Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

58 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45029
Author(s): Kras, Pawel, and Tomasz Galuszka,
Title : Examination of Witnesses in the Case of the Hooded Sisters at Swidnica / Examinatio testium in causa Capuciatarum monialium in Swydnicz
Source: The Beguines of Medieval Swidnica: The Interrogation of the "Daughters of Odelindis" in 1332. Tomasz Galuszka and Pawel Kras. Translated into English by Stephen C. Rowell .   York Medieval Press, 2023.  Pages 168 - 257. Available with a subscription from JSTOR: [https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2x4kp5p.16]
Year of Publication: 2023.

2. Record Number: 45236
Author(s): Judah ben Samuel and Elisheva Baumgarten
Title : Jewish Women in a Christian Monastery
Source: Jewish Everyday Life in Medieval Northern Europe, 1080-1350: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Tzafrir Barzilay, Eyal Levinson, and Elisheva Baumgarten. The text is introduced by Elisheva Baumgarten and comes from Sefer Hasidim, Parma, ed. Judah Wistenetski (Frankfurt: M. A. Wahrmann, 1924), §262. .  2022.  Pages 135 - 136. The book is available open access: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_teamsdp/9/
Year of Publication: 2022.

3. Record Number: 44891
Title : Papal Prohibitions against Beguines and Beghards at the Council of Vienne
Source: The Intolerant Middle Ages: A Reader.   Edited by Eugene Smelyansky .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 88 - 91.
Year of Publication: 2020.

4. Record Number: 44892
Title : The Fruits of Clerical Imagination: A Heretical Orgy []
Year of Publication: 2020.

5. Record Number: 44893
Author(s): John of Winterthur, ,
Title : The Fruits of Clerical Imagination: A Heretical Orgy
Source: The Intolerant Middle Ages: A Reader.   Edited by Eugene Smelyansky .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 91 - 93.
Year of Publication: 2020.

6. Record Number: 45008
Author(s): James of Vitry, Alicia Protze, and Kisha G. Tracy,
Title : Life of Mary of Oegines (Oignies) (ca. 15th c.)
Source: Medieval Disability Sourcebook: Western Europe.   Edited by Cameron Hunt McNabb .   punctum books, 2020.  Pages 220 - 230. Available open access from the JSTOR website: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv11hptcd.22
Year of Publication: 2020.

7. Record Number: 43629
Author(s): More, Alison
Title : Religious Order and Textual Identity: The Case of Franciscan Tertiary Women
Source: Nuns' Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue.   Edited by Virginia Blanton, Veronica O'Mara and Patricia Stoop .   Brepols, 2017.  Pages 43 - 59. Available with a subscription: https://doi.org/10.1484/M.MWTC-EB.5.112667
Year of Publication: 2017.

8. Record Number: 30980
Author(s): Walsh, Christine
Title : 'ERAT ABIGAIL MULIER PRUDENTISSIMA': Gilbert of Tournai and Attitudes to Female Sanctity in the Thirteenth Century
Source: Studies in Church History , 47., ( 2011):  Pages 171 - 180. Special issue: Saints and Sanctity.
Year of Publication: 2011.

9. Record Number: 20599
Author(s): Engen, John van
Title : Illicit Religion: The Case of Friar Matthew Grabow, O.P [In the Middle Ages "Religious" could mean a person who joined a vowed order of monks, nuns or friars or it could apply more broadly to anyone who lived a chiristian life. The Dominican Matthew Grabow attacked the followers of the "Devotio Moderna," especially women's communities, for living a common life without vows. He also thought that it was not legal for the laity to give up their property rights and pursue a religious life without taking monastic vows. This argument was condemned, even by other friars, for making religious life broadly understood, illicit. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Law and the Illicit in Medieval Europe.   Edited by Ruth Mazo Karras, Joel Kaye, and E. Ann Matter .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. Studies in Church History , 47., ( 2011):  Pages 103 - 116.
Year of Publication: 2008.

10. Record Number: 10826
Author(s): Simons, Walter.
Title : Staining the Speech of Things Divine: The Uses of Literacy in Medieval Beguine Communities [The author examines different kinds of evidence including vernacular texts written by Beguines, wills that bequeathed manuscripts to or from Beguines, and daily activities of Beguines involving the written word. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Voice of Silence: Women's Literacy in a Men's Church.   Edited by Thérèse de Hemptinne and María Eugenia Góngora Medieval Church Studies .   Brepols, 2004. Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 55., 40180 ( 2004):  Pages 85 - 110.
Year of Publication: 2004.

11. Record Number: 10831
Author(s): Warnar, Geert.
Title : Ex levitate mulierum: Masculine Mysticism and Jan Van Ruusbroec's Perception of Religious Women [The author argues that too much emphasis has been placed on the impact of medieval women's mysticism. Warnar cites van Ruusbroec's last work, "On the Twelve Beguines," suggesting that Van Ruusbroec uses the women's desperate attempts to know God as a foil for his subsequent discussion of technical procedures and theological positions. Warnar concludes that men and women occupied separate worlds. Therefore masculine forms of mystical devotion, emphasizing a controlled, intellectual approach, had little to do with the emotional, experiential approach of women like Hadewijch. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Voice of Silence: Women's Literacy in a Men's Church.   Edited by Thérèse de Hemptinne and María Eugenia Góngora Medieval Church Studies .   Brepols, 2004. Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 55., 40180 ( 2004):  Pages 193 - 206.
Year of Publication: 2004.

12. Record Number: 10881
Author(s): Suydam, Mary A.
Title : Visionaries in the Public Eye: Beguine Literature as Performance [The author analyzes both the "Vitae" of holy women and accounts of their visions. Suydam, using performance theory and modern understandings of ritual, emphasizes the collective nature, not only of the beguine public performances, but of the author and copyists as well as the audience of readers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Texture of Society: Medieval Women in the Southern Low Countries.   Edited by Ellen E. Kittell and Mary A. Suydam .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Studies in Church History , 47., ( 2011):  Pages 131 - 152.
Year of Publication: 2004.

13. Record Number: 14094
Author(s): Faesen, Rob S.J.
Title : Was Hadewijch a Beguine or a Cistercian? An Annotated Hypothesis
Source: Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 55., 40180 ( 2004):  Pages 47 - 63.
Year of Publication: 2004.

14. Record Number: 10882
Author(s): Wiethaus, Ulrike.
Title : The Death Song of Marie d'Oignies: Mystical Sound and Hagiographical Politics in Medieval Lorraine [The author analyzes three biographical texts, written by Jacques de Vitry, Thomas de Cantimpré, and the anonymous author of the "History of the Church of Oignies." Weithaus places particular emphasis on the ideologies, both political and theological, that each author emphasizes in his account of Marie's life. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Texture of Society: Medieval Women in the Southern Low Countries.   Edited by Ellen E. Kittell and Mary A. Suydam .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 55., 40180 ( 2004):  Pages 153 - 179.
Year of Publication: 2004.

15. Record Number: 9808
Author(s): McNamara, Jo Ann.
Title : A Failure to Communicate [The author considers four recent books about women and the Church. Two of them concern women in the Middle Ages (Jane Tibbetts Schulenburg, "Forgetful of Their Sex: Female Sanctity and Society, ca. 500-1100" and Walter Simons, "Cities of Ladies: Beguine Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565). Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Journal of Women's History (Full Text via Project Muse) 15, 2 (Summer 2003): 188-196. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2003.

16. Record Number: 8064
Author(s): Elliott, Dyan.
Title : Women and Confession : From Empowerment to Pathology [The author traces the development of the practice of confession. She concentrates in particular on the relationship between the female penitent and the confessor, pointing out the affective aspects with many women predisposed to confess frequently and to be overly scrupulous in their recounting of sins. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Mary C. Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski .   Cornell University Press, 2003. Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 55., 40180 ( 2004):  Pages 31 - 51.
Year of Publication: 2003.

17. Record Number: 8061
Author(s): Wiethaus, Ulrike.
Title : Street Mysticism: An Introduction to "The Life and Revelations" of Agnes Blannbekin [The author provides a brief overview of Blannbekin's life and the record of her revelations. Blannbekin was a Beguine from Vienna whose confessor wrote down her visions and thoughts in Latin. It is unclear how much influence the confessor/scribe had on Agnes' written account. Excerpts from the Latin text and English translation follow. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Women Writing Latin from Roman Antiquity to Early Modern Europe. Volume 2: Medieval Women Writing Latin.   Edited by Laurie J. Churchill, Phyllis R. Brown, and Jane E. Jeffrey .   Routledge, 2002.  Pages 281 - 307.
Year of Publication: 2002.

18. Record Number: 6083
Author(s): Martin, Paul.
Title : Love and Beauty in the Presence of God: Pathways Through Beguine and Tantric Mysticisms
Source: Magistra , 7., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 23 - 63.
Year of Publication: 2001.

19. Record Number: 5866
Author(s): Galloway, Penelope.
Title : Life, Learning, and Wisdom: The Forms and Functions of Beguine Education [the author briefly considers the kinds of education offered to young students in beguinages in Douai and Lille; she goes on to consider the many different responsibilities that beguines had to undertake in the urban economy, from accountants to landlords and nurses to traders in cloth; the variety of jobs and extent of beguine economic success argue for a very good system of training and education for the beguines themselves].
Source: Medieval Monastic Education.   Edited by George Ferzoco and Carolyn Muessig .   Leicester University Press, 2000. Magistra , 7., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 153 - 167.
Year of Publication: 2000.

20. Record Number: 3543
Author(s): Rodgers, Susan and Joanna E. Ziegler
Title : Elisabeth of Spalbeek's Trance Dance of Faith: A Performance Theory Interpretation from Anthropological and Art Historical Perspectives
Source: Performance and Transformation: New Approaches to Late Medieval Spirituality.   Edited by Mary A. Suydam and Joanna E. Ziegler .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Magistra , 7., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 299 - 355.
Year of Publication: 1999.

21. Record Number: 3541
Title : Beguine Textuality: Sacred Performances [The author argues that the Beguine texts should be read as theatrical works].
Source: Performance and Transformation: New Approaches to Late Medieval Spirituality.   Edited by Mary A. Suydam and Joanna E. Ziegler .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Magistra , 7., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 169 - 210.
Year of Publication: 1999.

22. Record Number: 4378
Title : Thirteenth-Century Religious Women: Further Reflections on the Low Countries "Special Case" [The author compares the beguines of the Low Countries with the recluses of England].
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Magistra , 7., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 129 - 157.
Year of Publication: 1999.

23. Record Number: 4780
Title : Mulieres religiosae, Strictly Speaking: Some Fourteenth-Century Canonical Opinions [The author argues that some canonists chose to stretch the definitions to include such quasi-religious women as beguines and canonesses within the protections and privileges of canon law].
Source: Catholic Historical Review , 85., 1 (January 1999):  Pages 1 - 14.
Year of Publication: 1999.

24. Record Number: 4377
Author(s): Galloway, Penny.
Title : Neither Miraculous Nor Astonishing: The Devotional Practice of Beguine Communities in French-Flanders
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Catholic Historical Review , 85., 1 (January 1999):  Pages 107 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1999.

25. Record Number: 4372
Author(s): Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn and Marie-Élisabeth Henneau
Title : Introduction: Liège, the Medieval "Woman Question," and the Question of Medieval Women
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Magistra , 7., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 1 - 32.
Year of Publication: 1999.

26. Record Number: 4379
Author(s): Morris, Bridget.
Title : Birgittines and Beguines in Medieval Sweden
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Catholic Historical Review , 85., 1 (January 1999):  Pages 159 - 175.
Year of Publication: 1999.

27. Record Number: 4383
Author(s): Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate
Title : Satirical Views of the Beguines in Northern French Literature [the author briefly analyzes the writings of Gautier de Coincy, Guillaume de St. Amour, Rutebeuf, and Jean de Meun among others; the criticisms of the beguines focus on their sexuality, desire to preach and teach, association with mendicants, and talkativeness].
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Catholic Historical Review , 85., 1 (January 1999):  Pages 237 - 249.
Year of Publication: 1999.

28. Record Number: 4376
Author(s): Barratt, Alexandra.
Title : Undutiful Daughters and Metaphorical Mothers Among the Beguines [the author examines the family relationships and the mothering that beguines did as adults; women discussed include Margaret of Ieper, Lutgard of Aywieres, Marie d'Oignies, Juliana of Mont-Cornillon, Christina the Astonishing, and Elizabeth of Spalbeek; the author provides in an appendix a short life of Marian Baouardy, a nineteenth century carmelite saint, whose spirituality was marked by the paranormal].
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Catholic Historical Review , 85., 1 (January 1999):  Pages 81 - 104.
Year of Publication: 1999.

29. Record Number: 5475
Author(s): Pereira, Michela.
Title : Margherita Porete nello specchio degli studi recenti [Marguerite Porete must be seen not only in the context of women's experience but of a time when philosophy surrendered the quest for wisdom in favor of the pursuit of "scientific" knowledge; Porete was also different from most beguines in deemphasizing passion, piety, and teaching others outside a restricted circle; the Latin translation of the "Mirror of Simple Souls" underlines this connection to the learned world; Porete's mysticism often is described as passive, but Pereira discerns an emphasis on just action usually identified with Meister Eckhart].
Source: Mediaevistik , 11., ( 1998):  Pages 71 - 96.
Year of Publication: 1998.

30. Record Number: 5004
Author(s): Sebastiani, Lucia.
Title : Da bizzocche a monache [Many penitent women, individual or in community, can be traced in northern Italy during the later Middle Ages. Some communities of these bizzoche were authorized by the local bishop rather than by the papacy. Most of these houses were pressured into adopting an existing monastic rule, claustration, and distinctive garb].
Source: Il monachesimo femminile in Italia dall' Alto Medioevo al secolo XVII a confronto con l' oggi.   Edited by Gabriella Zarri .   San Pietro in Cariano: Il Segno dei Gabrielli editori, 1997. Studies in Iconography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 193 - 218.
Year of Publication: 1997.

31. Record Number: 2269
Author(s): Galloway, Penelope.
Title : Discreet and Devout Maidens: Women's Involvement in Beguine Communities in Northern France, 1200-1500 [explores the efforts of rulers (including the countesses of Flanders, Jeanne and Marguerite), members of the bourgeoisie, and beguines themselves to develop and finance beguine houses in Douai and Lille].
Source: Medieval Women in Their Communities.   Edited by Diane Watt .   University of Toronto Press, 1997. Mediaevistik , 11., ( 1998):  Pages 92 - 115.
Year of Publication: 1997.

32. Record Number: 14680
Author(s): Burr, David.
Title : Na Prous Boneta and Olivi [When she was first questioned in 1325, Na Prous Boneta was open about her beliefs. She believed she had become the herald of the advent of the Holy Spirit. Prous, who harbored refugee Spiritual Franciscans, also described Pope John XXII, their enemy, as the Antichrist. Prous identified with the condemned Franciscan theologian, Peter Olivi, who believed a papal Antichrist would come. She parted with Olivi in claiming a unique charism and a direct role in ushering in a new age of the Spirit. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 67., 40241 ( 1997):  Pages 477 - 500.
Year of Publication: 1997.

33. Record Number: 1846
Author(s): Sweetman, Robert.
Title : Thomas of CantimprŽ, "Mulieres Religiosae," and Purgatorial Piety: Hagiographical "Vitae" and the Beguine "Voice"
Source: A Distinct Voice: Medieval Studies in Honor of Leonard E. Boyle, O.P.   Edited by Jacqueline Brown and William P. Stoneman .   University of Notre Dame Press, 1997. Mediaevistik , 11., ( 1998):  Pages 606 - 628.
Year of Publication: 1997.

34. Record Number: 1969
Author(s): Tobin, Frank.
Title : Audience, Authorship, and Authority in Mechthild von Magdeburg's "Flowing Light of the Godhead" [argues that her primary audience was religious (clergy and male and female monastics) and that her shared authorship (both God and Mechthild, an unlettered Beguine, were resposible) required a variety of strategies to assert the authority of her text].
Source: Mystics Quarterly , 23., 1 (March 1997):  Pages 8 - 17.
Year of Publication: 1997.

35. Record Number: 4348
Author(s): Holladay, Joan A.
Title : Relics, Reliquaries, and Religious Women: Visualizing the Holy Virgins of Cologne [the author points to the growth in the cult of Ursula and her virgins including the excavations of their supposed bodies, renovation of the church dedicated to the martyrs, and the invention of Ursula busts; the author suggests that the cult and the busts were designed to appeal to the daughters of patricians and burghers by showing that a holy life could be found in their social class and in marriage rather than in the extremes of the Beguines].
Source: Studies in Iconography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 67 - 118.
Year of Publication: 1997.

36. Record Number: 751
Author(s): Sensi, Mario.
Title : Anchoresses and Penitents in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth Century Umbria
Source: Women and Religion in Medieval and Renaissance Italy.   Edited by Daniel Bornstein and Roberto Rusconi. Trans. by Margery J. Schneider .   University of Chicago Press, 1996. Journal of Medieval History , 22., 2 (June 1996):  Pages 56 - 83. Originally published as "Incarcerate e recluse in Umbria nei secoli XIII e XIV: un bizzocaggio centro-italiano" in Mistiche e devote nell'Italia tardomedievale. Edited by Daniel Bornstein and Roberto Rusconi (Liguori Editore, 1992). Pages 57-84.
Year of Publication: 1996.

37. Record Number: 1139
Author(s): Hendrix, Guido.
Title : Le sexe faible au moyen âge [brief description of eight recent books about religious women, both lay and monastic].
Source: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique , 91., 2 (avril-juin 1996):  Pages 484 - 487.
Year of Publication: 1996.

38. Record Number: 1220
Author(s): Suydam, Mary A.
Title : Writing Beguines: Ecstatic Performances [argues for a "performance art" approach to Beguine visionary writings with an emphasis on the multiple audiences involved and physicality].
Source: Magistra , 2., 1 (Summer 1996):  Pages 137 - 169.
Year of Publication: 1996.

39. Record Number: 627
Title : Lame Margaret of Magdeburg: The Social Function of a Medieval Recluse
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 22., 2 (June 1996):  Pages 155 - 169.
Year of Publication: 1996.

40. Record Number: 1
Author(s): Hanawalt, Barbara A.
Title : At the Margin of Women's Space in Medieval Europe [regulation of women's space with an emphasis on prostitutes and religious women].
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995. Catholic Historical Review , 81., 4 (Oct. 1995):  Pages 1 - 17. Also reprinted in "Of Good and Ill Repute": Gender and Social Control in Medieval England. Barbara A. Hanawalt. Oxford University Press, 1998. Pages 70-87.
Year of Publication: 1995.

41. Record Number: 1613
Author(s): Lichtmann, Maria.
Title : Marguerite Porete's "Mirror for Simple Souls": Inverted Reflection of Self, Society, and God
Source: Studia Mystica New Series , 16., 1 ( 1995):  Pages 4 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1995.

42. Record Number: 2822
Author(s): Lauwers, Michel.
Title : L'institution et le genre. À propos de l'accès des femmes au sacré dans l'Occident médiéval [traces the history of women forbidden access to the holy by the Church; studies the special cases of Beguines and other "mulieres religiosae" as well as female mystics; control by priests is maintained in all cases].
Source: CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés , 2., ( 1995):  Pages 279 - 317.
Year of Publication: 1995.

43. Record Number: 5473
Author(s): Bornstein, Daniel E.
Title : Violenza al corpo di una santa: Fra agiographica e pornografia- A proposito di Douceline di Digne [Mortification of the flesh, including punishment of sexual organs, features prominently in the lives of holy women; Douceline of Digne is an extreme example of the phenomenon, becoming insensible to stimuli when in a trance; she became the presiding spirit of a beguinage in Marseille, and the community preserved her memory and developed her cult; during her lifetime, her body, when insensible, was subjected to tortures to gratify the curiosity of men; this served both as a test of her sanctity and as a kind of counter-pornography, intended to produce revulsion against the flesh; often, however, trial was made by the merely curious, like Charles of Anjou and his entourage].
Source: Quaderni Medievali , 39., (giugno 1995):  Pages 31 - 46.
Year of Publication: 1995.

44. Record Number: 172
Author(s): Harline, Craig.
Title : Actives and Contemplatives: The Female Religious of the Low Countries Before and After Trent
Source: Catholic Historical Review , 81., 4 (Oct. 1995):  Pages 541 - 567.
Year of Publication: 1995.

45. Record Number: 475
Author(s): Mulder- Bakker, Anneke B.
Title : Ivetta of Huy: Mater et Magistra [the construction of sanctity for a wife and mother].
Source: Sanctity and Motherhood: Essays on Holy Mothers in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker Garland Medieval Casebooks, 14.   Garland Publishing, 1995. Catholic Historical Review , 81., 4 (Oct. 1995):  Pages 224 - 258.
Year of Publication: 1995.

46. Record Number: 389
Author(s): Andersen, Elizabeth A.
Title : Mechthild von Magdelburg: Her Creativity and Her Audience
Source: Women, the Book and the Godly: Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda's Conference, 1993. Volume 1 [Volume 2: Women, the Book and the Worldly].   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor .   D.S. Brewer, 1995. Catholic Historical Review , 81., 4 (Oct. 1995):  Pages 77 - 88.
Year of Publication: 1995.

47. Record Number: 5515
Author(s): Lichtmann, Maria.
Title : Marguerite Porete and Meister Eckhart: The "Mirror of Simple Souls" Mirrored
Source: Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete.   Edited by Bernard McGinn .   Continuum, 1994. Quaderni Medievali , 39., (giugno 1995):  Pages 65 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1994.

48. Record Number: 8477
Author(s): Simons, Walter.
Title : Reading a Saint's Body: Rapture and Bodily Movement in the "vitae" of Thirteenth-century Beguines [The author concentrates on Elisabeth van Spalbeek but also briefly discusses Saint Lutgard, Juliana of Mont Cornillon, Ida of Louvain, Beatrice of Nazareth, and Marie d'Oignies. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Framing Medieval Bodies.   Edited by Sarah Kay and Miri Rubin .   Manchester University Press, 1994. Quaderni Medievali , 39., (giugno 1995):  Pages 10 - 23.
Year of Publication: 1994.

49. Record Number: 5511
Author(s): McGinn, Bernard.
Title : Introduction: Meister Eckhart and the Beguines in the Context of Vernacular Theology
Source: Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete.   Edited by Bernard McGinn .   Continuum, 1994. Quaderni Medievali , 39., (giugno 1995):  Pages 1 - 14.
Year of Publication: 1994.

50. Record Number: 10288
Author(s): Ziegler, Joanna E.
Title : Secular Canonesses as Antecedent of the Beguines in the Low Countries: an Introduction to Some Earlier Views [The article reexamines some possible explanations of the origins of the beguines, an ongoing problem in beguine historiography. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History , ( 1992):  Pages 117 - 135.
Year of Publication: 1992.

51. Record Number: 10676
Author(s): Jansen, Saskia Murk.
Title : The Mystic Theology of the Thirteenth-Century Mystic, Hadewijch, and Its Literary Expression
Source: Medieval Mystical Tradition in England: Exeter Symposium , 5., ( 1992):  Pages 117 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1992.

52. Record Number: 10774
Author(s): Latré, Guido.
Title : Beguinages and Female Forms of Spiritual Life in the Low Countries: An Introductory Lecture to a Visit of the Leuven Beguinag
Source: A Wyf Ther Was: Essays in Honour of Paule Mertens-Fonck.   Edited by Juliette Dor .   English Department, University of Liège, 1992. Quaderni Medievali , 39., (giugno 1995):  Pages 219 - 234.
Year of Publication: 1992.

53. Record Number: 11204
Author(s): Baumer-Despeigne, Odette.
Title : Hadewijch of Antwerp and Hadewijch II; Mysticism of Being in the Thirteenth Century in Brabant [The poems of the female mystic Hadewijch of Antwerp, composed between 1220 and 1240, were revised and augmented by another beguine (member of a sisterhood of laywomen) a decade later. This collaboration reflects the contemporary social trend among laywomen in the Low Countries to voluntary take up a simple life of chastity and poverty without joining a religious order. Although the poems composed by the Hadewijchs are written in the language of the trouveres and courtly love, they express a deep spirituality and love for God (not men). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):  Pages 16 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1991.

54. Record Number: 15605
Author(s): McNamara, Jo Ann.
Title : De quibusdam mulieribus: Reading Women's History from Hostile Sources [The author analyzes the cases of two women who testified about their religious beliefs to church authorities. In the Abruzzi Catania spoke in support of Celestine V during his canonization process. In Provence Na Prous Boneta testified to her devotion to Peter Olivi, a Franciscan spiritual. Documents like this indicate women's ingenuity and determination to lead meaningful spiritual lives even in cases like that of Prous Bonete where the church declared her a heritic. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Women and the Sources of Medieval History.   Edited by Joel T. Rosenthal .   University of Georgia Press, 1990. Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):  Pages 237 - 258.
Year of Publication: 1990.

55. Record Number: 38816
Title : Crib of the Infant Jesus
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication:

56. Record Number: 39182
Title : Mary Magdalene with the Vera Icon
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication:

57. Record Number: 39183
Title : Abstinence Contrainte and Faux Semblant on their way to see Malebouche
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication:

58. Record Number: 45125
Title : A woman feeding a leper in bed
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication: