Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

8 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 32334
Author(s): Long, Jane C.
Title : Dangerous Women: Observations on the Feast of Herod in Florentine Art of the Early Renaissance
Source: Renaissance Quarterly , 66., 4 ( 2013):  Pages 1153 - 1205.
Year of Publication: 2013.

2. Record Number: 10981
Author(s): Stanton, Anne Rudloff.
Title : The Psalter of Isabelle, Queen of England 1308-1330: Isabelle as the Audience [The illustrated psalter was produced as a gift for the young queen sometime between her betrothal and marriage. It presents Biblical role models for the edification of the queen. Stanton argues that the psalter is particularly noteworthy for its emphasis on official, maternal roles and for its use of bilingual texts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Word and Image , 18., 1 (January-March 2002):  Pages 1 - 27.
Year of Publication: 2002.

3. Record Number: 1597
Author(s): Stanton, Anne Rudloff.
Title : From Eve to Bathsheba and Beyond: Motherhood in the Queen Mary Psalter [discussion of the many strong mothers portrayed in the manuscript ; in the Old Testament preface there are illustrations of Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rebecca, Rachel, Hannah, and Bathsheba; in the New Testament illustrations of the Psalms there are illustrations of the Virgin Mary and the mothers of such saints as Thomas Becket and Nicholas of Myra].
Source: Women and the Book: Assessing the Visual Evidence.   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H.M. Taylor .   British Library and University of Toronto Press, 1997. Word and Image , 18., 1 (January-March 2002):  Pages 172 - 189.
Year of Publication: 1997.

4. Record Number: 769
Author(s): Valdez Del Alamo, Elizabeth
Title : Lament for a Lost Queen: The Sarcophagus of Doña Blanca in Nájera
Source: Art Bulletin (Full Text via JSTOR) 78, 2 (June 1996): 311-333. Link Info Later published in Memory and the Medieval Tomb. Edited by Elizabeth Valdez del Alamo with Carol Stamatis Pendergast. Ashgate, 2000. Pages 43-79.
Year of Publication: 1996.

5. Record Number: 2541
Author(s): Nolan, Kathleen.
Title : Ploratus et Ululatus: The Mothers in the Massacre of the Innocents at Chartres Cathedral [argues that female viewers of the Frieze cared about the welfare of their children, saw the Virgin at Chartres as a protector of children, and recognized mourning as a particularly female responsibility ; also surveys twelfth-century representations of the Massacre in manuscript illuminations and sculpture].
Source: Studies in Iconography , 17., ( 1996):  Pages 95 - 141.
Year of Publication: 1996.

6. Record Number: 3346
Title : Images of Women in Anglo-Saxon Art V: Matron as Ring-giver in Harley 630 [The author argues that the illumination for Psalm 130.2 shows a mother blessing her departing son and giving him an armband, symbol of the property he will inherit].
Source: Old English Newsletter , 28., 1 (Fall 1994):  Pages 22 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1994.

7. Record Number: 11225
Title : A Relic, Some Pictures and the Mothers of Florence in the Late Fourteenth Century
Source: Gesta (Full Text via JSTOR) 30, 2 (1991): 91-99. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1991.

8. Record Number: 43218
Title : The Madonna of Humility with the Temptation of Eve
Year of Publication: