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Record Number:
Hunt , Lucy-Anne
A Woman’s Prayer to Saint Sergios in Latin Syria: Interpreting a Thirteenth-century Icon at Mount Sinai [The icons at Saint Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai include one depicting a black-veiled woman keeling in prayer before an equestrian Saint Sergios. The symbolic significance of the woman’s black veil is unknown, but the painting may indicate the imp
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 15, ( 1991): Pages 96 - 145.
Article Type:
Journal Article
(See Also)
Art History- Painting
Devotional Objects
Devotional Practices
Donor Portraits
Lay Piety
Mary, Virgin, Saint in Art
Patronage, Artistic
Sinai, Egypt- Saint Catherine’s Monastery
Sergios, Martyr in Art
Women in Art
Award Note:
Geographic Area:
Eastern Mediterranean
Primary Evidence:
Twenty Figures. Figure One “Woman Supplicating Saint Sergios,” Icon, (Mount Sinai, Egypt). Painting depicts a woman wearing a black veil kneeling before Saint Sergios, who is dressed in armor and sits atop a horse. Figure Two “Saint Sergios and Saint Bacchus,” Icon (reverse), (Mount Sinai, Egypt). Painting depicts the two saints riding side by side, each dressed in armor. Figure Three “Virgin Hodegetria,” Icon (obverse), (Mount Sinai, Egypt). The Virgin holds the Christ child in her right hand. Figure Four “Virgin Galaktotrophousa with Saint Theodore and Saint Marina,” (North Wall, Qara Church, Tabriz, Iran). Painting depicts Saint Theodore riding towards the Galaktotrophousa, with Saint Marina (Margaret of Antioch) behind him. Figure Five “Saint Sergios and Saint John the Baptist,” (North Wall, Qara Church, Tabriz, Iran). Painting depicts Saint Sergios in armor, holding a banner; Saint John the Baptist stands next to him. Figure Six “Saint Catherine and Saint Marina,” Icon (Mount Sinai, Egypt). Saint Catherine wears a robe and holds an orb; Saint Marina stands next to her, wearing a veil. Figure Seven “Saint Simeon Stylites and Saint Barbara,” Icon, (Mount Sinai, Egypt). Saint Simeon Stylites stands before a podium and holds a book; Saint Barbara stands next to him. Figure Eight “Male Supplicant Before Saint Phocas,” (Church of Mar Phocas, Amioun, Lebanon). Painting depicts a small male figure kneeling to the right of the saint. Figure Nine “Female Supplicants Before the Virgin Hodegetria and Virgin and Child,” (Chapel, Beirut, Lebanon), Painting depicts a small female figure kneeling to the left of the Virgin Hodegetria; another small female figure kneels to the left of the Virgin and Child. Figure Ten “Queen Keran and Family at Prayer,” (Jerusalem, American Patriarchate, MS 2563, fol. 380r). Manuscript Illustration depicts the Queen standing on the right, her husband on the left, and children kneeling between them; all the family members gaze upward toward Christ, who is flanked by the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist. Figure Eleven “Saint George Rescuing the Boy from Mytelene,” Icon (Mount Sinai, Egypt). Painting depicts Saint George in armor atop a horse, carrying a boy in his right arm. Figure Twelve “George of Paris Supplicating Saints George and Theodore,” Icon (Mount Sinai, Egypt). Painting depicts the saints riding together on horseback, each wearing armor and carrying a banner. Figure Thirteen “Saint Theodore,” (North Wall, Mar Mousa Habashi, Nebek, Syria). Painting depicts Saint Theodore riding on horseback, wearing a red cloak and holding a cross banner and decorated shield. Figure Fourteen “Saint George,” (South Wall, Mar Mousa Habashi, Nebek, Syria). Painting depicts Saint George on a horse leaping over a stretch of water with fish. Figure Fifteen “Female Saint,” (Nave arch soffit, mar Mousa Habashi, Nebek, Syria). Painting depicts a haloed woman holding a cross. Figure Sixteen “Saint George,” (Fragment of wall painting from extramural chapel, Crac des Chevaliers, Syria). Detail of painting depicts the hooves of Saint George’s horse before a stream filled with fish. Figure Seventeen “Saint Theodore and Saint George,” (Parchment folium, Augustinermuseum, Freiburg, Germany). Manuscript Illustration depicts Saint Theodore and Saint George on horseback; Saint George is dressed in battle armor and a flowing cape. Figure Eighteen “Oration to the Virgin,” (Queen Melisende’s Psalter, London, British Library MS Egerton 1139, fol. 202v). Manuscript illustration depicts the Virgin seated on a jeweled throne, holding the Christ child in her arms; angels gaze down upon them (top left and top right of image). Figure Nineteen “Virgin Eleousa,” Icon (Byzantine Museum, Athens). Painting depicts the Virgin and Child, surrounded by a red border. Figure Twenty “Virgin Glykophilousa,” (Syriac Psalter, London, British Library MS Additional 7154 fol. 1v). Manuscript illustration depicts the Virgin and Child, who face each other cheek to cheek. The Christ child’s arm is extended, his hand touching the Virgin’s chin.
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