Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

10 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 43507
Author(s): Waters, Claire M.
Title : Maria Mirabilis: Beholding Mary in the Miracles
Source: Journal of Religious History , 44., 4 ( 2020):  Pages 407 - 421. Available with a subscription: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9809.12700.
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 4675
Author(s): Pasztor, Edith.
Title : Angela da Foligno [The visions of Angela of Foligno are mediated through both her words in the vernacular and the Latin words of Brother Arnold. Both were aware of the limits of words to describe her experiences. Angela's visions, like those of other Umbrian women, focus particularly on the Passion of Jesus, but she also saw herself holding the Christ Child. Her Marian visions, unlike those of Clare of Montefalco, emphasize Mary's poverty and humility].
Source: Donne e sante: Studi sulla religiosità femminile nel Medio Evo. Edith Pasztor .   Edizioni Studium, 2000. Journal of Religious History , 44., 4 ( 2020):  Pages 275 - 302. Originally published as "Le visioni di Angela da Foligno nella religiosità femminile italiana del suo tempo," in Atti del Convegno di studi per il VII Centenario della conversione della B. Angela da Foligno (1285- 1985) (Perugia, 1987), 287-311.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 4024
Author(s): Chamberlayne, Joanna L.
Title : Crowns and Virgins: Queenmaking During the Wars of the Roses [the author analyzes the roles of the English queen: to be beautiful, chaste, and noble; to complement the king's actions with mercy and peacemaking; and to provide heirs while retaining a quasi-virginal state; the author looks at the case of Elizabeth Woodville who had been twice married, a violation of the longstanding practice that kings married virgins.]
Source: Young Medieval Women.   Edited by Katherine J. Lewis, Noel James Menuge, and Kim M. Phillips .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Journal of Religious History , 44., 4 ( 2020):  Pages 47 - 68.
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 5602
Author(s): Dallaj, Arnalda.
Title : Orazione e pittura tra "propaganda" e devozione al tempo di Sisto IV: il caso della Madonna della Misericordia di Ganna [once Sixtus IV issued a decree favoring the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, texts and images favoring that doctrine proliferated; some texts, genuine or spurious, promised indulgences to the devout; and they featured excerpts from Leonardo Nogarolo's office for the feast of Mary Immaculate; the image of the Madonna della Misericordia at Varese is such an image; the church also features the monogram of the Name of Jesus popularized by the Franciscan Observants; the entire complex benefited from patronage by the Sforza family].
Source: Revue Mabillon: Nouvelle Série , 8., 69 ( 1997):  Pages 237 - 262.
Year of Publication: 1997.

5. Record Number: 3583
Author(s): Hale, Rosemary Drage.
Title : Joseph as Mother: Adaptation and Appropriation in the Construction of Male Virtue
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Revue Mabillon: Nouvelle Série , 8., 69 ( 1997):  Pages 101 - 116.
Year of Publication: 1996.

6. Record Number: 3580
Author(s): Parsons, John Carmi.
Title : The Pregnant Queen as Counsellor and the Medieval Construction of Motherhood
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Revue Mabillon: Nouvelle Série , 8., 69 ( 1997):  Pages 39 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1996.

7. Record Number: 445
Author(s): Parsons, John Carmi.
Title : Queen's Intercession in Thirteenth- Century England [contradictory nature of the queen's role as intercessor].
Source: Power of the Weak: Studies on Medieval Women. A selection of a papers presented at the annual conference of the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, Feb. 1990.   Edited by Jennifer Carpenter and Sally- Beth MacLean .   University of Illinois Press, 1995. Revue Mabillon: Nouvelle Série , 8., 69 ( 1997):  Pages 147 - 177.
Year of Publication: 1995.

8. Record Number: 11225
Title : A Relic, Some Pictures and the Mothers of Florence in the Late Fourteenth Century
Source: Gesta (Full Text via JSTOR) 30, 2 (1991): 91-99. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1991.

9. Record Number: 12682
Author(s): Corrie, Rebecca W.
Title : The Political Meaning of Coppo di Marcovaldo's Madonna and Child in Siena
Source: Gesta (Full Text via JSTOR) 29, 1 (1990): 61-75. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1990.

10. Record Number: 12762
Author(s): Hale, Rosemary Drage.
Title : Imitatio Mariae: Motherhood Motifs in Devotional Memoirs [The author discusses what she calls “spiritual motherhood” or “mother mysticism” (visionary appearances of Jesus as an infant, used to express the same desire for mystical union with God as is often expressed by the imagery of spiritual marriage) in South German fourteenth-century Dominican devotional writing. She discusses in particular the mystics Christine Ebner, Adelheide Langmann and Margarete Ebner. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Mystics Quarterly , 16., 4 ( 1990):  Pages 193 - 203.
Year of Publication: 1990.