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Record Number:
Stanton , Anne Rudloff.
The Psalter of Isabelle, Queen of England 1308-1330: Isabelle as the Audience [The illustrated psalter was produced as a gift for the young queen sometime between her betrothal and marriage. It presents Biblical role models for the edification of the queen. Stanton argues that the psalter is particularly noteworthy for its emphasis on official, maternal roles and for its use of bilingual texts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Word and Image 18, 1 (January-March 2002): Pages 1 - 27.
Article Type:
Journal Article
(See Also)
Art History- Painting
Bible- Old Testament in Art
Illumination of Manuscripts
Isabelle of France, Wife of Edward II, King of England
Isabelle Psalter
Manuscripts- Ownership of
Mothers in Art
Psalters, Liturgical Books
Queen Mary Psalter (Prese
Award Note:
Geographic Area:
British Isles
Primary Evidence:
Manuscript; Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cod. gall. 16, known as the Isabelle Psalter. Contains psalms in both Latin and French. Illustrated throughout with Biblical scenes, marginalia, and decorated initials.
Nineteen figures. Figure One Isabelle in prayer, manuscript illumination from the Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 94). Figure Two Jesse Tree; Annointing of David and other David Scenes, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fols.7v-8). Figure Three David marries Michal; David and Saul, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 35v). Figure Four Bathsheba, David, and Abishag; Burial of David and Judgment of Solomon, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 82). Figure Five Lion and Lioness, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 9). Figure Six Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 26v). Figure Seven Abraham and Hagar, Queen Mary Psalter (London, British Library, MS Royal 2B. vii, fol. 9v). Figure Eight Abraham and Hagar, Bohun Psalter-Hours (Oxford, University of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Auct. D.4.4, fol. 105). Figure Nine Samson scenes, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 89v). Figure Ten Annunciation of the Birth of Samson, Queen Mary Psalter (London, British Library, MS Royal 2B.vii, fol. 42v). Figure Eleven David Scenes, Henry of Bolingbroke Psalter (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, MS 38-1950, fol.99). Figure Twelve David and Bathsheba, Tickhill Psalter (New York, New York Public Library, Spencer Collection, MS Spencer 26, fol. 73v). Figure Thirteen Creation Scenes; the Antelope, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fols 9v-10). Figure Fourteen Temptation and Expulsion; the Centaur, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fols 10v-11). Figure Fifteen Temptation of Noah's wife, Queen Mary Psalter (London, British Library, MS Royal 2B.vii, fol. 6). Figure Sixteen Birth of Cain, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fol. 11v). Figure Seventeen Cain and Abel; the Beaver, Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fols 14v-15). Figure Eighteen Adam and Eve, Tickhill Psalter (New York, New York Public Library, Spencer Collection, MS Spencer 26, fol. 5). Figure Nineteen Samson and Delilah; Isabelle in prayer (detail), Isabelle Psalter (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, fols. 93v-94).
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