Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

47 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 44533
Author(s): Albericus of Rosciate, , , Angelus de Gambilionibus, , Julius Kirshner and Osvaldo Cavallar
Title : Paternal Power (Patria Potestas)
Source: Jurists and Jurisprudence in Medieval Italy: Texts and Contexts.   Edited by Osvaldo Cavallar and Julius Kirshner .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 581 - 612. Available with a subscription from JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3138/j.ctv179h1fw.43
and from De Gruyter: https://doi.org/10.3138/9781487536336-011
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 41831
Contributor(s): Abbouchi, Mounawar, ed. and trans.
Title : Yde and Olive
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality , 53., 4 ( 2018):  Pages 1 - 131. Available open access from Medieval Institute Publications on Western Michigan University's ScholarWorks websitehttps://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mff/vol53/iss4/1/
Year of Publication: 2018.

3. Record Number: 16302
Author(s): Eichhorn-Mulligan, Amy C.
Title : The Anatomy of Power and the Miracle of Kingship: The Female Body of Sovereignty in a Medieval Irish Kingship Tale
Source: Speculum , 81., 4 (October 2006):  Pages 1014 - 1054.
Year of Publication: 2006.

4. Record Number: 11945
Author(s): Turner, Ralph V.
Title : Eleanor of Aquitaine in the Governments of Her Sons Richard and John
Source: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady.   Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons The New Middle Ages .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Speculum , 81., 4 (October 2006):  Pages 77 - 95.
Year of Publication: 2003.

5. Record Number: 10447
Author(s): Klinck, Anne L.
Title : Poetic Markers of Gender in Medieval "Woman's Song": Was Anonymous a Woman? [The author examines five pairs of love-complaints, written wholly or in part in a woman's voice. The poems are drawn from Old English, Occitan, German, Italian, Galician-Portuguese, and Middle English. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Neophilologus , 87., 3 (July 2003):  Pages 339 - 359.
Year of Publication: 2003.

6. Record Number: 10899
Author(s): Adair, Penelope Ann.
Title : Constance of Arles: A Study in Duty and Frustration [Constance's struggle to conserve financial resources put her in conflict with both her husband and sons. This difficulty coupled with other notable handicaps, including suspicion of her as a foreigner and her husband's less than full support, doomed this
Source: Capetian Women.   Edited by Kathleen Nolan .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Neophilologus , 87., 3 (July 2003):  Pages 9 - 26.
Year of Publication: 2003.

7. Record Number: 13635
Author(s): Campbell, Kimberlee A.
Title : Sexual Behavior and Social Consequences in the Old French "Chanson de geste" [The author argues that sexuality in French epics is generally subordinated to concerns of lineage and social order. Young women sometimes express sexual desire and even take the initiative, but it is up to the male characters to determine what will happen. Frequently the hero demonstrates sexual restraint and is rewarded later with marriage to the young girl who turns out to be a king's daughter. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 199 - 211.
Year of Publication: 2001.

8. Record Number: 13636
Author(s): Denis, Françoise.
Title : Primauté d'une politique territoriale dans certains marriages épiques. "Raoul de Cambrai": un cas exemplaire? [The author analyzes the marriages arranged for territorial gain by the king in the epic "Raoul de Cambrai." The king wants to bind the territories in northeast France, including Artois and Ponthieu, to him by installing loyal new men as the husbands of heiresses and widowed noble women. The text is critical of the king's all powerful, ruthless approach. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 213 - 227.
Year of Publication: 2001.

9. Record Number: 13637
Author(s): Foehr- Janssens, Yasmina.
Title : Une Reine au désert: désolation et majesté dans "Berte as grans piés" d' Adenet le Roi [The author analyzes Adenet le Roi's presentation of the persecuted queen Berthe which draws on earlier chanson de geste scenes of suffering male heroes including Roland. While Berthe is betrayed, she displays the hallmarks of a holy woman including patience, mercy, chastity, and resolution. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 229 - 245.
Year of Publication: 2001.

10. Record Number: 13638
Author(s): Ion, Despina.
Title : Politique matrimoniale et stratégies narratives dans "Garin le Loheren" [The author explores the marriage exchanges made by the king, Pippin, which sometimes favor the noble men from Lorraine and sometimes instead help their rivals, the nobles from Bordeaux. There is a great deal of maneuvering with the group from Bordeaux declaring matches invalid. Marriage is generally with a higher ranked woman which confers status and resources on the new husband. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 247 - 265.
Year of Publication: 2001.

11. Record Number: 13639
Author(s): Roussel, Claude.
Title : Réécritures de "Florence de Rome" au XIVe siècle [The author looks at fourteenth century adaptations of the "Florence de Rome" poem, in particular an anonymous version written in epic style. The story of Florence concerns a chaste queen denounced by her brother-in-law (whose advances she rejected), disbelieved by her husband, and forced to wander until she founds a hospital and is declared innocent by her accusers. In comparing the earlier version with the fourteenth century epic account, Roussel notes less reliance on detailed descriptions but more emphasis on awakening the audience's pity for Florence's suffering. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 815 - 826.
Year of Publication: 2001.

12. Record Number: 6926
Author(s): Rasmussen, Ann Marie.
Title : Fathers to Think Back Through: The Middle High German Mother-Daughter and Father-Son Advice Poems known as "Die Winsbeckin" and "Der Winsbecke" ["In particular, the essay examines the 'enabling' notions of authenticity, authorship, and paternal authority that shaped scholarship on the poems from 1845 to 1985. The trope of a father instructing his son furnished a productive framework for the overwhelmingly male professional caste of nineteenth- and twentieth-century scholars to 'think back through,' I will argue, as they constructed notions of conduct literature that privileged a version of paternal, secular authority and that rested at times on a nostalgic belief that didactic literature was imbued with an authentic connection to lived medieval experience." p. 109].
Source: Medieval Conduct.   Edited by Kathleen Ashley and Robert L. A. Clark .   Medieval Cultures, Volume 29. University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Neophilologus , 87., 3 (July 2003):  Pages 106 - 134.
Year of Publication: 2001.

13. Record Number: 6437
Author(s): Dell, Helen.
Title : Voices, "Realities," and Narrative Style in the Anonymous "chansons de toile" [The author examines 16 anonymous "chansons de toile" (particularly the nine in the "Chansonnier Français de Saint-Germain-des-Prés") and argues that the male narrating voice allows the female character and her song to be fully realized].
Source: Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, New Series , 18., 2 (January 2001):  Pages 17 - 33.
Year of Publication: 2001.

14. Record Number: 6281
Author(s): Ramey, Lynn Tarte.
Title : Role Models? Saracen Women in Medieval French Epic [The author suggests various ways that French women listening to chansons de geste might have reacted to the characters of Saracen women who took independent actions].
Source: Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 131 - 141.
Year of Publication: 2001.

15. Record Number: 3743
Author(s): Martinez-Gros, Gabriel.
Title : Frustrated Masculinity: The Relationship Between William the Conqueror and His Eldest Son [The author suggests that William tried to prolong Robert's youth; Robert had difficulties attaining adult masculinity because he lacked three important things: an access to power, an independent household, and public recognition as a fully gendered male]
Source: Masculinity in Medieval Europe.   Edited by D.M. Hadley .   Women and Men in History Series. Addison Wesley Longman, 1999. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 39 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1999.

16. Record Number: 3753
Author(s): Ailes, M. J.
Title : The Medieval Male Couple and the Language of Homosociality
Source: Masculinity in Medieval Europe.   Edited by D.M. Hadley .   Women and Men in History Series. Addison Wesley Longman, 1999. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 214 - 237.
Year of Publication: 1999.

17. Record Number: 13634
Title : The "Chanson de geste," Woman to Woman [The author explores the dialogues between women in Old French epics. Although women do not speak much, Campbell finds three patterns into which the dialogues fall: mother/daughter, lady/servant, and woman/woman (conversations between social equals). In general women's words do not give them agency but indicate that they must accomodate themselves to the male universe. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Echoes of the Epic: Studies in Honor of Gerard J. Brault.   Edited by David P. Schenck and Mary Jane Schenck .   Summa Publications, 1998. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 49 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1998.

18. Record Number: 3291
Author(s): Spicker, Johannes
Title : Oswald von Wolkenstein und die romanische Chanson de la malmariée
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 413 - 416.
Year of Publication: 1997.

19. Record Number: 2667
Author(s): McNamer, Sarah.
Title : Dhuoda's "Handbook for William" and the Mother's Manual Tradition
Source: Listening to Their Voices: The Rhetorical Activities of Historical Women.   Edited by Molly Meijer Wertheimer .   University of South Carolina Press, 1997. Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 177 - 198.
Year of Publication: 1997.

20. Record Number: 2508
Author(s): Stoertz, Fiona Harris.
Title : Relationships Between Parents and their Absent Adolescent Offspring in the High Middle Ages [briefly considers contact between parents and children who were away because of marriage, apprenticeship, education at universities, or entrance into a monastery].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 24., (Fall 1997):  Pages 38 - 42.
Year of Publication: 1997.

21. Record Number: 2504
Author(s): Hovland, Deborah.
Title : Mothers and Fathers in the Early French Farce
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 24., (Fall 1997):  Pages 20 - 23.
Year of Publication: 1997.

22. Record Number: 3589
Author(s): Grundy, Stephan.
Title : The Viking's Mother: Relations Between Mothers and Their Grown Sons in Icelandic Sagas
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Romance Quarterly , 43., 2 (Spring 1996):  Pages 223 - 237.
Year of Publication: 1996.

23. Record Number: 8
Author(s): Burns, E. Jane, Sarah Kay, Roberta L. Krueger and Helen Solterer
Title : Feminism and the Discipline of Old French Studies: "Une Bele Disjointure"
Source: Medievalism and the Modernist Temper.   Edited by R. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Nichols .   Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 225 - 266.
Year of Publication: 1996.

24. Record Number: 3591
Author(s): Chibnall, Marjorie.
Title : The Empress Matilda and her Sons
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 279 - 294.
Year of Publication: 1996.

25. Record Number: 2994
Author(s): Itnyre, Cathy Jorgensen.
Title : The Emotional Universe of Medieval Icelandic Fathers and Sons [discusses the qualities that fathers want to find in their sons including courage, obedience, concern for family honor, and a physical ressemblance to the father; also breifly discusses the qualities that dissapoint including cowardice, disobedience, and associating with bad company].
Source: Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 173 - 196.
Year of Publication: 1996.

26. Record Number: 3588
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Old Norse Motherhood
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 201 - 222.
Year of Publication: 1996.

27. Record Number: 1769
Author(s): Brumlik, Joan.
Title : The Lyric "Malmariée" : Marie's Subtext in "Guigemar" ["chansons de malmariée," "chansons de toile," and pastourelles, in which unhappily married women long for lovers, serve as models for the heroine in "Guigemar"].
Source: Romance Quarterly , 43., 2 (Spring 1996):  Pages 67 - 80.
Year of Publication: 1996.

28. Record Number: 2995
Author(s): Cuesta, María Luzdivina.
Title : Notes on Family Relationships in Medieval Castilian Narrative
Source: Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Romance Quarterly , 43., 2 (Spring 1996):  Pages 197 - 224.
Year of Publication: 1996.

29. Record Number: 5833
Author(s): Sinclair, Finn E.
Title : Suppression, Sacrifice, Subversion: Redefining the Feminine in the "Naissance du Chevalier au Cygne" [the author argues that the three female characters (the swan-maiden, her mother, and the evil mother-in-law) were changed or diminished from their initial roles in folk stories to the twelfth-century epics in order to support the importance of the male lineage].
Source: Olifant , 20., 40182 (Fall/Summer 1995-1996):  Pages 33 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1995-1996.

30. Record Number: 6
Author(s): Kleinhenz, Christopher.
Title : Pulzelle e maritate: Coming of Age, Rites of Passage, and the Question of Marriage in Some Early Italian Poems
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995.  Pages 89 - 110.
Year of Publication: 1995.

31. Record Number: 6779
Author(s): Kiefer, Lauren.
Title : My Family First: Draft-dodging Parents in the "Confessio Amantis" [The author examines the theme of men's bonds to their children and wives in Books Three, Four, and Five of the "Confessio Amantis," concentrating on the stories of Ulysses and Namplus who were devoted to their sons].
Source: Essays in Medieval Studies , 12., ( 1995):  Pages 1 - 5. and 1-2 (notes) [in the electronic version available through Project Muse]. Issue title: Children and the Family in the Middle Ages.
Year of Publication: 1995.

32. Record Number: 1484
Author(s): Neal, Sharon Bryant.
Title : Las Donas e las femnas, las tozas avinens: Women in "La Canso de la Crozada" [while Guilhem de Tudela primarily limits women's roles to that of victim, the continuator of La Canso shows women as leaders and even fighters in the war against the Northern French forces; as a member of Southern society it was natural for him to represent women with more detail and care; the appendix reproduces thirty-nine excerpts from the "Canso de la Crozada" that deal with women].
Source: Tenso , 10., 2 (Spring 1995):  Pages 110 - 138.
Year of Publication: 1995.

33. Record Number: 436
Author(s): Kinoshita, Sharon.
Title : Politics of Courtly Love: "La Prise d' Orange" and The Conversion of the Saracen Queen
Source: Romanic Review , 86., 2 (March 1995):  Pages 265 - 287. Special issue: The Production of Knowledge: Institutionalizing Sex, Gender, and Sexualiity in Medieval Discourse. Ed. by Kathryn Gravdal.
Year of Publication: 1995.

34. Record Number: 2526
Author(s): Kay, Sarah.
Title : Contesting "Romance Influence": The Poetics of the Gift [analyzes the figure of the Saracen princess in later "chansons de geste" ; aspects discussed are: the individual versus the political, sexual and gender identities, marriage as exchange, and the irony of control].
Source: Comparative Literature Studies , 32., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 320 - 341.
Year of Publication: 1995.

35. Record Number: 101
Author(s): Balfour, Mark.
Title : Moses and the Princess: Josephus' Antiquitates Judaicae and the Chansons de Geste
Source: Medium Aevum , 64., 1 ( 1995):  Pages 1 - 16.
Year of Publication: 1995.

36. Record Number: 34
Author(s): McKee, Sally.
Title : Households in Fourteenth-Century Venetian Crete
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 70 (1995): 27-67. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

37. Record Number: 5831
Author(s): Morgan, Leslie Z.
Title : Berta ai piedi grandi: Historical Figure and Literary Symbol [The author explores the meaning of Berthe's deformed feet as a symbol of evil in the Franco-Italian version of the cycle that explains the necessity for Roland's death].
Source: Olifant , 19., 1- 2 ( 1994):  Pages 37 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1994.

38. Record Number: 1412
Title : The Conversion of Margery Kempe's Son
Source: English Language Notes , 32., 2 (December 1994):  Pages 9 - 13.
Year of Publication: 1994.

39. Record Number: 3346
Title : Images of Women in Anglo-Saxon Art V: Matron as Ring-giver in Harley 630 [The author argues that the illumination for Psalm 130.2 shows a mother blessing her departing son and giving him an armband, symbol of the property he will inherit].
Source: Old English Newsletter , 28., 1 (Fall 1994):  Pages 22 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1994.

40. Record Number: 13640
Author(s): Campbell, Kimberlee Anne.
Title : Fighting Back: A Survey of Patterns of Female Aggressiveness in the Old French "chanson de geste" [The author argues that in the "chansons de geste" genre, women are sometimes represented as fighting defensively in order to save a loved one or themselves. Campbell also suggests that a woman's sexual identity diminishes the impact of her aggression. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Charlemagne in the North: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Société Rencesvals Edinburgh 4th to 11th August 1991.   Edited by Philip E. Bennett, Anne Elizabeth Cobby, and Graham A. Runnalls .   Société Rencesvals British Branch, 1993. Old English Newsletter , 28., 1 (Fall 1994):  Pages 241 - 251.
Year of Publication: 1993.

41. Record Number: 10687
Author(s): Bowers, John M.
Title : The House of Chaucer & Son: The Business of Lancastrian Canon-Formation [The author argues that Thomas Chaucer, son of the poet Geoffrey Chaucer, maintained the lease on his father’s tenement in Westminster Abbey in order to maintain control over the poet’s manuscripts. Here, exemplars for the authoritative Chaucer manuscripts were assembled for copying by professional scribes. By overseeing the transmission of his father’s texts, Thomas wished to maintain political connections to the Lancastrians (the ruling dynasty) and to establish Chaucer’s place in the canon as the “father” of English poetry. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):  Pages 135 - 143.
Year of Publication: 1991.

42. Record Number: 12788
Author(s): Armstrong, Guyda.
Title : Investing the Wild: Women’s Beliefs in the Chansons de Geste [Engaging with two papers by anthropologist, Edwin Ardener, the author explores the relationship between the oppression of women characters in chansons de geste, and the ascription to them of dissenting beliefs. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Paragraph , 13., 2 ( 1990):  Pages 147 - 163.
Year of Publication: 1990.

43. Record Number: 12803
Author(s): Aird, William M
Title : Seduction and Suppression in 'Ami et Amile' [The author analyzes the trope of seduction in Ami et Amile in order to argue that women are introduced to the chanson de geste so that they can then be expelled; their exclusion ensures the integrity of the masculine collectivity. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: French Studies , 44., 2 ( 1990):  Pages 129 - 142.
Year of Publication: 1990.

44. Record Number: 11192
Author(s): Harris, Barbara J.
Title : Property, Power, and Personal Relations: Elite Mothers and Sons in Yorkist and Early Tudor England [Women were often marginalized by patriarchal power structures that placed the father at the head of the family, but the birth of a son often elevated the wife’s position. Since the first son was greatly valued in a system of primogenitural inheritance, noble mothers often had close emotional ties to their sons. The political and social future of the family often rested on the mother’s ability to manage the household, display the family’s wealth and status, and negotiate marriages and other alliances for the family’s children. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Full Text via JSTOR) 15, 3 (Spring 1990): 606-632. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1990.

45. Record Number: 31990
Title : Louis IX learning to read
Year of Publication:

46. Record Number: 40713
Title : Double portrait of Federico da Montefeltro and his son Guidobaldo
Year of Publication:

47. Record Number: 45745
Title : Galïor flees enslavement with the duchess of Aigremont’s infant, Maugis (Image #1) and The duchess gives birth in a carriage while the soldiers of Aigremont battle invading Saracens (Image #2)
Year of Publication: