Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

12 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 14567
Author(s): Tyler, Elizabeth M.
Title : Fictions of Family: The "Encomium Emmae Reginae" and Virgil's "Aeneid" [Tyler argues that the author of the "Encomium" sought to support Queen Emma by recounting the Danish conquest and rule of England. His history makes use of fiction and even lies to fashion a politically favorable account. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Viator , 36., ( 2005):  Pages 149 - 179.
Year of Publication: 2005.

2. Record Number: 9718
Author(s): Stephenson, Paul.
Title : Anna Comnena's "Alexiad" as a Source for the Second Crusade?
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 29., 1 (March 2003):  Pages 41 - 54.
Year of Publication: 2003.

3. Record Number: 7401
Title : Marriage, Sexual Pleasure, and Learned Brides in the Wedding Orations of Fifteenth-Century Italy
Source: Renaissance Quarterly , 55., 2 (Summer 2002):  Pages 379 - 433.
Year of Publication: 2002.

4. Record Number: 4843
Author(s): Al-Sajdi, Dana.
Title : Trespassing the Male Domain: The "Qasidah" of Layla Al-Akhyaliyyah ["Here, she trespasses in the male domain by composing her poetry in a historically and experientially male form, but retains her female poetic voice by manipulating the form in such a way as to empty it of the male experience and re-inscribe it with her own poetic voice." Page 143; the Appendix presents the poem in Arabic].
Source: Journal of Arabic Literature , 31., 2 ( 2000):  Pages 121 - 143.
Year of Publication: 2000.

5. Record Number: 4208
Author(s): Vinson, Martha.
Title : The Life of Theodora and the Rhetoric of the Byzantine Bride Show
Source: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik , 49., ( 1999):  Pages 31 - 60.
Year of Publication: 1999.

6. Record Number: 4271
Author(s): Otter, Monika.
Title : Closed Doors: An Epithalamium for Queen Edith, Widow and Virgin
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Journal of Arabic Literature , 31., 2 ( 2000):  Pages 63 - 92.
Year of Publication: 1999.

7. Record Number: 4750
Author(s): Connor, Carolyn L.
Title : Documents: The Epigram in the Church of Hagios Polyeuktos in Constantinople and Its Byzantine Response [the author argues that Anicia Juliana herself may have composed the seventy-six line epigram that was inscribed inside and outside her magnificent church; later building inscriptions as well as books reacted to her family pride, sumptuous descriptions, and learned rhetoric that was reflected in her influential encomium/dedication; the appendices include a transcription of the Greek epigram that was inscribed in Hagios Polyeuktos; an English translation of the epigram; the Greek epigrams that were inscribed in the church of Saint Euphemia, a church that Juliana refurbished; a transcription of the Greek epigram from the Vienna Dioscurides manuscript (cod. med. gr. 1, fol. 6 verso) which forms an acrostic on Juliana's name; a transcription of the Greek epigram on the frieze of the church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus built by Justin and Theodora shortly after Hagios Polyeuktos].
Source: Byzantion , 69., 2 ( 1999):  Pages 479 - 527.
Year of Publication: 1999.

8. Record Number: 1741
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : The ideal Imperial Komnenian Women [drawing upon funeral orations and speeches, the author analyzes the female virtues praised before the emperor (beauty, piety, fertility, and modesty) and those for a female patron (self-control, learning, and wisdom)].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 7 - 18. Revised papers that were originally read at the session entitled "Komnenian Culture" at the Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on September 21, 1994
Year of Publication: 1996.

9. Record Number: 858
Author(s): Hall, Colette.
Title : The Genealogy of an Idea: From "La Cité des Dames" to "Le Fort inexpugnable de l' honneur du sexe femenin"
Source: Fifteenth Century Studies , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 109 - 118.
Year of Publication: 1996.

10. Record Number: 1032
Author(s): Braekman, Martina.
Title : How a Lover Praiseth His Lady (Bodl. MS Fairfax 16): A Middle English Courtly Poem Re- Appraised [analysis and an edition of the text].
Source: Mediaevistik , 8., ( 1995):  Pages 27 - 53.
Year of Publication: 1995.

11. Record Number: 2049
Title : Chaucer and Jean Le Fèvre [influences of Le Fèvre's "Lamentations de Matheolus" and "Livre de Leësce" on Chaucer's "Legend of Good Women," all of which share a double focus on good women and the bad men who deceive them].
Source: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen , 232., ( 1995):  Pages 23 - 36.
Year of Publication: 1995.

12. Record Number: 2606
Author(s): Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate.
Title : Jean le Fèvre's "Livre de Leesce": Praise or Blame of Women? [Le Fèvre wrote "Leesce" as a refutation of the text he had earlier translated, the misogynous "Lamentations of Matheolus" ; despite his varied strategies to praise women, Blumenfeld-Kosinski judges his efforts a partial failure because he gives too much consideration to the anti-female diatribes of Matheolus and falls into the trap of stereotyping women].
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 69, 3 (July 1994): 705-725. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1994.