Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

11 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45567
Author(s): Manuel II Palaiologos, Emperor John Tzimiskes , and Matthew Kinloch,
Title : Gender and Labour on Mount Athos
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 244 - 248. The older text is trans. by George Dennis, Tzimiskes: Typikon of Emperor John Tzimiskes, in: John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero (eds.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, DOS 35 (Washington, D.C., 2000) 232–244, here 240. The other text is also trans. by George Dennis, Manuel II: Typikon of Manuel II Palaiologos for the Monasteries of Mount Athos, in: John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero (eds.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, DOS 35 (Washington, D.C., 2000) 1613– 1624, here 1622. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

2. Record Number: 44756
Title : Llanthony Story #17: Jews mocked by boy's song
Source: The Llanthony Stories: A Translation of the Narrationes aliquot fabulosae.   Edited by David R. Winter .   Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2021.  Pages 77 - 79.
Year of Publication: 2021.

3. Record Number: 44748
Title : Children: (a) Young Grettir Helps around the Farm, (b) Children Mimic Adults, (c) The Child Is Mother of the Woman, (d) Young Egil Plays for Keeps
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 337 - 342.
Year of Publication: 2020.

4. Record Number: 36545
Title : Être enfant au Moyen Âge
Source: Être enfant au Moyen Âge: Anthologie de textes consacrés à la vie de l'enfant du Ve au XVe siècle.   Edited by Pierre Riché .   Editions Fabert, 2010.  Pages 14 - 209.
Year of Publication: 2010.

5. Record Number: 2415
Author(s): Frantzen, Allen J.
Title : Where the Boys Are: Children and Sex in the Anglo-Saxon Penitentials [texts analyzed are: "Scriftboc," the "Canons of Theodore," the "Old English Penitential," and the "Old English Handbook"].
Source: Becoming Male in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1997.  Pages 43 - 66.
Year of Publication: 1997.

6. Record Number: 3913
Title : Boys Will Be... What? Gender, Sexuality, and Childhood in "Floire et Blancheflor" and "Floris et Lyriope" [The author argues that in both texts boyish sexuality leads to inappropriate choices, Floris transgresses social hierarchy and Floire calls into question the categories of gender and kinship].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9., 1 (Spring 1997):  Pages 39 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1997.

7. Record Number: 30
Author(s): Orme, Nicholas
Title : Culture of Children in Medieval England
Source: Past and Present (Full Text via JSTOR) 148 (Aug. 1995): 48-89. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

8. Record Number: 1094
Author(s): Giladi, Avner.
Title : Gender Differences in Child Rearing and Education: Some Preliminary Observations with Reference to Medieval Muslim Thought [contrasts religious writings that offer women some protections and a measure of equality with such social customs as childhood rites, child marriage, and reactions to children's deaths, all cases in which the male was favored over the female].
Source: Al-Qantara , 16., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 291 - 308.
Year of Publication: 1995.

9. Record Number: 11779
Author(s): Roth, Norman.
Title : Fawn of My Delights: Boy-Love in Hebrew and Arabic Verse [The author argues that, in the medieval period, it was “normal” in both Muslim and Jewish literature for men to express homoerotic desire for adolescent boys. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Sex in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Joyce E. Salisbury .   Garland Publishing, 1991. Al-Qantara , 16., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 157 - 172.
Year of Publication: 1991.

10. Record Number: 12679
Title : Science and Discipline: The Ethos of Sex Education in a Fourteenth-Century Classroom [The author briefly surveys a commentary by William of Wheteley on a grammar school text. In lecturing on Aristotelian natural philosophy to his male students, aged seven to fourteen, William went into some detail on the male and female reproductive systems. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Homo Carnalis: The Carnal Aspect of Medieval Human Life.   Edited by Helen Rodite Lemay Acta .   Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1990. Al-Qantara , 16., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 157 - 172. Papers presented at a conference held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1987
Year of Publication: 1990.

11. Record Number: 41058
Title : Bust of a young boy
Source: Al-Qantara , 16., 2 ( 1995):
Year of Publication: