Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

13 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 33502
Author(s): Martínez de Toledo, Alonso
Contributor(s): Naylor, Eric W., trans. and Rank, Jerry R., trans.
Title : The Archpriest of Talavera: Dealing with the Vices of Wicked Women and the Complexions of Men
Source: The Archpriest of Talavera by Alonso Martínez de Toledo: Dealing with the Vices of Wicked Women and the Complexions of Men.   Edited by Eric W. Naylor and Jerry R. Rank .   Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2013.  Pages 25 - 224.
Year of Publication: 2013.

2. Record Number: 4906
Author(s): Slanicka, Simona.
Title : Male Markings: Unifoms in the Parisian Civil War as a Blurring of the Gender Order (A. D. 1410- 1420)
Source: Medieval History Journal , 2., 2 (July-December 1999):  Pages 209 - 244.
Year of Publication: 1999.

3. Record Number: 4349
Author(s): Even, Yael.
Title : Daphne (Without Apollo) Reconsidered: Some Disregarded Images of Sexual Pursuit in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
Source: Studies in Iconography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 143 - 159.
Year of Publication: 1997.

4. Record Number: 5509
Author(s): Cogan, Robert.
Title : Hildegard's Fractal Antiphon [The author uses the term "fractal" to describe the similar relationship among rising and falling lines in different scales].
Source: Wisdom Which Encircles Circles: Papers on Hildegard of Bingen.   Edited by Audrey Ekdahl Davidson .   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1996. Studies in Iconography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 93 - 104.
Year of Publication: 1996.

5. Record Number: 8633
Author(s): Block, Elaine C.
Title : Half Angel - Half Beast: Images of Women on Misericords [The author investigates the reasons why carvings of women appear on misericords, and shows how these carvings evoke women's negative associations with abstract vices, beasts, and devils. A comprehensive list of women on misericords appears at the end of the article. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):  Pages 17 - 34.
Year of Publication: 1992.

6. Record Number: 10013
Author(s): Pfau, Marianne Richert.
Title : The concept of Armonia as a key to the antiphons in Hildegard of Bingen's Symphonia [The article stresses the importance of musical setting in understanding Hildegard‚s poetic imagery. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 7., ( 1992):  Pages 154 - 170.
Year of Publication: 1992.

7. Record Number: 15597
Author(s): Polo de Beaulieu, Marie Anne.
Title : Mulier and "Femina": The Representation of Women in the "Scala celi" of Jean Gobi [The author analyzes Jean Gobi's use of terms for women. While these are many negative portrayals, especially as embodiments of vices, Jean Gobi does devote a section of his collected moral stories to the virtues of women. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medieval Women and the Sources of Medieval History.   Edited by Joel T. Rosenthal .   University of Georgia Press, 1990. Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):  Pages 50 - 65.
Year of Publication: 1990.

8. Record Number: 31657
Title : Humility Presenting Hope with the Severed Head of Pride
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):
Year of Publication:

9. Record Number: 31688
Title : Lust and Despair
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):
Year of Publication:

10. Record Number: 31967
Title : The abbess of White Nuns cuts the hair of a novice
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):
Year of Publication:

11. Record Number: 32299
Title : The Whore of Babylon Seated on the Waters
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):
Year of Publication:

12. Record Number: 34808
Title : Sermon of John of Capistrano at Bamberg's cathedral square
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):
Year of Publication:

13. Record Number: 36214
Title : Personified figures of Humility and Pride from Somme le roi
Source: Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society , 5., ( 1992):
Year of Publication: