Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

7 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45726
Author(s): Beresford, David,
Title : Marshal, Isabella
Source: Dictionary of Irish Biography   Edited by James McGuire and James Quinn .   Cambridge University Press, 2009. Available open access from the Dictionary of Irish Biography, a project of the Royal Irish Academy: https://www.dib.ie/biography/marshal-isabella-a5461
Year of Publication: 2009.

2. Record Number: 45727
Author(s): Mackay, Ronan,
Title : De Verdun (de Verdon), Roesia (Rohese, Rose)
Source: Dictionary of Irish Biography   Edited by James McGuire and James Quinn .   Cambridge University Press, 2009. Available open access from the Dictionary of Irish Biography, a project of the Royal Irish Academy: https://www.dib.ie/biography/de-verdun-de-verdon-roesia-rohese-rose-a9292
Year of Publication: 2009.

3. Record Number: 45728
Author(s): Phillips, J.R.S.,
Title : Valence, Agnes de
Source: Dictionary of Irish Biography   Edited by James McGuire and James Quinn .   Cambridge University Press, 2009. Available open access from the Dictionary of Irish Biography, a project of the Royal Irish Academy: https://www.dib.ie/biography/valence-agnes-de-a8779
Year of Publication: 2009.

4. Record Number: 45729
Author(s): Beresford, David,
Title : Clare, Elizabeth (de Burgh)
Source: Dictionary of Irish Biography   Edited by James McGuire and James Quinn .   Cambridge University Press, 2009. Available open access from the Dictionary of Irish Biography, a project of the Royal Irish Academy: https://www.dib.ie/biography/clare-elizabeth-de-burgh-a1689
Year of Publication: 2009.

5. Record Number: 45743
Author(s): Mac Shamhráin, Ailbhe,
Title : Aífe (Aoife, Eva)
Source: Dictionary of Irish Biography   Edited by James McGuire and James Quinn .   Cambridge University Press, 2009. Available open access from the Dictionary of Irish Biography, a project of the Royal Irish Academy: https://www.dib.ie/biography/aife-aoife-eva-a0069
Year of Publication: 2009.

6. Record Number: 7866
Author(s): Berkhofer, Robert F., III
Title : Marriage, Lordship, and the "Greater Unfree" in Twelfth-Century France [The author uses records from northern French monasteries and information about two well-documented unfree mayoral families to explore the supervision that lords (in these cases abbots) could exert on the marriages of the more important and wealthy unfree. The author also looks at the changes in canon law in regard to marriage and the comparative case of "merchet" (a marriage payment owed to the lord by the unfree) in England. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Past and Present , 173., (November 2001):  Pages 3 - 27.
Year of Publication: 2001.

7. Record Number: 12798
Author(s): Cramer, Patricia.
Title : Lordship, Bondage, and the Erotic: The Psychological Bases of Chaucer's "Clerk's Tale" [The author offers a psychoanalytic interpretation of "The Clerk's Tale," questioning readings of the story which see Walter and Griselda as an "ideal" Oedipal couple. She further attempts to invalidate Oedipal resolutions by revealing their negative psyc
Source: JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 89., 4 (October 1990):  Pages 491 - 511.
Year of Publication: 1990.