Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

9 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 24042
Author(s): Smith, Katherine Allen and Scott Wells
Title : Penelope D. Johnson, the Boswell Thesis, and "Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe" [The editors highlight the contributions made by Penelope Johnson to the understanding of women’s monasticism, gender history, and violence. John Boswell was her dissertation advisor, and they shared an interest in questions of religion and community. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage, and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom.   Edited by Katherine Allen Smith and Scott Wells Studies in the History of Christian Traditions .   Brill, 2009.  Pages 1 - 13.
Year of Publication: 2009.

2. Record Number: 10122
Title : Consequential Actions/ Marginality and Perversion: Breaking the Man-Monster Binary in "Beowulf"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 347: "Beowulf I."
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 3772
Author(s): Whitney, Elspeth.
Title : Witches, Saints and Other "Others": Women and Deviance in Medieval Culture [The author provides an introductory overview of the ideas about women that set the stage for the witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries].
Source: Women in Medieval Western European Culture.   Edited by Linda E. Mitchell .   Garland Publishing, 1999. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 295 - 312.
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 1
Author(s): Hanawalt, Barbara A.
Title : At the Margin of Women's Space in Medieval Europe [regulation of women's space with an emphasis on prostitutes and religious women].
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995.  Pages 1 - 17. Also reprinted in "Of Good and Ill Repute": Gender and Social Control in Medieval England. Barbara A. Hanawalt. Oxford University Press, 1998. Pages 70-87.
Year of Publication: 1995.

5. Record Number: 92
Author(s): Shemek, Deanna
Title : Circular Definitions: Configuring Gender in Italian Renaissance Festival [races run by prostitutes in Ferrara's Palio di San Giogio].
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 48, 1 (Spring 1995): 1-40. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

6. Record Number: 10246
Author(s): Bremner, Eluned.
Title : Margery Kempe and the Critics: Disempowerment and Deconstruction [The author compares selected twentieth-century analyses of Kempe’s “Book” (written by literary critics) to episodes in the “Book” itself, in which Margery faces criticism from various figures of authority. Both the modern critics outside the text and the clerical figures within the “Book” reinforce patriarchal structures in response to Kempe, who challenges female suppression and speaks to establish her autonomy and power. Despite critics’ attempts to disempower her, Kempe refuses to accept the marginalization of female sexuality, crosses traditional gender role boundaries, and determines her own voice and social role through speech and writing. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margery Kempe: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Sandra J. McEntire .   Garland Publishing, 1992.  Pages 117 - 135.
Year of Publication: 1992.

7. Record Number: 11210
Author(s): Matlock, Wendy A.
Title : Marginality as Woman’s Freedom: The Case of Floripe [In Jean Bagnyon’s 1478 prose rendition of “Fierabras” (a twelfth-century poem), Floripe (the sister of Fierabras) is a rare example of a woman who lives an active life. Floripe’s magical, near-divine otherness as a Saracen princess allows her extraordinary scope of action in both the public and domestic spheres. As an outsider to Christian society, she is able to act freely, and even after her marriage to a Christian nobleman she remains in a powerful space between two societies. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association , 12., ( 1991):  Pages 41 - 59.
Year of Publication: 1991.

8. Record Number: 8652
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : Donne religiose nella Firenze del Due-Trecento [The calling of Florentine recluses was grounded in the hermit tradition, but their lives came to be regulated according to monastic norms. The hermit ideal was rural, but these women were urban. Communities of recluses could come into conflict with local ecclesiastical authorities, but they often had important lay patrons. Marginal women, including widows and ex-prostitutes, often found homes in communities of penitents. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990. Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association , 12., ( 1991):  Pages 593 - 634. Originally printed as "Donne religiose nella Firenze del Due-Trecento: Appunti per una ricerca in corso," in Le mouvement confraternel au Moyen Âge: France, Suisse, Italie: Actes de la table ronde, Lausanne 9-11 mai 1985 (Droz, 1987). Pages 41-82.
Year of Publication: 1990.

9. Record Number: 8653
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : In domo bighittarum seu viduarum: Pubblica assistenza e marginalità nella Firenze medievale [Assistance by ecclesiastical institutions to the poor and unfortunate was grounded in the tradition of monastic hospitality. The demand for relief grew as urban life revived in the later Middle Ages. Among those most in need were marginalized women, including poor widows and ex-prostitutes. By the 13th century, Florence and other Italian communes were involved in regulating services to the poor. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990. Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association , 12., ( 1991):  Pages 635 - 665. Originally published in Città e servizi sociali nell’Italia dei secoli XII-XV: Atti del dodicesimo convegno internazionale del Centro italiano di studi di storia e d’arte di Pistoia, 2-12 ottobre 1987 (Presso la sede del Centro, 1990). Pages 325-353.
Year of Publication: 1990.