Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

38 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 44809
Title : Women in the Economy [a. Domestic Service, b. Wage Labor of a Muslim Wife, e. Loan of a Jewish Widow, g. Wet Nurse]
Source: Texts from the Middle: Documents from the Mediterranean World, 650–1650.   Edited by Thomas E. Burman, Brian A. Catlos and Mark D. Meyerson .   University of California Press, 2022.  Pages 207 - 210.
Year of Publication: 2022.

2. Record Number: 45030
Author(s): Archambeau, Nicole,
Title : Bertranda Bertomieua and the Death of King Robert of Naples, 1343
Source: Souls under Siege: Stories of War, Plague, and Confession in Fourteenth-Century Provence. Nicole Archambeau .   Cornell University Press, 2021.  Pages 21 - 37. Available with a subscription from JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7591/j.ctv12sdw0s.9
Year of Publication: 2021.

3. Record Number: 42917
Author(s): Magidow, Melanie,
Title : Epic of the Commander Dhat al-Himma
Source: Melanie Magidow, translator   Edited by Melanie Magidow Medieval Feminist Forum , 54., 3 ( 2018):  Pages 1 - 62. Available open access from the Medieval Feminist Forum journal website: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2151&context=mff
Year of Publication: 2018.

4. Record Number: 35524
Author(s): Datini, Margherita,
Contributor(s): Pagliaro, Antonio, trans. and James, Carolyn, trans.
Title : Letters to Francesco Datini
Source: Letters to Francesco Datini. Margherita Datini   Edited by Carolyn James and Antonio Pagliaro. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series .   Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2012. Medieval Feminist Forum , 54., 3 ( 2018):  Pages 1 - 431.
Year of Publication: 2012.

5. Record Number: 20473
Author(s): Winroth, Anders
Title : Neither Slave nor Free: Theology and Law in Gratian's Thoughts on the Definition of Marriage and Unfree Persons [The original text of Gratian's "Decretum" favored the right of unfree persons to marry, even when the other partner was ignorant of a spouse's servile status. The vulgate version of the text inserted older canons requiring a master's consent to the marriage. The canonists eventually adopted Gratian's opinion. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medieval Church Law and the Origins of the Western Legal Tradition: A Tribute to Kenneth Pennington.   Edited by Wolfgang P. Müller and Mary E. Sommar .   Catholic University of America Press, 2006. Medieval Feminist Forum , 54., 3 ( 2018):  Pages 97 - 109.
Year of Publication: 2006.

6. Record Number: 11668
Author(s): Ferrante, Lucia.
Title : Consensus concubinarius: un'invenzione giuridica per il principe [Ecclesiastical concepts of marriage as consensual and a sacrament coexisted in practice during the Middle Ages with a less formal union, concubinage. Servants frequently served as concubines of their employers. Lawyers had to deal with the nebulous status of the concubine and with that of her children too. In later centuries, a greater emphasis on matrimony led to the identification of concubinage with prostitution. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Trasgressioni: Seduzione, concubinato, adulterio, bigamia (XIV-XVIII secolo).   Edited by Silvana Seidel Menchi and Diego Quaglini .   Il Mulino, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 107 - 132.
Year of Publication: 2004.

7. Record Number: 10948
Author(s): Dinshaw, Carolyn.
Title : Theater Makes History: Ritual Murder by Proxy in the "Mistere de la Sainte Hostie" [The author explores the connections between the antisemitic play in which a Christian servant murders her own child and several infanticides that occured around Metz and resulted in the mothers' guesome executions. Enders argues that host desecration is equated with infanticide, the horror of which was vivid in people's minds due to the recent crimes. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 991 - 1016.
Year of Publication: 2004.

8. Record Number: 14093
Author(s): Goldberg, P. J. P.
Title : Migration, Youth, and Gender in Later Medieval England [The author looks at English records from church courts and from taxation. He concludes that most migrants were young and travelled relatively short distances. In addition, women were more likely to move away from home than men. Goldberg adds that, while migration was a lifecycle phase for many young people, some individuals because of poverty were obligated to remain migrant servants or laborers all their lives. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Youth in the Middle Ages.   Edited by P. J. P. Goldberg and Felicity Riddy .   York Medieval Press in association with the Boydell Press, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 85 - 99.
Year of Publication: 2004.

9. Record Number: 8082
Author(s): Nugent, Christopher G.
Title : Reading Riannon: The Problematics of Motherhood in "Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet" [The author focuses on the episode in which Riannon, the queen, is wrongly accused by her serving women of killing her newborn son. Riannon must accept a strange ritual humiliation as her punishment until the baby is brought back to the royal court. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 180 - 202.
Year of Publication: 2002.

10. Record Number: 8075
Author(s): Maddern, Philippa.
Title : Interpreting Silence: Domestic Violence in the King's Courts in East Anglia, 1422-1442 [The author argues that domestic violence in medieval households was sanctioned when husbands were disciplining their wives, children, or servants. However, subordinates who rebelled were severely punished as were husbands who killed members of their household. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 31 - 56.
Year of Publication: 2002.

11. Record Number: 6851
Author(s): Narbona-Cárceles, María.
Title : Woman at Court: A Prosopographic Study of the Court of Carlos III of Navarre (1387-1425) [The appendix lists the 364 women investigated along with their positions at court. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 22., ( 2001):  Pages 31 - 64.
Year of Publication: 2001.

12. Record Number: 7063
Author(s): Chojnacki, Stanley.
Title : Il divorzio di Cateruzza: rappresentazione femminile ed esito processuale (Venezia 1465 [Marriages helped unify the Venetian patriciate, and their dissolution undermined unity. Church courts dealing with dissolution of marriages had to take into account both law and politics. Church courts did not grant separations lightly, demanding evidence of marital failure; and they tried to promote reconciliation of spouses. The charges Cateruzza Vittori brought against her husband included keeping a servant as a concubine and failing to support his stepsons. Cateruzza obtained a rare case in this situation, perhaps because she had strong backing from her family and its connections. Title note supplied by Feminae]
Source: Coniugi nemici: la separazione in Italia dal XII al XVIII secolo.   Edited by Silvana Seidel Menchi and Diego Quaglioni .   Il mulino, 2000. Medieval Prosopography , 22., ( 2001):  Pages 371 - 416.
Year of Publication: 2000.

13. Record Number: 7065
Author(s): Esposito, Anna.
Title : Convivenza e separazione a Roma nel primo Rinascimento [Wills from early-Renaissance Rome reveal frequent sexual use of servants as concubines, some of whom had illegitimate children. Many of the fathers were married men. Adultery did not often lead to divorce, but wife beating could. Six primary source documents, pp. 512-517. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Coniugi nemici: la separazione in Italia dal XII al XVIII secolo.   Edited by Silvana Seidel Menchi and Diego Quaglioni .   Il mulino, 2000. Medieval Prosopography , 22., ( 2001):  Pages 499 - 517.
Year of Publication: 2000.

14. Record Number: 3251
Author(s): Dockray-Miller, Mary.
Title : Female Community in the Old English "Judith" [as a maternal figure Judith forms a bond with her maid and metaphorical daughter to work together for protection].
Source: Studia Neophilologica , 70., 2 ( 1998):  Pages 165 - 172.
Year of Publication: 1998.

15. Record Number: 5686
Author(s): Gordon, Dillian.
Title : Zanobi Strozzi's "Annunciation" in the National Gallery [the recently discovered signature on the "Annunciation" makes it easier to identify Strozzi's work from other pupils of Fra Angelico; the author compares Strozzi's "Annunciation" to others done around the same time by Fra Angelico and his workshop].
Source: Burlington Magazine (Full Text via JSTOR) 140, 1145 (August 1998): 517-524. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

16. Record Number: 3507
Author(s): Parsons, John Carmi.
Title : Que Nos in Infancia Lactauit: The Impact of Childhood Care-Givers on Plantagenet Family Relationships in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries [topics discussed include the concern of the royal parents, the efforts made to integrate children into their birth families, and the loyalty adult children felt for their caregivers and their families].
Source: Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom: Essays in Memory of Michael M. Sheehan, C.S.B.   Edited by Constance M. Rousseau and Joel T. Rosenthal .   Western Michigan University, 1998.  Pages 289 - 324.
Year of Publication: 1998.

17. Record Number: 3329
Author(s): Picherit, Jean-Louis.
Title : La domesticité féminine dans quelques oeuvres médiévales [surveys the behavior of various young women in service to romance heroines; the characters profiled include Lunete and Alis in "Flamenca"].
Source: Moyen Age , 104., 2 ( 1998):  Pages 257 - 273.
Year of Publication: 1998.

18. Record Number: 7450
Author(s): Angiolini, Franco.
Title : Schiave [In the Middle Ages, slaves brought into Italy primarily came from the Black Sea region, and most were women. The sixteenth century saw an inversion of the gender ratio, as well as fresh supplies from Africa, the Balkans, and, for a time, Muslim Granada. There also was a shift from domestic to agricultural bondage. Slave women were exploited sexually, but some attained manumission through marriage. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Il Lavoro delle donne.   Edited by Angela Groppi .   Storia delle donne in Italia. Editori Laterza, 1996.  Pages 92 - 115.
Year of Publication: 1996.

19. Record Number: 657
Author(s): Falskau, Christian-Frederik.
Title : Demographic Decline in Late Medieval England: Some Thoughts on Recent Research [questions the theory that women's employment, especially as servants, drove down population after the Black Death].
Source: Economic History Review (Full Text via JSTOR) 49, 1 (Feb. 1996): 1-19. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

20. Record Number: 1746
Author(s): Ringrose, Kathryn M.
Title : Eunuchs as Cultural Mediators [they mediated between men and women, the bureaucratic elite and the rest of society, even between the earthly and the divine].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 75 - 93. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

21. Record Number: 675
Author(s): Riddy, Felicity.
Title : Mother Knows Best: Reading Social Change in a Courtesy Text ["What the Goodwife Taught Her Daughter" embodies a bourgeois ethos that values respectability].
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 71, 1 (Jan. 1996): 66-86. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

22. Record Number: 2
Author(s): Kettle, Ann J.
Title : Ruined Maids: Prostitutes and Servant Girls in Later Medieval England
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995. History Today , 45., 6 (June 1995):  Pages 19 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1995.

23. Record Number: 31
Author(s): Stuard, Susan Mosher.
Title : Ancillary Evidence for the Decline of Medieval Slavery [Experience of women slaves in the countryside and in wealthy households counters the standard argument made about slavery. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Past and Present , 149 ( 1995):  Pages 3 - 28. Republished in Considering Medieval Women and Gender. Susan Mosher Stuard. Ashgate Variorum, 2010. Chapter VII.
Year of Publication: 1995.

24. Record Number: 266
Author(s): Betzig, Laura.
Title : Medieval Monogamy [polygynous mating and monogamous marriage - inheritance strategies and the influence of the Church].
Source: Journal of Family History , 20., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 181 - 216.
Year of Publication: 1995.

25. Record Number: 34
Author(s): McKee, Sally.
Title : Households in Fourteenth-Century Venetian Crete
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 70 (1995): 27-67. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

26. Record Number: 478
Author(s): Goldberg, Jeremy.
Title : Girls Growing Up in Later Medieval England
Source: History Today , 45., 6 (June 1995):  Pages 25 - 32.
Year of Publication: 1995.

27. Record Number: 8683
Author(s): Goldberg, P. J. P.
Title : Marriage, Migration, and Servanthood: The York Cause Paper Evidence [The article examines demographic evidence related to marital age in medieval York, in order to identify a regional marriage regime, and observe how it changed over time. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Woman is a Worthy Wight: Women in English Society c. 1200-1500.   Edited by P.J.P. Goldberg .   Alan Sutton Publishing, 1992. History Today , 45., 6 (June 1995):  Pages 1 - 15.
Year of Publication: 1992.

28. Record Number: 8648
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : La serva padrona Verdiana da Castelfiorentino is one of the few servants among the revered Tuscan holy women of the later Middle Ages. She, like Saint Zita, was part of a wave of migration from rural areas to the cities in Tuscany. These servant-saints displayed domestic virtues, like generosity; but they also went on pilgrimage. Some experienced local hostility, but Verdiana was supported locally and became known as a wonder worker. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990. History Today , 45., 6 (June 1995):  Pages 263 - 303. Originally printed as "Santità femminile nel territorio fiorentino e lucchese: considerazioni intorno alla caso di Verdiana da Castelfiorentino," in Religiosità e società in Valdelsa (Società storica della Valdelsa, 1980). Pages 113-144.
Year of Publication: 1990.

29. Record Number: 23431
Author(s): Bracciolini, Poggio
Title : ... And Everything in its Place (before 1348) [From Facetiae]
Source: The Broadview Book of Medieval Anecdotes.   Edited by Richard Kay, compiler .   Broadview Press, 1988. History Today , 45., 6 (June 1995):  Pages 282 - 282.
Year of Publication: 1988.

30. Record Number: 28553
Title : Bathsheba
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/86/Hans_Memling_-_Bathsheba_-_WGA14921.jpg/250px-Hans_Memling_-_Bathsheba_-_WGA14921.jpg
Year of Publication:

31. Record Number: 28766
Title : Woman at Her Toilette (detail)
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1d/Tunis_Bardo_mosa%C3%AFque_01.jpg/250px-Tunis_Bardo_mosa%C3%AFque_01.jpg
Year of Publication:

32. Record Number: 28815
Title : Birth of St. John the Baptist
Year of Publication:

33. Record Number: 28816
Title : Desco da parto [birth tray]: Birthing Chamber Scene (obverse view)
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34. Record Number: 30923
Title : Luttrell Family at Table
Year of Publication:

35. Record Number: 30940
Title : Annunciation to Saint Anne
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36. Record Number: 30948
Title : Erotic scenes
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37. Record Number:
Title : Savich or Barley Soup
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38. Record Number: 43649
Title : Woman carrying water from a well
Year of Publication: