Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

22 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 44504
Author(s): Simhah ben Samuel, , Scholar and Sarah Ifft Decker
Title : Simcha ben Samuel of Vitry, Mahzor Vitry, #498
Source: Jewish Women in the Medieval World: 500-1500 CE. Sarah Ifft Decker.   Edited by Sarah Ifft Decker, translator of Document 19 .   Routledge, 2022.  Pages 136 - 136.
Year of Publication: 2022.

2. Record Number: 45213
Author(s): Eleazar ben Judah of Worms, Rabbi and Neta Bodner,
Title : Marital Relations and the Laws of Penance (Hilkhot Teshuvah), Eleazar of Worms
Source: Jewish Everyday Life in Medieval Northern Europe, 1080-1350: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Tzafrir Barzilay, Eyal Levinson, and Elisheva Baumgarten. The text is translated by Neta Bodner and comes from Sefer haRokeah, (Jerusalem: Yerid haSefarim, 2008), Hilkhot Teshuva, §14. .  2022.  Pages 10 - 11. The book is available open access: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_teamsdp/9/
Year of Publication: 2022.

3. Record Number: 45215
Author(s): Barzilay, Tzafrir,
Title : The Monumental Mikveh of Friedberg
Source: Jewish Everyday Life in Medieval Northern Europe, 1080-1350: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Tzafrir Barzilay, Eyal Levinson, and Elisheva Baumgarten. The photograph of the Mikveh is introduced by Tzafrir Barzilay .  2022.  Pages 16 - 17. The book is available open access: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_teamsdp/9/
Year of Publication: 2022.

4. Record Number: 45016
Author(s): Bede the Venerable and Heide Estes
Title : Menstruation, Infirmity, and Religious Observance from Ecclesiastical History (late 9th c.)
Source: Medieval Disability Sourcebook: Western Europe.   Edited by Cameron Hunt McNabb .   punctum books, 2020.  Pages 341 - 344. Available open access from the JSTOR website: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv11hptcd.32
Year of Publication: 2020.

5. Record Number: 40481
Contributor(s): Marienberg, Evyatar, trans.
Title : La Baraïta De-Niddah
Source: La Baraïta De-Niddah: Un texte juid pseudo-talamudique sur les lois religieuses relative à la menstruation. Evyatar Marienberg .   Brepols, 2012.  Pages 77 - 173.
Year of Publication: 2012.

6. Record Number: 24052
Author(s): Cuffel, Alexandra
Title : The Matter of Others: Menstrual Blood and Uncontrolled Semen in Thirteenth-Century Kabbalists' Polemic against Christians, "Bad" Jews, and Muslims [The author argues that Kabbalist writers viewed sexual impurities and intercourse with non-Jewish women with alarm. These sins made Jewish men the equivalent of menstruating women in terms of the pollution they brought their families and the Jewish community. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage, and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom.   Edited by Katherine Allen Smith and Scott Wells Studies in the History of Christian Traditions .   Brill, 2009.  Pages 249 - 284.
Year of Publication: 2009.

7. Record Number: 14687
Author(s): Green, Monica H.
Title : Flowers, Poisons and Men: Menstruation in Medieval Western Europe [The author analyzes medieval medical traditions in regard to menstruation. Green notes the virtual absence of any mention of the term in other kinds of literature including fabliaux which openly discuss sexuality. She also draws attention to the widespread belief that Jewish men menstruate, a belief rooted in antisemitism. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Menstruation: A Cultural History.   Edited by Andrew Shail and Gillian Howie .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.  Pages 51 - 64.
Year of Publication: 2005.

8. Record Number: 14690
Author(s): Ner-David, Haviva.
Title : Medieval "Responsa" Literaure on "Niddah": Perpetuations of Notions of "Tumah" [The author argues that medieval Jewish legal authorities accepted folk practices in regard to menstruating women. This broadened the scope of ritually impure activities involving women while at the same time making the menstruating woman the sole source of contamination in the Post-Temple world. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Menstruation: A Cultural History.   Edited by Andrew Shail and Gillian Howie .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.  Pages 188 - 199.
Year of Publication: 2005.

9. Record Number: 14689
Author(s): Bildhauer, Bettina.
Title : The "Secrets of Women" (c. 1300): A Medieval Perspective on Menstruation [The author analyzes a fifteenth century German language translations of the natural philosophical text, the "Secrets of Women." It presents a system in which gender is defined by the body with men as the norm and women as dangerous, impure, and weak. Title note provided by Feminae.].
Source: Menstruation: A Cultural History.   Edited by Andrew Shail and Gillian Howie .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.  Pages 65 - 75.
Year of Publication: 2005.

10. Record Number: 11528
Author(s): Rousseau, Constance M.
Title : Produced in Sin: Innocent III's rejectionof the Immaculate Conception [Like Bernard of Clairvaux, Innocent III venerated Mary without believing she was conceived free of Original Sin. Mary was the new Eve, sanctified in her mother's womb but still nourished by menstrual blood, an evidence of sin. Innocent believed Mary's being born in sin ensured Christ's being born with truly human flesh. She was born in sin but helped bring salvation, while Eve was born without sin but helped bring sin and death. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Pope, Church and City: Essays in Honour of Brenda M. Bolton.   Edited by Frances Andrews, Christoph Egger and Constance M. Rousseau Medieval Mediterranean .   Brill, 2004.  Pages 47 - 58.
Year of Publication: 2004.

11. Record Number: 5358
Author(s): Viscuso, Patrick.
Title : Menstruation: A Problem in Late Byzantine Canon Law
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 26., ( 2000):  Pages 72 - 73.
Year of Publication: 2000.

12. Record Number: 4336
Title : Women at Church in Byzantium: Where, When- and Why? [The author argues that women were segregated in church and had other limitations to preserve church order, decorum, and offer protection].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 52 (1998): 27-87. Link Info Reprinted in Divine Liturgies - Human Problems in Byzantium, Armenia, Syria and Palestine. By Robert F. Taft. Ashgate Variorum, 2001. Article 1.
Year of Publication: 1998.

13. Record Number: 3095
Author(s): Johnson, Willis.
Title : The Myth of Jewish Male Menses
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 24., 3 (September 1998):  Pages 273 - 295.
Year of Publication: 1998.

14. Record Number: 2456
Title : God and Gynaecology: "Women's Secrets" in the Dutch "Historiebijbel van 1360"
Source: German Life and Letters , 50., 4 (October 1997):  Pages 390 - 402.
Year of Publication: 1997.

15. Record Number: 6726
Author(s): Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney.
Title : Sarah and the Hyena: Laughter, Menstruation and the Genesis of a Double Entendre [the author examines a passage fom the Qur'an along with relevant poems, all of which refer to menstruation; in the story of Sarah menstrutation is associated with fertility and freshness, while in the poetry menstruation is a sign of pollution with the menstruating hyena defiling the dead who have not been avenged].
Source: History of Religions (Full Text via JSTOR) 36, 1 (August 1996): 13-41. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

16. Record Number: 3578
Author(s): MacLehose, William F.
Title : Nurturing Danger: High Medieval Medicine and the Problem(s) of the Child
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996.  Pages 3 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1996.

17. Record Number: 2032
Author(s): Spellberg, D.A.
Title : Writing the Unwritten Life of the Islamic Eve: Menstruation and the Demonization of Motherhood
Source: International Journal of Middle East Studies (Full Text via JSTOR) 28, 3 (August 1996): 305-324. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

18. Record Number: 5132
Author(s): Lee, Becky R.
Title : The Purification of Women After Childbirth: A Window onto Medieval Perceptions of Women [The author suggests that women may have seen childbirth and the attendant rituals, including churching, as an opportunity for gender reversal and time to spend with other women].
Source: Florilegium , 14., ( 1995- 1996):  Pages 43 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1995- 1996.

19. Record Number: 2641
Author(s): Fontaine, Resianne.
Title : The facts of Life: The Nature of the Female Contribution to Generation According to Judah ha-Cohen's "Midrash ha-Hokhma" and Contemporary Texts [influences of Aristotle, Galen, Averroes, Avicenna, and rabbinic thought on Judah ha-Cohen's explanation in his encyclopedia, "Midrash ha-Hokhma"; brief consideration of the female contribution toward human reproduction in two other thirteenth-century Jewish encyclopedias, Shemtov Ibn Falaquera's "De ‘ot ha-Pilosofim" and Gershom ben Salomo's "Sh‘ar ha-Shamayim"].
Source: Medizinhistorisches Journal , 29., 4 ( 1994):  Pages 333 - 362.
Year of Publication: 1994.

20. Record Number: 1028
Author(s): Meens, Rob
Title : Ritual Purity and the Influence of Gregory the Great in the Early Middle Ages [Gregory's response to teachings that denied the Eucharist and even entry to the church to the impure (women who were menstruating or who had just given birth and those who had recently had sexual intercourse)].
Source: Unity and diversity in the church: papers read at the 1994 Summer Meeting, and the 1995 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society.   Edited by Helen Damico and John Leyerle Studies in medieval culture, 32.   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1993. Medizinhistorisches Journal , 29., 4 ( 1994):  Pages 31 - 43.
Year of Publication: 1993.

21. Record Number: 10519
Author(s): Thomasset, Claude.
Title : The Nature of Woman [The author provides an overview of medieval representations of women and sexuality through medical treatises (texts concerning female anatomy and physiology) and related writings by theologians and physicians. Galen’s theory that the female internal organs were the inverse of the male sexual organ was very influential, but writers developed diverse and contradictory opinions on the nature of female sex organs, the function of menstrual blood, and the process of determining the gender of a fetus during pregnancy. Writers also expressed anxiety about the ways women shared sexual knowledge with each other, how women derived pleasures from sex, and what caused various illnesses in women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A History of Women in the West. Volume 2: Silences of the Middle Ages.   Edited by Christiane Klapisch-Zuber .   Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992. Medizinhistorisches Journal , 29., 4 ( 1994):  Pages 43 - 69.
Year of Publication: 1992.

22. Record Number: 31271
Title : The effects of an aphrodisiac as illustrated in a Herbal
Source: Medizinhistorisches Journal , 29., 4 ( 1994):
Year of Publication: