Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 8483
Author(s): Elsakkers, Maríanne.
Title : Inflicting Serious Bodily Harm: The Visigothic "Antiquae" on Violence and Abortion [The author analyzes five sections on abortion along with an injury tariff. The author argues that the Visigothic laws are concerned with serious bodily harm to the mothers, not with abortion per se. The situations mostly imply violence done to a pregnant woman against her will causing miscarriages, not women voluntarily selecting abortions. Nonetheless the compensation payments required distinguished between the "unformed" and "formed" fetus. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d'histoire du droit. Legal History Review , 71., 40180 ( 2003):  Pages 55 - 63.
Year of Publication: 2003.

2. Record Number: 12743
Author(s): Keefer, Sarah Larratt.
Title : A Monastic Echo in an Old English Charm [The Old English metrical poem most commonly known as “Charm for Delayed Birth” is often interpreted as a magical incantation intended to protect a woman from a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth. Although the poem may have origins in pagan practices, the poem’s references to Bethlehem and the Nativity give it Christian relevance. Moreover, the poem repeatedly echoes monastic references to scripture and liturgy, giving the poem an oral quality that could serve a prayerful or devotional purpose instead of just being a pagan incantation with Christian terminology. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Leeds Studies in English , 21., ( 1990):  Pages 71 - 80.
Year of Publication: 1990.

3. Record Number: 45019
Title : Two women discuss gynecological problems
Source: Leeds Studies in English , 21., ( 1990):
Year of Publication: