Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

  • Record Number: 3870
  • Author(s)/Creator(s): TePas , Katherine M.
  • Contributor(s):
  • Title: Spiritual Friendship in Ælred of Rievaulx and Mutual Sanctification in Marriage (I) [The author attempts to examine theories of Christian friendship and mutual sanctification in marriage, by focusing on Aelred of Rievaulx. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
  • Source: Cistercian Studies Quarterly 27, 1 ( 1992): Pages 63 - 76.
  • Description:
  • Article Type: Journal Article
  • Subject (See Also): Ælred, Abbot of Rievaulx, Saint Friendship Latin Literature Literature- Prose Marriage Monasticism
  • Award Note:
  • Geographic Area: British Isles
  • Century: 13
  • Primary Evidence:
  • Illustrations:
  • Table:
  • Abstract:
  • Related Resources:
  • Author's Affiliation: La Salle University
  • Conference Info: - , -
  • Year of Publication: 1992.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN/ISBN: 10626549