Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 8649
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : Cellane e recluse [The documentation is scarce for Italian recluses until the 13th century. The earliest of these penitent women adopted the life styles of male hermits, including the Vallombrosans and Camaldolese. These women usually were situated in towns or cities, and they might have cells attached to churches. Some were affiliated with established orders, but others wore the habits of the newly-created orders of friars. Originally printed as "Velut in sepulchro: cellane e recluse nella tradizione agiografica italiana," in Culto dei santi e classi sociali in età preindustriale, edited by S. Boesch-Gajano and L. Sebastiani (L.U. Japadre Editore,1984). Pages 367-455. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990.  Pages 305 - 402. Originally printed as "Velut in sepulchro: cellane e recluse nella tradizione agiografica italiana," in Culto dei santi e classi sociali in età preindustriale, edited by S. Boesch-Gajano and L. Sebastiani (L.U. Japadre Editore,1984). Pages 367-455.
Year of Publication: 1990.

2. Record Number: 8655
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : Cristomimesi al femminile [The crusade ideal could be lived out externally in action or internalized. Devout women, including tertiaries, supported the crusades and saw themselves as combating the enemies of Christ. Margaret of Cortona thought all these foes, except the Jews, could be converted. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990.  Pages 141 - 168. Originally printed as "Margarita filia Jerusalem: Santa Margherita da Cortona e il superamento mistica della crociata," in Toscana e Terrasanta nel medioevo,
Year of Publication: 1990.