Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

38 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 43569
Author(s): Harris, Carissa M.,
Title : Teen Moms: Violence, Consent, and Embodied Subjectivity in Middle English Pregnancy Laments
Source: Review of English Studies , 71., 298 ( 2020):  Pages 1 - 18. Available open access from Cambridge Core: https://doi.org/10.1093/res/hgz092
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 11751
Author(s): Denny-Brown, Andrea.
Title : Rips and Slits: The Torn Garment and the Medieval Self [A fashion for garments with slits, tears, or perforations originated in the 12th century and flourished after 1340. Some slits were intended to reveal undergarments or flesh, exposing them to the gaze of others. This erotic element inspired sumptuary laws and denunciations. Medieval literature also reveals a close relationship between the terms for these slits and violence, as in dagging and daggers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Clothing Culture, 1350-1650.   Edited by Catherine Richardson .   Ashgate, 2004. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 223 - 237.
Year of Publication: 2004.

3. Record Number: 11023
Author(s): Crachiolo, Beth.
Title : Seeing the Gendering of Violence: Female and Male Martyrs in the "South English Legendary" [The author argues that while male martyrs have a variety of roles to play in the church, women martyrs simply react to those around them, ranging from cruel suitors to unfeeling torturers. Crachiolo suggests that the audience saw the female body as an object of entertainment though the hagiographer intended the descriptions of torture as a denial of the material world in the favor of Christian spirituality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Great Effusion of Blood? Interpreting Medieval Violence.   Edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, and Oren Falk .   University of Toronto Press, 2004. Review of English Studies , 71., 298 ( 2020):  Pages 147 - 163.
Year of Publication: 2004.

4. Record Number: 11024
Author(s): Bodden, M. C.
Title : Chaucer's "Clerk's Tale": Interrogating "Virtue" through Violence [The author argues that the tale of Griselda should not be read as an allegory of humanity's relationship to God but as Chaucer's critique of hagiography's docile, virtuous heroines. Bodden cites the Envoy as clear evidence of Chaucer's condemnation of violence and in particular the torture of women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Great Effusion of Blood? Interpreting Medieval Violence.   Edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, and Oren Falk .   University of Toronto Press, 2004. Review of English Studies , 71., 298 ( 2020):  Pages 216 - 240.
Year of Publication: 2004.

5. Record Number: 10933
Author(s): Osborn, Marijane
Title : Authorship and Sexual/Allegorical Violence in Jean de Meun's "Roman de la Rose" [The author argues that while Jean de Meun's "Rose" calls attention to authorship and authority, it supports the privileges of patriarchy and the subordination of women. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 628 - 659.
Year of Publication: 2004.

6. Record Number: 10853
Author(s): Keen, Catherine M.
Title : Sex and the Medieval City: Viewing the Body Politic from Exile in Early Italian Verse [Keen examines poems by four authors in exile (Dante, Cino da Pistoia, Pietro dei Faitinelli, and Niccolò del Rosso) in which the natal city is depicted as a beautiful woman; sometimes she is to be pitied, but other times she is hateful. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image.   Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 155 - 171.
Year of Publication: 2004.

7. Record Number: 8078
Author(s): Donavin, Georgiana.
Title : Taboo and Transgression in Gower's "Apollonius of Tyre" [The author examines the themes of violence and incest in the story of Apollonius and Antiochus. The author argues that prohibitions against these crimes serve in part to evoke them. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 94 - 121.
Year of Publication: 2002.

8. Record Number: 8082
Author(s): Nugent, Christopher G.
Title : Reading Riannon: The Problematics of Motherhood in "Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet" [The author focuses on the episode in which Riannon, the queen, is wrongly accused by her serving women of killing her newborn son. Riannon must accept a strange ritual humiliation as her punishment until the baby is brought back to the royal court. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 180 - 202.
Year of Publication: 2002.

9. Record Number: 8081
Author(s): Migiel, Marilyn.
Title : Domestic Violence in the "Decameron" [The author examines Emilia's story about Melisso and Giosefo in the "Decameron." They both receive advice from Solomon who advocates wife beating. The story ends with the narrator Emilia offening justifications for violence against women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 164 - 179.
Year of Publication: 2002.

10. Record Number: 8281
Author(s): Vasvári, Louise O.
Title : Intimate Violence: Shrew Taming as Wedding Ritual in the "Conde Lucanor"
Source: Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Hispanic Issues, Volume 26.   Edited by Eukene Lacarra Lanz .   Routledge, 2002. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 21 - 38.
Year of Publication: 2002.

11. Record Number: 8087
Author(s): Epp, Garrett P. J.
Title : Noah's Wife: The Shaming of the "Trew" [The author examines the relationship between Noah and his wife in the Wakefield and York plays. Wakefield presents scenes of violence between the spouses while York does not represent the wife as a shrew and generally encourages the avoidance of violence. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 223 - 241.
Year of Publication: 2002.

12. Record Number: 7906
Author(s): Potkay, Monica Brzezinski.
Title : The Violence of Courtly Exegesis in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 97 - 124.
Year of Publication: 2001.

13. Record Number: 7903
Title : Reading Chaucer Reading Rape
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 21 - 60.
Year of Publication: 2001.

14. Record Number: 7907
Author(s): Burns, E. Jane.
Title : Raping Men: What's Motherhood Got to Do with It?
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 127 - 160.
Year of Publication: 2001.

15. Record Number: 6432
Author(s): Paterson, Linda.
Title : Gender Negotiations in France during the Central Middle Ages: The Literary Evidence [the author argues that vernacular literature is especially valuable for details of daily life and contemporary sensibilities; she considers the themes of marriage, courtly love, gendered identity and violence (including rape) in literature along with the larger trends in French and Occitan society at the time].
Source: The Medieval World.   Edited by Peter Linehan and Janet L. Nelson .   Routledge, 2001. Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 246 - 266.
Year of Publication: 2001.

16. Record Number: 11158
Author(s): Lodge, Kristine Funch.
Title : Holy Soul and Wholly Breast: The Implications of Objectification in AElfric's "Life of Agatha"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

17. Record Number: 10120
Author(s): Clift, Shelly Rae.
Title : Re-Writing and Un-Writing Violent Women in the Old English "Orosius"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 334: "Alfredian Texts and Contexts."
Year of Publication: 2000.

18. Record Number: 4272
Author(s): Salih, Sarah.
Title : Performing Virginity: Sex and Violence in the "Katherine" Group
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 95 - 112.
Year of Publication: 1999.

19. Record Number: 3202
Author(s): Blacker, Jean.
Title : Women, Power, and Violence in Orderic Vitalis's "Historia Ecclesiastica"
Source: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Anna Roberts .   University Press of Florida, 1998. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 44 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1998.

20. Record Number: 3204
Author(s): Jeay, Madeleine.
Title : Consuming Passions: Variations on the Eaten Heart Theme [analyzes the motif in the "Vida" of Guillem of Cabestaing, the "Lai d' Ignauré," and the "Roman du Castelain de Couci et de la dame de Fayel" by Jakemes].
Source: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Anna Roberts .   University Press of Florida, 1998. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 75 - 96.
Year of Publication: 1998.

21. Record Number: 3201
Title : The Violence of Exegesis: Reading the Bodies of AEIfric's Female Saints [Saints Agatha, Lucy, and Agnes].
Source: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Anna Roberts .   University Press of Florida, 1998. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 22 - 43.
Year of Publication: 1998.

22. Record Number: 3206
Title : Quiting Eve: Violence Against Women in the "Canterbury Tales"
Source: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Anna Roberts .   University Press of Florida, 1998. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 115 - 136.
Year of Publication: 1998.

23. Record Number: 4891
Author(s): Sanok, Catherine.
Title : Criseyde, Cassandre, and the "Thebaid": Women and the Theban Subtext of Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde" [The author argues that the Theban subtext emphasizes female vulnerability to male violence, while the male characters do not recognize war's violence and sublimate warlike rhetoric in the service of love].
Source: Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 20., ( 1998):  Pages 41 - 71.
Year of Publication: 1998.

24. Record Number: 3205
Author(s): Laskaya, Anne.
Title : The Rhetoric of Incest in the Middle English "Emaré"
Source: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Anna Roberts .   University Press of Florida, 1998. Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 20., ( 1998):  Pages 97 - 114.
Year of Publication: 1998.

25. Record Number: 2422
Author(s): Dunton-Downer, Leslie.
Title : Wolf Man
Source: Becoming Male in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1997. Germanic Notes and Reviews , 28., 2 (Fall 1997):  Pages 203 - 218.
Year of Publication: 1997.

26. Record Number: 2059
Author(s): Snow-Obenaus, Katya.
Title : Medieval Attitudes Towards Women as Reflected in the Songs of Heinrich von Morungen [analyzes the contrasting imagery of the singer's lady as a destructive force and as a figure of radiant goodness akin to the Virgin Mary].
Source: Germanic Notes and Reviews , 28., 2 (Fall 1997):  Pages 121 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1997.

27. Record Number: 2424
Author(s): Burger, Glenn.
Title : Erotic Discipline...Or "Tee Hee, I Like My Boys To Be Girls": Inventing With the Body in Chaucer's "Millers Tale"
Source: Becoming Male in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1997. Germanic Notes and Reviews , 28., 2 (Fall 1997):  Pages 245 - 260.
Year of Publication: 1997.

28. Record Number: 980
Title : Lessons on Castigating Women in the War-Torn World of the Iberian Peninsula
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 21., (Spring 1996):  Pages 26 - 27.
Year of Publication: 1996.

29. Record Number: 979
Author(s): Hovland, Deborah.
Title : Gender and Violence in the Northern French Farce
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 21., (Spring 1996):  Pages 23 - 26.
Year of Publication: 1996.

30. Record Number: 3641
Author(s): Pickens, Rupert T.
Title : Marie de France and the Body Poetic [The author examines Marie's poetics with regard to her preoccupation with the generation, transmission, and reception of discourse].
Source: Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages.   Edited by Jane Chance .   University Press of Florida, 1996. Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 21., (Spring 1996):  Pages 135 - 171.
Year of Publication: 1996.

31. Record Number: 2336
Author(s): Horner, Shari.
Title : Da nacodon word: Corporeal Hermeneutics in Aelfric's "Lives of Saints" [Saints Agatha, Agnes, and Lucy].
Source: Old English Newsletter , 29., 3 (Spring 1996):
Year of Publication: 1996.

32. Record Number: 1192
Author(s): Feimer, Joel.
Title : Sexual Violence and the Female Reader: Symbolic "Rape" in the Saints' Lives of the Katherine Group [the martyred virgins Juliana, Margaret, and Katherine].
Source: Women's Studies , 24., 3 ( 1995):  Pages 205 - 217. Special Issue: Issues in Medieval and Renaissance Scholarship
Year of Publication: 1995.

33. Record Number: 341
Author(s): Coletti, Theresa.
Title : Ther Be But Women: Gender Conflict and Gender Identity in the Middle English Innocents Plays [role of mothers versus the male sphere of public authority]
Source: Mediaevalia , 18., ( 1995):  Pages 245 - 261. (1995 (for 1992)) Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1995.

34. Record Number: 498
Author(s): Horner, Shari.
Title : The Violence of Exegesis: Reading the Bodies of Aelfric's Saints [Thirtieth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 1995. Thirtieth Symposium on the Sources of Anglo- Saxon Culture, co- sponsered by the Institute and CEMERS, Binghamton University. Session 247.]
Source: Old English Newsletter , 28., 3 (Spring 1995):
Year of Publication: 1995.

35. Record Number: 13640
Author(s): Campbell, Kimberlee Anne.
Title : Fighting Back: A Survey of Patterns of Female Aggressiveness in the Old French "chanson de geste" [The author argues that in the "chansons de geste" genre, women are sometimes represented as fighting defensively in order to save a loved one or themselves. Campbell also suggests that a woman's sexual identity diminishes the impact of her aggression. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Charlemagne in the North: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Société Rencesvals Edinburgh 4th to 11th August 1991.   Edited by Philip E. Bennett, Anne Elizabeth Cobby, and Graham A. Runnalls .   Société Rencesvals British Branch, 1993. Old English Newsletter , 28., 3 (Spring 1995):  Pages 241 - 251.
Year of Publication: 1993.

36. Record Number: 289
Author(s): Rieger, Dietmar
Title : Fiction littéraire et violence: le cas de la "Fille du Comte de Pontieu"
Source: Romania , 113., 1- 2 ( 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995):  Pages 92 - 117.
Year of Publication: 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995.

37. Record Number: 8664
Author(s): Johnston, D. R.
Title : The Erotic Poetry of the "Cywyddwyr" The author examines sexually explicit poems written by medieval Welsh poets. Some poets borrow heavily from Continental sources (such as Jean de Meun’s "Roman de la Rose" and the French pastorelle genre), but others employ distinctively Welsh literary genres (like the "llatai," a poem that features a male speaker who sends a messenger to seek the female’s favor, or the "cywydd gofyn," a poem that requests a gift). While some of the poems fulfill male desires by presenting women as sexually voracious or by suggesting that mutual enjoyment of sexual intercourse legitimates male acts of rape or violence, other poems explore what happens when the male’s desires are thwarted. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies , 21., (Winter 1991):  Pages 63 - 94.
Year of Publication: 1991.

38. Record Number: 12807
Author(s): Balliet, Gay L.
Title : The Wife in Chaucer's "Reeve's Tale": Siren of Sweet Vengeance [The author analyzes the episode in which the miller’s wife attempts to strike him in order to take revenge for the wrongs he has done her. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: English Language Notes , 28., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 1 - 6.
Year of Publication: 1990.