Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

709 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 46098
Author(s): San Pedro, Diego de
Contributor(s): Garrote Pascual, Alvaro, trans. and Francis, Laura, trans.
Title : Cárcel de amor / The Prison of Love
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality , 58., 3 ( 2023):  Pages 1 - 169. Available with a subscription from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship: https://smfsweb.org/join-smfs/
or from Medieval Institute Publications: https://wmich.edu/medievalpublications/journals/mff
Articles become available open access two years after publication.
Year of Publication: 2023.

2. Record Number: 44401
Author(s): Christine de Pizan, Christine Reno and Thelma S. Fenster
Title : The God of Love’s Letter
Source: The God of Love’s Letter and The Tale of the Rose: A Bilingual Edition. Christine de Pisan and Jean Gerson   Edited by Thelma S. Fenster and Christine Reno, editors and translators .   Iter Press, 2021. Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality , 58., 3 ( 2023):  Pages 57 - 97.
Year of Publication: 2021.

3. Record Number: 44402
Author(s): Christine de Pizan, Christine Reno and Thelma S. Fenster
Title : The Tale of the Rose
Source: The God of Love’s Letter and The Tale of the Rose: A Bilingual Edition. Christine de Pizan and Jean Gerson   Edited by Thelma S. Fenster and Christine Reno, editors and translators .   Iter Press, 2021. Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality , 58., 3 ( 2023):  Pages 125 - 159.
Year of Publication: 2021.

4. Record Number: 44403
Author(s): Reno, Christine, Jean Gerson, Thelma S. Fenster and Thomas O'Donnell,
Title : A Poem on Man and Woman
Source: The God of Love’s Letter and The Tale of the Rose: A Bilingual Edition. Christine de Pisan and Jean Gerson   Edited by Thelma S. Fenster and Christine Reno, editors and translators .   Iter Press, 2021. Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality , 58., 3 ( 2023):  Pages 174 - 175.
Year of Publication: 2021.

5. Record Number: 43203
Author(s): Slefinger, John,
Title : Historicizing the Allegorical Eye: Reading Lady Mede
Source: Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 85 - 100.
Year of Publication: 2020.

6. Record Number: 43871
Author(s): Purvis, Meghan,
Title : From Scop to Subversive: Beowulf as a Force for Inclusivity
Source: Beowulf in Contemporary Culture.   Edited by David Clark .   Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 134 - 152.
Year of Publication: 2020.

7. Record Number: 43872
Author(s): Larrington, Carolyne and Maria Dahvana Headley,
Title : A Conversation between Maria Dahvana Headley and Carolyne Larrington
Source: Beowulf in Contemporary Culture.   Edited by David Clark .   Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 200 - 211. Available open access as an Oxford University podcast transcript: https://media.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/engfac/fantasy_lit/2021-06-Headley.pdf
Year of Publication: 2020.

8. Record Number: 44383
Author(s): Headley, Maria Dahvana,
Title : Beowulf
Source: Beowulf: A New Translation. Maria Dahvana Headley, translator .   MCD x FSG imprint, Macmillan Publishers, 2020. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 3 - 136.
Year of Publication: 2020.

9. Record Number: 44388
Author(s): Werronen, Sheryl Mcdonald,
Title : Nítíða saga Text and Translation
Source: Popular Romance in Iceland: The Women, Worldviews, and Manuscript Witnesses of Nítíða saga. Sheryl McDonald Werronen .   Amsterdam University Press, 2016. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 221 - 248. Available with a subscription from JSTOR Books, Cambridge University Press and Walter de Gruyter: https://apps.crossref.org/coaccess/coaccess.html?doi=10.2307%2Fj.ctv513cr4.13
Year of Publication: 2016.

10. Record Number: 44382
Author(s): Purvis, Meghan,
Title : Beowulf
Source: Beowulf. Meghan Purvis, translator .   Penned in the Margins, 2013. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 15 - 110.
Year of Publication: 2013.

11. Record Number: 36627
Author(s): Roig, Jaume,
Title : The Mirror of Jaume Roig
Source: The Mirror of Jaume Roig: An Edition and an English Translation of MS. Vat. Lat. 4806. Jaume Roig   Edited by Maria Celeste Delgado-Librero Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies .   ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 2010. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 65 - 427.
Year of Publication: 2010.

12. Record Number: 24113
Author(s): Magnúsdóttir, Auður G
Title : Women and Sexual Politics [The author briefly examines the roles of women in Viking society in terms of political influence. Frequently women attained some power as wives or concubines. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: The Viking World.   Edited by Stefan Brink in collaboration with Neil Price .   Routledge, 2008. Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 16., ( 2020):  Pages 40 - 48.
Year of Publication: 2008.

13. Record Number: 23937
Author(s): Leushuis, Reinier
Title : Renaissance Women Reviewed [The essay includes comments on "The Ghost of Boccaccio: Writings on Famous Women in Renaissance Italy" by Stephen Kolsky. Brepols, 2005. Kolsky looked at texts written in Italy between 1480 and 1530 in both Latin and the vernacular. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Italica , 84., 4 ( 2007):  Pages 852 - 855.
Year of Publication: 2007.

14. Record Number: 22484
Author(s): Johnsen, Rosemary Erickson
Title : Medieval Women in Context [The author discusses recent historical crime fiction set in the Middle Ages with women as the main characters. Authors Candace Robb and Margaret Frazer are mentioned, but Johnsen gives extended treatment to author Sharan Newman and her 12th century character Catherine LeVendeur. Also discussed are literary themes involving Heloise, pilgrimage, Jews, women's roles, and modern issues which parallel medieval concerns. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Contemporary Feminist Historical Crime Fiction. .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Italica , 84., 4 ( 2007):  Pages 21 - 58.
Year of Publication: 2006.

15. Record Number: 16304
Author(s): Weiss, Julian.
Title : What Every Noblewoman Needs to Know: Cultural Literacy in Late-Medieval Spain
Source: Speculum , 81., 4 (October 2006):  Pages 1118 - 1149.
Year of Publication: 2006.

16. Record Number: 13677
Author(s): Kostick, Conor.
Title : Women and the First Crusade: Prostitutes or Pilgrims? [The author examines contemporary accounts of the First Crusade and argues that large numbers of women went to Jerusalem. Kostick suggests that there were a variety of motivations depending in part on social status. Futhermore the groups of poor single women identified by earlier scholars as prostitutes should instead be considered participants in the crusade who joined to find a better life. A later version of this essay appears in Kostick's "The Social Structure of the First Crusade." Brill, 2008. Chaper 9, pages 271-285. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women 4: Victims or Viragos?   Edited by Christine Meek and Catherine Lawless .   Four Courts Press, 2005. European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 57 - 68.
Year of Publication: 2005.

17. Record Number: 14258
Author(s): Barber, Richard
Title : Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Media [In this Colston Research Society Public Lecture delivered on April 9, 2003, Barber surveys the chroniclers who wrote about Eleanor, including Roger of Howden; Ralph of Diss (or Diceto); Robert of Torigni; William, canon of the priory at Newburgh; Richard
Source: The World of Eleanor of Aquitaine: Literature and Society in Southern France between the Eleventh and Thirteenth Centuries.   Edited by Marcus Bull and Catherine Léglu .   Boydell Press, 2005. European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 13 - 27.
Year of Publication: 2005.

18. Record Number: 20399
Author(s): Lèbano, Edoardo A
Title : Amore e donne innamorate nel "Morgante" [Most of the women in Luigi Pulci's "Morgante" exist only in relationship to the male characters. Some are victims of their love for unfaithful men. In a comic inversion, these women are more constant than are the knights they love. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Italica , 82., 40241 ( 2005):  Pages 380 - 389.
Year of Publication: 2005.

19. Record Number: 20781
Author(s): Kovacs, Lenke
Title : The Staging of the "Ludus de assumptione beatae Mariae virginis" (cod. 960, University Library, Innsbruck) [Describes the variations of stage settings and performance venues used for Assumption plays, emphasizing how practical concerns (such as needing to silence the audience) were incorporated into play scripts. Examines the relationship between the Virgin Mary and the Bride in the Song of Songs, and the depiction of Jews and Jerusalem. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 25 - 34.
Year of Publication: 2005.

20. Record Number: 10823
Author(s): Flisfisch, María Isabel.
Title : The Eve-Mary Dichotomy in the "Symphonia" of Hildegard of Bingen
Source: The Voice of Silence: Women's Literacy in a Men's Church.   Edited by Thérèse de Hemptinne and María Eugenia Góngora Medieval Church Studies .   Brepols, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 37 - 46.
Year of Publication: 2004.

21. Record Number: 10848
Author(s): Nicholson, Francesca.
Title : Seeing Women Troubadours without the "-itz" and "isms" [The author analyzes two poems attributed to women, Na Bieris de Roman and Azalais. Nicholson argues that they sometimes identify with a male lover and sometimes speak as women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image.   Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 63 - 76.
Year of Publication: 2004.

22. Record Number: 10877
Author(s): Heene, Katrien.
Title : Gender and Mobility in the Low Countires: Travelling Women in Thirteenth-Century Exempla and Saints Lives [The author examines Latin saints' lives and exempla, didactic stories used to teach moral and religious values, for mentions of women travelling. Although the clerical authors thought that women's mobility ought to be restricted, this does not appear to have lessened women's travels, particularly for religious pilgrimages. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Texture of Society: Medieval Women in the Southern Low Countries.   Edited by Ellen E. Kittell and Mary A. Suydam .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 31 - 49.
Year of Publication: 2004.

23. Record Number: 11023
Author(s): Crachiolo, Beth.
Title : Seeing the Gendering of Violence: Female and Male Martyrs in the "South English Legendary" [The author argues that while male martyrs have a variety of roles to play in the church, women martyrs simply react to those around them, ranging from cruel suitors to unfeeling torturers. Crachiolo suggests that the audience saw the female body as an object of entertainment though the hagiographer intended the descriptions of torture as a denial of the material world in the favor of Christian spirituality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Great Effusion of Blood? Interpreting Medieval Violence.   Edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, and Oren Falk .   University of Toronto Press, 2004. European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 147 - 163.
Year of Publication: 2004.

24. Record Number: 10983
Author(s): Milfull, Inge B.
Title : War and Truce: Women in "The Wallace" [The author concentrates on the scenes of Wallace's courtship of his future wife and the diplomatic efforts of the English queen. Milfull argues that in both cases the poet regards the women as intrusive and potentially dangerous. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Woman and the Feminine in Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing.   Edited by Sarah M. Dunnigan, C. Marie Harker, and Evelyn S. Newlyn .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 19 - 30.
Year of Publication: 2004.

25. Record Number: 11409
Author(s): Blumreich, Kathleen.
Title : I Ne Sey Noght is in Despyt of Women: Antifeminism in Robert de Gretham's Mirror
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 38 - 46.
Year of Publication: 2004.

26. Record Number: 11024
Author(s): Bodden, M. C.
Title : Chaucer's "Clerk's Tale": Interrogating "Virtue" through Violence [The author argues that the tale of Griselda should not be read as an allegory of humanity's relationship to God but as Chaucer's critique of hagiography's docile, virtuous heroines. Bodden cites the Envoy as clear evidence of Chaucer's condemnation of violence and in particular the torture of women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Great Effusion of Blood? Interpreting Medieval Violence.   Edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, and Oren Falk .   University of Toronto Press, 2004. Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 216 - 240.
Year of Publication: 2004.

27. Record Number: 10855
Author(s): Huot, Sylvia
Title : Visualizing the Feminine in the "Roman de Perceforest": The Episode of the "Conte de la rose" [The author argues that in this episode the wife's love and loyalty are celebrated, while the knights who want to shame her husband are emasculated by her cleverness. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image.   Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 193 - 206.
Year of Publication: 2004.

28. Record Number: 11408
Title : A Question of Honor: Eufeme's Transgressions in "Le Roman De Silence" [The author argues that the lustful queen Eufeme does not understand the way honor operates for her husband, King Ebain, and for other male characters in the romance. Her plots to destroy Silence by appealing to her husband's threatened honor are too simplistic. Instead she brings her husband shame and must be executed by being torn apart by horses, the traditional death of traitors. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 28 - 37.
Year of Publication: 2004.

29. Record Number: 10984
Author(s): Harker, C. Marie.
Title : Chrystis Kirk on the Grene and "Peblis to the Ploy": The Economy of Gender [In these two Middle Scots satires female misbehavior is defined as sexual license, whether it be peasant girls who are available to every man or the lower-class woman who thinks that she can entice a well-off merchant. Harker argues that anxieties over class distinction and the instability of the urban burghs are transferred to unruly, lower class female bodies. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Woman and the Feminine in Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing.   Edited by Sarah M. Dunnigan, C. Marie Harker, and Evelyn S. Newlyn .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 31 - 46.
Year of Publication: 2004.

30. Record Number: 12882
Author(s): Phillips, Kim M.
Title : Margery Kempe and the Ages of Woman [Phillips explores medieval ideas about women's lifecycle. Generally authors divided women's lives into three parts: maiden, wife, and widow. In her book, however, Margery Kempe does not adhere to this scheme. There is very little about her girlhood, and her role as wife is attenuated by a vow of chastity. In this regard, as in others, the "Book of Margery Kempe" presents a unique view of life. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Companion to "The Book of Margery Kempe."   Edited by John H. Arnold and Katherine J. Lewis .   D. S. Brewer, 2004. Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 17 - 34.
Year of Publication: 2004.

31. Record Number: 10854
Author(s): Simon, Anne.
Title : Reading Reading Women: Double-Mirroring the "Dame" in "Der Ritter vom Turn"
Source: Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image.   Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 175 - 192.
Year of Publication: 2004.

32. Record Number: 10948
Author(s): Dinshaw, Carolyn.
Title : Theater Makes History: Ritual Murder by Proxy in the "Mistere de la Sainte Hostie" [The author explores the connections between the antisemitic play in which a Christian servant murders her own child and several infanticides that occured around Metz and resulted in the mothers' guesome executions. Enders argues that host desecration is equated with infanticide, the horror of which was vivid in people's minds due to the recent crimes. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 991 - 1016.
Year of Publication: 2004.

33. Record Number: 12612
Author(s): Kay, Sarah.
Title : Flayed Skin as "objet a": Representation and Materiality in Guillaume de Deguileville’s "Pelerinage de vie humaine" [Allusions to flaying and stripping human flesh abound in Guillaume’s didactic allegory, which features female personifications embodying various abstractions. In the case of the Deadly Sins, flaying skin is linked to bodily punishment; in the case of Virtues, flayed skin alludes to Scripture and written documents (manuscripts being written on parchment, or flayed animal skin). Although Guillaume’s flaying theme presents skin as in some ways pointing towards a sublime immortality, the materiality of skin also represents the mortality of the body. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Fabrications: Dress, Textiles, Clothwork, and Other Cultural Imaginings.   Edited by E. Jane Burns .   Palgrave, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 193 - 205.
Year of Publication: 2004.

34. Record Number: 10982
Author(s): Ewan, Elizabeth.
Title : The Dangers of Manly Women: Late Medieval Perceptions of Female Heroism in Scotland's Second War of Independence [The author examines accounts of two noble women in Scottish histories. Lady Seton urged her husband to resist the English, even at the cost of her hostage son's life. Agnes, countess of Dunbar, held her castle and defied the English attackers repeatedly. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Woman and the Feminine in Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing.   Edited by Sarah M. Dunnigan, C. Marie Harker, and Evelyn S. Newlyn .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 3 - 18.
Year of Publication: 2004.

35. Record Number: 11957
Author(s): Tolhurst, Fiona.
Title : What Ever Happened to Eleanor? Reflections of Eleanor of Aquitaine in Wace's "Roman de Brut" and Lawman's "Brut"
Source: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady.   Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons The New Middle Ages .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Speculum , 79., 4 (October 2004):  Pages 319 - 336.
Year of Publication: 2003.

36. Record Number: 10130
Author(s): Edwards, A. S. G.
Title : Fifteenth-Century English Collections of Female Saints' Lives [The author examines a mid-fifteenth century manuscript (Cambridge University Library MS Add. 4122) which contains two female saints' lives and a treatise on the Virgin Mary. Edwards briefly examines cultural influences (Bokenham, Chaucer, Lydgate, and Capgrave), religious practices (devotion to St. Margaret and the Virgin), and manuscript conventions (small dimensions and copying verse as prose) that contributed to books such as this one that were intended for family audiences. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Yearbook of English Studies , 33., ( 2003):  Pages 131 - 141.
Year of Publication: 2003.

37. Record Number: 10565
Author(s): Roy, Bruno
Title : L'Imprécation "sans le mien!" ("Pathelin," vv. 546-47) et les malices de Guillemette [The author discusses Guillemette, Pathelin's wife, in the eponymous French farce. He focuses on the lines in which she curses the draper as part of Pathelin's scheme to cheat him. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: European Medieval Drama , 7., ( 2003):  Pages 135 - 148.
Year of Publication: 2003.

38. Record Number: 14642
Author(s): Tylus, Jane
Title : Charitable Women: Hans Baron's Civic Renaissance Revisited [Hans Baron's idea of the active life focused exclusively on civic politics, leaving little room for the roles of women. A wider view, encompassing social phenomena, leaves room for their participation in Renaissance Florence. Costanza, a figure in Lorenzo Medici's play for the feast of Saints John and Paul, is treated as a figure of the "mixed" life, combining devotion with a willingness to marry for the good of the Roman empire. Florentine women like Lucrezia Tornabuoni, Lorenzo's mother, led such a life of devotion and service. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Rinascimento , 43., ( 2003):  Pages 287 - 307.
Year of Publication: 2003.

39. Record Number: 10703
Author(s): Phelpstead, Carl,
Title : The Sexual Ideology of Hrólfs saga kraka [The author argues that "Hrólfs saga" embodies patriachal values influenced by Christian concerns. This homosocial world of men generally views women in a misogynist light. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 1 - 24.
Year of Publication: 2003.

40. Record Number: 11657
Author(s): Müller, Matthias
Title : Saint, Witch, Man, Maid, or Whore?: Joan of Arc and Writing History [The author analyses English historians' accounts from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries about Joan of Arc's virginity. Bernau argues that their preoccupation signals larger concerns, not just about religious and political debates, but about the rhetoric of truth and representation in history. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Virginities.   Edited by Anke Bernau, Ruth Evans, and Sarah Salih .   Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages series. University of Wales Press; University of Toronto Press, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 214 - 233.
Year of Publication: 2003.

41. Record Number: 10725
Author(s): Lehfeldt, Elizabeth A.
Title : The Gender Shared Sovereignty: Texts and the Royal Marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand [The author analyzes the first year of Isabella's and Ferdinand's joint reign through the texts of four chroniclers: Fernando del Pulgar, Alfonso de Palencia, Diego de Valera, and Juan de Flores. Lehfeldt finds that Valera consistently defends Isabella's right to rule, while Palencia is harshly critical much of the time. Flores and Pulgar seemingly tried to avoid committing themselves to either monarch. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women, Texts, and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World.   Edited by Marta V. Vicente and Luis R. Corteguera .   Ashgate, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 37 - 55.
Year of Publication: 2003.

42. Record Number: 11958
Author(s): Pappano, Margaret Aziza.
Title : Marie de France, Aliénor d'Aquitaine, and the Alien Queen
Source: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady.   Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons The New Middle Ages .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 337 - 367.
Year of Publication: 2003.

43. Record Number: 10451
Author(s): Ingham, Patricia Clare.
Title : From Kinship to Kingship: Mourning, Gender, and Anglo-Saxon Community [The author examines the characters Wealthow and Hildeburh in "Beowulf" and, to a lesser degree, the poems, "The Wife's Lament" and "Wulf and Eadwacer." Ingham argues that the women do important cultural work as the ones responsible for hopeless loss. In the larger historical moment they uphold the ties of kinship as society comes to accept the personal loyalty owed to a centralizing sovereign. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Grief and Gender: 700-1700.   Edited by Jennifer C. Vaught with Lynne Dickson Bruckner .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 17 - 31.
Year of Publication: 2003.

44. Record Number: 10453
Author(s): Bodden, M. C.
Title : Disordered Grief and Fashionable Afflictions in Chaucer's "Franklin's Tale" and the "Clerk's Tale" [The author examines the gendered treatment of grief. Dorigen's expressions are extremely anguished and disordered, while the male characters experience grief more "rationally" in connection with honor and the loss of power over women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Grief and Gender: 700-1700.   Edited by Jennifer C. Vaught with Lynne Dickson Bruckner .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 51 - 63.
Year of Publication: 2003.

45. Record Number: 11956
Title : Tempering Scandal: Eleanor of Aquitaine and Benoit de Sainte-Maure's "Roman de Troie"
Source: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady.   Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons The New Middle Ages .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 301 - 317.
Year of Publication: 2003.

46. Record Number: 8069
Title : Did Goddesses Empower Women? The Case of Dame Nature [The author argues that Christine de Pizan reinterprets the figure of Nature, making her a representation of all forms of female creativity. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Mary C. Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski .   Cornell University Press, 2003. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 135 - 155.
Year of Publication: 2003.

47. Record Number: 9650
Title : Dangerous Embodiments: Froissart's Harton and Jean d'Arras's Melusine [The romance by Jean d'Arras concerns a fairy named Melusine who tries to hide her periodic assumption of a half-serpent and half-human form. Huot focuses on the sight of both Melusine and the supernatural Harton, which calls into question the identity of the self. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 78., 2 (April 2003):  Pages 400 - 420.
Year of Publication: 2003.

48. Record Number: 8838
Title : Alice of Antioch: A Case Study of Female Power in the Twelfth Century [The author analyzes Alice's efforts to gain power in Antioch following the death of her husband, Bohemond II. Her young daughter Constance was the next in line, but Alice set up an independent lordship in exile and again attempted to seize power in Antioch in 1135. Her efforts were not successful, but the author argues that scholars should give her life fair consideration rather than be influenced by William of Tyre's negative portrayal of her. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Experience of Crusading. Volume Two: Defining the Crusader Kingdom.   Edited by Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips .   Cambridge University Press, 2003. Speculum , 78., 2 (April 2003):  Pages 29 - 47.
Year of Publication: 2003.

49. Record Number: 11953
Title : The Reciprocal Loyalty of Eleanor of Aquitaine and William Marshal
Source: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady.   Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons The New Middle Ages .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Speculum , 78., 2 (April 2003):  Pages 237 - 245.
Year of Publication: 2003.

50. Record Number: 10662
Title : Reading Queenship in Cynewulf's "Elene" [The author argues that Cynewulf wanted his audience to read Elene both typologically and as a figure relevant to three different historical periods: early Christian Rome, the present age of the tenth century, and a Golden Age of English conversion. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Full Text via Project Muse) 33, 1 (Winter 2003): 47-89. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2003.

51. Record Number: 10448
Title : Por coi la pucele pleure: The Feminine Enigma of the Grail Quest
Source: Neophilologus , 87., 4 (October 2003):  Pages 517 - 527.
Year of Publication: 2003.

52. Record Number: 10704
Author(s): Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Title : Marriage and the Creation of Kin in the Sagas [The author concludes in part: "The fact that kinship networks were up for negotiation, that each conjugal unit in a sense selected for itself when which kinship bonds were the most important, meant that power within marriage was up for negotiation too. The default obligation for men was their blood relatives and for women seems rather to have been to their husbands; but the system was flexible enough that each couple worked out for itself which relationships were most important." (page 488).]
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 473 - 490.
Year of Publication: 2003.

53. Record Number: 9675
Author(s): Niles, John D.
Title : The Problem of the Ending of "The Wife's Lament" [The author argues that the closing section of the "Wife's Lament" (lines 42-52a) has been misread. It is not a tender lament from a separated lover. Instead it is an angry curse directed at the husband who abandoned her. Niles suggests that modern gender assumptions prevented critics from recognizing the anger, vengeance, and other strong emotions expressed by the female speaker. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 78., 4 (October 2003):  Pages 1107 - 1150.
Year of Publication: 2003.

54. Record Number: 6836
Author(s): McKenzie, Rosalind.
Title : Women's Image in Russian Medieval Literature [The author presents a brief overview of conditions for women in medieval Russia. She then analyzes several notable medieval literary portrayals including that of Princess Ol'ga of Kiev, the mother of Feodosi of the Kievan Caves, and Fevroniia, the wise peasant girl who marries a prince. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A History of Women's Writing in Russia.   Edited by Adele Marie Barker and Jehanne M. Gheith .   Cambridge University Press, 2002. Journal of Hispanic Research , 3., ( 2002):  Pages 16 - 36.
Year of Publication: 2002.

55. Record Number: 8082
Author(s): Nugent, Christopher G.
Title : Reading Riannon: The Problematics of Motherhood in "Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet" [The author focuses on the episode in which Riannon, the queen, is wrongly accused by her serving women of killing her newborn son. Riannon must accept a strange ritual humiliation as her punishment until the baby is brought back to the royal court. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Journal of Hispanic Research , 3., ( 2002):  Pages 180 - 202.
Year of Publication: 2002.

56. Record Number: 11033
Author(s): Bildhauer, Bettina.
Title : Bloodsuckers: The Construction of Female Sexuality in Medieval Science and Fiction [The author briefly examines three texts ("Secrets of Women," Mechthild of Magdeburg's "The Flowing Light of the Godhead," and Der Stricker's "Daniel of the Blossoming Valley"). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Consuming Narrative: Gender and Monstrous Appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.   Edited by Liz Herbert McAvoy and Teresa Walters .   University of Wales Press, 2002. Journal of Hispanic Research , 3., ( 2002):  Pages 104 - 115.
Year of Publication: 2002.

57. Record Number: 8088
Author(s): Stanton, Robert.
Title : Marriage, Socialization, and Domestic Violence in the "Life of Christina of Markyate" [The author emphasizes the social dimensions of the "Life" and argues that the monk/author was critical of the social acculturation required for the nobility. Stanton also argues that previous authors downplayed the violence her parents and fiancé do to Christina. Another important aspect of the "Life" is the pivotal moment it represents in the transformation of marriage when consent of both partners becomes more important. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Rinascimento , 43., ( 2003):  Pages 242 - 271.
Year of Publication: 2002.

58. Record Number: 8081
Author(s): Migiel, Marilyn.
Title : Domestic Violence in the "Decameron" [The author examines Emilia's story about Melisso and Giosefo in the "Decameron." They both receive advice from Solomon who advocates wife beating. The story ends with the narrator Emilia offening justifications for violence against women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Rinascimento , 43., ( 2003):  Pages 164 - 179.
Year of Publication: 2002.

59. Record Number: 8435
Author(s): Hill, Thomas D.
Title : Pilate's Visionary Wife and the Innocence of Eve: An Old Saxon Source for the Old English "Genesis B" [The author argues that the "Genesis B" poet tells the story of the Fall according to Germanic literary tradition. Because Eve needs to be innocent, the poet adapted an episode from the "Heliand" concerning Pilate's wife's vision. Thus Eve ensares her husband thinking that she is being given special visions of God. Title note from Feminae.].
Source: JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 101., 2 (April 2002):  Pages 170 - 184.
Year of Publication: 2002.

60. Record Number: 7305
Author(s): Rasmussen, Ann Marie.
Title : Gendered Knowledge and Eavesdropping in the Late-Medieval "Minnerede" [The author argues for a poetics of gender in the "Minnerede" with an eavesdropping male narrator and a female speaker whose concerns about love are voiced in secret. The "Minnereden" narratives take place in two different milieu, the city and the court. The appendix inventories twenty-five "Minnereden" and seven "maeren" that feature an eavesdropping motif. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 77., 4 (October 2002):  Pages 1168 - 1194.
Year of Publication: 2002.

61. Record Number: 6202
Author(s): Bialystok, Sandra.
Title : Men Who Are Friends, and the Women Who Deceive Them: Cross-Gender Communication in the Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002. Speculum , 77., 4 (October 2002):
Year of Publication: 2002.

62. Record Number: 10785
Author(s): Hodgson, Miranda.
Title : Impossible Women: Aelfric's "Sponsa Christi" and "La Mysterique" [The author analyzes Aelfric's account of the life of the virgin martyr, Saint Agnes. She focuses on the speeches that Agnes makes with an emphasis on the Bride of Christ imagery and on "la mysterique," a concept borrowed from Luce Irigaray which describes the only public space in which women can speak about their relationship with Christ. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 33., (Spring 2002):  Pages 12 - 21.
Year of Publication: 2002.

63. Record Number: 7293
Author(s): McCash, June Hall.
Title : La vie seinte Audree: A Fourth Text by Marie de France? [The author suggests that the saint's life was written by Marie de France. She argues that vocabulary, style, and literary technique are all very similar to Marie de France's texts. She also argues that the theme of spiritual marriage in the saint's life would be congenial to the author of "Eliduc." Moreover, the author names herself Marie and asks to be remembered as does Marie de France. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 77., 3 (July 2002):  Pages 744 - 777.
Year of Publication: 2002.

64. Record Number: 7848
Title : Hoccleve, the Virgin, and the Politics of Complaint
Source: PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 117., 5 (October 2002):  Pages 1172 - 1187.
Year of Publication: 2002.

65. Record Number: 6226
Title : Por coi la pucele pleure: A Misogynistic Quest of the Holy Grail?
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 117., 5 (October 2002):
Year of Publication: 2002.

66. Record Number: 6215
Title : Too Many Women: Reading Freud, Derrida, and Lancelot
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 117., 5 (October 2002):
Year of Publication: 2002.

67. Record Number: 8281
Author(s): Vasvári, Louise O.
Title : Intimate Violence: Shrew Taming as Wedding Ritual in the "Conde Lucanor"
Source: Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Hispanic Issues, Volume 26.   Edited by Eukene Lacarra Lanz .   Routledge, 2002. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 117., 5 (October 2002):  Pages 21 - 38.
Year of Publication: 2002.

68. Record Number: 8087
Author(s): Epp, Garrett P. J.
Title : Noah's Wife: The Shaming of the "Trew" [The author examines the relationship between Noah and his wife in the Wakefield and York plays. Wakefield presents scenes of violence between the spouses while York does not represent the wife as a shrew and generally encourages the avoidance of violence. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 117., 5 (October 2002):  Pages 223 - 241.
Year of Publication: 2002.

69. Record Number: 8282
Author(s): Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio.
Title : The "Consells- Consejos" on Marriage and Their Broader Sentimental Context [The author examines three works of advice on marriage ("Advice of Good Doctrine which a French lady Gave Her Daughter Who Married the King of England" ("Conseyll de bones doctrines que una reyna de França dona a una filla sua que fonch muller del rey Danglaterra"), "Letter from the Marquis of Villena to His Daughter Joana" ("Letra deval scrita feu lo marques de Villena e compte de Ribagortça qui apres fo intitulat duch de Gandia, per dona Joahan filla sua quant la marida ab don Johan fill del compte de Gardona, per la qual liscrivi castich e bons nodriments, dient axi"), and "Advice from a Wiseman to His Daughters" ("Castigos y dotrinas que un sabio daba a sus hijas")) that bear structured and thematic parallels to sentimental romances. The texts emphasize women's chastity, honor, humility, and piety, but also stress a misogynous view of women's out-of-control sexuality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Hispanic Issues, Volume 26.   Edited by Eukene Lacarra Lanz .   Routledge, 2002. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 117., 5 (October 2002):  Pages 39 - 56.
Year of Publication: 2002.

70. Record Number: 10861
Author(s): Hennequinn, M. Wendy.
Title : Not Quite One of the Guys: Pantysyllya as Virgin Warrior in Lydgate's "Troy Book" [The author argues that Lydgate represents Penthesilea with a mixture of manly and womanly characteristics, thus having her fall into the more flexible gender of the virgin. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 34., (Fall 2002):  Pages 8 - 24.
Year of Publication: 2002.

71. Record Number: 6208
Author(s): Currey, Kate.
Title : Re-presenting Joan of Arc: The Embodiment of Female Identity in Late- Medieval Literature
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002. Medieval Feminist Forum , 34., (Fall 2002):
Year of Publication: 2002.

72. Record Number: 8441
Author(s): Gradowicz-Pancer, Nira.
Title : De-gendering Female Violence: Merovingian Female Honour as an "Exchange of Violence"
Source: Early Medieval Europe , 11., 1 ( 2002):  Pages 1 - 18.
Year of Publication: 2002.

73. Record Number: 6211
Author(s): Franc, Catherine.
Title : Beastly pagan men and Christian virgin martyrs: rape in Anglo-Latin and Anglo-Saxon hagiography
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002. Early Medieval Europe , 11., 1 ( 2002):
Year of Publication: 2002.

74. Record Number: 10786
Author(s): Barefield, Laura.
Title : Lineage and Women's Patronage: Mary of Woodstock and Nicholas Trevet's "Les Cronicles" [The author explores Mary of Woodstock's impact as patron of a history that regularly took account of women in its listings of lineage. In this way, the author argues, aristocratic women displayed their power and preserved a record for their female descendants. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 33., (Spring 2002):  Pages 21 - 30.
Year of Publication: 2002.

75. Record Number: 10458
Author(s): Sanok, Catherine.
Title : Performing Feminine Sanctity in Later Medieval England: Parish Guilds, Saints' Plays, and the "Second Nun's Tale" [The author signals the "oppositional potential" of plays, pageants, and Chaucer's dramatic recounting of the lives of female martyrs. Seeing women, who are normally excluded from authority, portrayed as preaching and teaching (without any suggestion of heterodoxy) must have made civic and ecclesiastical officials nervous. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Full Text via Project Muse) 32, 2 (Spring 2002): 269-303. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2002.

76. Record Number: 9337
Author(s): Udry, Susan.
Title : Robert de Blois and Geoffroy de la Tour Landry on Feminine Beauty: Two Late Medieval French Conduct Books for Women [The author argues that Robert de Blois and the Chevalier de la Tour Landry conceive of feminine beauty in very different ways. For Robert his chief concern is women's sociability and the ways to promote social interactions between members of varied classes. On the other hand the Chevalier is concerned that his daughters make good marriages and carry on his lineage. He warns his daughters that artificial beauty in the form of fashion and cosmetics only distorts the beauty that comes from God. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Essays in Medieval Studies (Full Text via Project Muse) 19 (2002): 90-102. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2002.

77. Record Number: 11031
Author(s): Watt, Diane.
Title : Consuming Passions in Book VIII of John Gower's "Confessio Amantis" [The author argues that the various "appetites" condemned by Gower (incest, latent homosexuality, and female desire) are part of a mirror for princes guide to proper manly behavior that emphasizes the control of sexuality. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Consuming Narrative: Gender and Monstrous Appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.   Edited by Liz Herbert McAvoy and Teresa Walters .   University of Wales Press, 2002.  Pages 28 - 41.
Year of Publication: 2002.

78. Record Number: 11037
Author(s): Niebrzydowski, Sue.
Title : Monstrous (M)othering: The Representation of the Sowdanesse in Chaucer's "Man of Law Tale"
Source: Consuming Narrative: Gender and Monstrous Appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.   Edited by Liz Herbert McAvoy and Teresa Walters .   University of Wales Press, 2002.  Pages 196 - 207.
Year of Publication: 2002.

79. Record Number: 410
Author(s): Gilkison, Jean.
Title : Language and Gender in Diego de San Pedro's "Cárcel de Amor"
Source: Journal of Hispanic Research , 3., ( 2002):  Pages 113 - 124.
Year of Publication: 2002.

80. Record Number: 11036
Author(s): Evans, Ruth.
Title : The Devil in Disguise: Perverse Female Origins of the Nation [The author examines the connections among women's sexuality, demons and the supernatural, and the myths of the origins of nations. The Latin translation of the story of Albina and her sisters, the discoverers of Britain who had sex with giants, is the text that Evans first analyzes. However, she also briefly considers "Sir Orfeo," "Wife of Bath's Tale," and the York Play, "Joseph's Trouble about Mary." Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Consuming Narrative: Gender and Monstrous Appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.   Edited by Liz Herbert McAvoy and Teresa Walters .   University of Wales Press, 2002. Journal of Hispanic Research , 3., ( 2002):  Pages 182 - 195.
Year of Publication: 2002.

81. Record Number: 4848
Author(s): Cowling, Jane.
Title : A Fifteenth-Century Saint Play in Winchester: Some Problems of Interpretation [The author analyzes documents from two legal cases that make mention of a play about St. Agnes; based on medieval writings and artwork about St. Agnes, the author suggests some scenarios that may have been dramatized concerning the Virgin Martyr].
Source: Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England , 13., ( 2001):  Pages 19 - 33.
Year of Publication: 2001.

82. Record Number: 11154
Author(s): Smith, Scott T.
Title : Wifes Willan: The Disruptive Female Subject in Cynewulf's "Juliana"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

83. Record Number: 9180
Author(s): Holmes, Olivia.
Title : Dante's Two Beloveds: Ethics as Erotic Choice [The author explores the pattern of two competing but almost identical female archetypes as love objects in Dante's writings (particularly in the "Convivio" and the "Commedia"). In certain respects the women are rivals and represent the sacred versus the profane. In some cases they can also be read as stages in ethical development with the first female as precursor and the second as fulfillment. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Annali d'Italianistica , 19., ( 2001):  Pages 25 - 50.
Year of Publication: 2001.

84. Record Number: 6743
Author(s): Edgington, Susan B.
Title : Sont çou ore les fems que jo voi la venir? Women in the "Chanson d'Antioche" [The poet adapted already existing verse to create a three-part cycle about the First Crusade. The author argues that the poet introduces women generally as an element of humor. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Crusades.   Edited by Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert .   University of Wales Press, 2001. Annali d'Italianistica , 19., ( 2001):  Pages 154 - 162.
Year of Publication: 2001.

85. Record Number: 7816
Author(s): Johns, Susan M.
Title : Poetry and Prayer: Women and Politics of Spiritual Relationships in the Early Twelfth Century
Source: European Review of History , 8., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 7 - 22.
Year of Publication: 2001.

86. Record Number: 7909
Author(s): Bott, Robin L.
Title : O, Keep Me from Their Worse Than Killing Lust: Ideologies of Rape and Mutilation in Chaucer's "Physician's Tale" and Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus"
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Journal of Hispanic Research , 3., ( 2002):  Pages 189 - 211.
Year of Publication: 2001.

87. Record Number: 11162
Author(s): Klein, Stacy S.
Title : Reforming Queenship: Gender and Nostalgia in Late Anglo-Saxon Literature
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, University of Helsinki, August 6-11, 2001, "Anglo-Saxons and the North
Year of Publication: 2001.

88. Record Number: 13637
Author(s): Foehr- Janssens, Yasmina.
Title : Une Reine au désert: désolation et majesté dans "Berte as grans piés" d' Adenet le Roi [The author analyzes Adenet le Roi's presentation of the persecuted queen Berthe which draws on earlier chanson de geste scenes of suffering male heroes including Roland. While Berthe is betrayed, she displays the hallmarks of a holy woman including patience, mercy, chastity, and resolution. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 229 - 245.
Year of Publication: 2001.

89. Record Number: 6676
Author(s): Seaman, Myra.
Title : Engendering Genre in Middle English Romance: Performing the Feminine in "Sir Beves of Hamtoun" [the author argues that Josian, the heroine, does not behave according to French romance expectations; she uses the assumptions of other characters concerning standard feminine weaknesses in order to take action and save herself; the narrator rewards Josian for her bold actions and, in a role reversal, devotes portions of the poem to her adventures when she and the hero are separated].
Source: Studies in Philology , 98., 1 (Winter 2001):  Pages 49 - 75.
Year of Publication: 2001.

90. Record Number: 11152
Author(s): Hill, Thomas D.
Title : Haliurunnas, Helrunan, and the History of Grendel's Mother
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

91. Record Number: 16582
Author(s): Borsje, Jacqueline.
Title : Women in Columba's Life, as Seen Through the Eyes of His Biographer Adomnán
Source: Women and Miracle Stories: A Multidisciplinary Exploration.   Edited by Anne-Marie Korte Studies in the History of Religions, 88.   Brill, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 87 - 122.
Year of Publication: 2001.

92. Record Number: 6733
Author(s): Rieger, Angelica.
Title : Crusading or Spinning [The author argues that the portrayal of women in Crusade texts goes beyond simple representation to symbolic purposes. For example, sometimes authors used female characters to emphasize the masculine nature of the Crusades, and at other times Christian women were contrasted with Muslim women to highlight good behavior. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Crusades.   Edited by Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert .   University of Wales Press, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 1 - 15.
Year of Publication: 2001.

93. Record Number: 11157
Author(s): Anderson, Rachel.
Title : The Power of Speech: Gender and Direct Discourse in AElfric's "Lives of Saints"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

94. Record Number: 35427
Author(s): Robertson, Elizabeth
Title : Public Bodies and Psychic Domains: Rape, Consent, and Female Subjectivity in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde"
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose The New Middle Ages Series. .   Palgrave, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 281 - 310.
Year of Publication: 2001.

95. Record Number: 11153
Author(s): Dockray-Miller, Mary.
Title : Maternity and Performance: Mary in the Old English "Advent"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

96. Record Number: 20897
Author(s): Brusegan, Rosanna
Title : Yseut e Richeut [Beroul and other writers about Tristan and Isolde knew the tales of Richeut, a courtesan who evolved into a devoted mother. Isolde is compared to Richeut when she shows her conniving and sensual side. Differences remained, including the causal role of magic in Isolde's relationship with Tristan compared to Richeut's use of magic merely to accomplish her ends. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medioevo Romanzo , 25., ( 2001):  Pages 284 - 300.
Year of Publication: 2001.

97. Record Number: 6973
Author(s): McCarthy, Terence.
Title : Qui était Daniélis [The author argues that the references to Daniélis in two Greek texts suggest that she was a wealthy, noblewoman who had connections to Emperor Basil I. The Appendix presents excerpts in Greek from the two texts in which Daniélis is mentioned, "Theophanes Continuatus" and "Synopsis Historion" by John Skylitzes. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantion , 71., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 98 - 109.
Year of Publication: 2001.

98. Record Number: 6721
Author(s): Flanagan, Sabina.
Title : The Speculum virginum and Traditions of Medieval Dialogue
Source: Listen, Daughter: The "Speculum virginum" and the Formation of Religious Women in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Constant J. Mews .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Byzantion , 71., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 181 - 200.
Year of Publication: 2001.

99. Record Number: 8667
Author(s): Samplonius, Kees.
Title : Sibylla borealis: Notes on the Structure of "Voluspá" [The author explores the figure of the "volva" in "Voluspá," an eddic poem. She is a seer who does magic and is modelled in part on the sibyl of antiquity, although there is some evidence for her earlier historical existence. The author argues that the volva's mixture of pagan and Christian elements is done deliberately to provide different levels of meaning for varied audiences. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Germanic Texts and Latin Models: Medieval Reconstructions.   Edited by K. E. Olsen, A. Harbus, and T. Hofstra .   Based on papers presented at an international conference held July 1-3, 1998 at the University of Groningen. Peeters, 2001. Byzantion , 71., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 185 - 229.
Year of Publication: 2001.

100. Record Number: 7912
Author(s): Robertson, Elizabeth.
Title : Public Bodies and Psychic Domains: Rape, Consent, and Female Subjectivity in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde"
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Byzantion , 71., 1 ( 2001):  Pages 281 - 310.
Year of Publication: 2001.

101. Record Number: 16594
Author(s): Hennequin, M. Wendy.
Title : Judith Warrior Princess?
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

102. Record Number: 8666
Author(s): Olsen, Karin.
Title : Cynewulf's Elene: From Empress to Saint [The author explores some of the themes in Cynewulf's poem about Saint Helen. These include the literary portrayal of women with power, the figure of the pious and chaste female leader who needs to follow a male commander, parallels with real-life female rulers like Aethelflaed, and Elene's emotional problems including her irrationality and difficulties controlling her temper. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Germanic Texts and Latin Models: Medieval Reconstructions.   Edited by K. E. Olsen, A. Harbus, and T. Hofstra .   Based on papers presented at an international conference held July 1-3, 1998 at the University of Groningen. Peeters, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 141 - 156.
Year of Publication: 2001.

103. Record Number: 6744
Author(s): Hodgson, Natasha
Title : The Role of Kerbogha's Mother in the "Gesta Francorum" and Selected Chronicles of the First Crusade [The author argues for more scholarly attention on Kerbogha's mother, presented as an educated, loving mother who warns her warrior son of the Christians' sure victory. This character in the "Gesta Francorum" presents evidence of the author's intentions and provides an interesting study of views on women and motherhood. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering the Crusades.   Edited by Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert .   University of Wales Press, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 163 - 176.
Year of Publication: 2001.

104. Record Number: 5980
Author(s): Walker, Jonathan A.
Title : Trans-Discursiveness and Transvestite Sainthood: Or, How to Make the Gendered Form Fit the Generic Function
Source: Gender and Conflict in the Middle Ages. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, York, January 5-7 2001. .  2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):
Year of Publication: 2001.

105. Record Number: 11160
Author(s): Franc, Catherine.
Title : The Rejected Suitor and Rape in Hagiography: The Unusual Case of Thecla
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 9-12, 2001, Session 801: "Re-Reading Old English I: Excluding the Other."
Year of Publication: 2001.

106. Record Number: 6034
Author(s): Coletti, Theresa.
Title : Paupertas est donum Dei: Hagiography, Lay Religion, and the Economics of Salvation in the Digby "Mary Magdalene" [the author argues that the Digby playwright uses Mary Magdalene to bring into relief questions of salvation for those with landed wealth and in commerce; Mary Magdalene's emphasis on poverty and charity does not question the social order but gives merchants and the gentry opportunities for spiritual benefit by donating to the poor and by striving to be themselves poor in spirit].
Source: Speculum , 76., 2 (April 2001):  Pages 337 - 378.
Year of Publication: 2001.

107. Record Number: 6437
Author(s): Dell, Helen.
Title : Voices, "Realities," and Narrative Style in the Anonymous "chansons de toile" [The author examines 16 anonymous "chansons de toile" (particularly the nine in the "Chansonnier Français de Saint-Germain-des-Prés") and argues that the male narrating voice allows the female character and her song to be fully realized].
Source: Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, New Series , 18., 2 (January 2001):  Pages 17 - 33.
Year of Publication: 2001.

108. Record Number: 6281
Author(s): Ramey, Lynn Tarte.
Title : Role Models? Saracen Women in Medieval French Epic [The author suggests various ways that French women listening to chansons de geste might have reacted to the characters of Saracen women who took independent actions].
Source: Romance Notes , 41., 2 (Winter 2001):  Pages 131 - 141.
Year of Publication: 2001.

109. Record Number: 8493
Author(s): Cárdenas-Rotunno, Anthony J.
Title : Rojas's Celestina and Claudina: In Search of a Witch [The author argues that Rojas never presents either Celestina or her teacher Claudina as witches. While Claudina was accused once as a witch, in the "Celestina" they use magic but have not renounced Christianity nor made pacts with the devil. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Hispanic Review , 69., 3 (Summer 2001):  Pages 277 - 297.
Year of Publication: 2001.

110. Record Number: 5605
Author(s): Mann, Jill.
Title : Wife-Swapping in Medieval Literature [in order to understand better the relationships among Dorigen, Arveragus, and Aurelius, the author considers the exchange of wives between friends in a number of earlier medieval texts, including the Latin poem "Lantfrid and Cobbo," the many versions of "Amis and Amiloun," the thirteenth-century romance "Athis and Prophilias," Boccaccio's story in the "Decameron" concerning Titus and Gisippus, the story of Rollo and Resus in Walter Map's "De Nugis Curialium," and Giovanni Fiorentino's story of Stricca and Galgano in his fourteenth-century collection "Il Pecorone"].
Source: Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 93 - 112.
Year of Publication: 2001.

111. Record Number: 5719
Author(s): Kirkham, Victoria.
Title : Poetic Ideals of Love and Beauty [The author examines the themes of love and beauty in the writings of Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarch, Poliziano, and Lorenzo de'Medici].
Source: Virtue and Beauty: Leonardo's "Ginevra de'Benci" and Renaissance Portraits of Women." Catalog of an exhibition held Sept. 30, 2001-Jan. 6, 2002 at the National Gallery of Art.   Edited by David Alan Brown et al.; with contributions by Elizabeth Cropper and Eleonora Luciano. .   National Gallery of Art in association with Princeton University Press, 2001. Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 48 - 61.
Year of Publication: 2001.

112. Record Number: 6095
Author(s): Straubhaar, Sandra Ballif
Title : Nasty, Brutish, and Large: Cultural Difference and Otherness in the Figuration of the Trollwomen of the "Fornaldar sögur" [The author analyzes the encounters that heroes have with trollwomen in various legendary sagas (written down in the 13th and 14th centuries but circulating orally well before those centuries); the author argues that the mythic events can also be interpreted as sociological realities in which the trolls are Sámi women, threatening in their odd customs and strange appearance].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 73., 2 (Summer 2001):  Pages 105 - 123.
Year of Publication: 2001.

113. Record Number: 11165
Author(s): Thompson, Pauline.
Title : AElfric's Portrayal of the Saint as Catechist in His "Life of St. Cecilia"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, University of Helsinki, August 6-11, 2001, "Anglo-Saxons and the North
Year of Publication: 2001.

114. Record Number: 5976
Author(s): Niebrzydowski, Sue A.
Title : Damned Dowagers: The Representation of the Queen Mothers in Chaucer's "Man of Law's Tale"
Source: Gender and Conflict in the Middle Ages. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, York, January 5-7 2001. .  2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):
Year of Publication: 2001.

115. Record Number: 6432
Author(s): Paterson, Linda.
Title : Gender Negotiations in France during the Central Middle Ages: The Literary Evidence [the author argues that vernacular literature is especially valuable for details of daily life and contemporary sensibilities; she considers the themes of marriage, courtly love, gendered identity and violence (including rape) in literature along with the larger trends in French and Occitan society at the time].
Source: The Medieval World.   Edited by Peter Linehan and Janet L. Nelson .   Routledge, 2001. Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001):  Pages 246 - 266.
Year of Publication: 2001.

116. Record Number: 6086
Author(s): Niebrzydowski, Sue.
Title : The Sultana and Her Sisters: Black Women in the British Isles Before 1530
Source: Women's History Review , 10., 2 ( 2001):  Pages 187 - 210.
Year of Publication: 2001.

117. Record Number: 11158
Author(s): Lodge, Kristine Funch.
Title : Holy Soul and Wholly Breast: The Implications of Objectification in AElfric's "Life of Agatha"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 3-6, 2001, Nineteenth Symposium on the Sources of A
Year of Publication: 2001.

118. Record Number: 10108
Author(s): Towell, Julie.
Title : Transforming Power: Mis-Glossing Female Figures in "Beowulf" and "Judith" [Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, October 14-16, 1999, Session 4: "Anglo-Saxon Appropriations: Translating, Glossing, Editing Old English Texts."]
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):
Year of Publication: 2000.

119. Record Number: 4593
Author(s): Harding, Carol E.
Title : True Lovers: Love and Irony in Murasaki Shikibu and Christine de Pizan [the author examines the love affairs in "Livre du Duc" and the "Tale of Genji," arguing that the authors question the values of courtly life where men have far more choices in love affairs].
Source: Crossing the Bridge: Comparative Essays on Medieval European and Heian Japanese Women Writers.   Edited by Barbara Stevenson and Cynthia Ho .   Palgrave, 2000. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 153 - 173.
Year of Publication: 2000.

120. Record Number: 5012
Author(s): Whittaker, Eve M.
Title : Marie de France's "Eliduc": The Play of "Aventure"
Source: Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue , 6., 40181 ( 2000):  Pages 3 - 57.
Year of Publication: 2000.

121. Record Number: 5056
Author(s): Scheil, Andrew P.
Title : Bodies and Boundaries in the Old English "Life of St. Mary of Egypt"
Source: Neophilologus , 84., 1 (January 2000):  Pages 137 - 156.
Year of Publication: 2000.

122. Record Number: 5492
Author(s): Mehl, Dieter.
Title : A Lover's Complaint: Shakespeare and Chaucer [The author argues that Shakespeare was influenced by Chaucer's "Squire's Tale" when writing his poem, "A Lover's Complaint"; in both the abandoned woman bemoans her fate but the authors hold back from identifying with her so that the accused male seems l
Source: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen , 237., 1 ( 2000):  Pages 133 - 138.
Year of Publication: 2000.

123. Record Number: 6191
Author(s): Gullino, Giuseppe.
Title : Un' Eroina Mai Esistita: Anna Erizzo (1470) [Antonio Erizzo died in 1470 fighting the Turkish advance in the Balkans; a legend arose that he had a daughter, Anna, who committed suicide rather than tolerate the sexual advances of the sultan; the tale was embroidered and found its way into drama and opera].
Source: Archivio Veneto Series V , 190., 131 ( 2000):  Pages 127 - 134.
Year of Publication: 2000.

124. Record Number: 6459
Author(s): Lokaj, Rodney J.
Title : La Cleopatra Napoletana: Giovanna d'Angiò nelle "Familiares" di Petrarca [almost all contemporary writings speak badly of Giovanna I of Naples; Boccaccio is a partial exception, but Petrarca's letters contrast Giovanna's reign with that of her grandfather Robert, to her disadvantage; the poet also contrasts Giovanna's weak character with the strengths shown by Maria of Pozzuoli, both of them beset by hostile kin; Petrarca compared Maria to Camilla, Virgil's Italian Amazon, while in the "Familiares" he consistently compared Giovanna and her court to the scandalous Cleopatra and her courtiers].
Source: Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana , 177., ( 2000):  Pages 481 - 521.
Year of Publication: 2000.

125. Record Number: 4638
Author(s): Bornholdt, Claudia.
Title : Tricked into the Tower: The "Crescentia" Tower Episode of the "Kaiserchronik" as Proto-"Märe" [The author examines the story of Crescentia who fends off her brother-in-law's sexual advances by cleverly outwitting him].
Source: JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 99., 3 (July 2000):  Pages 395 - 411.
Year of Publication: 2000.

126. Record Number: 4578
Author(s): Stevenson, Barbara.
Title : Re-Visioning the Widow Christine de Pizan [The author argues that critics have misread Christine by concentrating on her writings that deal with the autobiographical].
Source: Crossing the Bridge: Comparative Essays on Medieval European and Heian Japanese Women Writers.   Edited by Barbara Stevenson and Cynthia Ho .   Palgrave, 2000. JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 99., 3 (July 2000):  Pages 29 - 44.
Year of Publication: 2000.

127. Record Number: 10120
Author(s): Clift, Shelly Rae.
Title : Re-Writing and Un-Writing Violent Women in the Old English "Orosius"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 334: "Alfredian Texts and Contexts."
Year of Publication: 2000.

128. Record Number: 10124
Author(s): Stratyner, Leslie.
Title : Beyond "Gold-hroden": Oral Formulaic Theory and the Women of "Beowulf"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 461: "Beowulf III."
Year of Publication: 2000.

129. Record Number: 10122
Title : Consequential Actions/ Marginality and Perversion: Breaking the Man-Monster Binary in "Beowulf"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 347: "Beowulf I."
Year of Publication: 2000.

130. Record Number: 5533
Title : Unnatural Authority: Translating Beyond the Heroic in "The Wife's Lament" [The author argues that translators and editors have been influenced by gender expectations in their reading and editing of the "Wife's Lament"].
Source: Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 27., ( 2000):  Pages 19 - 31. Literacy and the Lay Reader
Year of Publication: 2000.

131. Record Number: 10129
Author(s): Åström, Berit.
Title : The Wages of Sex: Repression of Female Sexuality in Old English Texts
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 10-13, 2000, Session 701: "Sexual Politics and the Representation of Women."
Year of Publication: 2000.

132. Record Number: 6852
Author(s): Leach, Elizabeth Eva.
Title : Fortune's Demesne: The Interrelation of Text and Music in Machaut's "Il mest avis" (B22), "De Fortune" (B23), and Two Related Anonymous Balades [The author deals in part with the female character who speaks in "De Fortune." She is losing her "doulz ami" because Fortune (also female) is unreliable. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Early Music History , 19., ( 2000):  Pages 47 - 79.
Year of Publication: 2000.

133. Record Number: 4468
Author(s): Saunders, Corinne.
Title : A Matter of Consent: Middle English Romance and the Law of "Raptus"
Source: Medieval Women and the Law.   Edited by Noël James Menuge .   Boydell Press, 2000. Early Music History , 19., ( 2000):  Pages 105 - 124.
Year of Publication: 2000.

134. Record Number: 8591
Author(s): Cowling, David.
Title : Verbal and Visual Metaphors in the Cambridge Manuscript of the "Douze dames de rhétorique" (1463) [The text developed as an exchange of correspondence between the young, eager Jean Robertet and the respected older poet Georges Chastelain. Several of the manuscript versions include elaborate illustrations. The author explores how the artist was able to express the involved metaphors and prompt an allegorical reading of the images. The Appendix presents the text and English translations of the "enseignes" or self-descriptions of the twelve ladies. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History , 3., ( 2000):  Pages 94 - 118.
Year of Publication: 2000.

135. Record Number: 6308
Author(s): Reinle, Christine.
Title : Exempla weiblicher Stärke? Zu den Ausprägungen des mittelalterlichen Amazonenbildes
Source: Historische Zeitschrift , 270., 1 ( 2000):  Pages 1 - 38.
Year of Publication: 2000.

136. Record Number: 10110
Author(s): Gravlee, Cynthia A.
Title : Circling the Entity: Power and the Feminine Principle in Old English Poetry
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, October 14-16, 1999, Session 45: "Representing Women."
Year of Publication: 2000.

137. Record Number: 10121
Author(s): Trilling, Renée R.
Title : The Monster's Mother: Maternity, Femininity and Alterity in "Beowulf"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 347: "Beowulf I."
Year of Publication: 2000.

138. Record Number: 10126
Author(s): Mullally, Erin.
Title : Repossessing Power: Gender in Old English Hagiography
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 537: "Old English Poetry III."
Year of Publication: 2000.

139. Record Number: 4411
Author(s): Heywood, Melinda Marsh.
Title : The Withered Rose: Seduction and the Poetics of Old Age in the "Roman de la Rose" of Guillaume de Lorris [The author argues that the poet uses the two old women characters to remind his beloved that she too will one day be old, ugly, and alone; she has no choice but to grant him her favors quickly].
Source: French Forum , 25., 1 (January 2000):  Pages 5 - 22.
Year of Publication: 2000.

140. Record Number: 10123
Author(s): Peach, Bridget.
Title : The Suppression of the Powerful, Avenging Woman in "Beowulf": Beowulf's Encounter with Grendel's Mother
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 347: "Beowulf I."
Year of Publication: 2000.

141. Record Number: 10127
Author(s): Lindley, Carrie.
Title : Wundenlocc and "Hupseax": Gender Expression and Transgression in the Old English "Judith"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 537: "Old English Poetry III."
Year of Publication: 2000.

142. Record Number: 5453
Author(s): Rawson, Judy.
Title : Marrying for Love: Society in the Quattrocento Novella [The author suggests that Alberti wrote the "Istorietta" of two feuding families brought together by love and the determination of the women in both families].
Source: Women in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society.   Edited by Letizia Panizza .   European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, 2000. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 421 - 437.
Year of Publication: 2000.

143. Record Number: 4463
Author(s): Thompson, Victoria.
Title : Women, Power, and Protection in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century England [The author briefly explores Old English texts which present women's voices in order to determine whether their power was real or merely rhetorical].
Source: Medieval Women and the Law.   Edited by Noël James Menuge .   Boydell Press, 2000. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 1 - 17.
Year of Publication: 2000.

144. Record Number: 5449
Author(s): Ajmar, Marta.
Title : Exemplary Women in Renaissance Italy: Ambivalent Models of Behaviour? [the author argues that exemplary women from the classical past and from the ranks of the saints often embodied values that were more advanced than those in Italian Renaissance society; figures like Cornelia, daughter of Scipio Africanus renowned for her eloquence, were reinterpreted to emphasize her domestic and maternal strengths rather than her public skills in oratory; the author concludes, "The consideration of exemplary women actually enlarged the boundaries of the Renaissance notion of woman and generated a reappraisal of a woman's capacity for attaining virtue--but not her status or her role in society." (Page 260)].
Source: Women in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society.   Edited by Letizia Panizza .   European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, 2000. Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000):  Pages 244 - 264.
Year of Publication: 2000.

145. Record Number: 3800
Author(s): Smith, Geri L.
Title : Christine de Pizan's "Dit de la Pastoure" --A Feminization of the Pastourelle
Source: Romance Notes , 39., 3 (Spring 1999):  Pages 285 - 294.
Year of Publication: 1999.

146. Record Number: 4026
Author(s): Mast, Isabelle.
Title : Rape in John Gower's "Confessio Amantis" and Other Related Works
Source: Young Medieval Women.   Edited by Katherine J. Lewis, Noel James Menuge, and Kim M. Phillips .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Romance Notes , 39., 3 (Spring 1999):  Pages 103 - 132.
Year of Publication: 1999.

147. Record Number: 4279
Author(s): Callahan, Leslie Abend.
Title : The Widow's Tears: The Pedagogy of Grief in Medieval France and the Image of the Grieving Widow
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Romance Notes , 39., 3 (Spring 1999):  Pages 245 - 263.
Year of Publication: 1999.

148. Record Number: 4368
Author(s): Edwards, Cyril.
Title : Mothers' Boys and Mothers' Girls in the Pastourelle: Oswald von Wolkenstein, "Frölich so wil Ich aber singen" (KL.79) [The author argues that the humor of Oswald's pastourelle comes from parody, social and gender role reversals, and the lady's snobbery].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 35., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 70 - 80.
Year of Publication: 1999.

149. Record Number: 5481
Author(s): Paolino, Laura.
Title : Visible Narrare: L'Edizione in facsimile della "Griselda" di Petrarca [Petrarch was the first to translate a tale from the "Decameron," the Griselda story, into Latin; like much of Boccaccio's own work, this translation was, in turn, translated into French; Petrarch presents Griselda as the perfect wife; this work has a place in the development of the "pocket book" form in manuscript and in print].
Source: Medioevo e Rinascimento , ( 1999):  Pages 301 - 308.
Year of Publication: 1999.

150. Record Number: 6285
Author(s): Vassis, Ioannis.
Title : Ein unediertes Gedicht anlässlich des Todes von Theodora, erster Gemahlin des Despotes Konstantinos (XI.) Palaiologos
Source: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 49., ( 1999):  Pages 181 - 189.
Year of Publication: 1999.

151. Record Number: 6286
Author(s): Störmer-Caysa, Uta.
Title : Kriemhilds erste Ehe: Ein Vorschlag zum Verständnis von Siegfrieds Tod im Nibelungenlied
Source: Neophilologus , 83., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 93 - 113.
Year of Publication: 1999.

152. Record Number: 6287
Author(s): Kern, Manfred.
Title : Von Parisjüngern und neuen Helenen: Anmerkungen zur antiken Mythologie im Minnesang
Source: Neophilologus , 83., 4 ( 1999):  Pages 577 - 599.
Year of Publication: 1999.

153. Record Number: 6679
Author(s): Nardi, Eva.
Title : Alle origini della biografia femminile [Giovanni Boccaccio pioneered "lay" biography of women, with almost all of his models coming from ancient heroines; later biographers praised the virtues of Italian women of their own age].
Source: Quaderni Medievali , 48., (dicembre 1999):  Pages 197 - 204.
Year of Publication: 1999.

154. Record Number: 7476
Author(s): Abelson-Hoek, Michelle Christine.
Title : The Prostitute Figure in Medieval English and French Literature
Source: Quaderni Medievali , 48., (dicembre 1999):
Year of Publication: 1999.

155. Record Number: 10159
Author(s): Benedetti, Roberto.
Title : Teodora e il travestimento mistico nel diciottesimo dei "Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages" [The legend of Theodora of Alexandria, found in the "Miracles de Notre Dame par personnages," was composed in French and based on the "Legenda Aurea." Theodora adopted men's clothing to escape attempted seduction, and she embraced the life of a monk. Accused of rape, she endured that calumny in silence. Such hagiographic tales did not soften condemnation of cross dressing outside of carnival season. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Études Médiévales , 1., ( 1999):  Pages 21 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1999.

156. Record Number: 10161
Author(s): Sobczyk, Agata
Title : Encore un inceste occulté: l'épisode de la fille de l'empereur dans "Le Roman de Robert le Diable"
Source: Études Médiévales , 1., ( 1999):  Pages 221 - 234.
Year of Publication: 1999.

157. Record Number: 4505
Author(s): Allen, Renée.
Title : The Roles of Women and Their Homosocial Context in the "Chevalier au Lion"
Source: Romance Quarterly , 46., 3 (Summer 1999):  Pages 141 - 154.
Year of Publication: 1999.

158. Record Number: 9055
Author(s): Vickers, Nancy J.
Title : Diana Described: Scattered Woman and Scattered Rhyme [The author explores the connections between Laura/the goddess Diana and the poet/Actaeon. By visualizing Laura only in her perfect parts and minimizing her opportunities to speak, Petrarch affirms himself as a poet. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Feminism and Renaissance Studies.   Edited by Lorna Hutson .   Oxford Reading in Feminism series. Oxford University Press, 1999. Romance Quarterly , 46., 3 (Summer 1999):  Pages 233 - 248. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1999.

159. Record Number: 4369
Author(s): Thompson, John Jay.
Title : Medea in Christine de Pizan's "Mutacion de Fortune," or How to Be a Better Mother [the author argues that Christine becomes a man in spirit in the "Mutacion;" she becomes every man following in the steps of the man Christ in the "Juste Vie;" Christine provides a counter example to Medea who followed the path of "Grant Science" and met with disaster; the appendices reproduce four short textual extracts concerning Medea, two from the "Mutacion de Fortune" and "Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 35., 2 ( 1999):  Pages 158 - 174.
Year of Publication: 1999.

160. Record Number: 3773
Author(s): Mirrer, Louise.
Title : Women's Representation in Male-Authored Works of the Middle Age [The author briefly discusses three subject areas in which male-authored texts need to be considered: the body, religious literature, and literature in which race and class come into play].
Source: Women in Medieval Western European Culture.   Edited by Linda E. Mitchell .   Garland Publishing, 1999. Forum for Modern Language Studies , 35., 2 ( 1999):  Pages 315 - 330.
Year of Publication: 1999.

161. Record Number: 4666
Author(s): Gertz, SunHee Kim.
Title : The "Descriptio" in Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde"
Source: Papers on Language and Literature , 35., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 141 - 166.
Year of Publication: 1999.

162. Record Number: 6321
Author(s): Schausten, Monika.
Title : Der Körper des Helden und das "Leben" der Königen: Geschlechter- und Machtkonstellationen im "Nibelungenlied"
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 118., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 27 - 49.
Year of Publication: 1999.

163. Record Number: 4275
Author(s): Prior, Sandra Pierson.
Title : Virginity and Sacrifice in Chaucer's "Physician's Tale"
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 118., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 165 - 180.
Year of Publication: 1999.

164. Record Number: 4254
Author(s): Galloway, Andrew.
Title : Word-Play and Political Satire: Solving the Riddle of the Text of "Jezebel" [The author suggests that "Jezebel" is a political satire against Cnut and his concubine, Aelfgifu, and was written at the Norman court].
Source: Medium Aevum , 68., 2 ( 1999):  Pages 189 - 208.
Year of Publication: 1999.

165. Record Number: 6322
Author(s): Brall, Helmut.
Title : Homosexualität als Thema mittelalterlicher Dichtung und Chronistik
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 118., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 354 - 349.
Year of Publication: 1999.

166. Record Number: 6323
Author(s): Tervooren, Helmut.
Title : Hêre frowe (Walther 39- 24)
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 118., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 27 - 49.
Year of Publication: 1999.

167. Record Number: 4320
Author(s): Rasmussen, Ann Marie.
Title : Little-known Medieval Texts. Good Counsel for a Young Lady: A Low German Mother-Daughter Conduct Poem [the mother advises her daughter to be modest, obedient to her husband, and kind to her servants; it presupposes an urban setting among the middle class in a household workshop].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 28., (Fall 1999):  Pages 28 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1999.

168. Record Number: 5530
Author(s): Zimmermann, Margarete.
Title : Querelle des femmes, querelles du livre [The author provides a brief overview of the controversies over women's abilities and prerogatives, known as the "Querelle des femmes;" she also considers how modern scholars have labelled and discussed it].
Source: Des Femmes et des livres: France et Espagnes, XIVe-XVIIe siècle. Actes de la journée d'étude organisée par l'École nationale des chartes et l'École normale supérieure de Fontenay/Saint-Cloud (Paris, 30 avril 1998).   Edited by Dominique de Courcelles and Carmen Val Julián .   Études et Rencontres de l'École des Chartes, 4. École des Chartes, 1999. Medieval Feminist Forum , 28., (Fall 1999):  Pages 79 - 94.
Year of Publication: 1999.

169. Record Number: 4884
Author(s): Ambrosio, Francis J.
Title : Feminist Self-Fashioning: Christine de Pizan and "The Treasure of the City of Ladies"
Source: European Journal of Women's Studies , 6., 1 (February 1999):  Pages 9 - 20.
Year of Publication: 1999.

170. Record Number: 3173
Author(s): Krueger, Roberta L.
Title : Transforming Maidens: Singlewomen's Stories in Marie de France's "Lais" and Later French Courtly Narratives
Source: Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250-1800.   Edited by Judith M. Bennett and Amy M. Froide .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. European Journal of Women's Studies , 6., 1 (February 1999):  Pages 146 - 191.
Year of Publication: 1999.

171. Record Number: 3929
Author(s): Kim, Susan.
Title : Bloody Signs: Circumcision and Pregnancy in the Old English Judith [The author argues that the beheading of Holofernes can be read as a castration or circumcision while the severed head of Holofernes figures as the result of Judith's symbolic pregnancy].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 11., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 285 - 307.
Year of Publication: 1999.

172. Record Number: 4371
Author(s): Pratt, Karen.
Title : Translating Misogamy: The Authority of the Intertext in the "Lamentationes Matheoluli" and Its Middle French Translation [The author highlights the role that Jean de Meun's "Roman de la Rose " plays in LeFevre's efforts to expand and enliven the antifeminist content].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 35., 2 ( 1999):  Pages 421 - 435.
Year of Publication: 1999.

173. Record Number: 4688
Author(s): Puhvel, Martin.
Title : The Wife of Bath's Tale: Mirror of Her Mind [the author argues that the tale of the loathly lady and the knight who needs to learn about women reflects the wish fulfillment of the Wife of Bath, specifically in her need to dominate men, desire for uninhibited sex, and concerns about aging and ugliness].
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 100., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 291 - 300.
Year of Publication: 1999.

174. Record Number: 4277
Author(s): Roberts, Anna.
Title : Like a Virgin: Mary and Her Doubters in the N-Town Cycle
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 100., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 199 - 217.
Year of Publication: 1999.

175. Record Number: 4269
Author(s): Roberts, Ann.
Title : Helpful Widows, Virgins in Distress: Women's Friendship in French Romance of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 100., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 25 - 47.
Year of Publication: 1999.

176. Record Number: 3928
Author(s): Paden, William D.
Title : The Troubadour's Lady as Seen Through Thick History [The author examines ideas about troubadours and their ladies in the works of literary critics from the nineteenth and early twentieth century; he notes in particular the emphasis on sexual guilt which he believes should be discarded].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 11., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 221 - 244.
Year of Publication: 1999.

177. Record Number: 4905
Title : Theodelinda, "Most Glorious Queen": Gender and Power in Lombard Italy
Source: Medieval History Journal , 2., 2 (July-December 1999):  Pages 183 - 207.
Year of Publication: 1999.

178. Record Number: 7822
Title : Seeing Double: Reflections In (and On) the Mirrors of Joan of Arc [The author reflects on her experiences teaching a course on Joan of Arc in the English Department. She and her students read a wide variety of medieval and modern texts. They were particularly struck by the personal, sometimes autobiographical elements, which the author included. Astell concludes by giving examples drawn from the course readings including texts by Jules Michelet, Mark Twain, Christine de Pizan, Lillian Hellman, and Vita Sackville-West. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching: SMART , 7., 2 (Fall 1999):  Pages 5 - 15.
Year of Publication: 1999.

179. Record Number: 4247
Title : The Identity of Margaret in Thomas Usk's "Testament of Love"
Source: Medium Aevum , 68., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 63 - 72.
Year of Publication: 1999.

180. Record Number: 4210
Title : The Wife of Bath's "Prologue," LL. 328-336, and Boccaccio's "Decameron"
Source: Neophilologus , 83., 2 (April 1999):  Pages 313 - 316.
Year of Publication: 1999.

181. Record Number: 3801
Title : Silent Women [The author explores the issue of women's silence, as stipulated by scripture, in the writings of Marie de France, Chrétien de Troyes, Christine de Pizan, and Madeleine and Catherine des Roches].
Source: Romance Notes , 40., 1 (Fall 1999):  Pages 13 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1999.

182. Record Number: 4504
Title : A Women is Like… [the author examines three heroines in Chrétien de Troyes and Marie de France; she argues that they are compared to horses and birds in order to indicate their unreliable sexuality]
Source: Romance Quarterly , 46., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 67 - 73.
Year of Publication: 1999.

183. Record Number: 4384
Title : Dreams Made Public? Juliana of Mont Cornillon and Dame Procula [The author traces the connections between Juliana, advocate of the feast of Corpus Christi, and the figure of Dame Procula in medieval English drama who dreams of the dangers to come in punishing Christ].
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Romance Quarterly , 46., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 251 - 267.
Year of Publication: 1999.

184. Record Number: 7068
Title : Telling the Story of Women in Medieval Scandinavia [The author provides a brief overview of Scandinavian women's history, examining periodization, differences among the individual countries, and sources (including sagas, histories, law, and archaeology). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gendering Scottish History: An International Approach.   Edited by Terry Brotherstone, Deborah Simonton, and Oonagh Walsh Mackie Occasional Colloquia Series .   Cruithne Press, 1999. Romance Quarterly , 46., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 46 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1999.

185. Record Number: 4270
Title : The Widow as Virgin: Desexualized Narrative in Christine de Pizan's "Livre de la cité des dames"
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Romance Quarterly , 46., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 49 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1999.

186. Record Number: 3736
Title : The "Vie Seinte Osith": Hagiography and Politics in Anglo-Norman England [The author argues that Saint Osyth acts in a system in which lordship is the model; her canons can expect protection and maintenance in return for loyal service].
Source: Studies in Philology , 96., 4 (Fall 1999):  Pages 367 - 393.
Year of Publication: 1999.

187. Record Number: 3995
Title : The Aesthetics of "Sprawling" Drama: The Digby "Mary Magdalene" as Pilgrims' Play [The author argues that the deeper message of the play concerns a complex meditation on the practice of pilgrimage]
Source: JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 98., 3 (July 1999):  Pages 325 - 352.
Year of Publication: 1999.

188. Record Number: 3964
Author(s): Gaynor, Stephanie.
Title : He Says, She Says: Subjectivity and the Discourse of the Other in the "Prioress's Portrait" and "Tale"
Source: Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue , 5., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 375 - 390.
Year of Publication: 1999.

189. Record Number: 4304
Author(s): Åström, Berit.
Title : Murdering the Narrator of the "Wife's Lament" [The author questions the analysis of the "Wife's Lament" in which the narrator is a ghost, killed because she was an adulterer].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 27., (Spring 1999):  Pages 24 - 27.
Year of Publication: 1999.

190. Record Number: 4440
Author(s): Corrie, Marilyn.
Title : Further Information on the Origins of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86 [the author suggests that the Digby scribe mentions two noble women (Aubreie de Basincbourne and Ide de Beauchaunp) at the end of the poem, "Estrif de ii dames," perhaps to indicate that they resembled the two women of the poem, one virtuous and the other dissolute].
Source: Notes and Queries , 4 (December 1999):  Pages 430 - 433.
Year of Publication: 1999.

191. Record Number: 5337
Author(s): Burch, Sally L.
Title : The Lady, the Lords, and the Priests: The Making and Unmaking of Marriage in "Amadas et Ydoine" [The author emphasizes the authority of the lords in the text to arrange marriages; clergy are clearly subordinates, but Ydoine uses deceit to manage the lords and arrive at her desired end].
Source: Reading Medieval Studies , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 17 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1999.

192. Record Number: 4752
Author(s): Cadden, Joan.
Title : The Wealth They Left Us: Two Women Author Themselves Through Others' Lives in "Beowulf" [the author examines the cases of Wealhtheow who contemplates the story of Hildeburh mourning over her son and brother on the Finnsburg battlefield in order to avoid being a victim and of Hygd who considers the alternative of Thryth's life story, where she redeems her violence with generosity and a happy marriage].
Source: Philological Quarterly , 78., (Winter/Spring 1999):  Pages 49 - 76.
Year of Publication: 1999.

193. Record Number: 3946
Author(s): Brown, Cynthia J.
Title : Allegorical Design and Image-Making in Fifteenth Century France: Alain Chartier's Joan of Arc [The author analyzes two other texts by Chartier as well to establish the ways that he creates allegorical figures and powerful images].
Source: French Studies , 53., 4 (October 1999):  Pages 385 - 404.
Year of Publication: 1999.

194. Record Number: 4330
Author(s): Cooper, Kate
Title : The Martyr, the "matrona," and the Bishop: the Matron Lucina and the Politics of Martyr Cult in Fifth- and Sixth- Century Rome
Source: Early Medieval Europe , 8., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 297 - 317.
Year of Publication: 1999.

195. Record Number: 7358
Author(s): Morris, Rosemary.
Title : Idéaux et préjugés: la femme dans l'imagination culturelle byzantine des Xe - XIe siècles [The author briefly surveys the representation of women both in Byzantine literature and art. Drawing from the writings of Anna Komnena and Michael Psellos and, for art, from mainly manuscript illustrations, she argues that authors and artists did not attempt to represent individual women but instead commonly recognized types. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Early Medieval Europe , 8., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 133 - 147.
Year of Publication: 1999.

196. Record Number: 5338
Author(s): Hardman, Phillipa.
Title : Dear Enemies: The Motif of the Converted Saracen and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" [the author examines the representations of both female and male Saracens in the Middle English romances of Charlemagne; the beautiful Saracen maiden is eager, perhaps too eager, to help the Christian knight with her magical girdle, though it may be at the cost of betraying her father].
Source: Reading Medieval Studies , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 59 - 74.
Year of Publication: 1999.

197. Record Number: 3735
Author(s): Scherb, Victor I.
Title : Blasphemy and the Grotesque in the Digby "Mary Magdalene"
Source: Studies in Philology , 96., 3 (Summer 1999):  Pages 225 - 240.
Year of Publication: 1999.

198. Record Number: 4028
Author(s): Menuge, No‘l James.
Title : Female Wards and Marriage in Romance and Law: A Question of Consent
Source: Young Medieval Women.   Edited by Katherine J. Lewis, Noel James Menuge, and Kim M. Phillips .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Studies in Philology , 96., 3 (Summer 1999):  Pages 153 - 171.
Year of Publication: 1999.

199. Record Number: 4314
Author(s): Overing, Gillian R.
Title : A Body in Question: Aging, Community and Gender in Medieval Iceland [The author argues that old women were stereotyped as nasty gossips or agents of evil unless there were mitigating factors of wealth, status, or class].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 29., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 211 - 225.
Year of Publication: 1999.

200. Record Number: 3635
Author(s): Rouhi, Leyla.
Title : Y Otros Treynta Officios: The Definition of a Medieval Women's Work in "Celestina" [the author argues that Celestina is described by others as having several occupations or as having an occupation too difficult to describe; the author suggests that this condition characterizes women's work in general in which many of them had multi-professional activities].
Source: Celestinesca , 22., 2 (Otoño 1998):  Pages 21 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1998.

201. Record Number: 6317
Author(s): Keller, Hildegard Elisabeth
Title : Die gewaltaerinne mine. Von einer weiblichen Grossmacht und der Semantik der Gewalt
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 117., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 17 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1998.

202. Record Number: 3229
Author(s): Gertz, Sun Hee Kim and Paul S. Ropp
Title : Literary Women, Fiction, and Marginalization. Nicolette and Shuangqing [The authors argue that both characters are agents of transformation who turn from polar oppositions to a fuller, more creative vision].
Source: Comparative Literature Studies , 35., 3 ( 1998):  Pages 219 - 254.
Year of Publication: 1998.

203. Record Number: 3016
Author(s): Armstrong, Dorsey.
Title : Holy Queens as Agents of Christianization in Bede's "Ecclesiastical History": A Reconsideration
Source: Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue , 4., 3 (November 1998):  Pages 228 - 241.
Year of Publication: 1998.

204. Record Number: 3282
Author(s): Colombo-Timelli, Maria.
Title : Le "Purgatoire des Mauvais Maris." Introduction et Édition [a spirited defense of women in the tradition of the Querelle de la Rose].
Source: Romania , 116., 40241 ( 1998):  Pages 492 - 523.
Year of Publication: 1998.

205. Record Number: 6318
Author(s): Macha, Jürgen and Martin J. Schubert
Title : Ein unbekanntes marienlegenden-Fragment aus Krakau
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 117., 3 ( 1998):  Pages 361 - 380.
Year of Publication: 1998.

206. Record Number: 3520
Author(s): Auerbach, Loren.
Title : Female Experience and Authorial Intention in "Laxdoela Saga" [The author argues that Gudrún's wasted potential is the overarching theme of the saga and that more generally the question is how intelligent, capable women can function in society on an equal level with men].
Source: Saga Book , 1., ( 1998):  Pages 30 - 52.
Year of Publication: 1998.

207. Record Number: 3957
Author(s): Migiel, Marilyn.
Title : Encrypted Messages: Men, Women, and Figurative Language in "Decameron" 5.4 [The author argues that the deeper message of the story concerns the consolidation of male power and the upholding of patriarchal values.]
Source: Philological Quarterly , 77., 1 (Winter 1998):  Pages 1 - 13.
Year of Publication: 1998.

208. Record Number: 5238
Author(s): Englade, Emilio.
Title : Straw for Youre Gentillesse: Masculine Identity, Honor, and Dorigen
Source: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest , 5., ( 1998):  Pages 34 - 57.
Year of Publication: 1998.

209. Record Number: 6291
Author(s): Schnell, Rüdiger.
Title : Geschlechtergeschichte, Diskursgeschichte und Literaturgeschichte: Eine Studie zu konkurrierenden Männerbildern in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
Source: Frühmittelalterliche Studien , 32., ( 1998):  Pages 307 - 364.
Year of Publication: 1998.

210. Record Number: 6431
Author(s): Picone, Michelangelo.
Title : La vergine e l'eremita: Una lettura intertestuale della novella di Alibech ("Decameron" III. 10) [Boccaccio's tales burlesque hagiographic conventions, including the story of Mary of Egypt; the hermit's mortifications, in the tale of Alibech, lead, not to sanctity, but to pride and a fall; and the virgin Alibech finds sexual pleasure and worldly wisdom in the wilderness; the poet explores in this tale the relationship between the mystical and the erotic].
Source: Vox Romanica , 57., ( 1998):  Pages 85 - 99.
Year of Publication: 1998.

211. Record Number: 6289
Author(s): Berger, Günther.
Title : Die Frau als Herrscherin und die "longue durée": Versionen der "Melusine" des Jean d'Arras vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit
Source: Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie , 114., ( 1998):  Pages 199 - 209.
Year of Publication: 1998.

212. Record Number: 6320
Author(s): Bauschke, Ricarda.
Title : Wîpliche man, manlîchu wîp: Zur Konstruktion der Kategorien Körper und Geschlecht in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters Internationales Kolloquium der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft und der Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, 8.- 10. Oktober 1997 in Xanten.
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 117., ( 1998):  Pages 416 - 420.
Year of Publication: 1998.

213. Record Number: 3251
Author(s): Dockray-Miller, Mary.
Title : Female Community in the Old English "Judith" [as a maternal figure Judith forms a bond with her maid and metaphorical daughter to work together for protection].
Source: Studia Neophilologica , 70., 2 ( 1998):  Pages 165 - 172.
Year of Publication: 1998.

214. Record Number: 6295
Author(s): Rings, Guido
Title : Minnesang zwischen Frauen- und Gottesdienst: Eine exemplarische Untersuchung zweier Lieder Friedr. von Hausens
Source: Germanic Notes and Reviews , 29., 1 (Spring 1998):  Pages 18 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1998.

215. Record Number: 6319
Author(s): Morrall, Eric John.
Title : Selbstmord und amor illicitus in der Übersetzungsliteratur von Niklas von Wyle, Arigo, Albrecht von Eyb und Johann Seider. Zu "Eurialus und Lucrecia," "Guiscard und Ghismonda," und "Amor und Psyche"
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 117., 3 ( 1998):  Pages 381 - 398.
Year of Publication: 1998.

216. Record Number: 7208
Author(s): Carlson, Christina M.
Title : The Minstrel's Song of Silence: The Construction of Masculine Authority and the Feminized Other in the Romance "Sir Orfeo" [The author explores the gendered representations of Orfeo's kingdom contrasted with the feminized fairy kingdom. She argues that Orfeo's successes come at the expense of his wife Herodis. Yet her role is essential for his poetry and his identity. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Comitatus , 29., ( 1998):  Pages 62 - 75.
Year of Publication: 1998.

217. Record Number: 6306
Author(s): Wolter, Diana.
Title : Zur Gruppe der erotischen Schwanklieder im Rostocker Liederbuch
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 10., ( 1998):  Pages 419 - 431.
Year of Publication: 1998.

218. Record Number: 4475
Author(s): Krueger, Roberta.
Title : Christine's Anxious Lessons: Gender, Morality, and the Social Order from the "Enseignemens" to the "Avision" [The author maintains that Christine's didactic works from 1399 to 1405 argue for the importance of female virtue].
Source: Christine de Pizan and the Categories of Difference.   Edited by Marilynn Desmond .   University of Minnesota Press, 1998. Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 10., ( 1998):  Pages 16 - 40.
Year of Publication: 1998.

219. Record Number: 4156
Author(s): Einbinder, Susan L.
Title : Pucellina of Blois: Romantic Myths and Narrative Conventions
Source: Jewish History , 12., 1 (Spring 1998):  Pages 29 - 46.
Year of Publication: 1998.

220. Record Number: 3202
Author(s): Blacker, Jean.
Title : Women, Power, and Violence in Orderic Vitalis's "Historia Ecclesiastica"
Source: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Anna Roberts .   University Press of Florida, 1998. Jewish History , 12., 1 (Spring 1998):  Pages 44 - 55.
Year of Publication: 1998.

221. Record Number: 3614
Author(s): Perfetti, Lisa R.
Title : Men's Theories, Women's Laughter: The Thousand and One Nights and Women's Comic Pleasures in Medieval Literature [The author analyzes the episode in which the three sisters joke with a porter about their sexual organs; the author suggests that this gave women in the audience the opportunity to laugh with, rather than at, the women in the text].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 10., 2 (Fall 1998):  Pages 207 - 241.
Year of Publication: 1998.

222. Record Number: 13634
Title : The "Chanson de geste," Woman to Woman [The author explores the dialogues between women in Old French epics. Although women do not speak much, Campbell finds three patterns into which the dialogues fall: mother/daughter, lady/servant, and woman/woman (conversations between social equals). In general women's words do not give them agency but indicate that they must accomodate themselves to the male universe. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Echoes of the Epic: Studies in Honor of Gerard J. Brault.   Edited by David P. Schenck and Mary Jane Schenck .   Summa Publications, 1998. Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 10., 2 (Fall 1998):  Pages 49 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1998.

223. Record Number: 3179
Author(s): Paden, William D.
Title : The Figure of the Shepherdess in the Medieval Pastourelle [argues that shepherdesses were associated with the holy due to the lives of Saint Margaret and Agnes of Rome; thus the pastourelle should not be read as purely secular].
Source: Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 25., ( 1998):  Pages 1 - 14.
Year of Publication: 1998.

224. Record Number: 3281
Title : Gottfried's "Huote" Excursus ("Tristan" 17817-18114) [The author argues that the imposition of "huote" (surveillance) on Isolde causes her to act rashly and makes her fall from the ranks of ideal women].
Source: Medium Aevum , 67., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 85 - 103.
Year of Publication: 1998.

225. Record Number: 3333
Author(s): Koutava-Delivoria, Barbara.
Title : Figures féminines dans la littérature mariale (XIIe- XIlIe siècles) [The author analyses three stories from Gautier de Coinci's "Miracles de Nostre Dame: the Empress, Saint Leocadie, and the Young Girl from Arras].
Source: Moyen Age , 104., 40241 ( 1998):  Pages 435 - 459.
Year of Publication: 1998.

226. Record Number: 3316
Author(s): Gouttebroze, Jean-Guy.
Title : J'ai deux amours...Guinglain entre éspouse et maî tresse
Source: Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 41., 161 (janier-mars 1998):  Pages 55 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1998.

227. Record Number: 3175
Author(s): Winkelman, Johann H.
Title : Laatmiddeleeuwse erotica in woord en beeld. Over de literaire achtergronden van enkele profane insignes
Source: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik , 50., ( 1998):  Pages 167 - 84.
Year of Publication: 1998.

228. Record Number: 3079
Author(s): Léglu, Catherine.
Title : Identifying the "Toza" in Medieval Occitan "Pastorela" and Old French "Pastourelle" [the"toza" or girl sometimes has an ambiguous social status; she also often serves as the mouthpiece for the poet].
Source: French Studies , 52., 2 (April 1998):  Pages 129 - 141.
Year of Publication: 1998.

229. Record Number: 6294
Author(s): Rouse, Robert Allen.
Title : eyn ganss truwe frunt: Frauen und Kinder also Opfer männlicher Freundschaftstreue in zwei Exempln des Grossen Seelentrostes
Source: Neophilologus , 82., 3 ( 1998):  Pages 425 - 433.
Year of Publication: 1998.

230. Record Number: 6366
Author(s): Cavallero, Daniela.
Title : Alatiel e Zinevra: Il "peso" del silenzio, la leggerezza dei "vestiti" [Alatiel never speaks during her adventures, and her lovers do not speak a language known to her; this can be interpreted as the use of the only language, that of the body, through sex, available to a woman in a world dominated by men; Zinevra assumes male garb, but only for a time, returning to the social restrictions of female dress once she reaches safety].
Source: Romance Languages Annual , 9., ( 1998):  Pages 165 - 170.
Year of Publication: 1998.

231. Record Number: 7821
Author(s): Jaffe, Samuel.
Title : Commentary as Exposition: The "Declaratio oracionis de beata Dorothea" of Nicolaus Dybinus [Nicolaus Dybinus or Nicolaus de Dybin, a schoolmaster in Dresden, composed a model poem about Saint Dorothy in order to illustrate all the different rhetorical figures, known as the "colores rethoricales." A large part of the article is devoted to explicating some of the rhetorical figures used in the text. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching: SMART , 6., 2 (Fall 1998):  Pages 35 - 47.
Year of Publication: 1998.

232. Record Number: 3958
Author(s): Luyster, Robert.
Title : The Wife's Lament in the Context of Scandinavian Myth and Ritual
Source: Philological Quarterly , 77., 3 (Summer 1998):  Pages 243 - 270.
Year of Publication: 1998.

233. Record Number: 5343
Author(s): Russell, Anthony Presti.
Title : Dante's "Forte Imaginazione" and Beatrice's "Occulta Virtù": Lovesickness and the Supernatural in the "Vita Nuova"
Source: Mediaevalia , 22., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 1 - 33. Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1998.

234. Record Number: 7209
Author(s): Kane, Stuart A.
Title : Now the First Stone is Set: Christine de Pisan and the Colonial City [The author argues that Christine de Pizan in both the "Livre de la cite des dames" and the "Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc" advances a prophetic vision of a Francocentric domination of the East. He focuses in particular on the characters of Semiramis, Zenobia, and Dido. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Comitatus , 29., ( 1998):  Pages 76 - 94.
Year of Publication: 1998.

235. Record Number: 3526
Author(s): Townsend, David.
Title : Sex and the Single Amazon in Twelfth-Century Latin Epic
Source: The Tongue of the Fathers: Gender and Ideology in Twelfth-Century Latin.   Edited by David Townsend and Andrew Taylor .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998. Comitatus , 29., ( 1998):  Pages 136 - 155.
Year of Publication: 1998.

236. Record Number: 3146
Author(s): Watt, Diane.
Title : Behaving like a Man? Incest, Lesbian Desire, and Gender Play in "Yde et Olive" and Its Adaptations [Yde masquerades as a man to escape her incestuous father, is given the emperor's daughter in marriage, and miraculously becomes a man].
Source: Comparative Literature (Full Text via JSTOR) 50, 4 (Autumn 1998): 265-285. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1998.

237. Record Number: 3361
Author(s): Corfis, Ivy A.
Title : Empire and Romance: "Historia de la linda Melosina"
Source: Neophilologus , 82., 4 (October 1998):  Pages 559 - 575.
Year of Publication: 1998.

238. Record Number: 3329
Author(s): Picherit, Jean-Louis.
Title : La domesticité féminine dans quelques oeuvres médiévales [surveys the behavior of various young women in service to romance heroines; the characters profiled include Lunete and Alis in "Flamenca"].
Source: Moyen Age , 104., 2 ( 1998):  Pages 257 - 273.
Year of Publication: 1998.

239. Record Number: 3612
Author(s): Lionarons, Joyce Tally.
Title : Cultural Syncretism and the Construction of Gender in Cynewulf's "Elene" [The author cites instances of gender category inversions; for example, Elene acts as a mother and spiritual mother while she takes on a masculine role using physical force to make Judas convert].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 10., 1 (Spring 1998):  Pages 51 - 68.
Year of Publication: 1998.

240. Record Number: 1377
Author(s): Nenno, Nancy P.
Title : Between Magic and Medicine: Medieval Images of the Woman Healer [the figures of Queen Îsôt and Feimurgan demonstrate worries that women healers provoked: unregulated practices, superstition, use of magic, even dependence on demonic aid].
Source: Women Healers and Physicians: Climbing a Long Hill.   Edited by Lilian R. Furst .   University Press of Kentucky, 1997. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 47., ( 1997):  Pages 43 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1997.

241. Record Number: 3498
Author(s): Mintz, Susannah B.
Title : Words Devilish and Divine: Eve as Speaker in Genesis B
Source: Neophilologus , 81., 4 (October 1997):  Pages 609 - 623.
Year of Publication: 1997.

242. Record Number: 2567
Author(s): Brault, Gerard J.
Title : The Names of the Three Isolts in the Early Tristan Poems [Iseut la Blonde, Tristan's lover; Isolt of the White Hands, Tristan's wife; and Queen Isolt of Ireland, Mother of Iseut la Blonde].
Source: Romania , 40180 ( 1997):  Pages 22 - 49.
Year of Publication: 1997.

243. Record Number: 2581
Author(s): Winward, Fiona.
Title : Some Aspects of the Women in "The Four Branches" [analysis of female characters through various life-stages (single women, married women, estranged wives, and mothers); argues that the women display independence and are more memorable than the male characters because they are able to manipulate situations for their own best interests].
Source: Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies , 34., (Winter 1997):  Pages 77 - 106.
Year of Publication: 1997.

244. Record Number: 3291
Author(s): Spicker, Johannes
Title : Oswald von Wolkenstein und die romanische Chanson de la malmariée
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 413 - 416.
Year of Publication: 1997.

245. Record Number: 3292
Author(s): Clifton-Everest, John M.
Title : Wolfram und Statius: Zum Namen "Antikonie" und zum VIII [achten] Buch von "Parzival."
Source: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie , 116., ( 1997):  Pages 321 - 351.
Year of Publication: 1997.

246. Record Number: 3997
Author(s): Hemming, Jessica.
Title : Sellam gestare: Saddle-Bearing Punishments and the Case of Rhiannon
Source: Viator , 28., ( 1997):  Pages 45 - 64.
Year of Publication: 1997.

247. Record Number: 6293
Author(s): Affeldt, Werner.
Title : Frauen und Geschlechterbeziehungen im Frühmittelalter. Ein Forschungsbericht
Source: Mediaevistik , 10., ( 1997):  Pages 15 - 156.
Year of Publication: 1997.

248. Record Number: 6299
Author(s): Heinrichs, Anne.
Title : Der liebeskranke Freyr, euhemeristisch entmythisiert
Source: Alvíssmál , 7., ( 1997):  Pages 21 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1997.

249. Record Number: 6391
Author(s): Derla, Luigi.
Title : Francesca, una Beatrice incompiuta (INF V 73-143) [Dante's Francesca da Rimini is an example of heroic love; the poet found precedents in Ovid's "Heroides" and Virgil's portrait of Dido; Francesca and Paolo fit the stereotype of courtly lovers, but Dante's opinion of their surrender to passion is negative, because they separated themselves from God; Francesca, the earthly woman, is contrasted with Beatrice, the heavenly one, with Francesca being an incomplete version of the other].
Source: Italian Quarterly , 34., (Summer-Fall 1997):  Pages 5 - 20.
Year of Publication: 1997.

250. Record Number: 1204
Author(s): Wisman, Josette A.
Title : Christine de Pizan and Arachne's Metamorphoses
Source: Fifteenth Century Studies , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 138 - 151.
Year of Publication: 1997.

251. Record Number: 2137
Author(s): El-Cheikh, Nadia M.
Title : Describing the Other to Get at the Self: Byzantine Women in Arabic Sources (8th-11th Centuries)
Source: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 40., 2 (May 1997):  Pages 239 - 250.
Year of Publication: 1997.

252. Record Number: 6296
Author(s): Lampsidis, Odysseus.
Title : Die Entblössung der Muse Kalliope in einem byzantinischen Epigramm
Source: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 47., ( 1997):  Pages 107 - 110.
Year of Publication: 1997.

253. Record Number: 2982
Author(s): Gilman, Donald.
Title : Petrarch's Sophonisba: Seduction, Sacrifice, and Patriarchal Politics [Carthaginian Sophonisba uses her feminine wiles to oppose the inevitable Roman triumph].
Source: Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.   Edited by Barbara K. Gold, Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter .   State University of New York Press, 1997. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 47., ( 1997):  Pages 111 - 138.
Year of Publication: 1997.

254. Record Number: 2096
Author(s): Black, Nancy.
Title : The Politics of Romance in Jean Maillart's "Roman du Comte d'Anjou" [argues that Maillart, as royal secretary, had a concern for political stability ; his story of a falsely accused noblewoman was, in part, an effort to rehabilitate Jeanne de Bourgogne who was compromised by the adultery of her sisters-in-law].
Source: French Studies , 51., 2 (April 1997):  Pages 129 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1997.

255. Record Number: 2480
Author(s): Black, Nancy B.
Title : Woman as Savior: The Virgin Mary and the Empress of Rome in Gautier de Coinci's "Miracles" [analysis of the thirteenth century text and its manuscript illustrations, emphasizing the chastity and spiritual authority of the empress; Gautier addressed his text to the abbess of Notre Dame at Soissons and the abbess of Fontevrault].
Source: Romanic Review , 88., 4 (November 1997):  Pages 503 - 517.
Year of Publication: 1997.

256. Record Number: 1994
Author(s): Calabrese, Michael.
Title : Ovid and the Female Voice in the "De Amore" and the "Letters" of Abelard and Heloise
Source: Modern Philology (Full Text via JSTOR) 95, 1 (August 1997): 1-26. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1997.

257. Record Number: 7341
Author(s): Rasmussen, Mark David.
Title : Feminist Chaucer? Some Implications for Teaching [The author briefly examines the approaches of Jill Mann ("Geoffrey Chaucer" (1991) in the "Feminist Readings" series) and Elaine Tuttle Hansen ("Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender" (1992)). He argues that Mann's approach is humanist, taking a positive view of Chaucer's representation of women. Hansen, the author feels, has a much more negative interpretation of Chaucer as a misogynist who feared feminization and struggled to establish his own identity unrelated to female characteristics. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching: SMART , 5., 2 (Fall 1997):  Pages 77 - 85.
Year of Publication: 1997.

258. Record Number: 20980
Author(s): Ross, Valerie A
Title : Transgressive Alliances: Marie de France and the Representation of Female Desire in "Eliduc"
Source: Mediaevalia , 21., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 209 - 230.
Year of Publication: 1997.

259. Record Number: 20981
Author(s): Reed, Teresa P
Title : Shadows of the Law: Chaucer's "Man of Law's Tale," Exemplarity and Narrativity
Source: Mediaevalia , 21., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 231 - 248.
Year of Publication: 1997.

260. Record Number: 2059
Author(s): Snow-Obenaus, Katya.
Title : Medieval Attitudes Towards Women as Reflected in the Songs of Heinrich von Morungen [analyzes the contrasting imagery of the singer's lady as a destructive force and as a figure of radiant goodness akin to the Virgin Mary].
Source: Germanic Notes and Reviews , 28., 2 (Fall 1997):  Pages 121 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1997.

261. Record Number: 2787
Author(s): Rulon-Miller, Nina.
Title : Cynewulf and Cyneheard: A Woman Screams [when the king Cynewulf was visiting a woman's bower in Merton for sex he was ambushed by Cyneheard; the author analyzes the story of the incident as reported in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle with an emphasis on the woman of Merton].
Source: Philological Quarterly , 76., 2 (Spring 1997):  Pages 113 - 132.
Year of Publication: 1997.

262. Record Number: 2467
Author(s): Raybin, David.
Title : Chaucer's Creation and Recreation of the "Lyf of Seynt Cecile" [concerns how Chaucer fit the translated saint's life into the profane context of the Cantrbury tales; compares the austere otherworldliness of Saint Cecilia with the more complex, spiritual views of the "Canon's Yeoman's Prologue" and "Tale" and other tales].
Source: Chaucer Review , 32., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 196 - 212.
Year of Publication: 1997.

263. Record Number: 1379
Author(s): Solomon, Michael.
Title : Women Healers and the Power to Disease in Late Medieval Spain [Roig tells how women feign disease in order to trick their husbands and recounts stories of women healers who are incompetent and dangerous].
Source: Women Healers and Physicians: Climbing a Long Hill.   Edited by Lilian R. Furst .   University Press of Kentucky, 1997. Chaucer Review , 32., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 79 - 92.
Year of Publication: 1997.

264. Record Number: 2329
Author(s): Affeldt, Werner.
Title : L'expression féminine dans la poésie lyrique occitane [two linguistic and stylistic analyses and comparisons of discourse; the first case compares the "cansos" of four trobairitz (comtesse de Dia, Castelloza, Azalaïs, and Clara d'Anduza) with thise of four troubadours (Peire Vidal, Raimon de Miraval, Guilhem de Cabestanh, and Bertran de Born), while the second analysis looks at twenty-two "tensos" in which there are dialogues between male and female characters].
Source: Romance Philology , 51., 2 (November 1997):  Pages 107 - 193.
Year of Publication: 1997.

265. Record Number: 3912
Author(s): Ward, Jennifer C.
Title : The Birth of Venus in the Roman de la Rose [the Appendix reproduces texts dealing with the birth of Venus from Isidore of Seville, Fulgentius, Vatican Mythographers, John the Scot, Remigius of Auxerre, Bernardus Silvestris, and Ovide Moralisé; the texts are in both the original language (mostly Latin) and English translation].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9., 1 (Spring 1997):  Pages 7 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1997.

266. Record Number: 2979
Author(s): Gold, Barbara K.
Title : Hrotswitha Writes Herself: "Clamor Validus Gandeshemensis"
Source: Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.   Edited by Barbara K. Gold, Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter .   State University of New York Press, 1997. Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9., 1 (Spring 1997):  Pages 41 - 70.
Year of Publication: 1997.

267. Record Number: 2640
Author(s): Keller, Kimberly.
Title : Prudence's Pedagogy of the Oppressed [Prudence persuades her husband Melibee to take her advice through the use of scholastic arguments and learned citations; she changes the balance of power and sets an example for her female readers].
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 98., 4 ( 1997):  Pages 415 - 426.
Year of Publication: 1997.

268. Record Number: 2211
Author(s): da Costa Fontes, Manuel.
Title : On Alfonso X's "Interrupted" Encounter with a "Soldadeira" [Alfonso's poem describes an encounter with a prostitute and uses religious parody to make a joke; in the poem the prostitute equates her pleasurable sexual torment with Christ's suffering on the cross].
Source: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos , 31., 1 (Enero 1997):  Pages 93 - 101.
Year of Publication: 1997.

269. Record Number: 1915
Author(s): Hares-Stryker, Carolyn.
Title : The Elaine of Astolat and Lancelot Dialogues: A Confusion of Intent
Source: Texas Studies in Literature and Language , 39., 3 (Fall 1997):  Pages 205 - 229.
Year of Publication: 1997.

270. Record Number: 2492
Author(s): McGrady, Deborah
Title : Women in the Vernacular and the Periodization of Medieval German Literature [also discusses women's roles in the production and dissemination of Old High German literature].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 23., (Spring 1997):  Pages 37 - 47.
Year of Publication: 1997.

271. Record Number: 2466
Title : Apprentice Janekyn/Clerk Jankyn: Discrete Phases in Chaucer's Developing Conception of the Wife of Bath [argues that Jankyn went from an apprentice, to a clerk boarding in the house, to a clerk boarding with the Wife of Bath's gossip; this final situation allowed the Wife to make a knowledgeable refutation of the misogynist traditions and have a more developed courtship with her fifth husband].
Source: Chaucer Review , 32., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 146 - 161.
Year of Publication: 1997.

272. Record Number: 2707
Title : Woman's "Pryvete," May, and the Privy: Fissures in the Narrative Voice in the "Merchant's Tale," 1944-86 [examines the disjunction in May's character between the raped young bride and the duplicitous shrew who cuckolds the old knight in the misogynous fabliau ending].
Source: Chaucer Yearbook , 4., ( 1997):  Pages 61 - 77.
Year of Publication: 1997.

273. Record Number: 2545
Title : Make Me a Match: Motifs of Betrothal in the Sagas of the Icelanders [discusses the desirable characteristics for husbands and wives and the particular cases of only daughters and widows].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 69., 3 (Summer 1997):  Pages 296 - 319.
Year of Publication: 1997.

274. Record Number: 1203
Author(s): Gendt, Anne Marie De.
Title : Plusieurs manières d'amours: le débat dans "Le Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry" et ses échos dans l'oeuvre de Christine de Pizan
Source: Fifteenth Century Studies , 23., ( 1997):  Pages 121 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1997.

275. Record Number: 2360
Author(s): Lafont, Robert.
Title : La voix des dames [A psycho-historical reading of troubadour and trobairitz verses with an emphasis on the various roles that love played for male poets, both troubadours and jongleurs. The author also questions the biographies attributed to many of the trobairitz. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Revue des Langues Romanes , 101., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 185 - 205.
Year of Publication: 1997.

276. Record Number: 3293
Author(s): Dzon, Mary.
Title : Grenzüberschreitungen: Begegnungen mit der wilden Frau in dem mittelhochdeutschen Epos "Wolfdietrich B"
Source: Monatshefte , 89., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 18 - 30.
Year of Publication: 1997.

277. Record Number: 2455
Author(s): Fisher, Rod.
Title : The Singer's Confrontation with Beauty: Some Observations on the Performance of Morungen's Songs [The author analyzes Morungen's songs for evidence of gestures, movements, and interactions with the audience, particularly the beloved lady addressed in the poems].
Source: German Life and Letters , 50., 3 (July 1997):  Pages 267 - 282.
Year of Publication: 1997.

278. Record Number: 20790
Author(s): Burrell, Margaret
Title : The Specular Heroine: Self-Creation Versus Silence in Le Pelerinage de Charlemagne and Erec et Enide
Source: Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 15., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 83 - 99.
Year of Publication: 1997.

279. Record Number: 20792
Author(s): Rittey, Joanne
Title : Woman as Vessel in the Joseph d' Arimathie
Source: Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 15., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 101 - 116.
Year of Publication: 1997.

280. Record Number: 1378
Author(s): Zago, Esther.
Title : Women, Medicine, and the Law in Boccaccio's "Decameron" [differences in the therapy available to women and men who are victims of lovesickness].
Source: Women Healers and Physicians: Climbing a Long Hill.   Edited by Lilian R. Furst .   University Press of Kentucky, 1997. Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 15., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 64 - 78.
Year of Publication: 1997.

281. Record Number: 1404
Author(s): Olsen, Alexandra Hennessey.
Title : Gender Roles [overview of recent scholarship with an emphasis on the active roles that women play in "Beowulf"].
Source: A Beowulf Handbook.   Edited by Robert E. Bjork and John D. Niles .   University of Nebraska Press, 1997. Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 15., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 311 - 324.
Year of Publication: 1997.

282. Record Number: 3296
Author(s): Zitzlsperger, Ulrike.
Title : Narren, Schelme und Frauen: Zum Verhähltnis von Narrentum und Weiblichkeit in der Literatur des spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit
Source: German Life and Letters , 50., 4 ( 1997):  Pages 403 - 416.
Year of Publication: 1997.

283. Record Number: 2035
Author(s): Fee, Christopher.
Title : Judith and the Rhetoric of Heroism in Anglo-Saxon England [argues that the Anglo-Saxon "Judith" is restricted to a purely inspirational role in contrast to the Vulgate "Judith" who plans and executes a daring strategy; the author suggests that Anglo-Saxon culture equated active heroism only with masculine military might].
Source: English Studies , 78., 5 (September 1997):  Pages 401 - 406.
Year of Publication: 1997.

284. Record Number: 2639
Author(s): Harper, Stephen.
Title : So Euyl to Rewlyn: Madness and Authority in "The Book of Margery Kempe" [analyzes Margery's description of her own postpartum psychosis as well as the mad woman whom Margery cures in Chapter 75; in the latter case Margery views the madness positively as a source of increased spiritual insight and by healing this holy woman Margery demonstrates her own sanctity].
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 98., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 53 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1997.

285. Record Number: 2099
Author(s): Nip, Renée.
Title : It's a Man's World: Recent Studies of Male Representation of the Female in the Middle Ages [book reviews][reviews nine books].
Source: Gender and History , 9., 1 (April 1997):  Pages 130 - 134.
Year of Publication: 1997.

286. Record Number: 3915
Author(s): Fehrenbacher, Richard W.
Title : Al That Which Chargeth Nought to Seye: The Theme of Incest in Troilus and Criseyde [The author analyzes patriarchal foundational myths of Troy and the incestuous desire inherent in the exchange of women].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9., 2 (Fall 1997):  Pages 341 - 369.
Year of Publication: 1997.

287. Record Number: 3489
Author(s): Amer, Sahar.
Title : Marie de France Rewrites Genesis: The Image of Woman in Marie de France's Fables
Source: Neophilologus , 81., 4 (October 1997):  Pages 489 - 499.
Year of Publication: 1997.

288. Record Number: 20791
Author(s): Wrightson, Kellinde
Title : The Jilted Fiancée: The Old Icelandic Miracle Poem "Vitnisvísur af Maríu" and its Modern English Translation
Source: Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 15., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 117 - 136.
Year of Publication: 1997.

289. Record Number: 2704
Author(s): Evans, Ruth.
Title : When a Body Meets a Body: Fergus and Mary in the York Cycle [argues that the staging and audience reaction to the "other" embodied by the crossdressing actor as Mary and the feminized figure of Fergus the Jew play upon complex symbolisms of gender and social group].
Source: New Medieval Literatures , 1., ( 1997):  Pages 193 - 212.
Year of Publication: 1997.

290. Record Number: 1405
Author(s): Hostetler, Margaret M.
Title : Enclosed and Invisible? Chrétien's Spatial Discourse and the Problem of Laudine
Source: Romance Notes , 37., 2 (Winter 1997):  Pages 119 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1997.

291. Record Number: 1775
Author(s): Harvey, Carol J.
Title : From Incest to Redemption in "La Manekine"
Source: Romance Quarterly , 44., 1 (Winter 1997):  Pages 3 - 11.
Year of Publication: 1997.

292. Record Number: 6297
Author(s): Wassiliou, Alexandra-Kyriaki.
Title : Bemerkungen zur Ekphrasis der schönen Helena in der Ilias des Konstantinos Hermionaklos (II 193- 320)
Source: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 47., ( 1997):  Pages 213 - 237.
Year of Publication: 1997.

293. Record Number: 3287
Author(s): Spicker, Johannes
Title : Oswalds "Ehelieder": Überlegungen zu einem forschungsgeschichtlichen Paradigma
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 139 - 156.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

294. Record Number: 3289
Author(s): Keller, Hildegard Elisabeth
Title : Von dem toben und wüten, das wib und man mit ain ander hond: Szenen weltlicher und geistlicher Ehen in "Christus und die minnende Seele"
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 341 - 359.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

295. Record Number: 3290
Author(s): Beutin, Wolfgang
Title : Säkularisierungs- und Spiritualisierungstendenzen in der Dichtung und im mystischen Schrifttum des späten Mittelalters. Mit einem Exkurs: Dantes "Matelda" und deutsche Frauenmystik
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 361 - 372.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

296. Record Number: 3288
Author(s): Berger, Christian and Tomas Tomasek
Title : KI 68 im Kontext der Margarethe-Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 157 - 177.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

297. Record Number: 2332
Author(s): Szarmach, Paul E.
Title : St. Euphrosyne: Holy Transvestite
Source: Holy Men and Holy Women: Old English Prose Saints' Live and Their Contexts.   Edited by Paul E. Szarmach .   State University of New York Press, 1996. Manuscripta , 40., 2 (July 1996):  Pages 353 - 365.
Year of Publication: 1996.

298. Record Number: 2392
Author(s): Davidson, Audrey Ekdahl.
Title : Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179): The "Ordo Virtutum" [includes Latin text, English translation, and modern performance scores for three pieces from the "Ordo Virtutum": "Flos campi, No. 38," "Gaudete, O socii, No. 80," and "In principio, No. 87"].
Source: Women Composers: Music Through the Ages.   Edited by Martha Furman Schleifer and Sylvia Glickman .   Volume 1 Composers Born Before 1599. G.K. Hall ; Prentice Hall International, 1996. Manuscripta , 40., 2 (July 1996):  Pages 51 - 60.
Year of Publication: 1996.

299. Record Number: 647
Author(s): O' Connor, Eugene.
Title : Hell's Pit and Heaven's Rose: The Typology of Female Sights and Smells in Panormita's "Hermaphroditus"
Source: Medievalia Et Humanistica New Series , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 25 - 51.
Year of Publication: 1996.

300. Record Number: 1015
Author(s): Newman [not Best as printed], Sharan.
Title : Breaking Down the Barriers: Writing Novels about Medieval Women for Modern Readers [The author, as Sharan Newman, has published several "medieval" mysteries].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 22., (Fall 1996):  Pages 15 - 17.
Year of Publication: 1996.

301. Record Number: 1153
Author(s): Brault, Gerard J.
Title : Entre ces quatre ot estrange amor. Thomas' Analysis of the Tangled Relationships of Mark, Isolt, Tristan, and Isolt of the White Hands
Source: Romania , 40180 ( 1996):  Pages 70 - 95.
Year of Publication: 1996.

302. Record Number: 1361
Author(s): de Vries- van der Velden, Eva.
Title : La lune de Psellos [argues that the "moon" Psellos describes in his letter to John Mauropous is his young bride; includes the Greek text and a French translation of the letter].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 57., 2 ( 1996):  Pages 239 - 256.
Year of Publication: 1996.

303. Record Number: 1741
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : The ideal Imperial Komnenian Women [drawing upon funeral orations and speeches, the author analyzes the female virtues praised before the emperor (beauty, piety, fertility, and modesty) and those for a female patron (self-control, learning, and wisdom)].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 7 - 18. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

304. Record Number: 1745
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Power by Anna Komnene [on the active role of Anna Dalassena and Irene Doukaina].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 45 - 53. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

305. Record Number: 1866
Author(s): Mullally, Evelyn.
Title : The Portrayal of Women in the "Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal"
Source: Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 10., ( 1996):  Pages 351 - 362.
Year of Publication: 1996.

306. Record Number: 2331
Author(s): Waterhouse, Ruth.
Title : Discourse and Hypersignification in Two of Aelfric's Saint's Lives [Aethelthryth (or Etheldreda) and Oswald; the author discusses differences in interpretation of the narrative among contemporaries of the saints, readers of Bede's version in the eighth century, Aelfric's version in the late tenth century, and a reading in the late twentieth century].
Source: Holy Men and Holy Women: Old English Prose Saints' Live and Their Contexts.   Edited by Paul E. Szarmach .   State University of New York Press, 1996. Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 10., ( 1996):  Pages 333 - 352.
Year of Publication: 1996.

307. Record Number: 2714
Author(s): Donovan, Michelle A.
Title : Rewriting Hagiography: The "Livre de la cité des dames"
Source: Women in French Studies , 4., ( 1996):  Pages 14 - 26.
Year of Publication: 1996.

308. Record Number: 1342
Author(s): Delasanta, Rodney K. and Constance M. Rousseau
Title : Chaucer's "Orygenes Upon the Maudeleyne": A Translation [Latin text and English translation of Pseudo- Origen's "De Maria Magdalena" that Chaucer translated early in his career; the Chaucer translation is lost].
Source: Chaucer Review , 30., 4 ( 1996):  Pages 319 - 342.