Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

103 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 8072
Author(s): Rees Jones, Sarah.
Title : Women's Influence on the Design of Urban Homes [The author argues that home ownership was more important to women than to men. Houses provided security, status, and a means for earning income. The physical environment of the home shaped the bourgeois ideal of female domesticity. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Mary C. Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski .   Cornell University Press, 2003.  Pages 190 - 211.
Year of Publication: 2003.

2. Record Number: 8727
Author(s): Jussen, Bernhard.
Title : Virgins- Widows- Spouses: On the Language of Moral Distinction as Applied to Women and Men in the Middle Ages
Source: History of the Family , 7., 1 ( 2002):  Pages 13 - 32.
Year of Publication: 2002.

3. Record Number: 5613
Author(s): Bennett, Judith M.
Title : Lesbian-Like and the Social History of Lesbianisms [The author argues that for the study of the Middle Ages the category "lesbian" needs to be expanded to "lesbian-like" to include characteristics that have affinities with modern-day lesbians; the author suggests that cross dressing women, prostitutes and others involved in unsanctioned sexuality, women in single-sex religious houses, and single women can all be understood in new ways when considered as lesbian-like behaviors].
Source: Journal of the History of Sexuality , 9., 40180 (January-April 2000):  Pages 1 - 24.
Year of Publication: 2000.

4. Record Number: 3168
Author(s): Bennett, Judith M. and Amy M. Froide
Title : A Singular Past [an overview essay on never married women in the medieval and early modern periods touching on numbers, differences among, representations of, choices made to remain single, and personal relationships].
Source: Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250-1800.   Edited by Judith M. Bennett and Amy M. Froide .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Journal of the History of Sexuality , 9., 40180 (January-April 2000):  Pages 1 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1999.

5. Record Number: 4314
Author(s): Overing, Gillian R.
Title : A Body in Question: Aging, Community and Gender in Medieval Iceland [The author argues that old women were stereotyped as nasty gossips or agents of evil unless there were mitigating factors of wealth, status, or class].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 29., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 211 - 225.
Year of Publication: 1999.

6. Record Number: 6290
Author(s): Siegmund, Frank.
Title : Pactus Legis Salicae § 13; Über den Frauenraub in der Merowingerzeit
Source: Frühmittelalterliche Studien , 32., ( 1998):  Pages 101 - 123.
Year of Publication: 1998.

7. Record Number: 6294
Author(s): Rouse, Robert Allen.
Title : eyn ganss truwe frunt: Frauen und Kinder also Opfer männlicher Freundschaftstreue in zwei Exempln des Grossen Seelentrostes
Source: Neophilologus , 82., 3 ( 1998):  Pages 425 - 433.
Year of Publication: 1998.

8. Record Number: 2999
Author(s): Farmer, Sharon.
Title : Down and Out and Female in Thirteenth-Century Paris
Source: American Historical Review (Full Text via JSTOR) 103, 2 (April 1998): 344-372. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

9. Record Number: 2081
Author(s): Walmsley, John.
Title : The Early Abbesses, Nuns, and Female Tenants of the Abbey of Holy Trinity, Caen [using charters and early surveys, the author examines the administration of the abbesses, the social origins of the nuns, and the status of female tenants both in Normandy and England, particularly the inheritance rights of widows].
Source: Journal of Ecclesiastical History , 48., 3 (July 1997):  Pages 425 - 444.
Year of Publication: 1997.

10. Record Number: 6293
Author(s): Affeldt, Werner.
Title : Frauen und Geschlechterbeziehungen im Frühmittelalter. Ein Forschungsbericht
Source: Mediaevistik , 10., ( 1997):  Pages 15 - 156.
Year of Publication: 1997.

11. Record Number: 6325
Author(s): von Hülsen-Esch, Andrea.
Title : Frauen an der Universität? Überlegungen anlässlich einer Gegenüberstellung von mittelalterlichen Bildzeugnissen und Texten
Source: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung , 24., 3 ( 1997):  Pages 315 - 346.
Year of Publication: 1997.

12. Record Number: 2747
Author(s): Pedersen, Frederik.
Title : The York Cause Papers: A Reply to Jeremy Goldberg [reply by Frederik Pedersen to P.J.P. Goldberg's critique of Pedersen's earlier article on the York cause papers; he continues to argue that the data from the cause papers must be interpreted with great care].
Source: Continuity and Change , 12., 3 (December 1997):  Pages 447 - 455.
Year of Publication: 1997.

13. Record Number: 6292
Author(s): Kinzelbach, Annemarie.
Title : wahnsinnige Weyber betriegen den unverstendigen Poeffel: Anerkennung und Diffamierung heilundiger Frauen und Männer, 1450 bis 1700
Source: Medizinhistorisches Journal , 32., ( 1997):  Pages 29 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1997.

14. Record Number: 2207
Author(s): Thomas, Hugh M.
Title : An Upwardly Mobile Medieval Woman: Juliana of Warwick [Juliana managed Countess Matilda's household (as "cameraria") and received gifts of land from her employer/patroness; Matilda also probably arranged Juliana's advantageous marriage with the wealthy knight, Nigel of Plumpton].
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 109 - 121.
Year of Publication: 1997.

15. Record Number: 2746
Author(s): Goldberg, P.J.P.
Title : Debate: Fiction in the Archive: the York Cause Papers as a Source for Later Medieval Social History [Goldberg critiques Frederik Pedersen's recent article "Demography in the Archives: Social and Geographical Gactors in fourteenth-century York Cause Paper Marriage Litigation;" he argues against Pedersen's social groupings of litigants and witnesses as well as for the significance and value of the demographic and social evidence contained in the York cause papers].
Source: Continuity and Change , 12., 3 (December 1997):  Pages 425 - 445.
Year of Publication: 1997.

16. Record Number: 2772
Author(s): Brunner, Karl.
Title : Leopold III. von Österreich. Wege zur Heiligkeit
Source: Homme: Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft , 7., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 34 - 45.
Year of Publication: 1996.

17. Record Number: 2773
Author(s): Rath, Brigitte.
Title : Im Reich der Topoi. Nonnenleben im mittelalterlichen Österreich zwischen Norm und Praxis
Source: Homme: Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft , 7., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 122 - 134.
Year of Publication: 1996.

18. Record Number: 2774
Author(s): Rath, Brigitte.
Title : ... und wolt das Schwert durch in stossen. Zur physischen Gewalt in Südtirol um 1500
Source: Homme: Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft , 7., 2 ( 1996):  Pages 56 - 69.
Year of Publication: 1996.

19. Record Number: 2770
Author(s): Schäfer, Daniel.
Title : Embryulkie zwishen Mythos, Recht und Medizin: Zur Überlieferungsgeschichte von Sectio in mortua und Embryotomie in Spätantike und Mittelalter
Source: Medizinhistorisches Journal , 31., 40241 ( 1996):  Pages 275 - 297.
Year of Publication: 1996.

20. Record Number: 6311
Author(s): Magirius, Heinrich.
Title : Architektur der Zisterzienserklöster in der Lausitz
Source: Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 47., ( 1996):  Pages 263 - 283.
Year of Publication: 1996.

21. Record Number: 6316
Author(s): Spiewok, Wolfgang.
Title : Ehe, Ehebruch und seine Folgen in mittelalterlicher Literatur und Wirklichkeit
Source: Sex, Love and Marriage in Medieval Literature and Reality: Thematische Beiträge im Rahmen des 31th [sic] International Congress on Medieval Studies an der Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo-USA) 8.-12. Mai 1996.   Edited by Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok WODAN Bd. 69. Serie 3 Tagungsbände und Sammelschriften Actes de Colloques et Ouvrages Collectifs, 40.   Reineke-Verlag, 1996. Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 47., ( 1996):  Pages 73 - 78.
Year of Publication: 1996.

22. Record Number: 2769
Author(s): Goetz, Hans-Werner.
Title : Nomen feminile: Namen und Namengebung der Frauen im frühen Mittelalter
Source: Francia , 23., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 99 - 134.
Year of Publication: 1996.

23. Record Number: 6310
Title : Laien als Wohltäter der Zisterzienserinnen in Böhmen und Mähren im Licht der Urkunden
Source: Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 47., ( 1996):  Pages 115 - 134.
Year of Publication: 1996.

24. Record Number: 814
Title : David Herlihy (1930-1991)
Source: Renaissance studies : journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies , 10., 1 (March 1996):  Pages 126 - 128.
Year of Publication: 1996.

25. Record Number: 1168
Author(s): Nors, Thyra.
Title : Illegitimate Children and Their High-Born Mothers: Changes in the Perception of Legitimacy in Mediaeval Denmark [distinctions made between children born from arranged concubinage, secret liaisons, and relations between freemen and bondswomen; the Church censured illegitimacy, causing a steep decline in status].
Source: Scandinavian Journal of History , 21., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 17 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1996.

26. Record Number: 514
Author(s): Hult, David F.
Title : Gaston Paris and the Invention of Courtly Love ["Personal, professional and ideological conflicts" in the discourse of Gaston Paris].
Source: Medievalism and the Modernist Temper.   Edited by R. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Nichols .   Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Scandinavian Journal of History , 21., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 192 - 224.
Year of Publication: 1996.

27. Record Number: 675
Author(s): Riddy, Felicity.
Title : Mother Knows Best: Reading Social Change in a Courtesy Text ["What the Goodwife Taught Her Daughter" embodies a bourgeois ethos that values respectability].
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 71, 1 (Jan. 1996): 66-86. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

28. Record Number: 163
Author(s): Dinn, Robert.
Title : Monuments Answerable to Men's Worth: Burial Patterns, Social Status, and Gender in Late Medieval Bury St. Edmunds
Source: Journal of Ecclesiastical History , 46., 2 (Apr. 1995):  Pages 237 - 255.
Year of Publication: 1995.

29. Record Number: 256
Author(s): Watson, Laura.
Title : Disposal of Paston Daughters [Family plans for boarding and for marriage.]
Source: Sovereign Lady: Essays on Women in Middle English Literature.   Edited by Muriel Whitaker .   Garland Publishing, 1995. Journal of Ecclesiastical History , 46., 2 (Apr. 1995):  Pages 45 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1995.

30. Record Number: 511
Author(s): Hammer, Carl I.
Title : The Handmaid's Tale: Morganatic Relationships in Early- mediaeval Bavaria [evidence from law codes and deeds].
Source: Continuity and Change , 10., 3 (Dec. 1995):  Pages 345 - 368.
Year of Publication: 1995.

31. Record Number: 1618
Author(s): Vickers, Noreen.
Title : The Social Class of Yorkshire Medieval Nuns [evidence taken from charters, visitations, and wills].
Source: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal , 67., ( 1995):  Pages 127 - 132.
Year of Publication: 1995.

32. Record Number: 324
Author(s): Nicholas, David.
Title : Child and Adolescent Labour in the Late Medieval City: A Flemish Model in Regional Perspective
Source: English Historical Review (Full Text via JSTOR) 110 (Nov. 1995): 1103-1131. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

33. Record Number: 438
Author(s): Howell, Martha.
Title : Rewriting Marriage in Late Medieval Douai [from emphasis on the conjugal pair to the interests of the next generation].
Source: Romanic Review , 86., 2 (March 1995):  Pages 307 - 337. Special issue: The Production of Knowledge: Institutionalizing Sex, Gender, and Sexualiity in Medieval Discourse. Ed. by Kathryn Gravdal.
Year of Publication: 1995.

34. Record Number: 398
Author(s): McSheffrey, Shannon.
Title : Literacy and the Gender Gap in the Late Middle Ages: Women and Reading in Lollard Communities
Source: Women, the Book and the Godly: Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda's Conference, 1993. Volume 1 [Volume 2: Women, the Book and the Worldly].   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor .   D.S. Brewer, 1995. Romanic Review , 86., 2 (March 1995):  Pages 157 - 170.
Year of Publication: 1995.

35. Record Number: 177
Author(s): Haas, Louis.
Title : Mio Buono Compare: Choosing Godparents and the Uses of Baptismal Kinship in Renaissance Florence
Source: Journal of Social History , 29., 2 (Winter 1995):  Pages 341 - 356.
Year of Publication: 1995.

36. Record Number: 271
Author(s): Oliva, Marilyn.
Title : Counting Nuns: A Prosopography of Late Medieval English Nuns in the Diocese of Norwich
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 16., 1 (Spring 1995):  Pages 27 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1995.

37. Record Number: 31
Author(s): Stuard, Susan Mosher.
Title : Ancillary Evidence for the Decline of Medieval Slavery [Experience of women slaves in the countryside and in wealthy households counters the standard argument made about slavery. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Past and Present , 149 ( 1995):  Pages 3 - 28. Republished in Considering Medieval Women and Gender. Susan Mosher Stuard. Ashgate Variorum, 2010. Chapter VII.
Year of Publication: 1995.

38. Record Number: 150
Title : Case of the Beata Simona: Iconography, Hagiography, and Misogyny in Three Paintings by Taddeo di Bartolo
Source: Art History , 18., 2 (June 1995):  Pages 154 - 184.
Year of Publication: 1995.

39. Record Number: 464
Author(s): McDonald, R. Andrew.
Title : Matrimonial Politics and Core- Periphery Interactions in Twelfth- and Early Thirteenth- Century Scotland
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 21., 3 (Sept. 1995):  Pages 227 - 247.
Year of Publication: 1995.

40. Record Number: 5036
Author(s): Mineo, E. Igor.
Title : Formazione delle élites urbane nella Sicilia del tardo medioevo: Matrimonio e sistemi di successione [Sicilian customs of inheritance recognized the rights of male and female kin and granted women wide property rights; by the fourteenth century the nobility favored the paternal line, but urban inheritances frequently followed customary norms; eventually the desire to conserve patrimony led to wider imitation of feudal practices, excluding daughters from inheriting; daughters were given dowries, and only sons could share in the family inheritance].
Source: Quaderni Storici , 1 (aprile 1995):  Pages 9 - 41.
Year of Publication: 1995.

41. Record Number: 1983
Author(s): Keil, Gundolf.
Title : Folter als Regeneration. Zur Logik von Hexerei im Mittelalter
Source: Mediaevistik , 8., ( 1995):  Pages 75 - 124.
Year of Publication: 1995.

42. Record Number: 391
Author(s): Chapoutot- Remadi, Mounira.
Title : Femmes dans la Ville Mamluke
Source: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 38., 2 (May 1995):  Pages 145 - 164.
Year of Publication: 1995.

43. Record Number: 850
Author(s): Jacobs, Ellen.
Title : Eileen Power (1889-1940) [biographical sketch of the economic and social historian].
Source: Medieval Scholarship: Biographical Studies on the Formation of a Discipline. Volume 1: History.   Edited by Helen Damico and Joseph B. Zavadil .   Garland Publishing, 1995. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 38., 2 (May 1995):  Pages 219 - 231.
Year of Publication: 1995.

44. Record Number: 512
Author(s): Pedersen, Frederik.
Title : Demography in the Archives: Social and Geographical Factors in Fourteenth- Century York Cause Paper Marriage Litigation
Source: Continuity and Change , 10., 3 (Dec. 1995):  Pages 405 - 436.
Year of Publication: 1995.

45. Record Number: 92
Author(s): Shemek, Deanna
Title : Circular Definitions: Configuring Gender in Italian Renaissance Festival [races run by prostitutes in Ferrara's Palio di San Giogio].
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 48, 1 (Spring 1995): 1-40. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

46. Record Number: 574
Author(s): Olson, Sherri.
Title : Families Have Their Fate and Periods: Varieties of Family Experience in the Pre-Industrial Village [case studies of twelve families in the village of Ellington. After 1350 there is a dramatic decrease in the number of women's names in the village records].
Source: The Salt of Common Life: Individuality and Choice in the Medieval Town, Countryside, and Church: Essays Presented to J. Ambrose Raftis.   Edited by Edwin Brezette DeWindt Studies in Medieval Culture, 36.   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1995.  Pages 409 - 448.
Year of Publication: 1995.

47. Record Number: 30
Author(s): Orme, Nicholas
Title : Culture of Children in Medieval England
Source: Past and Present (Full Text via JSTOR) 148 (Aug. 1995): 48-89. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

48. Record Number: 63
Author(s): Bitel, Lisa M.
Title : Do Not Marry the Fat Short One: The Early Irish Wisdom on Women
Source: Journal of Women's History , 6., 4 (Winter/Spring 1995):  Pages 137 - 159. (6, 4 / 7, 1)
Year of Publication: 1995.

49. Record Number: 341
Author(s): Coletti, Theresa.
Title : Ther Be But Women: Gender Conflict and Gender Identity in the Middle English Innocents Plays [role of mothers versus the male sphere of public authority]
Source: Mediaevalia , 18., ( 1995):  Pages 245 - 261. (1995 (for 1992)) Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1995.

50. Record Number: 114
Author(s): Larrington, Carolyne.
Title : Leizla Rannveigar: Gender and Politics in the Otherworld Vision [sinful woman's vision of hell and heaven].
Source: Medium Aevum , 64., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 232 - 249.
Year of Publication: 1995.

51. Record Number: 1082
Author(s): Berg, Maxine.
Title : A Woman in History: Eileen Power and the Early Years of Social History and Women's History
Source: Chattel, Servant, or Citizen: Women's Status in Church, State, and Society.   Edited by Mary O' Dowd and Sabine Wichert .   Historical Studies 19. Papers Read Before the XXIst Irish Conference of Historians, Held at Queen's University of Belfast, 27-30 May 1993. Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast, 1995. Medium Aevum , 64., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 12 - 21.
Year of Publication: 1995.

52. Record Number: 232
Author(s): Wiesner-Hanks, Merry.
Title : Learned Task and Given to Men Alone: The Gendering of Tasks in Early Modern German Cities [division between production and reproduction].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 25., 1 (Winter 1995):  Pages 89 - 106.
Year of Publication: 1995.

53. Record Number: 34
Author(s): McKee, Sally.
Title : Households in Fourteenth-Century Venetian Crete
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 70 (1995): 27-67. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

54. Record Number: 386
Author(s): Dutton, Anne M.
Title : Passing the Book: Testamentary Transmission of Religious Literature to and By Women in England, 1350-1500
Source: Women, the Book and the Godly: Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda's Conference, 1993. Volume 1 [Volume 2: Women, the Book and the Worldly].   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor .   D.S. Brewer, 1995.  Pages 41 - 54.
Year of Publication: 1995.

55. Record Number: 1233
Author(s): Ettlinger, Helen S.
Title : Visibilis et Invisibilis: The Mistress in Italian Renaissance Court Society [a study of the highborn concubines of rulers primarily at the courts of Milan, Ferrara, and Rimini].
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 47, 4 (Winter 1994): 770-792. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1994.

56. Record Number: 2780
Author(s): Hirschmann, Frank G.
Title : Wo die Nonnen plieben, welche von Steinfeld ausgewichen sein. Auf den Spuren der Frauen vor dem Hintergrund der religiösen Bewegung des 12. Jahrhunderts
Source: Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte , 20., ( 1994):  Pages 37 - 54.
Year of Publication: 1994.

57. Record Number: 6335
Author(s): Wis, Marjatta.
Title : mîn her, mîn vrou gegenüber "monsieur, madame": Zur Verwendung des französischen Titels im Mittelhochdeutschen
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 95., ( 1994):  Pages 147 - 166.
Year of Publication: 1994.

58. Record Number: 6301
Author(s): Ruhe, Doris.
Title : Etappen der Domestizierung: Geschlechterrollen im französischen Exemplum des Spätmittelalters
Source: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen , 231., 146 ( 1994):  Pages 72 - 90.
Year of Publication: 1994.

59. Record Number: 1840
Author(s): Esposito, Anna.
Title : Ad dotandum puellas virgines, pauperes et honestas: Social Needs and Confraternal Charity in Rome in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Source: Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme New Series , 18., 2 ( 1994):  Pages 5 - 18.
Year of Publication: 1994.

60. Record Number: 6324
Author(s): Schuster, Peter.
Title : "Sünde und Vergebung": Integrationshilfen für reumütige Prostituierte im Mittelalter
Source: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung , 21., 2 ( 1994):  Pages 145 - 170.
Year of Publication: 1994.

61. Record Number: 2779
Author(s): Classen, Albrecht.
Title : Die leidende und unterdrückte Frau im Roman des 15. Jahrhunderts. Zur Verfasserschaft des frühneuhochdeutschen Romans "Pontus und Sidonia." Forschungsbericht und Interpretation
Source: Germanic Notes and Reviews , 25., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 9 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1994.

62. Record Number: 2808
Author(s): Mundal, Else.
Title : The Position of Women in Old Norse Society and the Basis for Their Power [author emphasizes the goading women in sagas who spur on the hero; the author suggests that women's power lay in being judges of men's honor].
Source: Nora: Nordic Journal of Women's Studies , 2., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 3 - 11.
Year of Publication: 1994.

63. Record Number: 1978
Author(s): Goldberg, Jeremy.
Title : Women in Later Medieval English Archives [overview of the various kinds of original records available for the study of women in the subject areas of work, law, lifecycle, and religious devotion].
Source: Journal of the Society of Archivists , 15., 1 (Spring 1994):  Pages 59 - 71.
Year of Publication: 1994.

64. Record Number: 11205
Author(s): Leyser, Conrad.
Title : Long-haired Kings and Short-haired Nuns: Writing on the Body in Caesarius of Arles [The rule of the convent of St. John’s, founded by Bishop Caesarius of Arles in 512, specifies that the nuns have short hair. Futhermore, the nuns’ hair must be no longer than the specific length of a certain mark written in the regula manuscripts themselves. This hair length mandate may have arisen out of a desire to distinguish people in monastic orders from the kings in Germaic cultures, who commonly wore long hair. Rather than being a misogynist requirement derived from Scriptural passages on women’s appearance, this hair rule encourages a monastic identification between men and women and builds a tightly-knight community of religious women that resists outside social pressures. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Patristica , 24., ( 1993):  Pages 143 - 150. Papers presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1991. Historica, Theologica et Philosophica, Gnostica
Year of Publication: 1993.

65. Record Number: 6389
Author(s): Guimbard, Catherine.
Title : Appunti sulla legislazione suntuaria a Firenze dal 1281 al 1384 [as the Florentine republic matured, it began to regulate women's dress and expenditures on private festivities to safeguard the stability of the commune; limitations on women's costume was part of a larger effort to moderate any personal expressions that might lead to public disorder; these laws diminished differences between classes without removing them; various arrangements were made for enforcing these laws, including assigning special magistrates to that work; sumptuary laws, however, could not prevent a growing trend toward self expression].
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 150., 551 ( 1992):  Pages 57 - 81.
Year of Publication: 1992.

66. Record Number: 8634
Title : A Cinderella Story from Byzantine Egypt: P. Cair. Masp. I 67089 and III 67294 [The article studies two documents in which a wealthy widower defends the status of his future wife, who is also the granddaughter of his family’s retainers. The author uses this story to rethink the problem of slavery in Byzantine Egypt. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantion , 62., ( 1992):  Pages 380 - 388.
Year of Publication: 1992.

67. Record Number: 8577
Author(s): Rosenthal, Joel T.
Title : Other Victims: Peeresses as War Widows, 1450-1500 [The author examines the lives of English war widows, who often suffered for their dead husbands' military and political disgraces. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Upon My Husband's Death: Widows in the Literature and Histories of Medieval Europe.   Edited by Louise Mirrer Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Civilization .   University of Michigan Press, 1992. Byzantion , 62., ( 1992):  Pages 131 - 152. Originally published in History: The Journal of the Historical Association 72, 235 (1987): 213-230.
Year of Publication: 1992.

68. Record Number: 11204
Author(s): Baumer-Despeigne, Odette.
Title : Hadewijch of Antwerp and Hadewijch II; Mysticism of Being in the Thirteenth Century in Brabant [The poems of the female mystic Hadewijch of Antwerp, composed between 1220 and 1240, were revised and augmented by another beguine (member of a sisterhood of laywomen) a decade later. This collaboration reflects the contemporary social trend among laywomen in the Low Countries to voluntary take up a simple life of chastity and poverty without joining a religious order. Although the poems composed by the Hadewijchs are written in the language of the trouveres and courtly love, they express a deep spirituality and love for God (not men). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 4 (Winter 1991):  Pages 16 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1991.

69. Record Number: 11222
Author(s): Saller, Richard.
Title : European Family History and Roman Law
Source: Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 335 - 346.
Year of Publication: 1991.

70. Record Number: 11801
Author(s): Strocchia, Sharon T.
Title : Funerals and the Politics of Gender in Early Renaissance Florence [The author shows that changing funeral practices in early Renaissance Florence intersected with political changes, and demonstrates that funerals became increasingly gendered rituals. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Refiguring Woman: Perspectives on Gender and the Italian Renaissance.   Edited by Marilyn Migiel and Juliana Schiesari .   Cornell University Press, 1991. Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 155 - 168.
Year of Publication: 1991.

71. Record Number: 11202
Author(s): Fite, Patricia P.
Title : To “Sytt and Syng of Luf Langyng”: The Feminine Dynamic of Richard Rolle’s Mysticism [Richard Rolle combines masculine and feminine dimensions of spirituality in his mystical writings. He uses feminized language as an alternative to the discourse of clerical authority, invoking the language of “luf langyng” (yearning for love) to express the mystical union of body and soul and the intense desire for union with the divine. Rolle’s concept of spiritual integration and affinity with the feminine anticipates the psychic theories of Carl Jung. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 40212 (Summer/Fall 1991):  Pages 13 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1991.

72. Record Number: 11800
Author(s): Chojnacki, Stanley.
Title : “The Most Serious Duty”: Motherhood, Gender, and Patrician Culture in Renaissance Venice [The essay analyzes the gendered child-rearing roles of patrician families in republican Venice, and shows that women were able to work with or against the wishes of their husbands. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Refiguring Woman: Perspectives on Gender and the Italian Renaissance.   Edited by Marilyn Migiel and Juliana Schiesari .   Cornell University Press, 1991. Studia Mystica , 14., 40212 (Summer/Fall 1991):  Pages 133 - 154. Republished in slightly altered form as “The Most Serious Duty”: Motherhood, Gender, and Patrician Culture. By Stanley Chojnacki. Women and Men in Renaissance Venice: Twelve Essays on Patrician Society. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. Pages 169-182. [Reprinted in The Italian Renaissance. Edited by Paula Findlen. Blackwell Publishing, 2002. Pages 173-191
Year of Publication: 1991.

73. Record Number: 11773
Title : Erotic Magic in Medieval Europe [The author argues that while medieval treatises on magic express a belief in the power of spells used to provoke and manipulate love and sex, medieval literature shows love as a force uncontrollable even by magic. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Sex in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Joyce E. Salisbury .   Garland Publishing, 1991. Studia Mystica , 14., 40212 (Summer/Fall 1991):  Pages 30 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1991.

74. Record Number: 11223
Title : The European Family and Canon Law
Source: Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 347 - 360.
Year of Publication: 1991.

75. Record Number: 11221
Title : Christianity and Endogamy
Source: Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 295 - 333.
Year of Publication: 1991.

76. Record Number: 11226
Title : Some Parallels in the Education of Medieval Jewish Women and Christian Women [An abstract precedes this essay in the journal.]
Source: Jewish History , 5., 1 (Spring 1991):  Pages 41 - 51.
Year of Publication: 1991.

77. Record Number: 11227
Author(s): Grossman, Avraham.
Title : Medieval Rabbinic Views on Wife-Beating, 800-1300
Source: Jewish History , 5., 1 (Spring 1991):  Pages 53 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1991.

78. Record Number: 11228
Author(s): Tallan, Cheryl.
Title : Medieval Jewish Widows: Their Control of Resources
Source: Jewish History , 5., 1 (Spring 1991):  Pages 63 - 74.
Year of Publication: 1991.

79. Record Number: 11224
Author(s): Bonfield, Lloyd.
Title : Canon Law and Family Law in Medieval Western Christendom
Source: Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 361 - 374.
Year of Publication: 1991.

80. Record Number: 11787
Author(s): Kooper, Erik.
Title : Loving the Unequal Equal: Medieval Theologians and Marital Affection [The author studies the theological and philosophical debate about equality in marriage, arguing that a number of commentators connected equality with Aristotelian notions of friendship. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Olde Daunce: Love, Friendship, Sex, and Marriage in the Medieval World.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Stephen Spector .   State University of New York Press, 1991. Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 44 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1991.

81. Record Number: 12737
Author(s): Saradi-Mendelovici, Helen.
Title : A Contribution to the Study of the Byzantine Notarial Formulas: The "infirmitas sexus" of Women and the "senatusconsultum Velleianum" [The author traces two notarial formulae that were commonly used in legal documents under Roman and Byzantine law: the “infirmitas sexus” (the legal designation of the inferiority of women as a natural characteristic) and the “senatusconsultum Velleianum” (a set of imperial provisions and restrictions imposed upon women). Both of these formulae appear in the middle to late Byzantine periods, where the Byzantine legislation perpetuates ancient restrictions on women’s legal capacities. The natural inferiority of women was often cited as the reason for why imperial legislation must protect and limit their actions. Appendix includes a list of relevant notarial documents in chronological order, including the parties involved , the notary who drew up the document, the location, and the legal formulation used. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantinische Zeitschrift , 83., ( 1990):  Pages 72 - 90.
Year of Publication: 1990.

82. Record Number: 12748
Author(s): Al-Heitty, Abd Al-Kareem.
Title : The Contrasting Spheres of Free Women and Jawari in the Literary Life of the Early Abbasid Caliphate [Women, both bond and free, contributed much to Arabic literary life in the courts of the Abbasid caliphs. The poetry of women poets illustrates the overlapping social spheres occupied by free noble women and jawari (female slaves or prisoners of war) in early Abbasid times. Women of the courts could play active roles in governance and education and also played a crucial role in majalis (courtly social gatherings) by composing and performing poetry or facilitating more serious assemblies for intellectual discussion. However, as the luxury of the court increased and the number of jawari in the court grew, noble born upper class women began to be subjected to more circumscribed social roles and strict moral codes. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Al-Masåq , 3., ( 1990):  Pages 31 - 51.
Year of Publication: 1990.

83. Record Number: 12750
Author(s): LoPrete, Kimberly A.
Title : The Anglo-Norman Card of Adela of Blois [Adela occupied a high social status and power by virtue of her royal blood (she was the daughter of William the Conqueror), her role as the Countess of Blois, Chartres, and Meaux, and her position as the mother of Stephen, future King of England. She exerted authority as family head, accumulating land holdings and inheritance claims for the family by negotiating marriage alliances between her own family (the Thebaudians) and other powerful dynasties. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Albion , 22., 4 (Winter 1990):  Pages 567 - 589.
Year of Publication: 1990.

84. Record Number: 12774
Author(s): Prevenier, Walter.
Title : Violence Against Women in a Medieval Metropolis: Paris Around 1400 [The author argues that fifteenth-century Parisian trial records attest to an everyday climate of danger and violence for single women living in the medieval metropolis. He discusses in detail the case of Ysablet des Champions, a widow who was raped by servants of the duke of Burgundy, and who went on to build a successful court case against her assailants. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Law, custom, and the social fabric in medieval Europe: essays in honor of Bryce Lyon.   Edited by Bernard S. Bachrach and David Nicholas Studies in medieval culture .   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1990. Albion , 22., 4 (Winter 1990):  Pages 263 - 283.
Year of Publication: 1990.

85. Record Number: 12799
Author(s): Meyer, Marc A.
Title : Early Anglo-Saxon Penitentials and the Position of Women [The author argues that, although women in Anglo-Saxon culture were subjugated to men, examining penitential books from the period reveals an elevation in the position and status of women in the family. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: The Haskins Society Journal , 2., ( 1990):  Pages 47 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1990.

86. Record Number: 12856
Author(s): Harley, David.
Title : Historians as Demonologists: The Myth of the Midwife-Witch [The author argues against the belief that midwives were frequently persecuted as witches throughout the medieval and early-modern periods. Article includes a summary. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Social History of Medicine , 3., 1 (April 1990):  Pages 1 - 26.
Year of Publication: 1990.

87. Record Number: 12772
Author(s): Herlihy, David.
Title : Making Sense of Incest: Women and the Marriage Rules of the Early Middle Ages [The author discusses the Church’s vigorous marriage prohibitions, not only against consanguineous marriages, but also against marriage between persons related in ways other than by blood. He suggests that these prohibitions intended to reduce violence, ensure household harmony, and give fairer access to women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Law, custom, and the social fabric in medieval Europe: essays in honor of Bryce Lyon.   Edited by Bernard S. Bachrach and David Nicholas Studies in medieval culture .   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1990. The Haskins Society Journal , 2., ( 1990):  Pages 1 - 16.
Year of Publication: 1990.

88. Record Number: 12869
Author(s): Tougher, Shaun
Title : Marginal Men, Marcabru and Orthodoxy: The Early Troubadours and Adultery [The author explores references to adultery in early troubadour verse in order to determine what models for marriage are represented there. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medium Ævum , 59., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 55 - 72.
Year of Publication: 1990.

89. Record Number: 12859
Author(s): Green, Monica H.
Title : Female Sexuality in the Medieval West [The author argues that sexuality may have meant something fundamentally different to women than to men in the Middle Ages, and suggests that we question whether our methodologies are adequate for the task of constructing a history of how sexuality was experienced by medieval women, rather than a history of how female sexuality was viewed by men. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Trends in History , 4., 4 ( 1990):  Pages 127 - 158.
Year of Publication: 1990.

90. Record Number: 12764
Author(s): Kazhdan, Alexander P.
Title : Byzantine Hagiography and Sex in the Fifth to Twelfth Centuries [The author discusses the numerous erotic tales (often having to do with demonic temptation of saints) to be found within Byzantine hagiography. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 44., ( 1990):  Pages 131 - 143.
Year of Publication: 1990.

91. Record Number: 12698
Author(s): Turner, Ralph V.
Title : The Children of Anglo-Norman Royalty and Their Upbringing [Although royals did demonstrate affection toward their children (both legitimate and illegitimate), aristocratic parents did not consider childcare their primary responsibility. Although noblewomen participated in the education of children, they saw other roles as more important: supervising household affairs, acting as regents when their husbands were away, giving birth to heirs, and negotiating marriage alliances for their sons and daughters. Many other people (including household servants, nurses, and relatives) shared the responsibility of childrearing. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 11., 2 (Autumn 1990):  Pages 17 - 52.
Year of Publication: 1990.

92. Record Number: 12858
Author(s): Gibson, Mary S.
Title : Female Sexuality in Renaissance, Early Modern, and Modern Italy [The article groups the literature on the history of female sexuality into two periods in Italy's history, the first being Renaissance/early modern (1300-1750), the second being modern (1750-present). Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Trends in History , 4., 4 ( 1990):  Pages 159 - 185.
Year of Publication: 1990.

93. Record Number: 12773
Author(s): Chojnacki, Stanley.
Title : Marriage Legislation and Patrician Society in Fifteenth-Century Venice [The author discusses the role marriage played in shaping patrician society, and argues that new legislation defined the expectations and limits of the state’s role in marriage in fifteenth-century Venice. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Law, custom, and the social fabric in medieval Europe: essays in honor of Bryce Lyon.   Edited by Bernard S. Bachrach and David Nicholas Studies in medieval culture .   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1990. Trends in History , 4., 4 ( 1990):  Pages 163 - 184.
Year of Publication: 1990.

94. Record Number: 12693
Title : Flaws in the Golden Bowl: Gender and Spiritual Formation in the Twelfth Century [In twelfth century Western Europe, religious writers debated whether arrangements for men and for women in religious life were meant to be identical, equal, or separate. While works on religious formation and spiritual growth can present monastic values as gender neutral and some writings (like Abelard's letters to Heloise purport to praise the virtues of women, misogyny is nonetheless pervasive in monastic writings (women are aligned with carnality, loquacity, and curiosity). Moreover, gender plays an important role in differentiating the importance of chastity for men and for women, and gender profoundly affects how communal life and spiritual growth are represented. The Appendix offers a list of religious literature of formation produced between 1075 and 1225. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Traditio , 45., ( 1990):  Pages 111 - 146. Republished in From Virile Woman to WomanChrist: Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature. By Barbara Newman. Middle Ages Series. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. Pages 19-45
Year of Publication: 1990.

95. Record Number: 12763
Title : Christian Marriage in Byzantium: The Canonical and Liturgical Tradition [The article provides an introduction to the canonical and liturgical traditions of marriage in Byzantium; the author also discusses the limitations and ideals of such Christian marriages. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers , 44., ( 1990):  Pages 99 - 107.
Year of Publication: 1990.

96. Record Number: 12732
Author(s): Cohen, Esther and Elliott. Horowitz
Title : In search of the sacred: Jews, Christians, and rituals of marriage in the later Middle Ages [For many centuries, Jews lived among Christians in most of Europe, and despite religious differences there was much interaction between the two communities in the realm of public social rituals. Even though the two faiths had different philosophies on the purpose of marriage and ethical status of marital sex, Jewish and Christian weddings ran parallel in the gradual sacralization of what was originally a secular ritual and the development of distinct rituals for the remarriage of widows. The upper classes in Jewish and Christian communities approached the marriage ritual as a way to draw sharp distinctions between the two faiths, including the location and timing of the event and what visual elements or objects were used. However, the lower classes often shared more similarities in their ritual behaviors due to a larger degree of contact within a shared culture and common experience. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 20., 2 (Fall 1990):  Pages 225 - 249.
Year of Publication: 1990.

97. Record Number: 12731
Author(s): Giladi, Avner.
Title : Some Observations on Infanticide in Medieval Muslim Society [Infanticide was a recognized practice in Arabia before the emergence of Islam, and although Muhammed denounced the practice in the Qu'ran, evidence from Qu'anic commentaries and hadith literature indicate that it persisted (even in post-Islamic Arabia) as a family planning strategy. For instance, a family under extreme economic pressure might allow an infant (especially a girl) to die soon after birth. Although Arab polytheists may have willingly sacrificed children (especially males, who were deemed most precious), Muslims viewed boys and girls as equals and on the whole rejected infanticide. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: International Journal of Middle East Studies , 22., 2 (May 1990):  Pages 185 - 200.
Year of Publication: 1990.

98. Record Number: 12800
Author(s): Vaughn, Sally N.
Title : St. Anselm and Women [The author argues that St. Anselm's letters reveal that he admired women who were wives and mothers, and that he had many friendships with women, in particular, with Countess Ida of Boulogne. The author also discusses Anselm's relationship with his own m
Source: The Haskins Society Journal , 2., ( 1990):  Pages 83 - 93.
Year of Publication: 1990.

99. Record Number: 12860
Author(s): McLaughlin, Megan.
Title : The Woman Warrior: Gender, Warfare, and Society in Medieval Europe [The article studies the small group of medieval women warriors, and considers its implications for gender and society. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women's Studies , 17., 40241 ( 1990):  Pages 193 - 209.
Year of Publication: 1990.

100. Record Number: 12790
Author(s): Jewell, Helen M.
Title : Women at the Courts of the Manor of Wakefield, 1348-1350 [The author studies the fourteenth-century manorial court rolls from Wakefield in order to study women’s involvement in petty crime, in landholding and civil pleas activities, and in miscellaneous entries which offer information about the economic and social standing of individual women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Northern History , 26., ( 1990):  Pages 59 - 81.
Year of Publication: 1990.

101. Record Number: 11192
Author(s): Harris, Barbara J.
Title : Property, Power, and Personal Relations: Elite Mothers and Sons in Yorkist and Early Tudor England [Women were often marginalized by patriarchal power structures that placed the father at the head of the family, but the birth of a son often elevated the wife’s position. Since the first son was greatly valued in a system of primogenitural inheritance, noble mothers often had close emotional ties to their sons. The political and social future of the family often rested on the mother’s ability to manage the household, display the family’s wealth and status, and negotiate marriages and other alliances for the family’s children. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Full Text via JSTOR) 15, 3 (Spring 1990): 606-632. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1990.

102. Record Number: 12738
Author(s): Gunnes, Erik.
Title : The Foundation of the Brigittine Monastery of Munkeliv, and its Struggle for Existence [Saint Michael’s monastery at Nordnes was one of Norway’s richest and exclusive monasteries before the Black Death. Although the monastery was founded by a Swedish nobleman named Sten Stenarsson, its location near the commercial town of Bergen, populated by many Germans, led to an increasing amount of German monks housed there. By the late fifteenth century the monastery was in decline and functioned as retirement residence for wealthy townspeople, and its last inhabitants were likely women from prominent Norwegian families. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Collegium Medievale , 3., 2 ( 1990):  Pages 111 - 122.
Year of Publication: 1990.

103. Record Number: 12797
Author(s): Murray, Jacqueline.
Title : On the Origins and Role of 'Wise Women' in Causes For Annulment on the Grounds of Male Impotence [Article includes an abstract. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 16., 3 ( 1990):  Pages 235 - 249.
Year of Publication: 1990.