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Record Number:
Ashley , Kathleen and Pamela Sheingorn
Introduction [The story of Saint Anne evolved to fill gaps in the biblical narrative of Mary's life. Anne's supposed three marriages, each of which produced a daughter named Mary [Trinubium Annae], made her grandmother of the Holy Kinship, including Jesus and some apostles. This cult, tied to believe in Mary's Immaculate Conception, peaked in the later Middle Ages, declining thereafter even in Catholic countries. Among Anne's roles was protection of married women, including those who wanted to get pregnant. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Interpreting Cultural Symbols: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Society. Edited by Kathleen Ashley and Pamela Sheingorn. The University of Georgia Press, 1990. Pages 1 - 68.
Article Type:
(See Also)
Anne, Mother of the Virgin, Saint
Holy Kinship
Immaculate Conception
Joachim, Father of the Virgin, Saint
Mary, Virgin, Saint
Trinubium Annae (Three Marriages of Saint Anne, Mother of the Virgin Mary)
Award Note:
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Primary Evidence:
Twenty-four Figures. Figure One "Hodegetria with Life of Mary," fourteenth or fifteenth century (Berlin, Dahlem, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Frühchristlich-Byzantinische Sammlung). Right wing of a limestone diptych. Figure Two "Diagram of the Holy Kinship," miniature from the "Imola Psalter," After 1204 (Imola, Bibl. Comunale, MS. 100, fol. 10v). Figure Three Wernher, "Angel's Annunciation to Anne," miniature from "Driu liet von der maget," 1172 (Kraków, MS. Germ. oct. 109). Figure Four Master Bertram, "Meeting at the Golden Gate," from the Buxtehude Altar, ca.1410 (Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle). Figure Five Lucas Cranach the Elder, "Relics of Saint Anne," woodcut from the "Wittenberger Heiligtumsbuch," 1509 (Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett SMPK, Buch 581/82 S. 69). Figure Six "Saints Christopher, George, Anne and the Virgin, and Mary Magdalene," miniature from an English book of hours, last quarter of the fourteenth century (Oxford, Keble College, MS. 47, fol. 7v). Figure Seven "Annunciation," illustration to matins, Hours of the Virgin, in the "Playfair Hours," late fifteenth century (Victoria and Albert Museum, MS. L. 475-1918, fol. 36r). Figure Eight Gert van Lon, "Holy Kinship," center panel of "Holy Kinship Altarpiece," 1510-20 (Münster, Westfälischer Kunstverein). Figure Nine "Tree of Esmeria," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Ten "Saint Anne and Her Parents Visit Mount Carmel," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Eleven "Emerentiana Arranges the Marriage of Anne to Joachim," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Twelve "Wedding of Anne and Joachim," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Thirteen "Anne and Joachim Give Alms to the Poor," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Fourteen "The Sacrifice of Anne and Joachim," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Fifteen "Anne and Joachim at Home," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Sixteen "Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Seventeen "The Vision of Elijah," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Eighteen "Saint Anne, Mother of the Immaculate Mary," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Nineteen "The Vision of Saint Colette," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Twenty "Saint Colette's Devotion to the Holy Kinship," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Twenty-one "Saint Anne and Her Family Visit the Carmelites," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Twenty-two "Miracles of Elisha," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Twenty-three "Miracles of Saint Anne," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum). Figure Twenty-four "Saint Bridget's Vision of Saint Anne," from "Saint Anne Altarpiece," end of the fifteenth century (Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum).
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Author's Affiliation:
Baruch College, CUNY and CUNY Graduate Center, University of Southern Maine
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