Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

14 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 43203
Author(s): Slefinger, John,
Title : Historicizing the Allegorical Eye: Reading Lady Mede
Source: Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 85 - 100.
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 5601
Author(s): Johnson, Galen.
Title : Church and Conscience in William Langland and Julian of Norwich [The author contrasts Julian's view with that of Langland's, maintaining that the mystic accepted the authority of the Holy Church though she sometimes gave her visions greater credence; Langland, however, could not submit to the Church's authority].
Source: Fides et Historia , 32., 2 (Summer-Fall 2000):  Pages 51 - 66.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 5436
Author(s): Galloway, Andrew.
Title : Intellectual Pregnancy, Metaphysical Femininity, and the Social Doctrine of the Trinity in "Piers Plowman"
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 117 - 152.
Year of Publication: 1998.

4. Record Number: 5434
Author(s): Paxson, James J.
Title : Gender Personified, Personification Gendered, and the Body Figuralized in "Piers Plowman" [The author first considers the tradition of personifications embodied as females and then argues that the gender of Meed and Anima are key feature in Langland's allegory].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 65 - 96.
Year of Publication: 1998.

5. Record Number: 5020
Author(s): Trigg, Stephanie.
Title : The Traffic in Medieval Women: Alice Perrers, Feminist Criticism, and "Piers Plowman" [The author warns against affirming the gender system of Western patriarchy while analyzing stereotypes of femininity in Lady Meed].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 5 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1998.

6. Record Number: 5435
Author(s): Bishop, Louise.
Title : Dame Study and Women's Literacy ["Langland's poem negotiates the discourse of reading, recognizing the competition between the accepted female discursive mode and the call to social activism: 'Piers Plowman' embodies that competition in the figure of Study. As wife of Wit, Study dramatizes the competition for a reader's conscience, and traces in her disquisition the readerly paths to the heart. The one thing that recuperates the social experience of reading is its communal and sensual component: texts are read, heard, and felt. Study's emphasis on charity reveals a bold, feminized component of the discourse of social activism as antidote, if you will, to the constructed female reader of texts of affective piety." (Page 112)].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 97 - 115.
Year of Publication: 1998.

7. Record Number: 5433
Author(s): Baker, Joan and Susan Signe Morrison
Title : The Luxury of Gender: "Piers Plowman" and "The Merchant's Tale" ["We do not wish to suggest from our reading of these texts that Langland is indifferent to the gender concern Chaucer delightedly and delightfully explores. On the contrary, we regardLangland's relentless search for Truth throughout his poem as evidence that he would be uneasy at the very least about offering a painless placebo, a quick fix, for the problems of gender. We conclude our study, therefore, with a close look at some differences in the versions of "Piers Plowman" to assert that Langland was, indeed, not only aware of, but deeply concerned with such issues, particularly those concerning a gendered readership of his text. And this, we contend, makes his ultimate subordination of gender to other social and spiritual agendas a more deliberate and hence more compelling argument for the 'luxury' of gender." (Page 52)].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 31 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1998.

8. Record Number: 2989
Author(s): Keller, Kimberly.
Title : For Better and Worse: Women and Marriage in "Piers Plowman"
Source: Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 67 - 83.
Year of Publication: 1996.

9. Record Number: 13836
Author(s): Hanna, Ralph, III
Title : Brewing Trouble: On Literature and History -- and Alewives [The author critically examines Judith Bennett's analysis of alewives in Middle English literature, in particular in Langland's "Piers Plowman." Hanna argues that misogyny is just one factor animating the portrayals and points to a distrust of people in the food trade, a concern with profit over and above a proper return, and the need to restrain pleasure. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Bodies and Disciplines: Intersections of Literature and History in Fifteenth-Century England.   Edited by Barbara A. Hanawalt and David Wallace .   Medieval Cultures series, 9. University of Minnesota Press, 1996. Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 1 - 17.
Year of Publication: 1996.

10. Record Number: 55
Author(s): Fowler, Elizabeth.
Title : Civil Death and the Maiden: Agency and the Conditions of Contract in Piers Plowman
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 70 (1995): 760-792. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

11. Record Number: 10765
Author(s): Dolan, Terence.
Title : Langland's Women [The author argues that Langland resorts to female stereotypes only part of the time. In other cases his female characters have prestigious roles, while he also appears sympathetic to the plight of poor women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Wyf Ther Was: Essays in Honour of Paule Mertens-Fonck.   Edited by Juliette Dor .   English Department, University of Liège, 1992.  Pages 123 - 128.
Year of Publication: 1992.

12. Record Number: 11218
Author(s): Carlson, Paula J.
Title : Lady Meed and God’s Meed: The Grammar of 'Piers Plowman' B 3 and C 4 [In revising his poem, William Langland expands a passage (in what is known as the B-text) into a longer passage (in what is known as the C-text) that describes the debate between Conscience and Lady Meed. Much of modern readers’ confusion about the meaning of the C-text passage lies in the misleading punctuation in W. W. Skeat’s printed edition of the poem. The editor’s punctuation choices obscure the sustained grammatical metaphor Langland uses in the revised C-text. In this new passage, the relationship between nouns and adjectives are meant to describe (by way of analogy) the relationship between God and humanity. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Traditio , 46., ( 1991):  Pages 291 - 311.
Year of Publication: 1991.

13. Record Number: 11217
Author(s): Twomey, Michael W.
Title : Christ’s Leap and Mary’s Clean Catch in “Piers Plowman” B.12.136-44a and C.14.81-88a [In his allegorical poem, William Langland combines conventional images of Christ and Mary in order to represent how Christ’s love and Mary’s purity played a key role in the foundation of the Church. The poet achieves this effect through poetic devices, including allusion and metaphor. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 5., ( 1991):  Pages 165 - 174.
Year of Publication: 1991.

14. Record Number: 11216
Author(s): Cooper, Helen.
Title : Gender and Personification in "Piers Plowman" [Although most allegorical writings associate personifications with femininity (abstract nouns often being grammatically feminine in Latin and Romance languages), Langland’s Middle English poem genders personifications based on what attribute they are intended to represent, sometimes representing them as male and sometimes as female. The Seven Deadly Sins, for instance, are not personified as abstract concepts but are exemplified in the behavior of representative individuals (both men and women). Rather than seeing various figures in the poem as allegorical, medieval rhetoricians would claim they are metonyms (parts or attributes representing the larger whole). Thus male figures in the poem can be read as representing particular aspects of the (male) poet’s self. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 5., ( 1991):  Pages 31 - 48.
Year of Publication: 1991.