Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

54 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 38746
Author(s): McHam, Sarah Blake,
Title : Visualizing the Immaculate Conception: Donatello, Francesco della Rovere, and the High Altar and Choir Screen at the Church of the Santo in Padua
Source: Renaissance Quarterly , 69., 3 ( 2016):  Pages 831 - 864.
Year of Publication: 2016.

2. Record Number: 28800
Author(s): Mews, Constant J.
Title : The "Speculum dominarum" ("Miroir des dames") and Transformations of the Literature of Instruction for Women in the Early Fourteenth Century [The author analyzes the "Speculum dominarum," a treatise written by Durand de Champagne for Joanne de Navarre, wife of Philip IV and queen of France 1285-1305. The text was later translated into French and remained widely read into the sixteenth century. Mews argues that the text "marks a significant shift in the character of religious writing for women, in moving away from a purely interior focus to one that combines spiritual advice with ethical discussion, of a sort traditionally conducted in a scholastic milieu and addressed only to men." (p. 14).
Source: Virtue Ethics for Women 1250-1500.   Edited by Karen Green and Constant J. Mews .   Springer, 2011. Renaissance Quarterly , 69., 3 ( 2016):  Pages 13 - 30.
Year of Publication: 2011.

3. Record Number: 29128
Author(s): Welch, Anna,
Title : Presence and Absence : Reading Clare of Assisi in Franciscan Liturgy and Community
Source: Gender, Catholicism and Spirituality: Women and the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and Europe, 1200-1900.   Edited by Laurence Lux-Sterritt and Carmen M. Mangion .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Renaissance Quarterly , 69., 3 ( 2016):  Pages 19 - 37.
Year of Publication: 2011.

4. Record Number: 29257
Author(s): Neff, Amy,
Title : The Humble Man's Wedding: Two Late Thirteenth-Century Franciscan Images of the "Miracle at Cana" : [The author analyzes two Franciscan-inspired paintings of the Miracle at Cana, a fresco in the Upper Church of San Francesco in Assisi and a full-page illustration in the “Supplicationes variae,” a devotional manual. Neff traces iconography and theolog
Source: Gothic Art and Thought in the Later Medieval Period: Essays in Honor of Willibald Sauerländer.   Edited by Colum Hourihane .   Index of Christian Art, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University in association with Penn State University Press, 2011. Renaissance Quarterly , 69., 3 ( 2016):  Pages 292 - 323.
Year of Publication: 2011.

5. Record Number: 27902
Author(s): Clare of Assisi
Title : Clare's "Forma vitae" [See also Joan Mueller's commentary on the "Forma vitae" in Chapter Seven, pages 209-257.]
Source: A Companion to Clare of Assisi: Life, Writings, and Spirituality. Joan Mueller. Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, , 21. .   Brill, 2010. Renaissance Quarterly , 69., 3 ( 2016):  Pages 275 - 285.
Year of Publication: 2010.

6. Record Number: 29622
Author(s): Cignoni, Arianna Pecorini
Title : Fondazioni francescane femminili nella Provincia Tusciae del XIII secolo [The Franciscan province of Tuscany was founded in 1217, and its first list of nuns' houses dates to 1228. This article gives information about twenty Franciscan women's monasteries in the province, few of which survive today. Most of these monasteries we
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 181 - 206.
Year of Publication: 2010.

7. Record Number: 24045
Author(s): Schuchman, Anne M.
Title : "Within the Walls of Paradise": Space and Community in the "Vita" of Umiliana de' Cerchi [Umiliata dei Cerchi was a 13th century Florentine laywoman who, as a widow, lived a religious life in her family’s tower house. Franciscan friar Vito da Cortona wrote her “vita” shortly after her death in 1246. Schuchman focuses on the text's description of Umiliata’s life in the tower as a substitute for joining a monastery. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage, and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom.   Edited by Katherine Allen Smith and Scott Wells Studies in the History of Christian Traditions .   Brill, 2009. Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 49 - 64.
Year of Publication: 2009.

8. Record Number: 10572
Author(s): Alberzoni, Maria Pia.
Title : Da Pauperes Domine a Sorores Pauperes: la negazione di un modello di santita itinerante femminile? [In 1263 Pope Urban IV attempted to bring unity to the Poor Clares, imposing norms of monastic enclosure that limited the ideal of Franciscan poverty. Clare's own letters reveal her past struggles with Cardinal Ugolino (Gregory IX) for preservation of the ideal of strict poverty and mendicancy. Urban's bull also required that the Franciscan friars limit their care of women religious to the Clares. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Pellegrinaggi e culto dei Santi: Santita minoritica del primo e secundo ordine.   Edited by Benedetto Vetere .   Mario Congedo editore, 2004. Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 39 - 59.
Year of Publication: 2004.

9. Record Number: 10828
Author(s): Desplenter, Youri.
Title : Songs of Praise for the "Illiterate": Latin Hymns in Middle Dutch Prose Translation [The author focuses on a group of manuscripts which provide vernacular translations of breviary hymns. Desplenter argues that the manuscripts' intended users were mostly women, both Franciscan tertiaries and canonesses of the Windesheim Chapter. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Voice of Silence: Women's Literacy in a Men's Church.   Edited by Thérèse de Hemptinne and María Eugenia Góngora Medieval Church Studies .   Brepols, 2004. Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 127 - 142.
Year of Publication: 2004.

10. Record Number: 11530
Author(s): Bourdua, Louise.
Title : Guariento's Crucifix for Maria Bovolini in San Francesco, Bassano: Women and Franciscan Art in Italy During the Later
Source: Pope, Church and City: Essays in Honour of Brenda M. Bolton.   Edited by Frances Andrews, Christoph Egger and Constance M. Rousseau Medieval Mediterranean .   Brill, 2004. Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 309 - 323.
Year of Publication: 2004.

11. Record Number: 14632
Title : Religious Patronage and Royal Propaganda in Angevin Naples: Santa Maria Donna Regina in Context [The author explores the Angevin rulers' connections with Franciscanism, their religious patronage generally, and their efforts to strengthen and lend prestige to their dynasty. Kelly maintains that Angevin support of Franciscan Spirituals and religious p
Source: The Church of Santa Maria Donna Regina: Art, Iconography, and Patronage in Fourteenth-Century Naples.   Edited by Janis Elliott and Cordelia Warr .   Ashgate, 2004. Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 27 - 43.
Year of Publication: 2004.

12. Record Number: 16347
Author(s): Subrenat, Jean.
Title : Fabliau et satire cléricale: "La spécificité de "Frére Denise" par Rutebeuf
Source: Risus Mediaevalis: Laughter in Medieval Literature and Art.   Edited by Herman Braet, Guido Latré, and Werner Verbeke Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series 1, Studia 30. .   Leuven University Press, 2003. Mediaeval Studies , 65., ( 2003):  Pages 143 - 153.
Year of Publication: 2003.

13. Record Number: 10570
Author(s): Pol, Frank van der.
Title : The Book of Hours from the Sisters of Saint Agnes in Kampen: A Spiritual Guide for a Community of Worship [The author focuses on the community of the sisters of Saint Agnes, a female house of tertiaries, who were influenced by the Devotio Moderna. From their book of hours, he concentrates on two offices, the "Office of All Saints" and the "Office of Saint Agnes." The various experiences associated with death and dying are emphasized. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Spirituality renewed: studies on significant representatives of the Modern Devotion.   Edited by Hein Blommestijn, Charles Caspers, and Rijcklof Hofman Studies in spirituality. Supplement .  10 2003. Collectanea Franciscana , 80., 1-2 ( 2010):  Pages 169 - 192.
Year of Publication: 2003.

14. Record Number: 10558
Author(s): Field, Sean.
Title : Gilbert of Tournai's Letter to Isabelle of France: An Edition of the Complete Text [The author works from a recently discovered manuscript of the letter that the Franciscan preacher wrote to the daughter of King Louis VIII. Writing on his own initiative, Gilbert offered much of the standard spiritual advice to the religiously inclined princess. However, he also included a sophisticated section on spiritual ascent based on Pseudo-Dionysius. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Mediaeval Studies , 65., ( 2003):  Pages 57 - 97.
Year of Publication: 2003.

15. Record Number: 11418
Author(s): Klaniczay, Gábor
Title : Le stigmate di santa Margherita d'Ungheria: immagini e testi [The earliest sources for Margaret of Hungary, a princess who became a Dominican nun, do not mention her stigmata. Reports of her reciept of the Stigmata were rejected by Tommaso Caffarini, but defenders of the story can be found as late as the sixteenth century. The earliest depictions of Margaret usually lack the stigmata, but a royal crown often is shown at her feet or on her head. Dominican claims to stigmatics threatened Franciscan ideas of their founder as "another Christ" ("alter Christus"), and questions about Margaret became intertwined with disputes over the stigmata of Catherine of Siena. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Iconographica , 1., ( 2002):  Pages 16 - 31.
Year of Publication: 2002.

16. Record Number: 10834
Author(s): Peterson, Ingrid, O.S.F.
Title : Thirteenth-Century Penitential Women: Franciscan Life in the Secular World
Source: Studies in Spirituality , 12., ( 2002):  Pages 43 - 60.
Year of Publication: 2002.

17. Record Number: 7134
Author(s): Warren, Nancy Bradley.
Title : Monastic Politics: St. Colette of Corbie, Franciscan Reform, and the House of Burgundy
Source: New Medieval Literatures , 5., ( 2002):  Pages 203 - 228.
Year of Publication: 2002.

18. Record Number: 5906
Author(s): Maginnis, Hayden B. J.
Title : Images, Devotion, and the Beata Umiliana de' Cerchi [images are found speaking to medieval Italian saints, especially Franciscans, in the hagiographic sources; two pictures play this role in the life of the pious widow Umiliata de' Cerchi; these images function in her contact with the divine like Byzantine
Source: Visions of Holiness: Art and Devotion in Renaissance Italy.   Edited by Andrew Ladis and Shelley E. Zuraw .   Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, 2001. Iconographica , 1., ( 2002):  Pages 13 - 20.
Year of Publication: 2001.

19. Record Number: 4672
Author(s): Pasztor, Edith.
Title : Sant'Elisabetta d'Ungheia nella religiosità femminile del secolo XIII [Elizabeth of Hungary is known for both her charitable actions and her visions. The latter aspect of her life can be studied from the reports of her maid, Isentrude, to Conrad of Marburg. Both Elizabeth's charitable work and her emphasis on the humanity of Christ place her within the Franciscan tradition. Once widowed, Elizabeth embraced continence, but Conrad refused to permit her to become a mendicant].
Source: Donne e sante: Studi sulla religiosità femminile nel Medio Evo. Edith Pasztor .   Edizioni Studium, 2000. Studies in Spirituality , 10., ( 2000):  Pages 153 - 171. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 2000.

20. Record Number: 4607
Author(s): Kay, Sarah.
Title : Audacious Nuns: Institutionalizing the Franciscan Order of Saint Clare [The author analyzes the legal and political struggles between the Poor Clares and the male Franciscan order, with the women finally successful in ensuring that the Franciscans would provide them with spiritual care].
Source: Church History , 69., 1 (March 2000):  Pages 41 - 62.
Year of Publication: 2000.

21. Record Number: 5384
Author(s): Peterson, Ingrid, O.S.F.
Title : Angela of Foligno: The Active Life and the Following of Christ
Source: Studies in Spirituality , 10., ( 2000):  Pages 125 - 142.
Year of Publication: 2000.

22. Record Number: 4832
Title : Angela of Foligno: A Eucharistic Model of Lay Sanctity
Source: Lay Sanctity, Medieval and Modern: A Search for Models.   Edited by Ann W. Astell .   University of Notre Dame Press, 2000. Studies in Spirituality , 10., ( 2000):  Pages 61 - 75.
Year of Publication: 2000.

23. Record Number: 4714
Author(s): Lynn, Beth.
Title : What Difference Does a Rule Make? Clare's "Poor Sisters" and Gregory IX's Nuns [The author examines the various rules used by communities of Poor Clares, seeking to determine the degree of faithfulness to the values of Clare and Francis of Assisi].
Source: Magistra , 5., 1 (Summer 1999):  Pages 25 - 42.
Year of Publication: 1999.

24. Record Number: 3548
Author(s): Mooney, Catherine M.
Title : Imitatio Christi or "Imitatio Mariae"? Clare of Assisi and Her Interpreters [The author argues that Clare represents herself as a follower and imitator of Christ throughout her writings; it is only subsequent hagiography and iconography that portray Clare as a follower not of Christ but of Mary].
Source: Gendered Voices: Medieval Saints and Their Interpreters.   Edited by Catherine M. Mooney .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Magistra , 5., 1 (Summer 1999):  Pages 52 - 77.
Year of Publication: 1999.

25. Record Number: 4448
Author(s): Hoch, Adrian S.
Title : Pictures of Penitence From a Trecento Neapolitan Nunnery
Source: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte , 61., ( 1998):  Pages 206 - 226.
Year of Publication: 1998.

26. Record Number: 3176
Author(s): Schlager, Bernard.
Title : Foundresses of the Franciscan Life: Umiliana Cerchi and Margaret of Cortona [models of sanctity for lay women from the order of penitents which became the Franciscan Third Order].
Source: Viator , 29., ( 1998):  Pages 141 - 166.
Year of Publication: 1998.

27. Record Number: 3275
Author(s): Ready, Kathryn J.
Title : The Marian Lyrics of Jacopone da Todi and Friar William Herebert: The Life and the Letter
Source: Franciscan Studies , 55., ( 1998):  Pages 221 - 238.
Year of Publication: 1998.

28. Record Number: 5002
Author(s): Filannino, Clotilde.
Title : Uno sguardo alla storia passata [The Foligno congregation of Third Order Franciscans resisted having strict enclosure imposed upon them by the Franciscan provincial chapter of 1430. Santa Anna in Foligno would not accept this decision until 1617].
Source: Il monachesimo femminile in Italia dall' Alto Medioevo al secolo XVII a confronto con l' oggi.   Edited by Gabriella Zarri .   San Pietro in Cariano: Il Segno dei Gabrielli editori, 1997. Magistra , 3., 2 (Winter 1997):  Pages 407 - 416.
Year of Publication: 1997.

29. Record Number: 5006
Author(s): Sensi, Mario.
Title : Monachesimo femminile nell' Italia centrale (sec. xv) [New women's orders were limited by thirteenth-century conciliar decrees requiring that all monastics accept existing rules. Nevertheless, communities of penitent women grew up under episcopal supervision. Some adopted the Augustinian or the Benedictine rule and claustration. Only in the fifteenth century would the papacy give final approval to the Franciscan Third Order. More traditional women's houses tended to follow the Augustinian rule].
Source: Il monachesimo femminile in Italia dall' Alto Medioevo al secolo XVII a confronto con l' oggi.   Edited by Gabriella Zarri .   San Pietro in Cariano: Il Segno dei Gabrielli editori, 1997. Magistra , 3., 2 (Winter 1997):  Pages 135 - 168. Reprinted in "Mulieres in ecclesia": Storie di monache e bizzoche. Volume One. Mario Sensi. Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2010. Pages 71-104.
Year of Publication: 1997.

30. Record Number: 5602
Author(s): Dallaj, Arnalda.
Title : Orazione e pittura tra "propaganda" e devozione al tempo di Sisto IV: il caso della Madonna della Misericordia di Ganna [once Sixtus IV issued a decree favoring the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, texts and images favoring that doctrine proliferated; some texts, genuine or spurious, promised indulgences to the devout; and they featured excerpts from Leonardo Nogarolo's office for the feast of Mary Immaculate; the image of the Madonna della Misericordia at Varese is such an image; the church also features the monogram of the Name of Jesus popularized by the Franciscan Observants; the entire complex benefited from patronage by the Sforza family].
Source: Revue Mabillon: Nouvelle Série , 8., 69 ( 1997):  Pages 237 - 262.
Year of Publication: 1997.

31. Record Number: 14680
Author(s): Burr, David.
Title : Na Prous Boneta and Olivi [When she was first questioned in 1325, Na Prous Boneta was open about her beliefs. She believed she had become the herald of the advent of the Holy Spirit. Prous, who harbored refugee Spiritual Franciscans, also described Pope John XXII, their enemy, as the Antichrist. Prous identified with the condemned Franciscan theologian, Peter Olivi, who believed a papal Antichrist would come. She parted with Olivi in claiming a unique charism and a direct role in ushering in a new age of the Spirit. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 67., 40241 ( 1997):  Pages 477 - 500.
Year of Publication: 1997.

32. Record Number: 2799
Author(s): Passerat, G.
Title : Douceline, Delphine, et les autres ou la sainteté féminine en occitanie à la fin du moyen âge [considers the impact of Franciscan spirituality on women in Occitania; the author provides short sketches of Douceline de Digne, a Beguine, Delphine de Puymichel who lived in a chaste marriage, and Constance de Rabastens who had visions and made public prophecies].
Source: Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique , 98., 3 (juillet-septembre 1997):  Pages 235 - 250.
Year of Publication: 1997.

33. Record Number: 2916
Author(s): Lynn, Beth, O.S.C.
Title : Clare of Assisi and Isabelle of Longchamp: Further Light on the Early Development of the Franciscan Charism
Source: Magistra , 3., 2 (Winter 1997):  Pages 71 - 98.
Year of Publication: 1997.

34. Record Number: 4908
Author(s): Solvi, Daniele.
Title : Riscritture agiografiche: le due "legendae" latine di Margherita da Città di Castello [the legends of saints frequently were reworked; that of the Dominican tertiary Margaret of Citta di Castello went through two Latin versions before being redone in Italian by Tommaso Caffarini; one Latin legend emphasizes parallels between Margaret's life and the life of Christ in the Franciscan tradition of Francis as "Alter Christus;" this made her a more universal figure, and Caffarini built his Italian legend on this vision of Margaret's life; the shorter Latin legend emphasizes Margaret's ties with the Dominican order and her local context].
Source: Hagiographica: Rivista di agiografia e biografia della società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino/ Journal of Hagiography and Biography of Società Internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino , 2., ( 1995):  Pages 251 - 276.
Year of Publication: 1995.

35. Record Number: 9519
Author(s): Bruzelius, Caroline.
Title : Queen Sancia of Mallorca and the Convent Church of Sta. Chiara in Naples [The author argues that the convent church building significantly departs from previous models of architectural planning in the Poor Clare tradition. In part she attributes this to Queen Sancia's deep devotion to the original ideals of Francis which prompted her to found a double house and redesign the church layout so that the nuns could see the host while remaining unseen by the laity and the Friars. The queen also was reacting to ecclesiastical controversies in which her own relatives took leading roles as proponents of the Franciscan Spirituals against Pope John XXII. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome , 40., ( 1995):  Pages 69 - 100.
Year of Publication: 1995.

36. Record Number: 264
Title : Mary Magdalen and the Mendicants: The Preaching of Penance in the Late Middle Ages
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 21., 1 (March 1995):  Pages 1 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1995.

37. Record Number: 6620
Author(s): Storini, Monica Cristina.
Title : Umiliana e il suo biografo. Construzione di un' agiografia femminile fra XIII e XIV secolo [Umiliata dei Cerchi no longer is believed to have founded the Franciscan third order, but she was among its first members; her biography, Vito da Cortona, had to adapt hagiographic models since she had been married and widowed; Umiliata is described as preaching but by example rather than by words].
Source: Annali d'Italianistica , 13., ( 1995):  Pages 19 - 39. Women Mystic Writers. Edited by Dino S. Cervigni
Year of Publication: 1995.

38. Record Number: 5660
Author(s): Sensi, Mario.
Title : Chiara d'Assisi nell'Umbria del Quattrocento [use of the original rule of Saint Clare, long eclipsed by other versions, revived in the fifteenth century in Umbria; many houses of reformed Clares were affiliated with the Franciscan Observants, but it is difficult to correlate this with revived use of the primitive rule; veneration of Clare in Umbria included invocations against the plague].
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):  Pages 215 - 239.
Year of Publication: 1994.

39. Record Number: 9777
Author(s): Miligi, Giuseppe.
Title : Il pittore e la clarissa [Eustocha of Messina had ties to the Observant wing of the Franciscan Order. The painter Antonello da Messina lived in Messina at the same time and also had Franciscan ties. Pictures of Eustochia have their own iconography, but some also believe Antonello used her as a model for his Madonnas. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Francescanesimo al femminile: Chiara d'Assisi ed Eustochia da Messina.   Edited by Giuseppe Miligi et al .   EDAS, 1994. Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):  Pages 59 - 114.
Year of Publication: 1994.

40. Record Number: 9779
Author(s): Pugliatti, Teresa.
Title : Santa Chiara, storie della sua vita e l'Annunciazione [The picture of St. Clare with scenes from her life and from the Annunciation, now in the Civic Museum of Messina, once was at the convent of Santa Maria di Basico. It may have been painted by a pupil of Antonello da Messina. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Francescanesimo al femminile: Chiara d'Assisi ed Eustochia da Messina.   Edited by Giuseppe Miligi et al .   EDAS, 1994. Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):  Pages 146 - 149.
Year of Publication: 1994.

41. Record Number: 3559
Title : Friars, Sanctity, and Gender: Mendicant Encounters with Saints, 1250-1325 [comparison and contrast of female and male saints supported by the mendicants; topics explored include renunciation of the world, religious confidants or confessors, the amount of interaction the saint had with her/his mendicant venerators, and the saints' inner life and interaction with God].
Source: Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Clare A. Lees with the assistance of Thelma Fenster and Jo Ann McNamara Medieval Cultures, 7.   University of Minnesota Press, 1994. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome , 40., ( 1995):  Pages 91 - 110.
Year of Publication: 1994.

42. Record Number: 6709
Author(s): Manetti, Cecilia.
Title : Angela da Foligno terziaria francescana: Foligno, 17-19 novembre 1991 [the Franciscans were hospitable to new movements in lay piety; the third order had grown up in Foligno by the time Angela joined it, and she found an advisor who gave her experience serious attention; Angela's widely known "Liber" expressed her experience in a clear style; her "Liber" mentions new images, like the Pieta, alongside established ones].
Source: Quaderni Medievali , 33., (giugno 1992):  Pages 209 - 215.
Year of Publication: 1992.

43. Record Number: 8777
Author(s): O'Gorman, Richard.
Title : The "Stabat mater" in Middle French Verse: An Edition of Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr 24865 [The author discusses the relationship between this manuscript, which includes a Middle French version of the "Stabat mater," and five other manuscript versions. The Appendix presents editions of the text from BN fr 24865 and from the much different version in Poitiers, Bibliothèque Municipale 95. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Franciscan Studies , 52., ( 1992):  Pages 191 - 201.
Year of Publication: 1992.

44. Record Number: 10296
Author(s): Rigaux, Dominique.
Title : The Franciscan tertiaries at the convent of Sant'Anna at Foligno [The author considers a series of late-fourteenth-century and fifteenth-century "meal scene" frescoes as documents of Franciscan spirituality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gesta 31, 2 (1992): 92-98. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

45. Record Number: 29956
Author(s): Michaud, Francine
Title : Liaisons Particulières? Franciscains et Testatrices a Marseille (1248 - 1320)
Source: Annales du Midi , 104., (janvier - mars) 197 ( 1992):  Pages 7 - 18.
Year of Publication: 1992.

46. Record Number: 9068
Author(s): Dickson, Gary.
Title : Clare's Dream [The author examines the canonization documents of Saint Clare of Assisi. The records depict her as a strong and determined woman who forsook her rich family and embraced a spiritual life, following the example set by Francis of Assisi. They also indicate that after Francis' death, Clare had a dream in which she sucked milk from his breast. After describing various scholars' interpretations of the dream, the author suggests that the dream demonstrates Clare's intimacy with and dependency upon Francis. It presents a more human side to the heroic woman described in later hagiographical texts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Mediaevistik , 5., ( 1992):  Pages 39 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1992.

47. Record Number: 10887
Author(s): Coakley, John
Title : Gender and the Authority of Friars: The Significance of Holy Women for Thirteenth-Century Franciscans and Dominicans [In their letters and other writings, friars often reflected on their relationships with devout women. As preachers, friars exerted pastoral authority over devout women, but they also saw these particular women as having a privileged relationship with God. Although the friars admired the close relationship these women had with the divine, they also asserted their own distance and superiority over the women along the lines of gender difference. At the same time, the friars used gender difference as a means of expressing doubts about themselves and the limits of their own powers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Church History , 60., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 445 - 460.
Year of Publication: 1991.

48. Record Number: 10603
Author(s): Mayberry, Nancy.
Title : The Controversy over the Immaculate Conception in Medieval and Renaissance Art, Literature, and Society [The belief that Mary was freed from original sin had taken root by the late twelfth century. Dominicans placed this cleansing after Mary's conception; Franciscans placed it before, a "pre-redemption." The Franciscan position gradually triumphed, not just in theology but also in populat devotion as witnessed by art and literature. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 21., 2 (Fall 1991):  Pages 207 - 224.
Year of Publication: 1991.

49. Record Number: 16585
Author(s): Wood, Jeryldene.
Title : Perceptions of Holiness in Thirteenth-Century Italian Painting: Claire of Assisi [The author describes the thirteenth-century historiated dossals (Italian panel paintings that were hung in front of or behind an altar) of Saint Francis and Saint Clare in the church of Santa Chiara in Assisi, Italy. The author argues that the papal codification of sainthood through canonization during the thirteenth century and the hagiographical writings of Thomas of Celano influenced the visual representations of Francis and Clare. The Santa Chiara Dossal at Assisi was the first thirteenth-century painting dedicated to a female monastic; its depiction of Clare as an active and determined woman stands in marked contrast to images of humble and submissive brides of Christ. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Art History , 14., 3 (September 1991):  Pages 301 - 322.
Year of Publication: 1991.

50. Record Number: 8651
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : Forme comunitarie [The Franciscan third order originated as a para-monastic status for penitent women. It became, in the fifteenth century, assimilated to a monastic model. The popes permitted common dwellings and conceded privileges, but they expected strict monastic enclosure. Some of the Tuscan houses of tertiaries were tied to convents of the Franciscan observant movement. Appendix: pp. 589-592 Rule of the Third Order, from MS Palatino 118 in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence. Originally printed as "Le forme comunitarie della penitenza femminile francescana: Schede per un censimento toscano," in Prime manifestazioni di vita comunitaria maschile e femminile nel movimento francescano della penitenza: Atti del convegno di studi francescani, Assisi 30 giugno-2 luglio 1981, edited by R. Pazzelli and L. Temperini (Commissione Storica Internazionale T.O.R., 1982). Pages 389-449. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990. Church History , 60., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 531 - 592. Originally printed as "Le forme comunitarie della penitenza femminile francescana: Schede per un censimento toscano," in Prime manifestazioni di vita comunitaria maschile e femminile nel movimento francescano della penitenza: Atti del convegno di studi fr
Year of Publication: 1990.

51. Record Number: 8654
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : Secolo e chiostro [The penitent movement extended the monastic ideal to women living in the world. It was accessible not just to virgins, like Catherine of Siena, but to wives and widows. Originally published as "Penitenza e santità femminile in ambiente cateriniano e bernardiniano," in Atti del simposio internazionale cateriniano-bernardiniano, Siena 17-20 aprile 1980, edited by Domenico Maffei and Paolo Nardi (Accademia Senese degli Intronati, 1982). Pages 865-875. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990. Church History , 60., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 247 - 259. Originally published as "Penitenza e santità femminile in ambiente cateriniano e bernardiniano," in Atti del simposio internazionale cateriniano-bernardiniano, Siena 17-20 aprile 1980, edited by Domenico Maffei and Paolo Nardi (Accademia Senese degli Intr
Year of Publication: 1990.

52. Record Number: 8655
Author(s): Papi, Anna Benvenuti.
Title : Cristomimesi al femminile [The crusade ideal could be lived out externally in action or internalized. Devout women, including tertiaries, supported the crusades and saw themselves as combating the enemies of Christ. Margaret of Cortona thought all these foes, except the Jews, could be converted. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In castro poenitentiae: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievali. Anna Benvenuti Papi .   Herder, 1990. Church History , 60., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 141 - 168. Originally printed as "Margarita filia Jerusalem: Santa Margherita da Cortona e il superamento mistica della crociata," in Toscana e Terrasanta nel medioevo,
Year of Publication: 1990.

53. Record Number: 28827
Title : Execution of the Innocent Count
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Bouts_Justice_Execution_of_the_Innocent_Count.jpg/250px-Bouts_Justice_Execution_of_the_Innocent_Count.jpg
Year of Publication:

54. Record Number: 39183
Title : Abstinence Contrainte and Faux Semblant on their way to see Malebouche
Year of Publication: