Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

17 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 6636
Author(s): Easton, Martha.
Title : Pain, Torture, and Death in the Huntington Library "Legenda aurea" [The author analyzes the manuscript illuminations representing the torture and executions of male and female martyrs, arguing that the binary system of gender was frequently transcended].
Source: Gender and Holiness: Men, Women, and Saints in Late Medieval Europe.   Edited by Samantha J. E. Riches and Sarah Salih .   Routledge, 2002.  Pages 49 - 64.
Year of Publication: 2002.

2. Record Number: 5970
Author(s): Ketskemety, Esther.
Title : The Court, the Forest, and the Symbolism of the "chasse" in "The Bear Hunt," a Late Fifteenth Century Burgundian Tapestry Design
Source: Gender and Conflict in the Middle Ages. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, York, January 5-7 2001. .  2001.
Year of Publication: 2001.

3. Record Number: 4409
Author(s): Hanawalt, Barbara A.
Title : Men's Games, King's Deer: Poaching in Medieval England [The author argues that poaching was a complex act "involving the assertion of rights, political protest, reaction to policing, and pursuit of pleasure and meat" (page 154). However, at its root it reinforced male gender identity].
Source: Of Good and Ill Repute: Gender and Social Control in Medieval England. Barbara A. Hanawalt .   Oxford University Press, 1998.  Pages 142 - 157.
Year of Publication: 1998.

4. Record Number: 1987
Author(s): Mango, Marlia Mundell.
Title : Artemis at Daphne [mythological hunting motifs on brass buckets and a mosaic pavement at Daphne near Antioch are analyzed].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 21., ( 1995):  Pages 263 Issue title: Bosphorus: Essays in the Honour of Cyril Mango. Ed. by Stephanos Efthymiadis, Claudia Rapp, and Dimitris Tsougarakis.
Year of Publication: 1995.

5. Record Number: 549
Title : Responses to MFN 18: Letters to the Editor
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 6
Year of Publication: 1995.

6. Record Number: 557
Author(s): Ingham, Patricia C.
Title : Past Watchful Dragons: Thoughts on the Med- Fem Job Market
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 19., (Spring 1995):  Pages 19 - 21.
Year of Publication: 1995.

7. Record Number: 4924
Author(s): Bartlett, Anne Clark.
Title : An Entrepreneurial Approach to the Job Market
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 19 - 22.
Year of Publication: 1994.

8. Record Number: 4920
Author(s): Poor, Sara S.
Title : How do you do? or "How to be a Feminist Medievalist on the Job Market Today"
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 6 - 9.
Year of Publication: 1994.

9. Record Number: 4923
Author(s): Kalve, Kari.
Title : Feminist Studies: Bridging the Gap Between Job Markets and Intellectual Excellence?
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 16 - 19.
Year of Publication: 1994.

10. Record Number: 10684
Author(s): McCash, June Hall.
Title : The Hawk-Lover in Marie de France's "Yonec" [Allusions to hunting and hawk imagery play an important role in this poem. Although hawks and falcons could hold many different meanings to medieval writers, Marie draws upon courtly conventions that compare the knight and lover to a hawk pursuing his prey. In her poem, she reverses the predatory imagery associated with hawks by making the knight (who transfomrs into a hawk) a symbol of faithful love and self-sacrafice. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):  Pages 67 - 75.
Year of Publication: 1991.

11. Record Number: 28773
Title : Annunciation as Hunt of the Unicorn
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication:

12. Record Number:
Title : Feast in the Garden of Love
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication:

13. Record Number:
Title : Partridges
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication:

14. Record Number: 30964
Title : Calendar Page for August
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication:

15. Record Number: 32269
Title : Beavers
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication:

16. Record Number: 37662
Title : Plate with Venus and Adonis
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication:

17. Record Number: 39176
Title : Herr Wernher von Teufen or Man and woman with a hawk
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):
Year of Publication: