Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

34 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 20700
Author(s): Nichols, Stephen G
Title : Writing the New Middle Ages [Contemporary medieval studies attempts to escape the traps of regarding the Middle Ages as either entirely "other" or simply "modern." Nichols reviews the contributions of five recent authors: Jody Enders, Suzannah Biernoff, Jeffrey Hamburger, R. Howard Bloch, and Daniel Heller-Roazen. All have made advances by refusing to adhere to the fixed boundaries drawn by previous scholarship. Of particular interest are works by Hamburger, discussing the agency nuns attained even when cloistered, and Bloch, describing the role of Marie de France in creating vernacular literature. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 120., 2 ( 2005):  Pages 422 - 441.
Year of Publication: 2005.

2. Record Number: 12605
Author(s): Burns, Jane E.
Title : Why Textiles Make a Difference [Dress, textiles, and cloth production are emerging as important categories of analysis in medieval studies. While investigating textiles and representations thereof (in literary, historical, legal, and religious texts), medievalists cross disciplinary boundaries in order to examine how the personal and cultural realms interact. Social theorists, feminists, and scholars of material culture can all contribute to our understandings of how goods and objects take upon new meanings for men and women in different social contexts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Fabrications: Dress, Textiles, Clothwork, and Other Cultural Imaginings.   Edited by E. Jane Burns .   Palgrave, 2004. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 120., 2 ( 2005):  Pages 1 - 18.
Year of Publication: 2004.

3. Record Number: 11379
Author(s): Dockray-Miller, Mary.
Title : Thinking about Careers: The Medievalist-Feminist Divide [The author urges junior colleagues to market their feminism to colleagues. Dockray-Miller argues that in small colleges, feminism has more appeal to tenure committes than does medieval studies. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 36., (Fall 2003):  Pages 41 - 43.
Year of Publication: 2003.

4. Record Number: 11372
Author(s): O'Rourke, Michael.
Title : Becoming (Queer) Medieval: Queer Methodologies in Medieval Studies: Where are We Now? [First in a series of roundtable article entitled "Queer Methodologies and/or Queers in Medieval Studies: Where are We Now?"] [The author signals two important recent developments: 1)Alan Bray's prediction that Derrida and issues of affect would become the dominant concern rather than Foucault's emphasis on the physicality of sex and 2) Carolyn Dinshaw's efforts to bring together the medieval and post-modern by rethinking heteronormative temporalities. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 36., (Fall 2003):  Pages 9 - 14.
Year of Publication: 2003.

5. Record Number: 11380
Author(s): Hoofnagle, Wendy Marie.
Title : The Next Generation: Bringing Medieval Feminism into the New Millennium [The author urges medieval feminists to demystify the discipline in order to attract more women and minorities. Active mentoring will encourage a new diverse generation and promote a lively exchange of ideas. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 36., (Fall 2003):  Pages 44 - 48.
Year of Publication: 2003.

6. Record Number: 11376
Author(s): Salih, Sarah.
Title : A response: Queer Medievalism: Why and Whither?
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 36., (Fall 2003):  Pages 31 - 33.
Year of Publication: 2003.

7. Record Number: 10181
Author(s): Bartlett, Anne Clark.
Title : Message from the President of SMFS [Bartlett reviews the activities that the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship will sponsor at the Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo, Michigan.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 32., (Fall 2001):  Pages 3 - 4.
Year of Publication: 2001.

8. Record Number: 6344
Author(s): Suydam, Mary A.
Title : Under the Spell of the Sorceress: The Allure of the Medieval [the author argues that the film "The Sorceress" wrongly depicts two cultures in conflict: the learned, masculine, and dominant versus the folk, feminine, and marginal; "No, I resist this film ["The Sorceress"] because it creates such images of powerful binary cultures in collision that are so in synchrony with modern beliefs and longings about the medieval that as a teacher I find them very difficult to overcome." (Page 51)].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter Subsidia Series , 1., ( 2000):  Pages 46 - 52. (Medieval Women in Film)
Year of Publication: 2000.

9. Record Number: 6345
Author(s): Bitel, Lisa M.
Title : The Sorceress as an Interpretive Tool in Medieval History Classes [the author argues that films like "The Sorceress" encourage students to critique the interpretation of history as presented in the film and to transfer these critical skills to written texts once they realize that the texts are simply other instances of interpretation].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter Subsidia Series , 1., ( 2000):  Pages 52 - 56. (Medieval Women in Film)
Year of Publication: 2000.

10. Record Number: 7822
Title : Seeing Double: Reflections In (and On) the Mirrors of Joan of Arc [The author reflects on her experiences teaching a course on Joan of Arc in the English Department. She and her students read a wide variety of medieval and modern texts. They were particularly struck by the personal, sometimes autobiographical elements, which the author included. Astell concludes by giving examples drawn from the course readings including texts by Jules Michelet, Mark Twain, Christine de Pizan, Lillian Hellman, and Vita Sackville-West. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching: SMART , 7., 2 (Fall 1999):  Pages 5 - 15.
Year of Publication: 1999.

11. Record Number: 2485
Author(s): Metelnick, Karen, Patricia Hollahan and Carol Harding
Title : Medfem Bibliography for ninth-Grade Girls
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 15 - 17.
Year of Publication: 1997.

12. Record Number: 2489
Author(s): Workman, Leslie J.
Title : Medievalism Today [The author defines medievalism as "the continuing process of creating the Middle Ages"].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 29 - 33.
Year of Publication: 1997.

13. Record Number: 2503
Author(s): Dockray-Miller, Mary.
Title : Maternal Reflections on Gender and Medievalism
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 24., (Fall 1997):  Pages 17 - 20.
Year of Publication: 1997.

14. Record Number: 2490
Author(s): Verduin, Kathleen.
Title : Shared Interests of "SIM" and "MFN" (Vols. 22 and 23)
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 33 - 35.
Year of Publication: 1997.

15. Record Number: 1832
Author(s): Lochrie, Karma.
Title : Desiring Foucault [analysis of the contradictions in Foucault's writings concerning sexuality in the Middle Ages].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Full Text via Project Muse) 27, 1 (Winter 1997): 3-16. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1997.

16. Record Number: 2491
Title : Literature and Life: "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" [author describes how her research interests in "Sir Gawain" parallel developments in her personal life].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 35 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1997.

17. Record Number: 8
Author(s): Burns, E. Jane, Sarah Kay, Roberta L. Krueger and Helen Solterer
Title : Feminism and the Discipline of Old French Studies: "Une Bele Disjointure"
Source: Medievalism and the Modernist Temper.   Edited by R. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Nichols .   Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 225 - 266.
Year of Publication: 1996.

18. Record Number: 1020
Author(s): Lochrie, Karma, Clare A. Lees and Gillian R. Overing
Title : Feminism Within and Without the Academy [conflicts within medieval feminism and suggestions for action].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 22., (Fall 1996):  Pages 27 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1996.

19. Record Number: 1018
Author(s): Margolis, Nadia.
Title : Joan of Arc: Maneuverable Medievalism, Flexible Feminism [contemorary and later views of Joan of Arc, especially as a political symbol].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 22., (Fall 1996):  Pages 21 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1996.

20. Record Number: 2352
Author(s): Rulon-Miller, Nina.
Title : A Woman Screams: A Feminist's Introduction to Old English [suggests ways in which to make Anglo-Saxon studies more welcoming to female students].
Source: Old English Newsletter , 29., 3 (Spring 1996):
Year of Publication: 1996.

21. Record Number: 1013
Author(s): Rasmussen, Ann Marie.
Title : Message from the Editor [on the issue topic, "Gender and Medievalism" and the relationship between scholarly and popular writing about the Middle Ages].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 22., (Fall 1996):  Pages 6 - 8.
Year of Publication: 1996.

22. Record Number: 1019
Author(s): Drout, Michael D. C.
Title : The Influence of J. R. R. Tolkien's Masculinist Medievalism
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 22., (Fall 1996):  Pages 26 - 27.
Year of Publication: 1996.

23. Record Number: 560
Author(s): Stuard, Susan Mosher.
Title : The American Medievalist: A Social and Professional Profile Revisited [comments on David Herlihy's 1984 article].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 25 - 26.
Year of Publication: 1995.

24. Record Number: 553
Author(s): Lochrie, Karma.
Title : We' re Here...Get Used To It [importance of medieval feminism's engagement with other feminisms].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 13 - 14.
Year of Publication: 1995.

25. Record Number: 554
Author(s): Dominguez, Lisa.
Title : A Mexican- American Feminist Medievalist
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 15
Year of Publication: 1995.

26. Record Number: 557
Author(s): Ingham, Patricia C.
Title : Past Watchful Dragons: Thoughts on the Med- Fem Job Market
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 19 - 21.
Year of Publication: 1995.

27. Record Number: 558
Author(s): McLaughlin, Megan.
Title : On Feminism and Medievalism: Musings from a Prone Position [what is the political impact of research in medieval feminist studies?]
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 21 - 23.
Year of Publication: 1995.

28. Record Number: 551
Author(s): Watt, Diane.
Title : Conference Report: Gender and Medieval Studies [report on the 1995 annual conference of the Gender and Medieval Studies Group].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 11
Year of Publication: 1995.

29. Record Number: 4959
Title : Report from Kalamazoo: Sessions for 1995 [four session for the 1995 International Medieval Congress have been proposed; brief descriptions and proposers' names are included].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 17., (Summer 1994):  Pages 3
Year of Publication: 1994.

30. Record Number: 1635
Author(s): Bartlett, Anne Clark.
Title : Foucault's "Medievalism" [Foucault's theories of the development of the self and of sexuality as he applied them to the Middle Ages].
Source: Mystics Quarterly , 20., 1 (March 1994):  Pages 10 - 18.
Year of Publication: 1994.

31. Record Number: 4920
Author(s): Poor, Sara S.
Title : How do you do? or "How to be a Feminist Medievalist on the Job Market Today"
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 6 - 9.
Year of Publication: 1994.

32. Record Number: 4925
Author(s): Gilbert, Holly Hager.
Title : Why Did We Have to Write About Girls? [The author reflects briefly on the challenges of teaching as a feminist historian].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 22 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1994.

33. Record Number: 4960
Author(s): Voaden, Rosalynn.
Title : Conference Report [report on the 1994 annual conference of the Gender and Medieval Studies Group].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 17., (Summer 1994):  Pages 5
Year of Publication: 1994.

34. Record Number: 4921
Author(s): Lacy, Norris J.
Title : The Medievalist and Feminist Theory: Prejudices and Problems
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 9 - 11.
Year of Publication: 1994.