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Record Number:
Cotsonis , John.
The Virgin and Justinian on Seals of the "Ekklesiekdikoi" of Hagia Sophia [The author explores the various meanings carried by the seals made for the clerical tribunal from Hagia Sophia, which present the standing figures of the Virgin and the Emperor Justinian, holding between them a model of the church Hagia Sophia. The church building in part signifies a place of mercy and refuge. Justinian was not only the builder of the church but also the patron of the clerical tribunal. The Virgin was the most powerful intermediary and an object of hope for the penitent and those in trouble. The clerics from the tribunal turned to the Virgin Mary and Justinian for help in coming to just and merciful decisions. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source URL:
Dumbarton Oaks Papers
(Full Text via JSTOR) 56 (2002): 41-55.
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Dumbarton Oaks Papers
(Full Text via JSTOR) 56 (2002): 41-55.
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Article Type:
Journal Article
(See Also)
Art History- Decorative Arts
Constantinople/Istanbul- Church of Hagia Sophia- Clerical Tribunal (Ekklesiekdikoi)
Constantinople/Istanbul- Church of Hagia Sophia in Art
Courts of Law, Ecclesiastical
Intercession in Art
Justinian I, By
Award Note:
Geographic Area:
Eastern Mediterranean
6, 11- 12- 13- 14
Primary Evidence:
Twenty Figures. Figure One Lead seal, the Virgin Mary and Justinian supporting a model of Hagia Sophia with an inscription running from the obverse to the reverse, eleventh century. Figure Two Lead seal, the Virgin and Justinian supporting a model of Hagia Sophia (St. Petersburg, Hermitage, M7949). Figure Three Lead seal, the Virgin and Justinian supporting a model of Hagia Sophia, twelfth century. Figure Five Lead seal, the Virgin and Justinian supporting a model of Hagia Sophia, second half of twelfth century (Washington, D.C., Dumbarton Oaks, Fogg 2934). Figure Six Mosaic, Justinian offering Hagia Sophia and Constantine offering the city to the enthroned Virgin and Child, tenth century (Constantinople/Istanbul, southwest vestibule of Hagia Sophia). Figure Seven Hagia Sophia, inner narthex, looking south. Figure Eight Hagia Sophia, entrance of the southwest vestibule. Figure Nine Ekloga, manuscript illumination of Justinian with the personification of Justice, Leo III and Constantine V, and the "patrikioi" Niketas and Marinos, 1175 C.E. (Venice, Marc. gr. 172, fol. 27v). Figure Ten Ekloga, manuscript illumination of Justinian, last third of the thirteenth century (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, cod. gr. 1391, fol. 179v.). Figure Eleven Psalter, manuscript illumination of the sons of Korah confessing to St. Silvester before an icon of the Virgin and Child, 1058/1059 C.E. (Vatican, Bib. Apost. Vat. gr. 752, fol. 51r). Figure Twelve Manuscript illumination of the heavenly ladder, used as a headpiece for Penitence, 12th century (Sinai, cod. gr. 418, fol. 79r). Figure Thirteen Manuscript illumination of the heavenly ladder showing the Virgin interceding for the "holy criminals," late 12th- early 13th century (Vatican, Bib. Apost. Vat. gr. 1754, fol. 5r). Figure Fourteen Manuscript illumination of the heavenly ladder showing the Virgin encouraging the "holy criminals" to repent, late 12th-early 13th century (Vatican, Bib. Apost. Vat. gr. 1754, fol. 6r). Figure Fifteen The Virgin Eleousa and Christ Antiphonetes, Fresco, 1192 C.E. (Lagoudhera, Panaghia tou Arakos, left and right piers of the sanctuary). Figure Sixteen Manuscript illumination of the Virgin interceding for a high official, Lavra Lectionary, 12th century (Athos, Lavra cod. A 103, fol. 3v). Figure Seventeen Hagia Sophia, inner narthex, imperial doors. Figure Eighteen The Virgin and Child flanked by angels, done in relief on a panaghiarion, a special paten used to elevate the bread dedicated to the Virgin, 14th century (Athos, Xeropotamou). Figure Nineteen Last Judgment: The Weighing of Souls, fresco, 1316-1321 (Istanbul, Church of the Cora, Parekklesion). Figure Twenty Last Judgment: The Deesis, fresco, 1316-1321 (Istanbul, Church of the Chora, Parekklesion).
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Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
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