Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

  • Record Number: 2919
  • Author(s)/Creator(s): Bardsley , Sandy.
  • Contributor(s):
  • Title: Reply [The author replies to John Hatcher's critique ("Debate: 'Women's Work Reconsidered: Gender and Wage Differentiation in Late Medieval England,'" "Past and Present," 173 (November 2001): 191-202) of her article ("Women's Work Reconsidered," "Past and Present," 165 (November 1999): 3-29). She offers three reservations about his argument: 1) Strength is not the only factor for physical labor; Hatcher did not consider stamina; 2) The gap between men's and women's wages persists even in areas that rely less or not at all on physical strength ; 3) Gaps between women's and men's wages vary over time and place. The author concludes by affirming that gender was a factor in determining wages in rural late medieval England. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
  • Source: Past and Present 173, (November 2001): Pages 199 - 202.
  • Description:
  • Article Type: Journal Article;Response
  • Subject (See Also): Agriculture Economics Gender Peasantry Wages Work Yorkshire, East Riding, England
  • Award Note:
  • Geographic Area: British Isles
  • Century: 14
  • Primary Evidence:
  • Illustrations:
  • Table:
  • Abstract:
  • Related Resources:
  • Author's Affiliation: Emory and Henry College
  • Conference Info: - , -
  • Year of Publication: 2001.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN/ISBN: 00312746