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Byzantine Circular Pyxis
This circular ivory pyxis was carved in the Byzantine style during the Late Antique period in Egypt. This little box is believed to have been a container for a woman’s jewelry, toiletries, or cosmetics. The subject of the pyxis emphasizes the female identity of the owner, and it flaunts the contents of the container, i.e. objects that will make the owner as beautiful and desirable as Aphrodite. The pyxis illustrates scenes from the Judgment of Paris, a famous story from Greek mythology. The side of the pyxis not shown in the photo above illustrates the beginning of the story; the four Olympian gods are gathered around a tripod table containing a golden Apple of the Hesperides, a trophy for the most beautiful Olympian goddess. On the opposite side of the pyxis which is featured above, Hermes, the messenger god, is shown wearing a chlamys (mantle), winged sandals, and a helmet and holding his caduceus (wand). He is stretching out his arm and presenting the golden apple to Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and sexuality, who was chosen by Paris, prince of Troy as the most beautiful goddess over Hera and Athena. Aphrodite is featured in the center of the scene. She is nude and holds up her hair in order to better display her voluptuous body to the viewer of the pyxis. On the right side of Venus is Athena, goddess of Wisdom and Crafts, wearing the aegis and crown and holding a spear and shield.
Wikimedia Commons
Public Domain
(See Also)
Judgment of Paris (mythological figure)
Mythology - Classical
Venus (Mythological Figure)
Geographic Area:
Northern Africa
5- 6
Related Work:
Circular Pyxis (reverse side showing Olympian gods feasting around a tripod table holding a golden Apple of the Hesperides):
Current Location:
Baltimore, MD, The Walters Art Museum, 71.64
Original Location:
Artistic Type (Category):
Digital Images; Sculptures
Artistic Type (Material/Technique):
Ivory; Bone
8.7 cm//
Related Resources:
Martina Bagnoli and Kathryn Gerry, The Medieval World: The Walters Art Museum. The Walters Art Museum, in association with D Giles Limited, 2011, pg. 23; Circular Pyxis, The Walters Art Museum, Works of Art:
; Kalavrezou, Ioli., et al. Byzantine Women and Their World. Harvard University Art Museums, 2003, pp. 256-257.