Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

18 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 15839
Author(s): Tomas, Natalie.
Title : Did Women Have a Space? [The author briefly surveys the kinds of activities in which Florentine women took part. Given the gendered expectations of fathers and husbands based on religious beliefs and concerns with family honor, young and married women from privileged families mostly stayed at home. But this situation is further complicated by palaces being used for politics and business. Furthermore marriages were part of family strategies, and mothers of brides and grooms often took an active role in the considerations. Women from powerful families like Lucrezia Tornabuoni of the Medici, used their patron-client relationships to help the deserving and promote their families. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Renaissance Florence: A Social History.   Edited by Roger J. Crum and John T. Paoletti .   Cambridge University Press, 2006.  Pages 311 - 328.
Year of Publication: 2006.

2. Record Number: 16588
Author(s): McSheffrey, Shannon.
Title : Place, Space, and Situation: Public and Private in the Making of Marriage in Late Medieval London [The author argues that marriage in fourteenth century London was a process that moved through a series of well-recognized steps with increasing publicity. Situations that we moderns would characterize as private (e.g. exchange of consent in the bride's h
Source: Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 960 - 990.
Year of Publication: 2004.

3. Record Number: 8073
Author(s): Riddy, Felicity.
Title : Looking Closely: Authority and Intimacy in the Late Medieval Urban Home [The author explores the meanings of "home" and "homeliness" in late medieval English texts. She argues that it was a place where women took care of all the needs of the body. The author suggests that this kind of intimacy promoted a certain egalitarian attitude in the bourgeois home. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Mary C. Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski .   Cornell University Press, 2003. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 212 - 228.
Year of Publication: 2003.

4. Record Number: 8642
Author(s): Lee, Becky R.
Title : A Company of Women and Men: Men's Recollections of Childbirth in Medieval England
Source: Journal of Family History , 27., 2 (April 2002):  Pages 92 - 100.
Year of Publication: 2002.

5. Record Number: 6928
Author(s): Clark, Robert L. A.
Title : Constructing the Female Subject in Late Medieval Devotion [The author analyzes a number of devotional manuals addressed to laywomen and argues that the practices therein advised (prayer, fasting, etc.) empowered women, giving them choices and some control over their everyday lives. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Conduct.   Edited by Kathleen Ashley and Robert L. A. Clark .   Medieval Cultures, Volume 29. University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Journal of Family History , 27., 2 (April 2002):  Pages 160 - 182.
Year of Publication: 2001.

6. Record Number: 7350
Author(s): Beaucamp, Joëlle
Title : Incapacité féminine et rôle public à Byzance [The author argues that women's opportunities to bring suit and give testimony were limited in the sixth and seventh centuries but were more restricted in the ninth century (according to the law codes of Emperor Leo VI) with women allowed to testify only about "women's matters," e.g. virginity, birth, and other matters known only to women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Journal of Family History , 27., 2 (April 2002):  Pages 23 - 36. Reprinted in Femmes, patrimoines, normes à Byzance. By Joëlle Beaucamp. Association des amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2010. Pages 295-308.
Year of Publication: 1999.

7. Record Number: 1868
Author(s): Freeman, Elizabeth.
Title : The Public and Private Functions of Heloise's Letters
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 23., 1 (March 1997):  Pages 15 - 28.
Year of Publication: 1997.

8. Record Number: 408
Author(s): Fadel, Mohammad.
Title : Two Women, One Man : Knowledge, Power, and Gender in Medieval Sunni Legal Thought [analysis of women's varied roles in the "production, reproduction, and application" of law as reflected both in exegesis and jurisprudence].
Source: International Journal of Middle East Studies (Full Text via JSTOR) 29, 2 (May 1997): 185-204. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1997.

9. Record Number: 5835
Author(s): Everard, Judith.
Title : Public Authority and Private Rights: Women in the English Royal Court of Justice, 1196- 1250 [the author argues that women rarely, and in the majority of categories never, served in the various roles needed for the royal courts of law (judges, juries, sheriffs, knights of the shire, sureties, essoiners {who presented a party's excuse for not attending the court}, attorneys, and witnesses); women were on occasion litigants, in some cases attorneys (when male family members could not serve), and provided expert testimony concerning pregnancy, rape, and other matters deemed to be women's areas of special expertise].
Source: Sexuality and Gender in History: Selected Essays.   Edited by Penelope Hetherington and Philippa Maddern .   Centre for Western Australian History, University of Western Australia, 1993.  Pages 123 - 143.
Year of Publication: 1993.

10. Record Number: 9528
Author(s): Mitchell, Linda E.
Title : The Lady is a Lord: Noble Widows and Land in Thirteenth-Century Britain [Independent noble widows were common in medieval England; many chose to remain single after the death of a husband, thereby holding large amounts of land and maintaining control over their families and their tenants. These women actively participated in the public sphere, and social class carried greater importance than gender in defining their roles. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Historical Reflections/ Reflexions historiques , 18., 1 (Winter 1992):  Pages 71 - 97.
Year of Publication: 1992.

11. Record Number: 10225
Author(s): King, Catherine.
Title : Medieval and Renaissance Matrons, Italian-style [Women were able to commission art and architecture in fourteenth and fifteenth century Italy in a variety of ways, even if their involvement in the production of images and construction of buildings wasn’t as widespread as men’s. For instance, wealthy widows could control the making of large, public images such as funerary altarpieces, while nuns could commission artwork and buildings through convent endowments. Through their acts of patronage, these “matrons” challenged conventional expectations that women inhabit a small, private sphere. The author also analyzes how women chose to represent themselves visually within the works they commissioned. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte , 55., ( 1992):  Pages 372 - 393.
Year of Publication: 1992.

12. Record Number: 10528
Author(s): Piponnier, Francoise.
Title : The World of Women [Living quarters and work areas (and artistic representations of domestic activity) reveal much about the everyday life and work of medieval women. Rural women were involved in agricultural tasks like tending grapevines and animals, artisan wives and widows participated in selling crafts, and textile production was largely done by urban women (as were the professional activities of sewing and spinning). Evidence from medieval dwellings gives insight into women’s duties in the domestic sphere, including raising children, preparing meals, and even managing the household. Although they did dominate certain fields such as textile production, women at all levels of society enjoyed less freedom of movement and action than men. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A History of Women in the West. Volume 2: Silences of the Middle Ages.   Edited by Christiane Klapisch-Zuber .   Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992. Historical Reflections/ Reflexions historiques , 18., 1 (Winter 1992):  Pages 323 - 335.
Year of Publication: 1992.

13. Record Number: 10269
Author(s): Leja, Meg
Title : Mythology, Women and Renaissance Private Life: the Myth of Eurydice in Italian Furniture Painting [The author considers the increasing focus on Eurydice's suffering and death, as well as on her feminine desirability, in Renaissance Italian furniture painting featuring the Orpheus myth. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Art History , 15., 2 ( 1992):  Pages 127 - 145.
Year of Publication: 1992.

14. Record Number: 10520
Author(s): Casagrande, Carla.
Title : The Protected Woman [Writers of didactic and pastoral literature aimed at women classified their intended female audience in various ways (by marital status, age, social status, or family role), but these texts shared many of the same values. They state that since women are weak and inconstant, they cannot be their own guardians and must submit to the authority of men. Instead of living in the public sphere, women should focus on the domestic sphere and discipline themselves. These texts discourage excessive attention to exterior concerns like clothing and cosmetics and instead encourage cultivating the inner virtues of chastity, humility, modesty, sobriety, silence, industriousness, and mercy. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A History of Women in the West. Volume 2: Silences of the Middle Ages.   Edited by Christiane Klapisch-Zuber .   Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992. Art History , 15., 2 ( 1992):  Pages 70 - 104.
Year of Publication: 1992.

15. Record Number: 11226
Title : Some Parallels in the Education of Medieval Jewish Women and Christian Women [An abstract precedes this essay in the journal.]
Source: Jewish History , 5., 1 (Spring 1991):  Pages 41 - 51.
Year of Publication: 1991.

16. Record Number: 11228
Author(s): Tallan, Cheryl.
Title : Medieval Jewish Widows: Their Control of Resources
Source: Jewish History , 5., 1 (Spring 1991):  Pages 63 - 74.
Year of Publication: 1991.

17. Record Number: 7472
Author(s): Wilkins, Walter J.
Title : Submitting the Neck of Your Mind: Gregory the Great and Women of Power [The author argues that in his letters, Gregory, both as bishop and pope, identified with women's experiences, encouraged them in their spiritual development, and recognized their rational competence. When dealing with queens and empresses, Gregory recogn
Source: Catholic Historical Review , 77., 4 (October 1991):  Pages 583 - 594.
Year of Publication: 1991.

18. Record Number: 12734
Author(s): Barber, Charles.
Title : The imperial panels at San Vitale: a reconsideration [Two sixth century mosaics in the aspe of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, depict the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (on the left) and his wife Theodora (on the right). Although the Emperor and Empress appear to be represented identically (with purple clothing, haloes, and similar postures), other types of iconography in the panels differentiate the role and status of the figures according to their gender. The Emperor, flanked by priests and soldiers, carries objects that indicate his priestly and military roles. The Empress, dressed in more lavish clothing and jewels and enclosed in a depiction of architectural space, reflects Byzantine society’s legal and social relegation of women (even aristocratic ones) to the domestic sphere. Nonetheless, Theodora’s position in image (in the center with males on one side of her, females, on the other) places her at the boundary between the sexes, as a transgressive figure who straddles both public and private spheres. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 14., ( 1990):  Pages 19 - 42.
Year of Publication: 1990.