Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

16 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 43532
Author(s): Keene, Bryan C., and Larisa Grollemond,
Title : A Game of Thrones: Power Structures in Medievalisms, Manuscripts, and the Museum
Source: Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies , 11., 2- 3 ( 2020):  Pages 326 - 337. Available with a subscription: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41280-020-00173-w
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 43624
Author(s): Smith, Carissa Turner,
Title : The Virgin Martyr of Comics: Distributed Agency and Saintly Iconography
Source: Cyborg Saints: Religion and Posthumanism in Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction Carissa Turner Smith .   Routledge, 2020. Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies , 11., 2- 3 ( 2020):  Pages 124 - 158.
Year of Publication: 2020.

3. Record Number: 43992
Author(s): Kaufman, Amy S. and Paul B. Sturtevant,
Title : Knights in Shining Armor and Damsels in Distress
Source: The Devil's Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past. Amy S. Kaufman and Paul B. Sturtevant .   University of Toronto Press, 2020. Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies , 11., 2- 3 ( 2020):  Pages 103 - 125.
Year of Publication: 2020.

4. Record Number: 44321
Author(s): Lucherini, Vinni
Title : Arte medievale e diplomazia culturale italo-ungherese nel Ventennio fascista. Intorno alla tomba di Maria d’Ungheria a Napoli
Source: Romisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana , 44., ( 2019 - 2020):  Pages 407 - 447.
Year of Publication: 2019 - 2020.

5. Record Number: 44421
Author(s): Hopkins, Lisa,
Title : Queens and the British History
Source: From the Romans to the Normans on the English Renaissance Stage. Lisa Hopkins .   Medieval Institute Publications, 2017. Romisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana , 44., ( 2019 - 2020):  Pages 99 - 118. The essay is available open access from the Medieval Institute Press: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=mip_edam. See Chapter 4.
Year of Publication: 2017.

6. Record Number: 44422
Author(s): Hopkins, Lisa,
Title : Athelstan, the Virgin King
Source: From the Romans to the Normans on the English Renaissance Stage. Lisa Hopkins .   Medieval Institute Publications, 2017. Romisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana , 44., ( 2019 - 2020):  Pages 167 - 186. The essay is available open access from the Medieval Institute Press: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?filename=7&article=1002&context=mip_edam&type=additional
Year of Publication: 2017.

7. Record Number: 22484
Author(s): Johnsen, Rosemary Erickson
Title : Medieval Women in Context [The author discusses recent historical crime fiction set in the Middle Ages with women as the main characters. Authors Candace Robb and Margaret Frazer are mentioned, but Johnsen gives extended treatment to author Sharan Newman and her 12th century character Catherine LeVendeur. Also discussed are literary themes involving Heloise, pilgrimage, Jews, women's roles, and modern issues which parallel medieval concerns. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Contemporary Feminist Historical Crime Fiction. .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Romisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana , 44., ( 2019 - 2020):  Pages 21 - 58.
Year of Publication: 2006.

8. Record Number: 6745
Author(s): Siberry, Elizabeth.
Title : The Crusader's Departure and Return: A Much Later Perspective [The author explores the nineteenth century romantic image of the crusader's departure and return in popular art, poetry, and music].
Source: Gendering the Crusades.   Edited by Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert .   University of Wales Press, 2001. Romisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana , 44., ( 2019 - 2020):  Pages 177 - 190.
Year of Publication: 2001.

9. Record Number: 4386
Author(s): Wiethaus, Ulrike.
Title : Female Spirituality, Medieval Women, and Commercialism in the United States [the author examines popular, commercialized uses of medieval women and religion including the figure of the witch, calendars and other merchandise, and two popular anthologies of women's spiritual writings, "Beguine Spirituality" edited by Fiona Bowie and "The Hidden Tradition" edited by Lavinia Byrne].
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Romisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana , 44., ( 2019 - 2020):  Pages 297 - 311.
Year of Publication: 1999.

10. Record Number: 2489
Author(s): Workman, Leslie J.
Title : Medievalism Today [The author defines medievalism as "the continuing process of creating the Middle Ages"].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 29 - 33.
Year of Publication: 1997.

11. Record Number: 2490
Author(s): Verduin, Kathleen.
Title : Shared Interests of "SIM" and "MFN" (Vols. 22 and 23)
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 33 - 35.
Year of Publication: 1997.

12. Record Number: 11065
Author(s): Huttar, Charles A.
Title : Arms and the Man: The Place of Beatrice in Charles Williams’ Romantic Theology [Williams adopts Dantean themes in his twentieth-century novels and Arthurian poetry. In many of his works, female characters inspire epiphanies just as Beatrice inspired Dante (in “Paradiso” and “Vita Nuova”). Williams’ numerous allusions to the arms (or bodies) of beautiful women invoke famous near-divine feminine figures from medieval literature like Isolde and Beatrice. In both the medieval and modern texts, the woman’s physical beauty is the vehicle for the male lover’s transcendent awareness and understanding of God. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies in Medievalism , 3., 3 (Winter 1991):  Pages 307 - 343.
Year of Publication: 1991.

13. Record Number: 40749
Title : Lady of Shalott
Source: Studies in Medievalism , 3., 3 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication:

14. Record Number: 41170
Title : God Speed
Source: Studies in Medievalism , 3., 3 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication:

15. Record Number: 42572
Title : Cestello Annunciation (Image #1) and Ecce Ancilla Domini (Image #2)
Source: Studies in Medievalism , 3., 3 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication:

16. Record Number: 43340
Title : Joan of Arc
Source: Studies in Medievalism , 3., 3 (Winter 1991):
Year of Publication: