Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

6 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 10907
Title : Isabelle of France and Religious Devotion at the Court of Louis IX
Source: Capetian Women.   Edited by Kathleen Nolan .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.  Pages 209 - 223.
Year of Publication: 2003.

2. Record Number: 11180
Author(s): Duncan, David J.
Title : Scholarly Views of Shajarat Al-Durr: A Need for Consensus [Shajarat Al-Durr rose from the Mamluk harem to dominance of Egypt at the time of Louis IX's crusade. She gained power through one husband and placed a second on the throne, exercising power through allies as well as ruling briefly in her own right. During this time she freed the captured Louis IX for a very large ransom and regained Damietta from the Crusaders. Her murder of her second husband led to her downfall and execution. Most accounts of her life, even the feminist ones, give only a partial account of her achievements. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 51 - 69.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 3658
Author(s): Parsons, John Carmi.
Title : Loved Him - Hated Her: Honor and Shame at the Medieval Court [The author argues that the queen had the responsibility to uphold the king's honor; includes brief case studies of Margaret of Provence and Louis IX and her sister Eleanor of Provence and Henry III].
Source: Conflicted Identities and Multiple Masculinities: Men in the Medieval West.   Edited by Jacqueline Murray .   Garland Medieval Casebooks, volume 25. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, volume 2078. Garland Publishing, 1999. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 279 - 298.
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 380
Author(s): Guest, Gerald B.
Title : A Discourse on the Poor: The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux
Source: Viator , 26., ( 1995):  Pages 153 - 180. Published under the auspices of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
Year of Publication: 1995.

5. Record Number: 1358
Author(s): Holladay, Joan A.
Title : The Education of Jeanne d'Evreux: Personal Piety and Dynastic Salvation in her Book of Hours at the Cloisters [analysis of the illustrations in the section of the Hours of Saint Louis; the saint-king ancestor is portrayed as a model for the young queen in his charitable acts and the honor he brought the royal family].
Source: Art History , 17., 4 (December 1994):  Pages 585 - 611.
Year of Publication: 1994.

6. Record Number: 8102
Author(s): Lett, Didier.
Title : La Sorella maggiore "madre sostituta" nei "Miracoli di San Luigi" [In the "Miracles de St. Louis," Guillaume de Saint-Pathus presents stories of cures effected by Louis IX. In some of these, an older sister takes the place of the mother in soliciting divine aid for an ailing younger brother. Other female relatives, and even maids, can be found playing similar roles. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Quaderni Storici , 2 (agosto 1993):  Pages 341 - 353.
Year of Publication: 1993.