Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

1 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 15887
Author(s): Anderson, Wendy Love.
Title : The Real Presence of Mary: Eucharistic Disbelief and the Limits of Orthodoxy in Fourteenth-Century France [The author analyses the case of Aude Fauré which was recorded in Bishop Jacques Fourniers' inquisitorial "Register." She gave two different accounts of her "error" in belief with the second version accepted by the tribunal and penances assigned. Anderson argues that Aude demonstrates a deeper theological understanding and a more complex spirituality than earlier scholars have recognized. Title notes upplied by Feminae.].
Source: Church History , 75., 4 (December 2006):  Pages 748 - 767.
Year of Publication: 2006.