and disposed of their properties and other goods. The women profiled include Danielis, a weathy and powerful noble woman associated with Emperor Basil I, Eudocie Bourion, who sold some of her dowry lands while her husband was still alive, Empress Irene Doukaina, Kale Basiliake, a wealthy young woman who became a nun upon her husband's death. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 205 - 226.
Year of Publication: 1999.

121. Record Number: 7361
Author(s): Auzepy, Marie-France.
Title : La Sainteté et le couvent: libération ou normalisation des femmes? [The author examines the Byzantine female saint, both in saints' lives and accounts of women's monasteries. In the seventh and eight centuries stories of saintly women disguised as men and penitent prostitutes were very popular, but in the ninth century these saints were supplanted by holy empresses (both wives and mothers and then nuns) whose cults were promoted for familial and political reasons. Women entered monasteries for a wide variety of reasons, including punishment for adultery and political incarceration. However, in some situations women had important responsibilities as abbesses or "higoumene" ( ) of double houses. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 175 - 188.
Year of Publication: 1999.

122. Record Number: 3765
Author(s): James, Liz and Barbara Hill
Title : Women and Politics in the Byzantine Empire: Imperial Women [The authors provide an introductory overview of the role of empresses, noting those who ruled independently and those with a great deal of influence].
Source: Women in Medieval Western European Culture.   Edited by Linda E. Mitchell .   Garland Publishing, 1999. Medioevo Greco: Rivista di Storia e Filologia Bizantina , ( 2000):  Pages 157 - 178.
Year of Publication: 1999.

123. Record Number: 4187
Author(s): Tuerk, Jacquelyn.
Title : An Early Byzantine Inscribed Amulet and Its Narratives
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 23., ( 1999):  Pages 25 - 42.
Year of Publication: 1999.

124. Record Number: 5352
Author(s): Niyogi, Ruma.
Title : The Exotic among the Other: Writing Women in Byzantine Studies
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 101 - 102.
Year of Publication: 1999.

125. Record Number: 7358
Author(s): Morris, Rosemary.
Title : Idéaux et préjugés: la femme dans l'imagination culturelle byzantine des Xe - XIe siècles [The author briefly surveys the representation of women both in Byzantine literature and art. Drawing from the writings of Anna Komnena and Michael Psellos and, for art, from mainly manuscript illustrations, she argues that authors and artists did not attempt to represent individual women but instead commonly recognized types. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 133 - 147.
Year of Publication: 1999.

126. Record Number: 4750
Author(s): Connor, Carolyn L.
Title : Documents: The Epigram in the Church of Hagios Polyeuktos in Constantinople and Its Byzantine Response [the author argues that Anicia Juliana herself may have composed the seventy-six line epigram that was inscribed inside and outside her magnificent church; later building inscriptions as well as books reacted to her family pride, sumptuous descriptions, and learned rhetoric that was reflected in her influential encomium/dedication; the appendices include a transcription of the Greek epigram that was inscribed in Hagios Polyeuktos; an English translation of the epigram; the Greek epigrams that were inscribed in the church of Saint Euphemia, a church that Juliana refurbished; a transcription of the Greek epigram from the Vienna Dioscurides manuscript (cod. med. gr. 1, fol. 6 verso) which forms an acrostic on Juliana's name; a transcription of the Greek epigram on the frieze of the church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus built by Justin and Theodora shortly after Hagios Polyeuktos].
Source: Byzantion , 69., 2 ( 1999):  Pages 479 - 527.
Year of Publication: 1999.

127. Record Number: 5354
Author(s): Papaioannou, Eustratios N.
Title : Feminine "Physis" in Michael Psellos's Literary Work
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 103
Year of Publication: 1999.

128. Record Number: 4880
Author(s): Eastmond, Antony.
Title : Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond [The author analyzes an unusual sculptured narrative frieze, finding in part that there is a decidedly misogynist cast to the frieze with the creation of woman as the start of the problem of evil and a clear link between Eve and death].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 53 (1999): 219-236. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1999.

129. Record Number: 5351
Author(s): Clover, Frank M.
Title : The House of Aelia Verina
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 62 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1999.

130. Record Number: 3364
Author(s): Lauxtermann, Marc.
Title : Three Biographical Notes [the first concerns Kassia, the hymnwriter and abbess; the author analyzes the story which places Kassia in a bride show for the young emperor Theophilos; the author argues that the story was intended to rehabilitate Kassia's reputation and banish all doubts about her lukewarm support of iconophilia orthodoxy].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 91., 2 ( 1998):  Pages 391 - 405.
Year of Publication: 1998.

131. Record Number: 4366
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick.
Title : Late Byzantine Canonical Views on the Dissolution of Marriage
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 24., ( 1998):  Pages 74 - 75.
Year of Publication: 1998.

132. Record Number: 4745
Author(s): Vinson, Martha P.
Title : Gender and Politics in the Post-Iconoclastic Period: The "Lives" of Anthony the Younger, the Empress Theodora, and the Patriarch Ignatios [the author argues that the "Life with Encomium of the Blessed and Holy Empress Theodora" and the "Life and Conduct of Saint Anthony the Younger" were written together to counter the iconoclast resentments, embodied in the aggressively masculine writings of Photios, against an iconophile government headed by a woman and surrounded by eunuch advisors; the author of the "Vita" of Saint Anthony uses an Aristotelian form of argumentation for the relative, placing the saint in the middle between lust and impotence, wanton aggression and effeminate cowardice, and other bi-polar extremes of gender stereotypes; the end result was a secularization of the ideas of sanctity and a reliance upon sex roles to characterize the saint].
Source: Byzantion , 68., 2 ( 1998):  Pages 469 - 515.
Year of Publication: 1998.

133. Record Number: 5555
Author(s): Schein, Sylvia.
Title : The "Female-Men of God" and "Men Who Were Women." Female Saints and Holy Land Pilgrimage During the Byzantine Period [The author considers the Roman aristocratic women who made pilgrimages to Jerusalem and, when pilgrimage for women was discouraged, the stories of transvestite female saints who also came to Jerusalem; in both groups an ascetic way of life allowed them to transcend their sinfulness and make a sincere conversion; the appendices present a list of women pilgrims to Jerusalem and a shorter list of transvestite female pilgrims].
Source: Hagiographica: Rivista di agiografia e biografia della società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino/ Journal of Hagiography and Biography of Società Internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino , 5., ( 1998):  Pages 1 - 36.
Year of Publication: 1998.

134. Record Number: 5610
Author(s): Stramara, Daniel F., Jr.
Title : Double Monasticism in the Greek East: Eighth Through Fifteenth Centuries [the author argues that double houses were not suppressed by Eastern ecclesiastical authorities to the point of disappearance; in fact new ones were built even in Constantinople throughout the period; the confusion comes in part from mixed houses, in which monks and nuns lived in the same space and were abolished due to sexual improprieties].
Source: Greek Orthodox Theological Review , 43., 40182 ( 1998):  Pages 185 - 202.
Year of Publication: 1998.

135. Record Number: 3273
Author(s): Ganchou, Thierry.
Title : Héléna Notara Gateliousaina d'Ainos et le Sankt Peterburg Bibl. Publ. Gr. 243
Source: Revue des Études Byzantines , 56., ( 1998):  Pages 141 - 168.
Year of Publication: 1998.

136. Record Number: 4339
Author(s): Beaucamp, Joëlle
Title : Les Femmes et l'espace public à Byzance: Le cas des tribunaux
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 52 (1998): 129-145. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

137. Record Number: 4334
Author(s): Kazhdan, Alexander P.
Title : Women at Home [The author explores the question of women's separate quarters as well as other domestic issues].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 52 (1998): 1-17. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

138. Record Number: 4338
Author(s): Talbot, Alice-Mary.
Title : Women's Space in Byzantine Monasteries
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 52 (1998): 113-127. Link Info Reprinted in Women and Religious Life in Byzantium. By Alice-Mary Talbot. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Ashgate, 2001. Article 15.
Year of Publication: 1998.

139. Record Number: 4365
Title : Nikephoros II Phokas and Theophanou in Cavusin: The Imperial Family as Model [The author argues that the portrait portrays the imperial couple, Nikephoros and Theophanou, flanked by his father and mother on one side; the intent was to memorialize the marriage along with that of the emperor's parents].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 24., ( 1998):  Pages 23 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1998.

140. Record Number: 4336
Title : Women at Church in Byzantium: Where, When- and Why? [The author argues that women were segregated in church and had other limitations to preserve church order, decorum, and offer protection].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 52 (1998): 27-87. Link Info Reprinted in Divine Liturgies - Human Problems in Byzantium, Armenia, Syria and Palestine. By Robert F. Taft. Ashgate Variorum, 2001. Article 1.
Year of Publication: 1998.

141. Record Number: 8950
Title : Maintaining Boundaries: The Status of Actresses in Early Christian Society [The author deals in part with conditions in early Byzantium. In most instances actresses could only escape social and legal infamy by renouncing the stage. In a few cases, such as that of Theodora, highly favored actresses were able to marry into the senatorial class by some legal manoeuvering. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Vigiliae Christianae , 52., ( 1998):  Pages 293 - 318.
Year of Publication: 1998.

142. Record Number: 4337
Author(s): Gerstel, Sharon E. J.
Title : Painted Sources for Female Piety in Medieval Byzantium [the author analyzes the depictions of female saints in Byzantine churches in order to deduce the roles that women played in the Church; women prayed for fertility and healthy children in chapels decorated with paintings of Saint Anne, and they mourned the dead in narthexes decorated with portraits of female saints].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 52 (1998): 89-111. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

143. Record Number: 447
Author(s): Krustev, Georgi.
Title : A Poem by Maria Comnene Palaeologina from Manuscript No. 177 of the Ivan Dujcev Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies [suggests that the author of the poem was the illegitimate daughter of Michael VIII Palaeologus and was married to Abaka, the Mongol ruler of Persia; she may have found Codex No. 177 in Persia and donated it to the Monastery of the Chora in Constantinople; article includes the text of the poem].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 58., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 71 - 77.
Year of Publication: 1997.

144. Record Number: 2537
Author(s): Kolia-Dermitzaki, Athina.
Title : Michael VII Doukas, Robert Guiscard, and the Byzantine-Norman Marriage Negotiations [study of two letters sent by the Emperor to Robert Guiscard offering to marry the Byzantine heir apparent to one of Robert's daughters].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 58., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 251 - 268.
Year of Publication: 1997.

145. Record Number: 2538
Author(s): Papadatou, Daphne.
Title : Divorce by Mutual Consent and Its Customary Application in Byzantium
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 58., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 269 - 273.
Year of Publication: 1997.

146. Record Number: 3152
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick.
Title : Sexual Intercourse and the Priesthood: Late Byzantine Views on Marriage and Ordination
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 67
Year of Publication: 1997.

147. Record Number: 3362
Author(s): Delierneux, N.
Title : Virilité physique et sainteté feminine dans l'hagiographie orientale du IVe au VIIe siècle [Saints' lives used include those of Mary the Egyptian, Anastasia, Apollinaria, Athanasia, Euphrosyne, Theodora of Alexandria, and Matrona].
Source: Byzantion , 67., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 179 - 243.
Year of Publication: 1997.

148. Record Number: 5609
Author(s): Tsamis, Demetrios G.
Title : The Life of St. Ilaria [translation of a traditional account of St. Ilaria from "Meterikon," Volume 4, Edition of the Sacred Monastery of Panagia of Evros (Alexandroupolis, 1993); the story recounts that Saint Ilaria, the daughter of King Zeno, escaped to Egypt to live as a male ascetic in the desert; her sister, possessed by a demon, was brought to Egypt for healing; Ilaria healed her and was forced to reveal her identity to her father; he rejoiced and regretfully allowed her to return to her life in the desert as the eunuch Ilarion].
Source: Greek Orthodox Theological Review , 42., 40241 (Fall-Winter 1997):  Pages 381 - 394.
Year of Publication: 1997.

149. Record Number: 2137
Author(s): El-Cheikh, Nadia M.
Title : Describing the Other to Get at the Self: Byzantine Women in Arabic Sources (8th-11th Centuries)
Source: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 40., 2 (May 1997):  Pages 239 - 250.
Year of Publication: 1997.

150. Record Number: 3150
Author(s): Talbot, Alice-Mary.
Title : Pilgrimage by Byzantine Women
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 19
Year of Publication: 1997.

151. Record Number: 3151
Author(s): Halsall, Paul.
Title : Wedded to Christ: Nuptiality and Gender Reversed in the "Lives" of Byzantine Male Saints
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 66
Year of Publication: 1997.

152. Record Number: 2890
Author(s): Smythe, Dion C.
Title : Behind the Mask: Empresses and Empire in Middle Byzantium
Source: Queens and Queenship in Medieval Europe: Proceedings of a Conference Held at King's College London, April 1995.   Edited by Anne J. Duggan .   Boydell Press, 1997. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 141 - 152.
Year of Publication: 1997.

153. Record Number: 2539
Author(s): Samaha, John.
Title : Mary in the Byzantine Mind [overview of Byzantine Mariology in regards to liturgy, theology, and cult practice].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 58., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 338 - 342.
Year of Publication: 1997.

154. Record Number: 2889
Title : Goddess, Whore, Wife or Slave: Will the Real Byzantine Empress Please Stand Up? [an analysis of female power among early Byzantine empresses based in part on carved ivory plaques; appendix lists empresses from the fourth through the sixth centuries].
Source: Queens and Queenship in Medieval Europe: Proceedings of a Conference Held at King's College London, April 1995.   Edited by Anne J. Duggan .   Boydell Press, 1997. Byzantinoslavica , 58., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 123 - 139.
Year of Publication: 1997.

155. Record Number: 2554
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia.
Title : Ritual Brotherhood in Byzantium [presents sources for the study of "adelphopoiesis," traces changes in the practice and concept of ritual brotherhood over time, and places it within the larger context of social networks which included marriage, godparenthood, and adoption].
Source: Traditio , 52., ( 1997):  Pages 285 - 326.
Year of Publication: 1997.

156. Record Number: 1380
Author(s): Parker, Holt N.
Title : Women Doctors in Greece, Rome, and the Byzantine Empire [most of the essay deals with late antiquity, but the sources section cites seven Byzantine texts mentioning women doctors by name].
Source: Women Healers and Physicians: Climbing a Long Hill.   Edited by Lilian R. Furst .   University Press of Kentucky, 1997. Traditio , 52., ( 1997):  Pages 131 - 150.
Year of Publication: 1997.

157. Record Number: 3149
Author(s): Gerstel, Sharon E. J.
Title : The Construction of a Sainted Empress
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 11
Year of Publication: 1997.

158. Record Number: 1877
Author(s): Gerstel, Sharon E. J.
Title : Saint Eudokia and the Imperial Household of Leo VI
Source: Art Bulletin (Full Text via JSTOR) 79, 4 (December 1997): 699-707. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1997.

159. Record Number: 1845
Author(s): Garland, Lynda.
Title : Morality Versus Politics at the Byzantine Court: The Charges Against Marie of Antioch and Euphrosyne [both were accused of adultery; Marie was executed, while Euphrosyne, the power behind the throne, was exiled for six months before her husband recalled her].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 24., ( 1997):  Pages 259 - 295. Special issue: Conformity and Non-Conformity in Byzantium: Papers Given at the Eighth Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, University of New England, Australia, July 1993.
Year of Publication: 1997.

160. Record Number: 1425
Author(s): Kuefler, Mathew S.
Title : Castration and Eunuchism in the Middle Ages
Source: Handbook of Medieval Sexuality.   Edited by Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage .   Garland Reference Library of the Humanities vol. 1696. Garland Publishing, 1996. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 279 - 306.
Year of Publication: 1996.

161. Record Number: 997
Author(s): Hatlie, Peter.
Title : Women of Discipline During the Second Iconoclast Age [nuns' support of icons and of their abbesses contrasted with monks' behavior, 815-843].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 89., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 37 - 44.
Year of Publication: 1996.

162. Record Number: 1064
Author(s): Wortley, John.
Title : Documents: De Latrone Converso: The Tale of the Converted Robber (BHG 1450kb W861) [a robber chief infiltrates a women's monastery where he is welcomed as a holy man; when he inadvertently cures a nun, he repents and becomes a monk].
Source: Byzantion , 66., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 219 - 243. Reprinted in Studies on the Cult of Relics in Byzantium up to 1204. By John Wortley. Ashgate Variorum, 2009. Article X.
Year of Publication: 1996.

163. Record Number: 1361
Author(s): de Vries- van der Velden, Eva.
Title : La lune de Psellos [argues that the "moon" Psellos describes in his letter to John Mauropous is his young bride; includes the Greek text and a French translation of the letter].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 57., 2 ( 1996):  Pages 239 - 256.
Year of Publication: 1996.

164. Record Number: 1741
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : The ideal Imperial Komnenian Women [drawing upon funeral orations and speeches, the author analyzes the female virtues praised before the emperor (beauty, piety, fertility, and modesty) and those for a female patron (self-control, learning, and wisdom)].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 7 - 18. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

165. Record Number: 1742
Author(s): Brand, Charles M.
Title : Slave Women in the Legislation of Alexius I [discussion of two decrees issued in 1095 regarding slaves; the first declares that slaves born of free parents were to be freed, while the second affirms the right of slaves to marriage with the blessing of the church].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 19 - 24. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

166. Record Number: 1745
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Power by Anna Komnene [on the active role of Anna Dalassena and Irene Doukaina].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 45 - 53. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

167. Record Number: 1985
Author(s): Irmscher, J.
Title : Bertha von Sulzbach, Gemahlin Manuels I
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 279 - 290. Issue Title: Byzance et l'Europe. 6e Symposion Byzantinon l'Automne 1992.
Year of Publication: 1996.

168. Record Number: 2282
Author(s): Vinson, M. P.
Title : The Empress Theodora and the Cult of Domesticity in Byzantine Hagiography
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 70
Year of Publication: 1996.

169. Record Number: 2283
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick D.
Title : The Prohibition of Second Marriage for Women Married to Priests
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 71
Year of Publication: 1996.

170. Record Number: 2453
Author(s): Jordan, Mark D.
Title : A Romance of the Gay Couple [The author characterizes Boswell's approach in "Same-Sex Unions" as essentialist, flawed in scholarship, and framed in romantic terms].
Source: GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies , 3., 40212 ( 1996):  Pages 301 - 310.
Year of Publication: 1996.

171. Record Number: 2847
Author(s): Tsirpanlis, Constantine N.
Title : Marriage, Family Values and "Ecumenical Vision" in the Legislation of Justinian the Great (527-565) [brief analyses of provisions in Justinian's "Institutes," the "Digest," and the "Novels"].
Source: Patristic and Byzantine Review , 15., ( 1996):  Pages 59 - 69.
Year of Publication: 1996.

172. Record Number: 3674
Author(s): McClanan, Anne
Title : The Empress Theodora and the Tradition of Women's Patronage in the Early Byzantine Empire
Source: The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women.   Edited by June Hall McCash .   University of Georgia Press, 1996. Patristic and Byzantine Review , 15., ( 1996):  Pages 50 - 72.
Year of Publication: 1996.

173. Record Number: 5484
Author(s): Messina, Renata Gentile.
Title : Basilissai di origine occidentale nella produzione encomiastica Bizantina (sec. XII) [Byzantine scholars who described the Western-born empresses of the Komnenos period displayed ambivalence; Basil Archidenos described Bertha of Sulzbach (Irene Komnena) with a mixture of approval and disapproval; Eustathios of Thessalonike in his work honoring Agnes of France (Anna) , described her as an "ideal" empress, modest, reserved, submissive, and beautiful; he presented her qualities as an admission of Byzantine superiority].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 261 - 277.
Year of Publication: 1996.

174. Record Number: 1743
Author(s): Gouma-Peterson, Thalia.
Title : Engendered Category or Recognizable Life: Anna Komnene and her "Alexiad"
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 1996.

175. Record Number: 2284
Author(s): Shahid, Irfan.
Title : The Church of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople: Who Built It and Why? [Suggests that both Justinian and his wife Theodora were responsible but had different motives. Theodora was moved by religious concerns while Justinian was worried about the outcome of the Persian War].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 84
Year of Publication: 1996.

176. Record Number: 1744
Author(s): Takács, Sarolta A.
Title : Oracles and Science- Anna Comnena's Comments on Astrology
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 35 - 44. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

177. Record Number: 2279
Author(s): McClanan, A. L.
Title : Byzantine Steelyard Weights Depicting Empresses
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 36
Year of Publication: 1996.

178. Record Number: 2280
Author(s): Sivan, Hagith.
Title : Forbidden Unions in the Early Byzantine Empire: A Prosopographical Evaluation [Early Byzantine laws prohibited marriage with barbarians and with Jews. The author considers specific cases of marriages in order to discover actual social practices. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 49
Year of Publication: 1996.

179. Record Number: 1428
Title : Eastern Orthodox Christianity [medieval Greek and Slavic orthodox beliefs and practices].
Source: Handbook of Medieval Sexuality.   Edited by Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage .   Garland Reference Library of the Humanities vol. 1696. Garland Publishing, 1996. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 329 - 343.
Year of Publication: 1996.

180. Record Number: 2135
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia.
Title : Figures of Female Sanctity: Byzantine Edifying Manuscripts and Their Audience [analysis of six manuscript collections of women saints' lives; the author argues that the intended audience was not always exclusively female and, furthermore, that women hagiographers and patrons did not always favor female saints].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 50 (1996): 313-344. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

181. Record Number: 1746
Author(s): Ringrose, Kathryn M.
Title : Eunuchs as Cultural Mediators [they mediated between men and women, the bureaucratic elite and the rest of society, even between the earthly and the divine].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 75 - 93. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

182. Record Number: 2389
Author(s): Touliatos, Diane.
Title : Kassia (ca. 810- between 843 and 867) [she wrote the words and music for many well-known hymns ; article includes Greek texts, English translations, and modern performance scores for "Edessa Rejoices" (Hymn to Saints Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus, Confessors and Martyrs at Vespers (November 15)
Source: Women Composers: Music Through the Ages.   Edited by Martha Furman Schleifer and Sylvia Glickman .   Volume 1 Composers Born Before 1599. G.K. Hall ; Prentice Hall International, 1996. Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 1 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1996.

183. Record Number: 2281
Author(s): Long, Jacqueline.
Title : Memories of Zenobia
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 60
Year of Publication: 1996.

184. Record Number: 2450
Author(s): Brubaker, Leslie.
Title : Conclusion: Image, Audience, and Place : Interaction and Reproduction [includes a section entitled "The Gendered Audience: Women and Icons"].
Source: The Sacred Image East and West.   Edited by Robert Ousterhout and Leslie Brubaker .   Illinois Byzantine Studies IV. University of Illinois Press, 1995. Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 204 - 220.
Year of Publication: 1995.

185. Record Number: 287
Author(s): Ciggaar, Krijnie.
Title : Encore une fois Chrétien de Troyes et la "matière byzantine": La révolution des femmes au palais de Constantinople
Source: Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 38., 3 (Juillet-Sept. 1995):  Pages 267 - 274.
Year of Publication: 1995.

186. Record Number: 616
Author(s): Garland, Lynda
Title : Conformity and License at the Byzantine Court in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: The Case of Emperial Women
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 101 - 115. Special issue: Bosphorus: Essays in the Honour of Cyril Mango. Edited by Stephanos Efthymiadis, Claudia Rapp, and Dimitris Tsougarakis.
Year of Publication: 1995.

187. Record Number: 1158
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Power by Anna Komnene [treatment of Anna's grandmother, Anna Dalassena, and her mother, Irene Doukaina, in the "Alexiad"].
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 1995.

188. Record Number: 1543
Author(s): Karpozilos, Apostolos.
Title : Charax/"Charkenos" in the "Alexiad" of Anna Comnena [Charax is identified tentatively as a trading post near Nikomedia; Anna Komnena used the geographic terms to refer to the man who impersonated Leo, the son of the emperor Romanus Diogenes].
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 1995.

189. Record Number: 1544
Author(s): Ivanov, Sergey A.
Title : A Saint in a Whore-house [stories of monks who visit prostitutes in order to convert them; the monks pretend to be customers and this provocative behavior relates them to the holy fools whose obscene or insane behavior was intended to shock the complacent].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 56., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 439 - 445.
Year of Publication: 1995.

190. Record Number: 1545
Author(s): Patlagean, Evelyne.
Title : Une sainte souveraine grecque: Theodora impératrice d'Épire (XIIIe siècle) [political and social background of Theodora's "Vita"].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 56., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 453 - 460.
Year of Publication: 1995.

191. Record Number: 1547
Author(s): Walter, Christopher.
Title : The Portrait of Saint Paraskeve [manuscript illuminations, wall paintings, and icons represent various saints with the name Paraskeve (of Epibata, of Iconium, the Roman, etc.)].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 56., 3 ( 1995):  Pages 753 - 757.
Year of Publication: 1995.

192. Record Number: 1548
Author(s): Emmanuel, Melita
Title : Some Notes on the External Appearance of Ordinary Women in Byzantium: Hairstyles, Headdresses: Text and Iconography [description of hairstyles and head coverings including nets, turbans, bonnets, and head cloths].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 56., 3 ( 1995):  Pages 769 - 778.
Year of Publication: 1995.

193. Record Number: 1986
Author(s): Alexakis, Alexander.
Title : Leo VI, Theophano, a "Magistros" Called Slokakas, and the "Vita Theophano" (BHG 1794) [suggests that the "Magister" Slokakas mentioned in a scholiast's comments is the author of the "Vita" of Empress Theophano which he wrote in order to gain Emperor Leo's favor].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 45 - 56. Issue title: Bosphorus: Essays in the Honour of Cyril Mango. Ed. by Stephanos Efthymiadis, Claudia Rapp, and Dimitris Tsougarakis.
Year of Publication: 1995.

194. Record Number: 2768
Author(s): Thümmel, Hans Georg.
Title : Muttergottesikonen und Mariengnadenbilder
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 56., 3 ( 1995):  Pages 759
Year of Publication: 1995.

195. Record Number: 1156
Author(s): Brand, Charles M.
Title : Anna Comnena: Woman and Historian
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 1995.

196. Record Number: 1159
Author(s): Takács, Sarolta A.
Title : Convergence of Silence and Articulation: Anna Komnena's Filial Devotion and Philosophical Zeal
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 16
Year of Publication: 1995.

197. Record Number: 1163
Author(s): Brooks, Sarah T.
Title : The Double Portrait of Kale Kavalasea from Mistra [Kale is represented in secular and monastic dress along with her daughter and son].
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 79
Year of Publication: 1995.

198. Record Number: 1678
Author(s): Herrin, Judith
Title : Theophano: Considerations on the Education of a Byzantine Princess
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 64 - 85. Essay reproduced in Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium. By Judith Herrin. Princeton University Press, 2013. Pages 238-260.
Year of Publication: 1995.

199. Record Number: 1684
Title : Did Theophano Leave her Mark on the Ottonian Sumptuary Arts?
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 169 - 193. This text appeared in German in Kaiserin Theophanu: Prinzessin aus der Fremde- des Westreichs Grosse Kaiserin. Edited by G. Wolf. Bohlau, 1991. Pages 263-278.
Year of Publication: 1995.

200. Record Number: 187
Author(s): Hunt, Lucy-Anne.
Title : Fine Incense of Virginity: A Late Twelfth Century Wallpainting of the Annuciation at the Monastery of the Syrians, Egypt
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 19., ( 1995):  Pages 182 - 232.
Year of Publication: 1995.

201. Record Number: 362
Author(s): Skinner, Patricia
Title : Women, Literacy, and Invisibility in Southern Italy, 900-1200
Source: Women, the Book and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda's Conference, 1993. Volume 2. [Volume 1: Women, the Book, and the Godly].   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor .   D.S.Brewer, 1995. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 19., ( 1995):  Pages 1 - 11.
Year of Publication: 1995.

202. Record Number: 1157
Author(s): Guynn, Noah D.
Title : The Women of the "Alexiad"
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 1995.

203. Record Number: 1161
Author(s): Ringrose, Kathryn M.
Title : Eunuchs as Cultural Mediators in Byzantium
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 57
Year of Publication: 1995.

204. Record Number: 1681
Author(s): Shepard, Jonathan.
Title : A Marriage Too Far? Maria Lekapena and Peter of Bulgaria [Byzantine politics, relations with Bulgaria, and Maria's possible impact on Bulgarian court culture].
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 121 - 149.
Year of Publication: 1995.

205. Record Number: 382
Author(s): Origone, Sandra.
Title : Marriage Connections Between Byzantium and the West in the Age of the Palaiologoi [case studies of Irene of Montferrat, Rita- Maria Xene, a princess of Armenia, Anne of Savoy, and Sophia of Montferrat].
Source: Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 226 - 241. Special Issue: International Contacts in the Medieval Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of David Jacoby. Ed. Benjamin Arbel. Tel Aviv University; Frank Cass, 1995.
Year of Publication: 1995.

206. Record Number: 2447
Author(s): Ousterhout, Robert.
Title : The Virgin of the Chora: An Image and Its Contexts [discussion of the mosaic icon of the Virgin in the church of the Chora Monastery in terms of its part in a decorative program that called upon a complex symbolism; also discusses the importance of the Virgin "orans" motif in the related images known as "Blachernitissa," "Episkepsis," and "Platytera"].
Source: The Sacred Image East and West.   Edited by Robert Ousterhout and Leslie Brubaker .   Illinois Byzantine Studies IV. University of Illinois Press, 1995. Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 91 - 109.
Year of Publication: 1995.

207. Record Number: 1677
Author(s): Ciggaar, K.
Title : Theophano: An Empress Reconsidered [evaluates contemporary accounts of Theophano, both positive and negative ; among the latter is a German nun's vision of Theophano in purgatory and numerous complaints about her love of foreign luxury].
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 49 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1995.

208. Record Number: 1685
Author(s): Zomer, Hiltje F. H.
Title : The So-Called Women's Gallery in the Medieval Church: An Import from Byzantium [argues that the galleries were a symbol of royal power, not a place for women to be kept separate during services ; the author traces the use of church galleries from Constantine the Great and Justinian to their introduction in Germany at the convent basilica of Gernrode, perhaps under the influence of Theophano, and in France at St. Remi, a victory church for the Capets].
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 169 - 193.
Year of Publication: 1995.

209. Record Number: 1680
Author(s): Davids, Adelbert.
Title : Marriage Negotiations Between Byzantium and the West and the Name of Theophano in Byzantium (Eighth to Tenth Centuries)
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 99 - 120.
Year of Publication: 1995.

210. Record Number: 1675
Author(s): Leyser, Karl.
Title : Theophanu divina gratia imperatrix augusta: Western and Eastern Emperorship in the Later Tenth Century
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Mediterranean Historical Review , 10., 40180 (June/Dec. 1995):  Pages 1 - 27. This article also appears in Leyser's Communication and Power in Medieval Europe: The Carolingian and Ottonian Centuries edited by Timothy Reuter, Hambledon Press, 1993.
Year of Publication: 1995.

211. Record Number: 1554
Author(s): van der Vliet, J.
Title : Une Vierge de Daphné: Notes sur un thème apocalyptique [analysis of an episode in two Greek texts concerning the birth of the Antichrist; the Antichrist ,in the form of a small fish, is touched by an impure virgin, resulting in her pregnancy].
Source: Byzantion , 64., 2 ( 1994):  Pages 377 - 390.
Year of Publication: 1994.

212. Record Number: 4742
Author(s): Mango, Cyril.
Title : Notes d'épigraphie et d'archéologie Constantinople, Nicée. l. Deux découvertes du Dr. Dethier. 1. Épitaphe d'une prétendue petite-fille de Justin II [in the 1860s the archaeologist Dethier made notes about an inscription, now lost , that he took to be the epitaph of a granddaughter of Justin II; the author argues that it is in fact for the nurse of Justin's daughter].
Source: Travaux et Mémoires (Centre de Recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance) , 12., ( 1994):  Pages 344 - 345.
Year of Publication: 1994.

213. Record Number: 3623
Author(s): Brand, Charles M.
Title : Slave Women in the Legislation of Alexius I
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 24 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1994.

214. Record Number: 1331
Author(s): Talbot, Alice-Mary.
Title : The Posthumous Miracles of St. Photeine [identified by the Byzantines as the Samaritan woman who spoke with Jesus; her cult in Constantinople was active and known for healing eye diseases and blindness; article includes an English translation of BHG 1541m "The Discovery of the Relics of Holy Great Martyr Photeine and a Partial Account of Her Miracles"].
Source: Analecta Bollandiana , 112., 40180 ( 1994):  Pages 85 - 104. Reprinted in Women and Religious Life in Byzantium. By Alice-Mary Talbot. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Ashgate, 2001. Article 8
Year of Publication: 1994.

215. Record Number: 3624
Author(s): Gouma-Peterson, Thalia.
Title : Engendered Category of Recognizable Life: Anna Comnena and her "Alexiad"
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 1994.

216. Record Number: 899
Author(s): Cotsonis, John.
Title : Virgin with the "Tongues of Fire" on Byzantine Lead Seals
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 49 (1994): 221-227. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1994.

217. Record Number: 3625
Author(s): Takacs, Sarolta A.
Title : Oracles, Pebbles and Science- Anna Comnena's Comments on Astrology
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 26
Year of Publication: 1994.

218. Record Number: 3622
Title : The Second Sex in Komnenian Courts
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 23 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1994.

219. Record Number: 1843
Title : What the Genoese Cast upon Helena Dragash's Head: Coins Not "Confecti" [argues, based on evidence from the acccount book of the Genoese commune in Pera, that the Genoese showered Helena Dragash with coins when she made her ceremonial entrance into Constantinople a few days prior to her wedding].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 235 - 246.
Year of Publication: 1994.

220. Record Number: 3627
Title : Putting Theodora in Her Place: The Imperial Presence at S. Vitale in Ravenna
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 42 - 43.
Year of Publication: 1994.

221. Record Number: 1333
Author(s): Richard, Adeline.
Title : Hagiographie antique et démonologie: Notes sur quelques Passions grecques (BHG 962z, 964 et 1165-66) [the "Passiones" of Juliana of Nicomedia, Juliana and Paul, and Marina of Antioch].
Source: Analecta Bollandiana , 112., 40241 ( 1994):  Pages 255 - 303.
Year of Publication: 1994.

222. Record Number: 3621
Author(s): Rapp, Claudia.
Title : Models of Female Sainthood: Byzantine Nuns and Their Edifying Manuscripts
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 10
Year of Publication: 1994.

223. Record Number: 1549
Author(s): Anderson, J. C. and M. J. Jeffreys
Title : The Decoration of the Sevastokratorissa's Tent [Greek text, English translation, and commentary on two poems describing Eirene's tent; the authors see parallels in the secular motifs of muses and peacocks with decorations found on ivory boxes].
Source: Byzantion , 64., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 8 - 18.
Year of Publication: 1994.

224. Record Number: 1551
Author(s): Jeffreys, Michael and Elizabeth Jeffreys
Title : Who Was Eirene the Sevastokratorissa? [argues that Eirene was of Western origins, probably a Norman, chosen to marry the son of the Emperor John II Komnenos in order to help bring the Normans into the Byzantine orbit].
Source: Byzantion , 64., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 40 - 68.
Year of Publication: 1994.

225. Record Number: 1842
Author(s): Talbot, Alice- Mary and Alexander Kazhdan
Title : The Byzantine Cult of St. Photeine
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 103 - 112. Presence of Byzantium: Studies Presented to Milton V. Anastos in Honor of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday. Reprinted in Alice-Mary Talbot, Women and Religious Life in Byzantium. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Ashgate, 2001. Article 9.
Year of Publication: 1994.

226. Record Number: 1588
Author(s): Dobrov, Gregory W.
Title : A Dialogue with Death: Ritual Lament and the "Threnos Theotokou" of Romanos Melodos [a "kontakion," a dramatic and complex chanted dialogue, in this case, between Mary and Christ, exploring paradoxes of gender, body, and voice].
Source: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies , 35., 4 (Winter 1994):  Pages 385 - 405.
Year of Publication: 1994.

227. Record Number: 3620
Author(s): Dobrov, Gregory W.
Title : Voicing the Virgin: Dialogic Invention of the Theotokos in the Sixth-Century Kontakion
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 9 - 10.
Year of Publication: 1994.

228. Record Number: 1550
Author(s): Garland, Lynda.
Title : The Eye of the Beholder: Byzantine Imperial Women and Their Public Image from Zoe Porphyrogenita to Euphrosyne Kamaterissa Doukaina (1028-1203) [analysis of the image and ceremonial role of empresses and women in the royal family based primarily on historians' accounts; empresses discussed include Zoe, Theodora, Aikaterina, Eudokia Makrembolitissa, Maria of Alania, Eirene, Anna Dalassena, Piroshka-Eirene, Bertha-Eirene of Sulzbach, and Mary of Antioch].
Source: Byzantion , 64., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 19 - 39. and Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 64, 2 (1994): 261-313.
Year of Publication: 1994.

229. Record Number: 3628
Author(s): Frank, G. L. C.
Title : Christian Attitudes towards Male Impurity in the Early Byzantine Period
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 46 - 47.
Year of Publication: 1994.

230. Record Number: 3626
Author(s): Mckee, Sally.
Title : Evidence of Greek Women's Economic Activities under Venetian rule
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 30 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1994.

231. Record Number: 7184
Author(s): Touliatos, Diane.
Title : The Traditional Role of Greek Women in Music from Antiquity to the End of the Byzantine Empire [The author provides a brief overview of women in music in the Greek world. The Byzantine women profiled all composed liturgical music including Martha, Theodosia, Thekla, Kassia, Kouvouklisena, and Palaeologina. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Rediscovering the Muses: Women's Musical Traditions.   Edited by Kimberly Marshall .   Northeastern University Press, 1993. Travaux et Mémoires (Centre de Recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance) , 12., ( 1994):  Pages 111 - 123.
Year of Publication: 1993.

232. Record Number: 9518
Author(s): Pitsakis, Constantin G.
Title : Le droit matrimonial dans les canons du concile in Trullo [The author examines the canons concerning marriage from the Quinisext Synod (known as the Council of Trullo for the hall in the imperial palace in Constantinople where it was held). Pitsakis points out that in some cases the regulations present a clear double standard where women's sexual crimes are condemned harshly while the same crimes committed by men are judged more leniently. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 158 - 185.
Year of Publication: 1992.

233. Record Number: 9531
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : The Role of Women in Byzantine Society [The author provides a brief overview of women's roles in Byzantium, covering marriage and other family concerns, economic issues including work and dowry, politics, literacy, and society's attitudes toward women. See Record #9532 for Laiou's brief addendum to this article. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 233 - 260. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1992.

234. Record Number: 9532
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Addendum to the Report of the Role of Women in Byzantine Society [The author makes a short addition to her earlier article "The Role of Women in Byzantine Society" (Record #9531). Laiou briefly discusses new directions for research in Byzantine women's history. The article was originally published in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 31, 1 (1982): 198-204. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 198 - 204. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1992.

235. Record Number: 9533
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Observations on the Life and Ideology of Byzantine Women [The author briefly examines texts written by Byzantine women including wills. She looks at greater length at women who endowed monasteries and at the lives women led within convents. The article was originally published in Byzantinische Forschungen 9 (1985): 59-102. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 59 - 102. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1992.

236. Record Number: 9534
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : The Festival of "Agathe": Comments on the Life of Constantinopolitan Women [The author examines a short treatise by Michael Psellos about the annual festival of Agathe in which women sang and danced near a church. Laiou argues that the women's activities which praised good cloth-making suggest that they were members of a female guild for carders, spinners, and weavers. The article was originally published in Byzantium 1 (1986): 111-122. Volume One was also titled Tribute to Andreas N. Stratos. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 111 - 122. Originally published in Byzantium 1 (1986): 111-122. Volume One was also titled Tribute to Andreas N. Stratos.
Year of Publication: 1992.

237. Record Number: 9535
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Consensus facit nuptias--Et non: Pope Nicholas I's "Responsa" to the Bulgarians as a Source for Byzantine Marriage Customs [The author examines Pope Nicholas I's response to questions from the newly converted czar of Bulgaria. Byzantine missionaries had told the czar about their beliefs and practices. The Latin papal text gives evidence for Byzantine marriage customs including a greater emphasis on a church ceremony than in the West and a discouragement of remarriage. The Appendix presents the Latin text of Chapter Three from the "Response to the Bulgarians" which deals with marriage. The article was originally published in Rechtshistorisches Journal 4 (1985): 189-201. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 189 - 201. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1992.

238. Record Number: 9536
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Contribution à l'étude de l'institution familiale en Épire au XIIIème siècle [The author uses legal opinions from Demetrios Chomatenos and John Apokaukos to identify important trends in the history of the family in Epirus. Laiou argues that there was more flexibility in practice, citing divorce, concubines and illegitimate children, than the law would seem to suggest. The Appendix presents the Greek texts of two acts on divorce by Demetrios Chomatenos. The Article was originally published in Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte, 6 (1984): 275-323. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 275 - 323. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1992.

239. Record Number: 10212
Author(s): Karlin-Hayter, Patricia.
Title : Further Notes on Byzantine Marriage: "Raptus" - harpage or mnesteiai [The author discusses two topics related to marriage, "raptus" and engagements. "Raptus" in the Byzantine canons refers to the act of abducting a woman in order to marry her. The Church canons in regard to engagement changed, so that emperors felt they had to make the rules less strict for young women and men who were often promised in marriage at the age of seven. The Appendix presents four English translations of sources from two churchmen, Xiphilinos and John the Thrakesian, along with legislation from Emperor Alexios I Komnenos. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 46 (1992): 133-154. Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

240. Record Number: 10216
Author(s): Talbot, Alice-Mary.
Title : Empress Theodora Palaiologina, Wife of Michael VIII [The author argues that although Theodora was a dutiful wife who engaged in typical imperial activities, she spent her widowhood trying to distance herself from her husband. She had briefly acquiesced in her husband's acceptance of the Church of Rome. Perhaps in expiation, she devoted great efforts as a widow to female monastic endowments and charitable causes. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 46 (1992): 295-303. Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan. Link Info Reprinted in Women and Religious Life in Byzantium. By Alice-Mary Talbot. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Ashgate, 2001. Article 5.
Year of Publication: 1992.

241. Record Number: 10213
Author(s): Kianka, Frances.
Title : The Letters of Demetrios Kydones to Empress Helena Kantakouzene Palaiologina [The author explores the relationship between the career government official and the empress as reflected in his letters. She was his literary patron and gave him good political advice when he was out of favor at court. Includes translations and commentaries on six letters from Kydones. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 46 (1992): 155-164. Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

242. Record Number: 10214
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Imperial Marriages and Their Critics in the Eleventh Century: The Case of Skylitzes [The author examines a number of historians but concentrates on the jurist and judge John Skylitzes. Skylitzes frequently objected to the behavior of emperors when their marriages ran counter to the public good. He was less likely to be concerned about ecclesiastical limitations on remarriage. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 46 (1992): 165-176. Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

243. Record Number: 10211
Author(s): Herrin, Judith
Title : Femina Byzantina: The Council in Trullo on Women [The author looks at the canons from the Quinisext Synod (also known as the Council of Trullo) which concern women. They fall into three broad areas: church services, monasticism, and lay women's behavior. In regard to church services, Canon 70 forbids women to speak during the liturgy. Issues of concern in women's monasticism included the overly elaborate clothing worn by women when they took the veil and the need for priests' wives to join monasteries. Lay women's behavior needed curbing during festivals, at public baths, when dancing, and during ceremonies that smacked of paganism. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 46., ( 1992):  Pages 97 - 105. Journal issue titled: Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan.
Essay reproduced in Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium. By Judith Herrin. Princeton University Press, 2013. Pages 115-132.
Year of Publication: 1992.

244. Record Number: 8634
Title : A Cinderella Story from Byzantine Egypt: P. Cair. Masp. I 67089 and III 67294 [The article studies two documents in which a wealthy widower defends the status of his future wife, who is also the granddaughter of his family’s retainers. The author uses this story to rethink the problem of slavery in Byzantine Egypt. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantion , 62., ( 1992):  Pages 380 - 388.
Year of Publication: 1992.

245. Record Number: 11432
Author(s): Miller, Dean A.
Title : Byzantine Sovereignty and Feminine Potencies [The author explores a variety of situations in which the Byzantine emperor was invested with or connected to feminine characteristics. This ranges from nurturing and merciful power to associations with Sophia (Holy Wisdom) and the Theotokos (the Virgin as God-Bearer). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women and Sovereignty.   Edited by Louise Olga Fradenburg. Cosmos: The Yearbook of the Traditional Cosmology Society, volume 7 Cosmos: The Yearbook of the Traditional Cosmology Society, 7.   Edinburgh University Press, 1992. Byzantion , 62., ( 1992):  Pages 250 - 263.
Year of Publication: 1992.

246. Record Number: 10215
Author(s): Poppe, Andrzej.
Title : Once Again Concerning the Baptism of Olga, Archontiss of Rus' [The author explores the circumstances of Princess Olga's baptism in Constantinople, arguing that she was the goddaughter of the imperial couple. Poppe also suggests that Olga attempted to secure a bishop and missionaries for Russia from Constantinople. When the help did not materialize, she turned to the German ruler, Otto I. Article republished in Andrzej Poppe's Christian Russia in the Making. Ashgate Variorum, 2007. Article 2. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 46 (1992): 271-277. Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

247. Record Number: 10174
Author(s): Barber, Charles.
Title : Reading the Garden in Byzantium: Nature and Sexuality [The author examines a series of texts, particularly Greek romances, in which gardens and women figure. Barber suggests that the male construction of the Byzantine woman is linked to an understanding of the garden. He argues that the dynamic can be read in radically different ways. The male gardener may be seen as being in complete control and dictating what is beautiful to his eye. On the other hand, the garden can be seen as an inbetween spot where male discourse falters and the woman may escape his control. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 16., ( 1992):  Pages 1 - 19.
Year of Publication: 1992.

248. Record Number: 12288
Author(s): Kazhdan, A. P. and A.-M. Talbot
Title : Women and Iconoclasm [The authors briefly survey women's activities in support of icons, including those individuals who were later honored as saints, women who wrote hymns, and female correspondents of Abbot Theodore of Stoudios. Although iconoclasm was defeated, many of its principles triumphed including anti-feminism. Women's public roles were curtailedand their efforts to defend icons were obscured in the historic record. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 84., ( 1991):  Pages 391 - 408. Reprinted in Women and Religious Life in Byzantium. By Alice-Mary Talbot. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Ashgate, 2001. Article 3
Year of Publication: 1991.

249. Record Number: 10892
Author(s): Thomas, R. D.
Title : Anna Comnena’s Account of the First Crusade: History and Politics in the Reigns of the Emperors Alexius I and Manuel I Comnenus [Anna Komnena’s account exhibits a tension between her feminine posture (as a woman author and dutiful daughter of Emperor Alexios) and more masculine aspirations (including interests in court politics and imperial power, traits commonly associated with m
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 15., ( 1991):  Pages 269 - 312.
Year of Publication: 1991.

250. Record Number: 12287
Author(s): Cowdrey, H. E. J.
Title : Pope Victor and the Empress A [The author argues that a letter from a pope to a Byzantine empress should be identified as Pope Victor III writing to Anna Dalassena in 1086/1087 concerning mistreatment of Western pilgrims by Byzantine imperial officials. The Latin text of the letter is presented in an appendix. The manuscript source is lost but the text is printed in Mabillon, "Annales OSB" and in Migne, "Patrologia Latina" 149. 961-2. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 84., ( 1991):  Pages 43 - 48.
Year of Publication: 1991.

251. Record Number: 12736
Author(s): Takacs, Sarolta A.
Title : Manuel Philes’ Meditation on an Icon of the Virgin Mary [This devotional poem by the fourteenth century Greek poet represents a progression from a meditation of a concrete object (an icon of the Virgin Mary) to a mystical or metaphysical plane of understanding. The author gives a line by line analysis of the language of the poem, which employs numerous rhetorical devices to connect allusions to the burning bush (which typographically prefigures the Virgin Mary) to imagery of divine fire. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 15., ( 1990):  Pages 277 - 288.
Year of Publication: 1990.

252. Record Number: 12737
Author(s): Saradi-Mendelovici, Helen.
Title : A Contribution to the Study of the Byzantine Notarial Formulas: The "infirmitas sexus" of Women and the "senatusconsultum Velleianum" [The author traces two notarial formulae that were commonly used in legal documents under Roman and Byzantine law: the “infirmitas sexus” (the legal designation of the inferiority of women as a natural characteristic) and the “senatusconsultum Velleianum” (a set of imperial provisions and restrictions imposed upon women). Both of these formulae appear in the middle to late Byzantine periods, where the Byzantine legislation perpetuates ancient restrictions on women’s legal capacities. The natural inferiority of women was often cited as the reason for why imperial legislation must protect and limit their actions. Appendix includes a list of relevant notarial documents in chronological order, including the parties involved , the notary who drew up the document, the location, and the legal formulation used. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 83., ( 1990):  Pages 72 - 90.
Year of Publication: 1990.

253. Record Number: 12734
Author(s): Barber, Charles.
Title : The imperial panels at San Vitale: a reconsideration [Two sixth century mosaics in the aspe of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, depict the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (on the left) and his wife Theodora (on the right). Although the Emperor and Empress appear to be represented identically (with purple clothing, haloes, and similar postures), other types of iconography in the panels differentiate the role and status of the figures according to their gender. The Emperor, flanked by priests and soldiers, carries objects that indicate his priestly and military roles. The Empress, dressed in more lavish clothing and jewels and enclosed in a depiction of architectural space, reflects Byzantine society’s legal and social relegation of women (even aristocratic ones) to the domestic sphere. Nonetheless, Theodora’s position in image (in the center with males on one side of her, females, on the other) places her at the boundary between the sexes, as a transgressive figure who straddles both public and private spheres. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 14., ( 1990):  Pages 19 - 42.
Year of Publication: 1990.

254. Record Number: 12764
Author(s): Kazhdan, Alexander P.
Title : Byzantine Hagiography and Sex in the Fifth to Twelfth Centuries [The author discusses the numerous erotic tales (often having to do with demonic temptation of saints) to be found within Byzantine hagiography. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 44., ( 1990):  Pages 131 - 143.
Year of Publication: 1990.

255. Record Number: 12741
Author(s): Featherstone, Jeffrey
Title : Olga’s Visit to Constantinople [Princess Olga of Kiev’s conversion to Christianity and her baptism in Constantinople in the middle of the tenth century are events variously described in Slavonic, Byzantine, and Latin accounts. The article contains a translation of excerpt from the Book
Source: Harvard Ukrainian Studies , 14., 3 (December 1990):  Pages 293 - 312.
Year of Publication: 1990.

256. Record Number: 12766
Author(s): Kalavrezou, Ioli Despina.
Title : Images of the Mother: When the Virgin Mary Became Meter Theou [The author discusses the ways in which Mary’s motherhood became an increasingly important feature of Byzantine hagiography and iconography. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 44., ( 1990):  Pages 165 - 172.
Year of Publication: 1990.

257. Record Number: 12763
Title : Christian Marriage in Byzantium: The Canonical and Liturgical Tradition [The article provides an introduction to the canonical and liturgical traditions of marriage in Byzantium; the author also discusses the limitations and ideals of such Christian marriages. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 44., ( 1990):  Pages 99 - 107.
Year of Publication: 1990.

258. Record Number: 12765
Author(s): Vikan, Gary.
Title : Art and Marriage in Early Byzantium [The author surveys the material culture of “marriage art” which survives from Byzantium, paying special attention to wedding rings and other jewelry, coins, and marriage belts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 44., ( 1990):  Pages 145 - 163.
Year of Publication: 1990.

259. Record Number: 12735
Author(s): Garland, Lynda.
Title : Be Amorous, But Be Chaste…’: Sexual morality in Byzantine learned and vernacular romance [Aristocratic Byzantine readers enjoyed romances, which often derived tales of love and adventure from Hellenstic or ancient Greek influences and traditions. From the twelfth century onwards, authors of romances in Greek often borrowed themes from ancient pagan texts including the idea of passionate erotic love, yet unlike Classical authors, Byzantine writers strictly presented marriage as the ultimate goal to which all characters strive. Despite threats to their chastity, these romances featured heroes and heroines who remain chaste until the wedding ceremony that ends the story. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 14., ( 1990):  Pages 62 - 120.
Year of Publication: 1990.

260. Record Number: 28763
Title : Woman Kills a Would-Be Rapist and is Presented with his Belongings
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 83., ( 1990):
Year of Publication:

261. Record Number: 28764
Title : Widow Danielis carried on a Litter
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Danielis.jpg/250px-Danielis.jpg
Year of Publication:

262. Record Number:
Title : Empress Ariadne
Year of Publication:

263. Record Number:
Title : Head of an Empress (Thedora?)
Year of Publication:

264. Record Number:
Title : Diptych Panel, detail, Personification of Rome
Year of Publication:

265. Record Number:
Title : Casket Panel with Rape of Europa
Year of Publication:

266. Record Number:
Title : Reliquary Plaque for a Stone from the Holy Sepulchre: The Holy Women at the Tomb
Year of Publication:

267. Record Number:
Title : Ivory Plaque with Christ Crowning Emperor Romanus II and Empress Eudokia (Bertha of Provence)
Year of Publication:

268. Record Number: 31891
Title : Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
Year of Publication:

269. Record Number: 33958
Title : Plaque with Adam and Eve at the Forge
Year of Publication:

270. Record Number: 34806
Title : Pendant with Aphrodite Anadyomene
Year of Publication:

271. Record Number: 35098
Title : Crowned bust of a woman
Year of Publication:

272. Record Number: 45562
Author(s): Simeonov , Grigori , and John XIII Glykys,
Title : A Groom Leaves His Bride
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller. .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press,  Pages 222 - 223. The text is from Das Register des Patriarchats von Konstantinopel, 1. Teil. Edition und Übersetzung der Urkunden aus den Jahren 1315–1331, ed. and transl. by Herbert Hunger and Otto Kresten, CFHB 19/1 (Vienna, 1981) 176–178, 1–25, no. 11. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: