Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

4 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 10572
Author(s): Alberzoni, Maria Pia.
Title : Da Pauperes Domine a Sorores Pauperes: la negazione di un modello di santita itinerante femminile? [In 1263 Pope Urban IV attempted to bring unity to the Poor Clares, imposing norms of monastic enclosure that limited the ideal of Franciscan poverty. Clare's own letters reveal her past struggles with Cardinal Ugolino (Gregory IX) for preservation of the ideal of strict poverty and mendicancy. Urban's bull also required that the Franciscan friars limit their care of women religious to the Clares. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Pellegrinaggi e culto dei Santi: Santita minoritica del primo e secundo ordine.   Edited by Benedetto Vetere .   Mario Congedo editore, 2004.  Pages 39 - 59.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 4869
Author(s): Natvig, Mary.
Title : Rich Clares, Poor Clares: Celebrating the Divine Office ["The goal of this study is to trace the role of music in the Clarissan liturgy throughout the development of the order, from its origins in the early thirteenth century through its reform more than two hundred years later. Most of the extant evidence comes from the interpretation of numerous rules that governed the sisters." (Page. 60). Appendices include two extracts from the "Acta sanctorum" that describe how the Poor Clares celebrate the Divine Office, an extract from "Historiae seu vitae sanctorum" by Surius again describing the performance of the Office, and a list of polyphonic manuscripts with possible connections to the convents of St. Clare].
Source: Women and Music , 4., ( 2000):  Pages 59 - 70.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 5660
Author(s): Sensi, Mario.
Title : Chiara d'Assisi nell'Umbria del Quattrocento [use of the original rule of Saint Clare, long eclipsed by other versions, revived in the fifteenth century in Umbria; many houses of reformed Clares were affiliated with the Franciscan Observants, but it is difficult to correlate this with revived use of the primitive rule; veneration of Clare in Umbria included invocations against the plague].
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):  Pages 215 - 239.
Year of Publication: 1994.

4. Record Number: 9775
Author(s): Miligi, Giuseppe.
Title : Francescanesimo al femminile: Chiara d’Assisi ed Eustochia da Messina [Franciscan hagiography described Francis as "another Christ" and Clare as "another Mary." These hagiographers saw Mary’s role as active, not passive. An early copy of Clare’s Rule ties her to Eustochia of Messina, an outstanding 15th century follower of that Rule. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Francescanesimo al femminile: Chiara d'Assisi ed Eustochia da Messina.   Edited by Giuseppe Miligi et al .   EDAS, 1994. Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):  Pages 11 - 40.
Year of Publication: 1994.