Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

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1. Record Number: 4672
Author(s): Pasztor, Edith.
Title : Sant'Elisabetta d'Ungheia nella religiosità femminile del secolo XIII [Elizabeth of Hungary is known for both her charitable actions and her visions. The latter aspect of her life can be studied from the reports of her maid, Isentrude, to Conrad of Marburg. Both Elizabeth's charitable work and her emphasis on the humanity of Christ place her within the Franciscan tradition. Once widowed, Elizabeth embraced continence, but Conrad refused to permit her to become a mendicant].
Source: Donne e sante: Studi sulla religiosità femminile nel Medio Evo. Edith Pasztor .   Edizioni Studium, 2000.  Pages 153 - 171. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 2000.