Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

  • Record Number: 46903
  • Author(s)/Creator(s): Mackay , Ronan,
  • Contributor(s):
  • Title: Kyteler (Kettle, Keyetler), Dame Alice
  • Source: Dictionary of Irish Biography  Edited by James McGuire and James Quinn.  Cambridge University Press, 2009. Available open access from the Dictionary of Irish Biography, a project of the Royal Irish Academy: https://www.dib.ie/biography/kyteler-kettle-keyetler-dame-alice-a4617
  • Description: Other spellings of her surname include Kettle and Keyetler. Wealthy businesswoman descended from Flemish merchants, Kyteler developed large property holdings.
  • Article Type: Encyclopedia
  • Subject (See Also): Economics Heresy Inheritance Ireland Kyteler, Alice, Wealthy Businesswoman Moneylenders and Moneylending Politics Remarriage Widows Witches
  • Award Note:
  • Geographic Area: British Isles
  • Century: 13- 14
  • Primary Evidence:
  • Illustrations:
  • Table:
  • Abstract:
  • Related Resources:
  • Author's Affiliation:
  • Conference Info: - , -
  • Year of Publication: 2009.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN/ISBN: Not Available