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Record Number:
Schleif , Corine.
Men on the Right- Women on the Left: (A)symmetrical Spaces and Gendered Places [The author argues that the symbolism attached to left and right becomes gendered so that male and female donors have their appointed places. Yet some situations and artworks make the categories more complicated than a simple binary. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Women's Space: Patronage, Place, and Gender in the Medieval Church. Edited by Virginia Chieffo Raguin and Sarah Stanbury. State University of New York Press, 2005. Pages 207 - 249.
Article Type:
(See Also)
Art History- General
Donor Portraits
Ecclesiastical Space
Gender in Art
Left and Right (Symbolism)
Women in Art
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Primary Evidence:
Thirty figures. Figure One Jan van Eyck, "Altarpiece of the Lamb," closed, 1432 (Ghent, Cathedral of St. Bavo). Figure Two Jan van Eyck, "Altarpiece of the Lamb," open, 1432 (Ghent, Cathedral of St. Bavo). Figure Three Rogier van der Weyden, "Last Judgment Altarpiece," closed, after 1433 (Beaune, Musée de l'Hôtel Dieu). Figure Four Rogier van der Weyden, "Last Judgment Altarpiece," open, after 1433 (Beaune, Musée de l'Hôtel Dieu). Figure Five "Crucifixion," Herrad of Hohenbourg's "Hortus deliciarum," nineteenth-century copy of destroyed original, ca. 1180-95. Figure Six Attributed to Hans Schäufelein, "Crucifixion," oil on panel, 1520 (Tübingen, Collegiate Church). Figure Seven "Wise and Foolish Virgins," stone sculpture, archivolts over the central west portal, ca. 1130 (Aulnay, Saint-Pierre). Figure Eight Jakob Elsner, miniature showing the Synthronoi Trinity, Kreß Missal, 1513 (Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Hs 113264, fol. 2v). Figure Nine "Christ and Six Apostles," north choir enclosure, stucco, ca. 1200 (Halberstadt, Liebfrauenkirche). Figure Ten "Virgin and Six Apostles," south choir enclosure, stucco, ca. 1200 (Halberstadt, Liebfrauenkirche). Figure Eleven "Virgin and Apostles with St. Benedict," north choir enclosure, stucco, ca. 1200 (Hildesheim, St. Michaelskirche). Figure Twelve Male and Female Martyrs, mosaic, ca. 490 (Ravenna, Sant' Apollinare Nuovo). Figure Thirteen Gregor Erhart, "Madonna Misericordia," stone sculpture, 1501-1514 (Austria, Frauenstein, Wallfahrtskirche). Figure Fourteen "Emperor Justinian with Entourage," mosaic, north side of choir, ca. 547 (Ravenna, San Vitale). Figure Fifteen "Empress Theodora with Entourage," mosaic, south side of choir (Ravenna, San Vitale). Figure Sixteen "Savonarola Preaching in Florence Cathedral," woodcut illustration from "Compendio di Revelatione dello inutile servo di Iesu Cristo Frate Hieronymo da Ferrara," 1496. Figure Seventeen Sano di Pietro, "San Bernardino Preaching in Piazza San Francesco in Siena," tempera on panel, 1444-1450 (Siena Cathedral). Figure Eighteen Sano di Pietro, "San Bernardino Preaching in the Piazza del Campo," tempera on panel, 1477 (Siena Cathedral). Figure Nineteen Bernd Notke, Crucifixion Group, wood sculpture, 1477 (Lübeck Cathedral). Figure Twenty Wipplar Epitaph, tempera on panel, ca. 1420 (Nuremberg, St. Lorenzkirche). Figure Twenty-one "Queen Aelfgifu (Emma) and King Cnut Presenting a Cross to New Minster," Winchester, "Liber vitae," 1031 (London, British Library, Stowe MS 944, fol. 6r.). Figure Twenty-two "Margarete of Holland and Louis the Bavarian with the Virgin and Child," stone relief, 1321-1324 (Munich, Bayerisches Nationalmusem). Figure Twenty-three "Emperor Charles IV and Anna von Schweidnitz Venerating the Virgin and Child," fresco, 1355 (Karlstein). Figure Twenty-four Piero della Francesca, Portrait of Battista Sforza, oil on panel, after 1472 (Florence, Uffizi Gallery). Figure Twenty-five Piero della Francesca, Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro, oil on panel, after 1472 (Florence, Uffizi Gallery). Figure Twenty-six "Abbess Hitda Presenting Gospel Book to Saint Walburga," ca. 1000, Hitda Codex (Darmstadt, Landesbibliothek, cod. 1640, fol. 6r.). Figure Twenty-seven "Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine," 1491, Antiphonal (Regensburg, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek). Figure Twenty-eight "St. Anne Altarpiece," 1510-1523 (Nuremberg, St. Lorenzkirche). Figure Twenty-nine "Last Judgment with Charles IV and Elizabeth of Pomerania," mosaic, 1370 (Prague, St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Portal). Figure Thirty Bumper Sticker, "Links tut gut" (Left feels good or Left does well), late 1990s.
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Arizona State University
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