Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

16 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 28318
Contributor(s): Lisa Jefferson, translator
Title : “Fees: Alice Bridenelle, the daughter of Thomas Picot, the son of John Picot, the son of Nicholas Picot, sometime mercer of London, for a fee to make her free – 20s.” [1427-1428, folio 94v.] [Alice Bridenelle is the only woman (apart from widows) noted in these records as being admitted to the Mercers’ Company. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: The Medieval Account Books of the Mercers of London: An Edition and Translation. Volume 1   Edited by Lisa Jefferson .   Ashgate, 2009.  Pages 384 - 385.
Year of Publication: 2009.

2. Record Number: 28319
Contributor(s): Lisa Jefferson, translator
Title : “This ordinance was revised during the term of office of the aforesaid wardens… And it is fully agreed that all widows of the mistery who wish to live as a feme-sole and carry on the trade with their household, who are under the governance of the mistery, or those who are with husbands who are men of the same mistery and under its governance, shall enjoy the full benefit of the aforesaid ordinance.” [1417, folio 71v.]
Source: The Medieval Account Books of the Mercers of London: An Edition and Translation. Volume 1   Edited by Lisa Jefferson .   Ashgate, 2009.  Pages 296 - 299.
Year of Publication: 2009.

3. Record Number: 14142
Title : The Dilemma of the Widow of Property for Late Medieval London [The author argues that wealthy widows, with both capital and property, served as conduits of wealth. Widows tended to remarry within the same social group to which their previous husbands had belonged, strengthening guild and status solidarities. Title n
Source: The Medieval Marriage Scene: Prudence, Passion, Policy.   Edited by Sherry Roush and Cristelle L. Baskins .   Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005.  Pages 135 - 146.
Year of Publication: 2005.

4. Record Number: 21331
Author(s): Soldani, Maria Elisa
Title : Alleanze matrimoniali e strategie patrimoniali nella Barcellona del XV secolo: i mercanti toscani fra integrazione e consolidamento della ricchezza [Italian merchants resident in Barcelona might choose to stay, becoming permanent residents, or return home later. These decisions affected their strategies for marriage, both for themselves and their children. Intermarriages with citizen families of Barcelona helped Italian families assimilate. Women, especially widows, played important roles in the social and economic life of the Italian merchant community. The appendix presents documents in the divorce of Joan Boffill and Giovanna della Setta, 1455. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 162., 1 ( 2004):  Pages 667 - 696.
Year of Publication: 2004.

5. Record Number: 6239
Author(s): Gaunt, Simon B.
Title : The Women Patrons of Neri di Bicci [The author surveys the works that ten secular women commissioned from the painter Neri di Bicci between 1453 and 1475; the author analyzes the group of women in terms of marital status and social class and compares them with the men who requested art wor
Source: Beyond Isabella: Secular Women Patrons of Art in Renaissance Italy.   Edited by Sheryl E. Reiss and David G. Wilkins .   Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, Volume 54. Truman State University Press, 2001. Archivio Storico Italiano , 162., 1 ( 2004):  Pages 51 - 75.
Year of Publication: 2001.

6. Record Number: 4265
Author(s): Myers, Michael D.
Title : A Fictional-True Self: Margery Kempe and the Social Reality of the Merchant Elite Of King's Lynn [the author argues that Margery Kempe had fashioned her self-identity from the family status, social position, and mercantile values of her father; the decline of old-style merchant families like the Brunhams and the Kempes caused Margery to seek a new personal identity].
Source: Albion , 31., 3 (Fall 1999):  Pages 377 - 394.
Year of Publication: 1999.

7. Record Number: 3011
Author(s): McKee, Sally.
Title : Women Under Venetian Colonial Rule in the Early Renaissance: Observations on Their Economic Activities
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 51, 1 (Spring 1998): 34-67. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

8. Record Number: 741
Author(s): Molho, Anthony, Roberto Barducci, Gabriella Battista and Francesco Donnini
Title : Genealogy and Marriage Alliance: Memories of Power in Late Medieval Florence [Giovanni Rucellai's genealogies from 1457 and 1476 differ; the former emphasizes male descent, while the latter focuses on women who married into the Rucellai; it is suggested that the 1476 genealogy was intended to help Giovanni's grandsons identify relatives from the female side who could render favors during times of financial need.]
Source: Portraits of Medieval and Renaissance Living: Essays in Honor of David Herlihy.   Edited by Samual K. Cohn, Jr. and Steven A. Epstein .   University of Michigan Press, 1996.  Pages 39 - 70.
Year of Publication: 1996.

9. Record Number: 1010
Author(s): Romestan, Guy.
Title : Femmes esclaves à Perpignan aux XIVe et XVe siècles
Source: La Femme dans l' histoire et la société méridionales (IXe-XIXe S.): Actes du 66e congrés. .   Fédération historique du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon, 1995. Journal of Social History , 29., 2 (Winter 1995):  Pages 187 - 218.
Year of Publication: 1995.

10. Record Number: 6014
Author(s): Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane.
Title : Les Femmes et la mort à la fin du moyen age [the author provides an overview of female mortality based on statistics taken from Florentine ricordanze (which often included family memoirs) for both girls and married women; the author notes the discrepancy in female versus male survival rates with men living in significantly larger proportions from childhood onward; the author also notes the higher mortality rates for women due to death during childbirth].
Source: Ilaria del Carretto e il suo monumento: la donna nell'arte, la cultura, e la società del '400. Atti del convegno Internazionale di Studi, 15-16-17 Settembre, 1994, Palazzo Ducale, Lucca.   Edited by Stéphane Toussaint. Translated by Clotilde Soave Bowe. .   Edizioni S. Marco Litotipo, 1995. Journal of Social History , 29., 2 (Winter 1995):  Pages 207 - 221.
Year of Publication: 1995.

11. Record Number: 177
Author(s): Haas, Louis.
Title : Mio Buono Compare: Choosing Godparents and the Uses of Baptismal Kinship in Renaissance Florence
Source: Journal of Social History , 29., 2 (Winter 1995):  Pages 341 - 356.
Year of Publication: 1995.

12. Record Number: 1308
Author(s): Angelos, Mark.
Title : Women in Genoese "Commenda" Contracts, 1155-1216 [one out of four commenda contracts, investment partnerships for Mediterranean trade, involved women].
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 20., 4 (December 1994):  Pages 299 - 312. Special Issue: The Genoese and Their Rivals in Medieval Mediterranean Commerce: Studies in Honour of Hilmar C. Krueger on His Ninetieth Birthday.
Year of Publication: 1994.

13. Record Number: 28934
Title : Dietmar von Aist
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/D_v_aist.jpg/250px-D_v_aist.jpg
Year of Publication:

14. Record Number: 28939
Title : Foire [Fair] Scene
Year of Publication:

15. Record Number: 32300
Title : The Wife of Bath, from the Ellesmere Chaucer
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16. Record Number: 36277
Title : Donor portraits of Margaret Blackburn and her husband Nicholas
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