Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 12854
Author(s): Ellis, Roger.
Title : Text and Controversy: In Defense of St. Birgitta of Sweden [Early writers in defense of Bridget of Sweden had her canonization in mind. They answered critics and sought official approbation from Bridget's life, order and texts. Miracles and conversions were cited to prove that God chose to work through a woman. They also presented Bridget as an honorary man, stronger than her sex. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale: Essays in Honour of Anne Hudson.   Edited by Helen Barr and Ann M. Hutchison. Medieval Church Studies Series, 4 .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 303 - 321.
Year of Publication: 2005.

2. Record Number: 12876
Author(s): Nyberg, Tore.
Title : The Notarial Certification in the Canonization Processes in Northern Europe: The Case of Birgitta of Sweden [Following the death of Bridget of Sweden, her associates began gathering materials for her canonization. These materials, including accounts of miracles, were notarized to support their authenticity. With the outbreak of the Great Schism in 1378, Bridget's cause became focused in Rome, not Avignon. Canonization during a schism, however, was suspect, requiring ratification in the 15th century after the reunification of the church. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Notai, miracoli e culto dei santi: pubblicita e autenticazione del sacro tra XII e XV secolo, Atti del Seminario internazionale, Roma, 5-7 dicembre 2002.   Edited by Raimondo Michetti .   Dott. A. Giuffre editore, 2004.  Pages 397 - 419.
Year of Publication: 2004.