Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

12 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45568
Author(s): Simeonov , Grigori ,
Title : Prostitution in an Area of Commercial Activities
Source: Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook.   Edited by Claudia Rapp and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller .   V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2023.  Pages 313 - 314. The text is from Accounts of Medieval Constantinople. The Patria, transl. by Albrecht Berger (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2013) 95–97 and modified by Dirk Krausmüller. The book is available open access at: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737013413
Year of Publication: 2023.

2. Record Number: 44906
Title : Illegal Prostitution in London
Source: The Intolerant Middle Ages: A Reader.   Edited by Eugene Smelyansky .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 255 - 257.
Year of Publication: 2020.

3. Record Number: 10924
Author(s): Mengel, David C.
Title : From Venice to Jerusalem and Beyond: Milíc of Kromeríz and the Topography of Prostitution in Fourteenth Century Prague [Milíc, a preacher and reformer, established a complex of buildings for a community of repentant prostitutes and preaching clerics in an area known as Venice that had formerly included the city's leading public brothel. The community, named Jerusalem, did not have a long life with Pope Gregory XI condemming Milíc in July 1374 and the emperor Charles IV signing Jerusalem over to the Cistercians in December of that year. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 79., 2 (April 2004):  Pages 407 - 442.
Year of Publication: 2004.

4. Record Number: 10878
Author(s): Naessens, Mariann.
Title : Judicial Authorities' Views of Women's Roles in Late Medieval Flanders [The author examines court records concerning various sexual crimes including adultery, brothel keeping, and cross dressing. The judges appear to be most concerned with men's honor as preserved through women's fidelity and subordination. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Texture of Society: Medieval Women in the Southern Low Countries.   Edited by Ellen E. Kittell and Mary A. Suydam .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.  Pages 51 - 77.
Year of Publication: 2004.

5. Record Number: 8284
Author(s): Lacarra Lanz, Eukene.
Title : Changing Boundaries of Licit and Illicit Unions: Concubinage and Prostitution [The author provides an historical overview of concubinage and prostitution. Topics discussed include Church views, efforts to distinguish "honest" women from dishonest ones, municipal brothels, legalization of prostitution, and the economics of prostitution. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Hispanic Issues, Volume 26.   Edited by Eukene Lacarra Lanz .   Routledge, 2002. Speculum , 79., 2 (April 2004):  Pages 158 - 194.
Year of Publication: 2002.

6. Record Number: 4547
Author(s): Kelly, Henry Ansgar.
Title : Bishop, Prioress, and Bawd in the Stews of Southwark [the author explores the financial and legal relationships among the Bishop of Winchester, the nuns of Stratford, and the proprietors of houses of prostitution in Southwark; in the Appendix the author provides translations from four relevant documents or series of documents: The will of Richard Bronde, London, 1500; Overdue rents from Southwark, Winchester Diocese Pipe Roll, 1503-1504; Mentions of stewhouses in the court roll of the bishop of Winchester's manor, October 13, 1505 - September 21, 1506; Houses in the liberty of the bishop of Winchester in Southwark at which suspect persons were found, July 17, 1519].
Source: Speculum , 75., 2 (April 2000):  Pages 342 - 388.
Year of Publication: 2000.

7. Record Number: 4029
Author(s): Goldberg, P. J. P.
Title : Pigs and Prostitutes: Streetwalking in Comparative Perspective [The author compares late medieval English practice with the southern European approach of the civic brothel].
Source: Young Medieval Women.   Edited by Katherine J. Lewis, Noel James Menuge, and Kim M. Phillips .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Speculum , 75., 2 (April 2000):  Pages 172 - 193.
Year of Publication: 1999.

8. Record Number: 2208
Author(s): Reyerson, Kathryn L.
Title : Prostitution in Medieval Montpellier: The Ladies of Campus Polverel [from notarial registers the author has identified a district in which prostitutes rented houses during the 1330s and 1340s. The appendix summarizes twenty-five transactions from the notarial registers; they concern house rentals and purchases of chests and clothing].
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 209 - 228.
Year of Publication: 1997.

9. Record Number: 1423
Author(s): Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Title : Prostitution in Medieval Europe
Source: Handbook of Medieval Sexuality.   Edited by Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage .   Garland Reference Library of the Humanities vol. 1696. Garland Publishing, 1996. Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 243 - 260.
Year of Publication: 1996.

10. Record Number: 1011
Author(s): Otis-Cour, Leah.
Title : La Tenancière de la maison publique de Millau au XVe siècles [management of Millau's municipal house of prostitution was auctioned off each year; women, usually prostitutes themselves, became managers when there were no male bidders because women had fewer financial resources to pay the rental fee].
Source: La Femme dans l' histoire et la société méridionales (IXe-XIXe S.): Actes du 66e congrés. .   Fédération historique du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon, 1995. Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 219 - 229.
Year of Publication: 1995.

11. Record Number: 32404
Title : Scene of a Bathhouse
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):
Year of Publication:

12. Record Number: 43661
Title : The Prodigal Son at the Brothel
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):
Year of Publication: