Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 5591
Author(s): Wareham, Andrew.
Title : Two Models of Marriage: Kinship and the Social Order in England and Normandy [the models in question are serial exogamy over long distances in England and endogamy and monogamy in Normandy with the tacit approval of Church authorities; the author studies three families, descendants of Uhtred of Northumbria, Ralph of Tosny, and William FitzOsbern].
Source: Negotiating secular and ecclesiastical power: Western Europe in the Central Middle Ages.   Edited by A. J. Bijsterveld, Henk Teunis, and Andrew Wareham. International Medieval Research .   Brepols, 1999.  Pages 107 - 132.
Year of Publication: 1999.

2. Record Number: 11221
Title : Christianity and Endogamy
Source: Continuity and Change , 6., 3 (December 1991):  Pages 295 - 333.
Year of Publication: 1991.

3. Record Number: 11208
Title : Branwen, "Beowulf," and the Tragic Peaceweaver Tale.
Source: Viator , 22., ( 1991):  Pages 1 - 13.
Year of Publication: 1991.