Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

1 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 4675
Author(s): Pasztor, Edith.
Title : Angela da Foligno [The visions of Angela of Foligno are mediated through both her words in the vernacular and the Latin words of Brother Arnold. Both were aware of the limits of words to describe her experiences. Angela's visions, like those of other Umbrian women, focus particularly on the Passion of Jesus, but she also saw herself holding the Christ Child. Her Marian visions, unlike those of Clare of Montefalco, emphasize Mary's poverty and humility].
Source: Donne e sante: Studi sulla religiosità femminile nel Medio Evo. Edith Pasztor .   Edizioni Studium, 2000.  Pages 275 - 302. Originally published as "Le visioni di Angela da Foligno nella religiosità femminile italiana del suo tempo," in Atti del Convegno di studi per il VII Centenario della conversione della B. Angela da Foligno (1285- 1985) (Perugia, 1987), 287-311.
Year of Publication: 2000.