Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

7 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 2038
Author(s): Mikhaïlova, Miléna.
Title : L'espace dans les "Lais" de Marie de France: lieux, structure, rhétorique
Source: Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 40., 158 (avril-juin 1997):  Pages 145 - 157.
Year of Publication: 1997.

2. Record Number: 2984
Author(s): Robin, Diana.
Title : Woman, Space, and Renaissance Discourse [explores the landscape that Laura Cereta creates in her letters; also mentions Renaissance catalogs of famous women and Christine de Pizan's "Cité des dames" and her use of urban space].
Source: Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.   Edited by Barbara K. Gold, Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter .   State University of New York Press, 1997. Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 40., 158 (avril-juin 1997):  Pages 165 - 187.
Year of Publication: 1997.

3. Record Number: 1405
Author(s): Hostetler, Margaret M.
Title : Enclosed and Invisible? Chrétien's Spatial Discourse and the Problem of Laudine
Source: Romance Notes , 37., 2 (Winter 1997):  Pages 119 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1997.

4. Record Number: 1789
Title : Symbolic Space in Romance and Fabliau: "Guigemar," "Le Chevalier a l'espee," and "Aloul" [International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 1996].
Source: Le Cygne: Bulletin of the International Marie de France Society: Abstracts, Notes, and Queries , 2., (April 1996):  Pages 28 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1996.

5. Record Number: 1629
Author(s): Hovland, Deborah.
Title : A Woman's Place is in the Home: Gender and Staging in the Early French Trickster Farce
Source: Romance Languages Annual , 8., ( 1996):  Pages 41 - 45.
Year of Publication: 1996.

6. Record Number: 1706
Author(s): Ribémont, Bernard.
Title : Christine de Pizan : entre espace scientifique et espace imaginé (le "Livre du Chemin de long estude") [appendix provides an excerpt from the "Livre des proprietés des choses," Livre VIII, Chap. 2 which describes the celestial spheres].
Source: Une femme de Lettres au Moyen Age: Études autour de Christine de Pizan.   Edited by Liliane Dulac and Bernard Ribémont .   Paradigme, 1995. Romance Languages Annual , 8., ( 1996):  Pages 245 - 261.
Year of Publication: 1995.

7. Record Number: 11220
Author(s): Stanbury, Sarah.
Title : The Voyeur and the Private Life in "Troilus and Criseyde."
Source: Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 13., ( 1991):  Pages 141 - 158.
Year of Publication: 1991.