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Record Number:
Carrasco , Magdalena Elizabeth
Spirituality in Context: The Romanesque Illustrated Life of Saint Radegund of Poitiers (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale, MS 250)
Art Bulletin 72, 3 ( 1990): Pages 414 - 435.
Article Type:
Journal Article
(See Also)
Art History- Decorative Arts
Illumination of Manuscripts
Literature- Verse
Noble Women
Poitiers, Vienne, France- Convent of the Holy Cross
Radegunde of Poitiers, Merovingian Queen, Saint
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Primary Evidence:
Manuscript; Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale, MS 250. Romanesque illustrated life of the sixth-century Saint Radegund, produced in western France around 1100. Illuminations include scenes of Radegund in prayer in her cell, working miracles for lay and religious audi
Seventeen Figures. Figure One “Radegund before Chlothar and Radegund in Her Oratory,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 22v). Above, Radegund, wearing a veil, speaks with a seated haloed man before an audience of onlookers; below, Readegund~~kneels in prayer. Figure Two “Radegund and Chlothar,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 24r). Radegund at a royal feast (above) and lying on the floor while Chlothar sleeps in a bed~~(below). Figure Three “Radegund Frees the Prisoners at Peronne,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 25v). Radegund speaks with two men emerging from a walled prison (above) and leads three men in prayer (below). Figure Four “Radegund Ministers to the Poor,”~~twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 29v). Radegund washes a man’s feet (above) and distributes food to poor seated at a table (below). Figure Five “Radegund Enters Religious Life and The Saint in Her Cell,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 31v). Above, Radegund stands in an archway of a building before an~~audience of onlookers while pointing towards the building; below, Radegund~~stands inside the building looking outside through a window. Figure Six “Radegund Performs an Exorcism,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 34v). Radegund stands inside a building, gesturing toward a woman with a demon flying out of her mouth. Figure Seven “Radegund Revives the Laurel Tree,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque~~Municipale MS 250, fol. 37v). Radegund stands outside a building, her left hand pointing to nun inside the building and her right hand pointing toward a tree outside. Figure Eight “Resurrection of Anderedus,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 38v). A robed man stands inside a building with his hand on his check while a nun and another man look on. Figure Nine “Cure of Animia,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 39r). Radegund points toward a sick person lying in bed and two nuns read watch on while reading from a book~~(above), and Radegund pours water onto a the head of a woman who stands in a bath (below). Figure Ten “Dancers and Radegund at Prayer,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 40r). Three robed dancers stand in a row holding hands (above), and Radegund kneels in prayer along with two nuns who stand behind her. Figure Eleven “Resurrection Performed inside Radegund’s Cell,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque~~Municipale MS 250, fol. 41r). Two women carry a corpse toward a building while Radegund, standing inside the building, holds the man’s feet (above); Radegund stands within the building holding the hand of the man, who awakens (below). Figure Twelve “Cure of the Domolenus,” twelfth century (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 250, fol. 42r). Radegund stands inside a building, speaking with a bearded man who lies upright in bed (above); Radegund touches the man’s chin with her right hand while her left hand points outside the building toward two onlookers. Figure Thirteen “Scenes from the Life of Bishop Arnulf of Metz,” from the Drogo Sacramentary (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale MS Lat. 9428, fol. 91r). The tonsured Arnulf performs an exorcism on a woman, baptizes a man, and cures a leper. Figure Fourteen “Saint Martin of Tours Revives the Slave” (Tours, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 1018, fol. 18r). The haloed Martin holds a staff with his left hand while gesturing with his right hand toward a man who is in the process of standing up, while a disembodied hand with two fingers~~extended descends from the heavens. Figure Fifteen “Ecclesiastical Officers with Symbols,” from the Raganaldus Sacramentary (Autun, Bibliotheque~~Municipale MS 19 [19 bis], fol. 1v). Haloed figures, some seated and some standing, each hold an object (keys, books, cup and jar). Figure Sixteen “Plan of Radegund’s Cell and Church at Sainte-Croix, Poitiers (from Labande-Mailfert, 34). Drawing reveals the layout of the church, which~~includes two small, adjacent rooms (the cell and an oratory). Figure Seventeen “Bishop Fulbert of Chartres” (Chartres, Bibliotheque Municipale MS NA 4, fol. 34r). The elderly Fulbert stands within a building holding a~~walking staff with his left hand and gesturing with his left. A large audience of onlookers, including men, women, and children, fill the building.
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