Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

38 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 32168
Author(s): Hemptinne, Thérèse.de
Title : Marguerite de Male et les villes de Flandre. Une princesse naturelle aux prises avec le pouvoir des autres (1384-1405)
Source: Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durant les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge et au cours de la première Renaissance.   Edited by Eric Bousmar, Jonathan Dumont, Alain Marchandisse and Bertrand Schnerb .   De Boeck, 2012.  Pages 477 - 492.
Year of Publication: 2012.

2. Record Number: 32169
Author(s): Marchandisse, Alain,
Title : Le pouvoir de Marguerite de Bavière, duchesse de Bourgogne
Source: Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durant les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge et au cours de la première Renaissance.   Edited by Eric Bousmar, Jonathan Dumont, Alain Marchandisse and Bertrand Schnerb .   De Boeck, 2012.  Pages 493 - 506.
Year of Publication: 2012.

3. Record Number: 24051
Author(s): Brown, Elizabeth A. R.
Title : Blanche of Artois and Burgundy, Château-Gaillard, and the Baron de Joursanvault [The author provides evidence about Blanche of Artois, one of three royal daughters-in-law of King Philip the Fair who were accused of adultery in 1314. Blanche was imprisoned for the rest of her life. Thirteen documents concerning provisions for Blanche and her household while imprisoned at Château-Gaillard are presented in the appendix along with English translations and descriptions. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage, and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom.   Edited by Katherine Allen Smith and Scott Wells Studies in the History of Christian Traditions .   Brill, 2009.  Pages 223 - 248.
Year of Publication: 2009.

4. Record Number: 14122
Author(s): Franke, Birgit.
Title : Female Role Models in Tapestries [The author briefly describes some of the tapestries owned or used by Margaret of York and her step-grand-daughter, Margaret of Austria. Frequently a series of tapestries celebrated heroic female figures like Esther, as savior of her people, and Abigail,
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 154 - 165.
Year of Publication: 2005.

5. Record Number: 33538
Author(s): Pearson, Andrea G.
Title : Gendered Subject, Gendered Spectator: Mary Magdalen in the Gaze of Margaret of York
Source: Gesta , 44., 1 ( 2005):  Pages 47 - 66.
Year of Publication: 2005.

6. Record Number: 14117
Title : Margaret of York: The Subtle Influence of a Duchess [The author briefly sketches the life of Margaret of York with an emphasis on her political involvement as well as her support of devotional activities including manuscript production, pilgrimage, and religious reform. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 42 - 55.
Year of Publication: 2005.

7. Record Number: 14119
Title : Women and Diplomacy [The author briefly surveys the involvement of Hapsburg women in diplomacy. For Margaret of York, her efforts in negotiations with her brother and the English court fulfilled her husband's needs. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 96 - 101.
Year of Publication: 2005.

8. Record Number: 14120
Author(s): Welzel, Barbara.
Title : Widowhood: Margaret of York and Margaret of Austria [The author briefly discusses the two women's roles as protectors of their country. They are sometimes figured as the Biblical Judith, but in portraits Margaret of York is represented as a married woman. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 102 - 113.
Year of Publication: 2005.

9. Record Number: 14124
Author(s): Legaré, Anne-Marie.
Title : La librairye de Madame: Two Princesses and Their Libraries [The author briefly surveys the manuscripts belonging to Margaret of York and Margaret of Austria. Margaret of York acquired a small number of French religious texts in line with her roles as wife and potential mother. In contrast her step-granddaughter c
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 206 - 219.
Year of Publication: 2005.

10. Record Number: 14125
Author(s): Fontaine, Marie Madeleine.
Title : Olivier de la Marche and Jean Lemaire de Belges: The Author and His Female Patron [The author briefly surveys the careers of the two men who were courtiers and poets in the service of Margaret of York and Margaret of Austria. Both wrote works celebrating women. Olivier de la Marche had a strong influence on the Burgundian court because
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 220 - 229.
Year of Publication: 2005.

11. Record Number: 14118
Author(s): De Jonge, Krista.
Title : The Principal Residences in Mechelen: The Court of Cambrai and the Court of Savoy [The author briefly discusses Margaret of York's rebuilding of the residence known as the "Court of Cambrai" in Mechelen, Belgium. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 56 - 66.
Year of Publication: 2005.

12. Record Number: 14126
Author(s): Rudy, Kathryn M.
Title : Women's Devotions at Court [The author briefly surveys the devotional activities of Margaret of York and her step-grandaughter Margaret of Austria. These included prayers and sacred objects related to fertility and childbirth, books for prayer, meditation, and teaching young childr
Source: Women of Distinction: Margaret of York | Margaret of Austria.   Edited by Dagmar Eichberger .   Brepols, 2005.  Pages 230 - 239.
Year of Publication: 2005.

13. Record Number: 13760
Author(s): Campbell, Lorne and Yvonne Szafran
Title : The Portrait of Isabella of Portugal, Duchess of Burgundy, in the J. Paul Getty Museum [The authors argue that the portrait was based on Rogier van der Weyden's donor portrait of Isabel done for the altarpiece given to the Portugese monastery of Batalha. An assistant painted the panel portrait perhaps around 1450 without the skill or sensitivity of van der Weyden. The painting evidently passed to Isabel's great-granddaughter, Margaret of Austria, where it was given more magnificent clothing and jewels around 1530. An inscription was added perhaps around 1600 identifying the woman as a sibyl. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Burlington Magazine , 146., 1212 (March 2004):  Pages 148 - 157.
Year of Publication: 2004.

14. Record Number: 7134
Author(s): Warren, Nancy Bradley.
Title : Monastic Politics: St. Colette of Corbie, Franciscan Reform, and the House of Burgundy
Source: New Medieval Literatures , 5., ( 2002):  Pages 203 - 228.
Year of Publication: 2002.

15. Record Number: 6632
Author(s): Skemer, Don C.
Title : Amulet Rolls and Female Devotion in the Late Middle Ages [medieval written amulets in scroll form rarely survive, but those that do frequently are intended to guarantee safety in pregnancy and childbirth; these amulets might be read aloud, bound to the woman or even fed to her; many of the surviving rolls are dedicated to Margaret of Antioch, the patron saint of pregnant women; this article edits one such roll (with the Latin text presented in the appendix) and provides a plate with a picture of the original; its mention of Saint Sigismund, a Burgundian martyr, may point to an origin in or near the ancient Burgundian realm; some of the charms are general ones, intended to provide generalized protection; but others make specific reference to childbirth, the greatest period of danger in many women's lives; other religious objects, including books of hours, were expected to serve similar protective purposes].
Source: Scriptorium , 55., 2 ( 2001):  Pages 197 - 227.
Year of Publication: 2001.

16. Record Number: 7136
Author(s): Rizzo, Catia Renzi.
Title : Riflessioni sulla lettera di Berta di Toscana al califfo Muktafî: l'apporto congiunto dei dati archeologici e delle fonti scritte [To counter Byzantine and other interests in the western Mediterranean, Bertha of Tuscany tried opening diplomatic relations with the reigning caliph. The effort failed when his envoy died on the way to visit her. Bertha's efforts were supported by the mineral wealth of Tuscany. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 159., 587 ( 2001):  Pages 3 - 47.
Year of Publication: 2001.

17. Record Number: 3779
Author(s): Nicholas, Karen S.
Title : Countesses as Rulers in Flanders [The author surveys the activities of twelve countesses in Flanders; their personalities and circumstances varied widely but many displayed skillful diplomacy, keen support for women's religion, and concern for the welfare of their subjects].
Source: Aristocratic Women in Medieval France.   Edited by Theodore Evergates .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Archivio Storico Italiano , 159., 587 ( 2001):  Pages 111 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1999.

18. Record Number: 5562
Author(s): Manion, Margaret M.
Title : Women, Art, and Devotion: Three French Fourteenth-Century Royal Prayer Books [The author argues that the three prayerbooks were produced by the same group of skilled illuminators under the influence of Franciscan and Dominican spirituality; however, each book has many unique texts and illustrations adapted to the needs and interes
Source: The Art of the Book: Its Place in Medieval Worship.   Edited by Margaret M. Manion and Bernard J. Muir .   University of Exeter Press, 1998. Archivio Storico Italiano , 159., 587 ( 2001):  Pages 21 - 66.
Year of Publication: 1998.

19. Record Number: 3683
Author(s): Willard, Charity Cannon.
Title : The Patronage of Isabel of Portugal
Source: The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women.   Edited by June Hall McCash .   University of Georgia Press, 1996. Archivio Storico Italiano , 159., 587 ( 2001):  Pages 306 - 320.
Year of Publication: 1996.

20. Record Number: 1069
Author(s): Kusman, David.
Title : À propos de la consultation de Thomas d' Aquin par la duchesse Aleyde de Brabant (ca. 1267) [regarding the stipulations in her husband's will including the expulsion of Jews].
Source: Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Historie , 73., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 937 - 946.
Year of Publication: 1995.

21. Record Number: 5580
Author(s): Sommé, Monique.
Title : Isabelle de Portugal, duchesse de Bourgogne, une femme au pouvoir au xve siècle. Thèse d'Etat soutenue le 12 janvier 1995 devant l'université de Lille III
Source: Revue du Nord , 77., 310 (avril-juin 1995):  Pages 438 - 445.
Year of Publication: 1995.

22. Record Number: 6015
Author(s): Rossi, Luciano.
Title : La donna nella novelistica del Quattrocento: Sercambi e le "Cent nouvelles nouvelles" [one of Boccaccio's imitators was Giovanni Sercambi; many stereotypes about women, most derived from the novelistic tradition, appear in his tales; by the fifteenth century, the novel had become, for reasons of its erotic content, limited to an all-male audience; Sercambi's tales were circulated in such circles, including that of Philip the Good of Burgundy, both in the original Italian and in translation].
Source: Ilaria del Carretto e il suo monumento: la donna nell'arte, la cultura, e la società del '400. Atti del convegno Internazionale di Studi, 15-16-17 Settembre, 1994, Palazzo Ducale, Lucca.   Edited by Stéphane Toussaint. Translated by Clotilde Soave Bowe. .   Edizioni S. Marco Litotipo, 1995. Revue du Nord , 77., 310 (avril-juin 1995):  Pages 237 - 249.
Year of Publication: 1995.

23. Record Number: 5579
Author(s): de Visser- van Terwisga, Marijke.
Title : Les Portugais dans l'entourage de la duchesse de Bourgogne Isabelle de Portugal (1430- 1471) [the Appendix presents a transcript dated May 6, 1453, of the marriage contract between Béatrice of Coïmbre, niece of the duchess Isabel, and Adolphe of Clèves, nephew of Duke Philip the Good; both uncle and aunt endowed the bride generously with land, money, and luxury goods].
Source: Revue du Nord , 77., 310 (avril-juin 1995):  Pages 321 - 343.
Year of Publication: 1995.

24. Record Number: 2642
Author(s): Settipani, Christian.
Title : Les origines maternelles du comte de Bourgogne Otte- Guillaume. Nouvelle synthèse [traces the current research on Ermentrude, Otto Guillaume's wife, Gerberge, Otto Guillaume's mother, and Adélaïde, Otto Guillaume's grandmother; the author also proposes that Adélaïde descended from a marriage between the families of the duke of Saxony and the king of Burgundy].
Source: Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 5 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1994.

25. Record Number: 14681
Author(s): Blockmans, Wim.
Title : The Devotion of a Lonely Duchess [The author briefly surveys the life of Margaret of York, concentrating on her involvement in politics, art patronage, charity in particular toward children, support of the church, and commissioning of manuscripts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and "The Visions of Tondal": Papers Delivered at a Symposium organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Collaboration with the Huntington Library and Art Collections, June 21-24, 1990.   Edited by Thomas Kren .   J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 29 - 46.
Year of Publication: 1992.

26. Record Number: 14682
Author(s): Smith, Jeffrey Chipps.
Title : Margaret of York and the Burgundian Portrait Tradition [The author surveys nine surviving manuscript paintings of Margaret, arguing that she was the first Burgundian duchess to develop an individualized image. Her representations emphasize her devotional piety and charity but also take motifs from ducal portraits. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and "The Visions of Tondal": Papers Delivered at a Symposium organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Collaboration with the Huntington Library and Art Collections, June 21-24, 1990.   Edited by Thomas Kren .   J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 47 - 56.
Year of Publication: 1992.

27. Record Number: 14684
Author(s): Morgan, Nigel.
Title : Texts of Devotion and Religious Instruction Associated with Margaret of York [The author surveys the religious texts known to have belonged to Margaret of York. Morgan categorizes them as books of religious instruction, texts dealing with the soul and the body, and a related group about prayer and contemplation. Morgan suggests that Margaret may have been very devout and read widely in her comprehensive library. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and "The Visions of Tondal": Papers Delivered at a Symposium organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Collaboration with the Huntington Library and Art Collections, June 21-24, 1990.   Edited by Thomas Kren .   J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 63 - 76.
Year of Publication: 1992.

28. Record Number: 14685
Author(s): Lewis, Suzanne.
Title : The "Apocalypse" of Margaret of York [The author briefly discusses the heavily illustrated "Apocalypse" made for Margaret of York. Lewis argues that it was intended to provide Margaret with an intensive meditative reading for devotional purposes. Title note provided by Feminae.].
Source: Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and "The Visions of Tondal": Papers Delivered at a Symposium organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Collaboration with the Huntington Library and Art Collections, June 21-24, 1990.   Edited by Thomas Kren .   J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 77 - 88.
Year of Publication: 1992.

29. Record Number: 14686
Author(s): Derolez, Albert.
Title : A Renaissance Manuscript in the Hands of Margaret of York [The author describes a manuscript with a work by the Roman author Justinus, "In Trogi Pompei historias libri XLIV." It was inscribed by Margaret of York as "your loyal mother," presumably as a gift to either her step-daughter Mary or to Mary's husband, Maximilian of Austria. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and "The Visions of Tondal": Papers Delivered at a Symposium organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Collaboration with the Huntington Library and Art Collections, June 21-24, 1990.   Edited by Thomas Kren .   J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 99 - 102.
Year of Publication: 1992.

30. Record Number: 14775
Author(s): Barstow, Kurtis A.
Title : Appendix: The Library of Margaret of York and Some Related Books [This appendix lists and describes thirty manuscripts and early printed books owned by Margaret of York, given by her as gifts, and books related to her but neither commissioned by her nor owned by her. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and "The Visions of Tondal": Papers Delivered at a Symposium organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Collaboration with the Huntington Library and Art Collections, June 21-24, 1990.   Edited by Thomas Kren .   J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 257 - 261.
Year of Publication: 1992.

31. Record Number: 5862
Author(s): Willard, Charity Cannon.
Title : Isabel of Portugal and the Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Crusade [The author traces Isabel's support of the crusading movement along with the efforts made by both her husband and her son. Volume title: Journeys Toward God: Pilgrimage and Crusade (Studies in Medieval Culture, 30)].
Source: Journeys Toward God: Pilgrimage and Crusade.   Edited by Barbara N. Sargent-Baur Studies in Medieval Culture, 30.   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University., 1992. Annales de Bourgogne , 66., (janvier-décembre 1994):  Pages 205 - 214.
Year of Publication: 1992.

32. Record Number: 12745
Author(s): Harbison, Craig.
Title : Sexuality and Social Standing in Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Double Portrait [The painting of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife Giovanna Cenami depict the couple holding hands while standing in the bedroom, but the rest of the iconography and inscriptions throughout the image do not necessarily suggest that the double portrait is the visual equivalent of a marriage certificate or contract. The visual representation of husband and wife (including gestures and iconography) is instead a more generalized image of marriage that reflects the importance of fertility and defined sexual roles for men and women. Furthermore, the artist's detailed depiction of domestic space projects the social status, courtly aspirations, and religious values of the merchant class Arnolfini couple. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Renaissance Quarterly , 43., 2 (Summer 1990):  Pages 249 - 291.
Year of Publication: 1990.

33. Record Number: 28747
Title : Marriage of Charles IV and Marie of Luxembourg
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Mariage_de_Charles_IV_le_Bel_et_de_Marie_de_Luxembourg.jpg/250px-Mariage_de_Charles_IV_le_Bel_et_de_Marie_de_Luxembourg.jpg
Year of Publication:

34. Record Number: 29096
Title : Portrait of Margaret of York
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Margaret_of_York.jpg/250px-Margaret_of_York.jpg
Year of Publication:

35. Record Number:
Title : Vision of the Soul of Guy de Thurno
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Vision_d%27ame_1475.jpg/250px-Vision_d%27ame_1475.jpg
Year of Publication:

36. Record Number:
Title : Portrait of Isabella of Portugal
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Isabella_of_portugal.jpg/250px-Isabella_of_portugal.jpg
Year of Publication:

37. Record Number: 37664
Title : Mary of Burgundy reading from a book of hours
Year of Publication:

38. Record Number: 45745
Title : Galïor flees enslavement with the duchess of Aigremont’s infant, Maugis (Image #1) and The duchess gives birth in a carriage while the soldiers of Aigremont battle invading Saracens (Image #2)
Year of Publication: