Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

9 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 44813
Title : Responses to the Plague: Valencia and Cairo
Source: Texts from the Middle: Documents from the Mediterranean World, 650–1650.   Edited by Thomas E. Burman, Brian A. Catlos and Mark D. Meyerson .   University of California Press, 2022.  Pages 223 - 223.
Year of Publication: 2022.

2. Record Number: 45031
Author(s): Archambeau, Nicole
Title : Lady Andrea Raymon and the Great Companies, 1361
Source: Souls under Siege: Stories of War, Plague, and Confession in Fourteenth-Century Provence. Nicole Archambeau .   Cornell University Press, 2021.  Pages 96 - 121. Available with a subscription from JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7591/j.ctv12sdw0s.12
Year of Publication: 2021.

3. Record Number: 996
Author(s): Jones, E. D.
Title : Medieval Merchets as Demographic Data: Some Evidence from the Spalding Priory Estates, Lincolnshire
Source: Continuity and Change , 11., 3 (Dec. 1996):  Pages 459 - 470.
Year of Publication: 1996.

4. Record Number: 3733
Author(s): Herlihy, David.
Title : Santa Caterina and San Bernardino: Their Teachings on the Family
Source: Women, Family, and Society in Medieval Europe: Historical Essays, 1978-1991.   Edited by David Herlihy .   Berghahn Books, 1995. Continuity and Change , 11., 3 (Dec. 1996):  Pages 174 - 192. The article was originally published in Atti del simposio internazionale Cateriniano- bernardiniano. Siena, 17-20 aprile 1980 a cura di Domenico Maffei e Paolo Nardi. Accademia senese degli Intronati, 1982. 917-933.
Year of Publication: 1995.

5. Record Number: 5660
Author(s): Sensi, Mario.
Title : Chiara d'Assisi nell'Umbria del Quattrocento [use of the original rule of Saint Clare, long eclipsed by other versions, revived in the fifteenth century in Umbria; many houses of reformed Clares were affiliated with the Franciscan Observants, but it is difficult to correlate this with revived use of the primitive rule; veneration of Clare in Umbria included invocations against the plague].
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):  Pages 215 - 239.
Year of Publication: 1994.

6. Record Number: 31218
Title : Gonfalone of Corciano / Madonna della misericordia [Madonna of Mercy]
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):
Year of Publication:

7. Record Number: 31220
Title : Temptation through Impatience
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):
Year of Publication:

8. Record Number: 37578
Title : Death and the wet nurse
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):
Year of Publication:

9. Record Number: 43165
Title : Doctor treating a plague victim
Source: Collectanea Franciscana , 64., ( 1994):
Year of Publication: