Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

9 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 20599
Author(s): Engen, John van
Title : Illicit Religion: The Case of Friar Matthew Grabow, O.P [In the Middle Ages "Religious" could mean a person who joined a vowed order of monks, nuns or friars or it could apply more broadly to anyone who lived a chiristian life. The Dominican Matthew Grabow attacked the followers of the "Devotio Moderna," especially women's communities, for living a common life without vows. He also thought that it was not legal for the laity to give up their property rights and pursue a religious life without taking monastic vows. This argument was condemned, even by other friars, for making religious life broadly understood, illicit. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Law and the Illicit in Medieval Europe.   Edited by Ruth Mazo Karras, Joel Kaye, and E. Ann Matter .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.  Pages 103 - 116.
Year of Publication: 2008.

2. Record Number: 6941
Author(s): Seidel Menchi, Silvana
Title : Percorsi variegati, percorsi obligati: elogio del matrimonio pre-tridentino [Medieval ideas of marriage emphasized consent. This permitted individuals a great deal of control over their marriage choices, including through clandestine unions. Sexual consummation, however, was not ignored. The power of individuals, even against familial interests, led, after the Council of Trent, to greater regulation of marriages by both Church and political entities. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Matrimoni in dubbio: unioni controverse e nozze clandestine in Italia dal XIV al XVIII secolo   Edited by Edited by Silvana Seidel Menchi and Diego Quaglioni. .   Mulino, 2001.  Pages 17 - 60.
Year of Publication: 2001.

3. Record Number: 6942
Author(s): Quaglioni, Diego.
Title : Sacramenti detestabili: La forma del matrimonio prima e dopo Trento [Medieval jurists combined natural law and Biblical knowledge, as well as sexual and emotional elements, in their teaching on marriage. There were enough ambiguities in local practices to further complicate litigation over contested marriages. This prompted the Council of Trent to attempt a systematization of matrimonial practices, forbidding clandestine unions and emphasizing the role of the priest as witness to the exchange of consents. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Matrimoni in dubbio: unioni controverse e nozze clandestine in Italia dal XIV al XVIII secolo.   Edited by Silvana Seidel Menchi and Diego Quaglioni .   Mulino, 2001.  Pages 61 - 79.
Year of Publication: 2001.

4. Record Number: 7061
Author(s): Quaglini, Diego.
Title : Divortium a diversitate mentium: La separazione personale dei coniugi nelle dottrine di diritto commune (appunti per una discussione) [Although Roman law permitted divorce, theology and canon law distinguished between separation of spouses and dissolution of marriage. Separation was permitted on certain grounds, including adultery, mistreatment of wife by husband and the desire of one spouse to enter the religious life. The Council of Trent, however, reaffirmed the sacramental nature of marriage, including its indissolubility. Later canon law also restricted the possibility of separation. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Coniugi nemici: la separazione in Italia dal XII al XVIII secolo.   Edited by Silvana Seidel Menchi and Diego Quaglioni .   Il mulino, 2000.  Pages 95 - 118.
Year of Publication: 2000.

5. Record Number: 5590
Author(s): Heidecker, Karl.
Title : Why Should Bishops Be Involved in Marital Affairs? Hincmar of Rheims on the Divorce of King Lothar II (855- 869)
Source: The community, the family, and the saint: patterns of power in early medieval Europe: selected proceedings of the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 4-7 July 1994, 10-13 July 1995.   Edited by Joyce Hill and Mary Swan International Medieval Research .   Brepols, 1998.  Pages 225 - 235.
Year of Publication: 1998.

6. Record Number: 13750
Author(s): Frassetto, Michael.
Title : Heresy, Celibacy, and Reform in the Sermons of Ademar of Chabannes [The monk Ademar records interconnecting concerns in his sermons. Heretics in Aquitaine called priests' behavior into question. Church councils sought to prevent clergy from having wives or concubines in order to ensure the purity of the Eucharist. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Purity and Piety: Essays on Medieval Clerical Celibacy and Religious Reform.   Edited by Michael Frassetto Garland Medieval Casebooks Series .   Garland Publishing, 1998.  Pages 131 - 148.
Year of Publication: 1998.

7. Record Number: 9518
Author(s): Pitsakis, Constantin G.
Title : Le droit matrimonial dans les canons du concile in Trullo [The author examines the canons concerning marriage from the Quinisext Synod (known as the Council of Trullo for the hall in the imperial palace in Constantinople where it was held). Pitsakis points out that in some cases the regulations present a clear double standard where women's sexual crimes are condemned harshly while the same crimes committed by men are judged more leniently. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , 24., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 158 - 185.
Year of Publication: 1992.

8. Record Number: 10211
Author(s): Herrin, Judith
Title : Femina Byzantina: The Council in Trullo on Women [The author looks at the canons from the Quinisext Synod (also known as the Council of Trullo) which concern women. They fall into three broad areas: church services, monasticism, and lay women's behavior. In regard to church services, Canon 70 forbids women to speak during the liturgy. Issues of concern in women's monasticism included the overly elaborate clothing worn by women when they took the veil and the need for priests' wives to join monasteries. Lay women's behavior needed curbing during festivals, at public baths, when dancing, and during ceremonies that smacked of paganism. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 46., ( 1992):  Pages 97 - 105. Journal issue titled: Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan.
Essay reproduced in Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium. By Judith Herrin. Princeton University Press, 2013. Pages 115-132.
Year of Publication: 1992.

9. Record Number: 10691
Author(s): Andrachuk, Gregory Peter.
Title : Extra qua us omnino salvatur: The Epilogue of the Vida de Santa
Source: CorĂ³nica , 19., 2 (Spring 1991):  Pages 43 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1991.