Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

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Search Results

1. Record Number: 5466
Author(s): Lawes, Richard.
Title : Psychological Disorder and the Autobiographical Impulse in Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Thomas Hoccleve [the author argues that cases of psychological crises, such as Kempe's post-natal psychosis and temporal lobe disease, Julian's physical illness that brought on hallucinations, and Hoccleve's bi-polar condition, all may have served as a stimulus to autobiographical writings].
Source: Writing Religious Women: Female Spiritual and Textual Practices in Late Medieval England.   Edited by Denis Renevey and Christiania Whitehead .   University of Toronto Press, 2000.  Pages 217 - 243.
Year of Publication: 2000.

2. Record Number: 3503
Author(s): Murray, Jacqueline.
Title : Individualism and Consensual Marriage: Some Evidence from Medieval England
Source: Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom: Essays in Memory of Michael M. Sheehan, C.S.B.   Edited by Constance M. Rousseau and Joel T. Rosenthal .   Western Michigan University, 1998.  Pages 121 - 151.
Year of Publication: 1998.

3. Record Number: 6389
Author(s): Guimbard, Catherine.
Title : Appunti sulla legislazione suntuaria a Firenze dal 1281 al 1384 [as the Florentine republic matured, it began to regulate women's dress and expenditures on private festivities to safeguard the stability of the commune; limitations on women's costume was part of a larger effort to moderate any personal expressions that might lead to public disorder; these laws diminished differences between classes without removing them; various arrangements were made for enforcing these laws, including assigning special magistrates to that work; sumptuary laws, however, could not prevent a growing trend toward self expression].
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 150., 551 ( 1992):  Pages 57 - 81.
Year of Publication: 1992.

4. Record Number: 9459
Author(s): Grimbert, Joan Tasker.
Title : Love, Honor, and Alienation in Thomas’s "Roman de Tristan" [In his poem, Thomas portrays the two doomed lovers Tristan and Iseult as figures who suffer deep social alienation when separated from family and homeland. Through these figures, the poet illustrates the eternal conflict between an impulse toward social collectivity and the desire for individuality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Arthurian Yearbook , 2., ( 1992):  Pages 77 - 98.
Year of Publication: 1992.

5. Record Number: 10240
Author(s): Provost, William.
Title : Margery Kempe and Her Calling [The author examines the relationship between one’s identity and vocation (job or personal calling) in Margery Kempe’s book. Compared to the medieval woman writer Julian of Norwich (who clearly presents herself as an anchoress) and Chaucer’s fictional Wife of Bath (whose very occupation is being a “wife”), Margery’s social role is indeterminate. She is neither a conventional wife nor a religious woman, and she confuses both her contemporaries and modern readers because she does not fit into any stable occupational category. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margery Kempe: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Sandra J. McEntire .   Garland Publishing, 1992. Arthurian Yearbook , 2., ( 1992):  Pages 3 - 15.
Year of Publication: 1992.

6. Record Number: 10767
Author(s): Evans, Ruth.
Title : Feminist Re-Enactments: Gender and the Towneley "Vxor Noe"
Source: A Wyf Ther Was: Essays in Honour of Paule Mertens-Fonck.   Edited by Juliette Dor .   English Department, University of Liège, 1992. Arthurian Yearbook , 2., ( 1992):  Pages 141 - 154.
Year of Publication: 1992.

7. Record Number: 12696
Author(s): Schmitt, Miriam.
Title : Freed to Run with Expanded Heart: The Writings of Gertrud of Helfta and the Rule of Benedict [In her writings, Helfta interprets liberty of heart as a personal passage from inner bondage to spiritual freedom. She also exemplifies the qualities of a liberated heart which Benedict outlines in his regula. The author equates Gertrude's "libertas cordis" (liberated heart in mystical love) is equated with Benedict's "cor dilatatus" (heart expanded by ineffable love). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Cistercian Studies , 25., 2 ( 1990):  Pages 220 - 232.
Year of Publication: 1990.

8. Record Number: 12749
Author(s): Ford-Grabowsky, Mary.
Title : Angels and Archetypes: A Jungian Approach to Saint Hildegard [Jung’s psychological work on archetypes helps explain the elusive essence and role of angels in Christian theology. Hildegard’s vision of angels in her writings depict them as resembling archetypes in their dual nature, their affinity to divine energies, and their role in the individuation and salvation of the self. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: American Benedictine Review , 41., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 1 - 19.
Year of Publication: 1990.

9. Record Number: 12695
Author(s): Lewis, Gertrud Jaron.
Title : Libertas Cordis: The Concept of Inner Freedom in Saint Gertrud the Great of Helfta [Both the writings by and biographies of Saint Gertrud of Helfta (German nun and mystic) place supreme importance on inner freedom (freedom of spirit and freedom of heart). For Gertrud, striving for inner freedom and asceticism are intimately connected, and one paradoxically gains freedom by giving up oneself. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Cistercian Studies , 25., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 65 - 74.
Year of Publication: 1990.