Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

9 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45557
Author(s): Krausmüller, Dirk
Title : The Banishment of an Empress
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 113 - 115. The text is from François Halkin, "Deux impératrices de Byzance, I. La vie de l’impératrice sainte Irène et le second concile de Nicée en 787", Analecta Bollandiana 106 (1988): 5–2. Trans. by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413.
Year of Publication: 2023.

2. Record Number: 46043
Author(s): van Houts, Elisabeth
Title : King Harold’s Sister Gunhild (d. 1087), a Royal Exile in Flanders
Source: English Historical Review , 138., 590- 591 ( 2023):  Pages 1 - 26. Available open access from Oxford University Press: https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/cead049
Year of Publication: 2023.

3. Record Number: 45782
Author(s): Cederbom, Charlotte
Contributor(s): Myers, Margaret, translator
Title : Sofia Eriksdotter
Source: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexicon (Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women) .  2020. English Historical Review , 138., 590- 591 ( 2023): Available open access from the Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexicon (Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women): https://skbl.se/en/article/SofiaEriksdotterdrottning
Year of Publication: 2020.

4. Record Number: 25137
Author(s): Brizio, Elena
Title : In the Shadow of the Campo: Sienese Women and Their Families (c. 1400- 1600) [Although Siena issued statutes limiting women's agency, Sienese women found ways to exercise power over property to benefit their families and themselves. Women also served as executors of wills and guardians of minor children. Sienese women occasionally played political roles, especially when the men of the family were in exile. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Across the Religious Divide: Women, Property, and Law in the Wider Mediterranean (ca. 1300- 1800).   Edited by Jutta Gisela Sperling and Shona Kelly Wray .   Routledge, 2010. English Historical Review , 138., 590- 591 ( 2023):  Pages 122 - 136.
Year of Publication: 2010.

5. Record Number: 44492
Author(s): Wife of Dunash Ben Labrat , , and Peter Cole,
Title : Will Her Love Remember?
Source: The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492. Peter Cole.   Edited by Peter Cole, translator and editor of "Will Her Love Remember?" .   Princeton University Press, 2007. English Historical Review , 138., 590- 591 ( 2023):  Pages 27 - 27.
Year of Publication: 2007.

6. Record Number: 10853
Author(s): Keen, Catherine M.
Title : Sex and the Medieval City: Viewing the Body Politic from Exile in Early Italian Verse [Keen examines poems by four authors in exile (Dante, Cino da Pistoia, Pietro dei Faitinelli, and Niccolò del Rosso) in which the natal city is depicted as a beautiful woman; sometimes she is to be pitied, but other times she is hateful. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image.   Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. English Historical Review , 138., 590- 591 ( 2023):  Pages 155 - 171.
Year of Publication: 2004.

7. Record Number: 9651
Author(s): Kuehn, Thomas.
Title : Family Solidarity in Exile and in Law: Alberti Lawsuits of the Early Quattrocento [The author examines two legal cases brought by the Alberti family in the early fifteenth century. Various members of the family were exiled from Florence for plotting against the government. In some cases Alberti wives were left in Florence to manage wha
Source: Speculum , 78., 2 (April 2003):  Pages 421 - 439.
Year of Publication: 2003.

8. Record Number: 5533
Title : Unnatural Authority: Translating Beyond the Heroic in "The Wife's Lament" [The author argues that translators and editors have been influenced by gender expectations in their reading and editing of the "Wife's Lament"].
Source: Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 27., ( 2000):  Pages 19 - 31. Literacy and the Lay Reader
Year of Publication: 2000.

9. Record Number: 4159
Author(s): Ingham, Norman W.
Title : Has a Missing Daughter of Iaroslav Mudryi Been Found? [The author argues that until now an unidentified daughter of Grand Prince Iaroslav Mudryi was Agatha who married Prince Edward the Exile.]
Source: Russian History , 25., 3 (Fall 1998):  Pages 231 - 270.
Year of Publication: 1998.