Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 6738
Author(s): Tessera, Miriam Rita.
Title : Philip Count of Flanders and Hildegard of Bingen: Crusading against the Saracens or Crusading against Deadly Sin? [The Count wrote to Hildegard for her prophetic advice on his imminent departure for the Crusades. The mission had been imposed as penance for his brutal execution of a man believed to be his wife's lover and other ill-judged actions. Hildegard in her reply ignored political and military concerns and urged him to purge his heart of sin. Latin texts of the two letters are appended. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Crusades.   Edited by Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert .   University of Wales Press, 2001.  Pages 77 - 93.
Year of Publication: 2001.

2. Record Number: 2549
Author(s): Kienzle, Beverly M.
Title : Operatrix in Vinea Domini: Hildegard of Bingen's Preaching and Polemics Against the Cathars [Hildegard delivered at least twenty-one public sermons in cathedrals and monastic communities; the article discusses four texts: Visionary treatise sent to the monks of St. Martin in Mainz, Cologne sermon preserved in a letter, Kirchheim sermon preserved in a letter, and gospel homily on Luke 21: 25-33 included in "Ex positiones evangeliorum"].
Source: Heresis: Revue d'hérésiologie médiévale. Edition de textes-Recherche , ( 1996):  Pages 43 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1996.

3. Record Number: 5154
Author(s): Chauvin, Benoît.
Title : Hildegarde de Bingen et les Cisterciens. Note sur les "Epistolae LXX" et "LXXR" [the author analyzes a letter sent to Hildegard by five Cistercian abbots who ask that she help a noble woman who has been unable to have children ; the author examines the tenures of each of the abbots, arriving at a new date for the letter, between the summer of 1159 and January 1162].
Source: Cîteaux: Revue d'Histoire Cistercienne , 46., 40180 ( 1995):  Pages 159 - 165.
Year of Publication: 1995.